Why Do You Fear? {Channeled}

1.)  Today's Angel Message
2.)  The Masters of Light:
3.)  A Message from Spirit – "Why Do You Fear?"
4.)  Archangel Michael: Access Your Spiritual Gifts And Talents,
      Bring Forth Your Divine Mission
5.)  Jeshua - Message of the Day
6.)  Deliver Love

Isis' Message of the Day -
Were the eye not of the sun, how could we behold the light?
If God's might and ours were not as one, how could His work enchant our sight? 
~ Theory Of Color, German poet-Goethe, 1810 ~
I AM ISIS a "Spiritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
I wish you Joy, Love & Peace,
~ Lady of the Light ~

Today's Angel Message
Dear Ones, We are here. We are eternally present. We wish to bring light and beauty to your world. Many have forgotten the magnificence of All That Is. Have you ever noticed when you are in a moment of AWE how the colors appear brighter and more vibrant? It happens because you have opened yourself to “see” the beauty when God’s energy is “added.” Living a life where you walk a path with God is to walk a path of beauty and love. You can have access to God’s/Creator’s/All That Is beauty no matter where you are. It does require a willingness to see beauty and not discount it. It requires a willingness to feel “innocent” again, because in the innocence is the openness to new and amazing experiences. You are light. You are beauty. You are a part of God/Creator/All That Is creation. Bless your hearts.
Cynthia Lee Shelton, LCSW a licensed psychotherapist with 25 years of experience in traditional therapy, psychic intuitive therapy, and healing energy work.
Cynthia has been described this way: "Take the best therapist you have ever experienced along with an amazing healer and psychic - toss in some angels and some pretty interesting guides - and you get Cindy Shelton. Her ability to get right to the essence of you and your problems is awesome. She's one of a kind!"  *  www.cynthialeeshelton.com/   *   

The Masters of Light:
As Received by Ruth Ryden
April 1, 2011
April is not fooling us this year, and what has been happening to the world is certainly no joke. The ancient predictions of world-wide catastrophes are hitting the news as today’s realities. The saying, “You ain’t seen nothing yet!,” pops into my mind and I am not looking forward to what the Masters might have to say today. Those of us who sit in relatively “safe” zones must know that we are here for a purpose and need to make our lives measure up to those purposes we originated for ourselves. We are all very tiny bits of universal energy, but every thought, every action, contributes to the whole. Who we are and what we do is part of the entire picture that is being painted of this planet. Sending our thoughts and prayers out to help strengthen those who are in such awful situations should be a priority, at sometime during our daily routines.

Funny thing happened to me. My lower dentures simply disappeared a few weeks ago and I spent most of that time searching. Finally gave up and had a new set made. Getting used to them now. First thing that was asked was, “do you have a dog?” I had never heard of a dog chewing up a denture – now I have. Guess they look just like a bone. Sigh.

Masters, please comment on the earth changes now happening, Japan’s tragedies, the threat of radiation from the Japanese nuclear fallout, heavy quakes around the world, Mid-east countries rising up against dictators, etc. What can we expect in April, world-wide?
Masters: Your world has now entered a strategic time of change, as has been forecast for centuries. Only in the most primitive parts of the planet are there people who are completely unaware that life is changing and the world is undergoing the transition to a new lifespan. The horrors that have entered into the consciousness and lives of millions of people all over the world are no longer kept to their experience alone; they are part of the lives of all of you. The Japanese nuclear plants have opened the reality of radiation poisoning, not only for their islands, but for many parts of the world. Atomic energy can give the world all the energy it needs, but containing and using it properly has still not been engineered to the point of real safety. It is with great sorrow to see this country being poisoned for many years to come and a large part of it becoming uninhabitable. The radiation fallout will spread to the mainland of China to some extent and the air currents will bring some of it across the ocean to be detected in Hawaii and North America. Being aware of possible contamination should be an ongoing factor regarding growing food. We don’t see this as a real danger in North America, but it should be taken into consideration in all ways. Nuclear facilities in North America and other countries are now scrambling to see that their own plants are brought up to a finer point of safety, even though there are many other factors facing the leaders of the world.

The crust of the Earth where it is titled the “Ring of Fire” has been very active, as is quite apparent from the great earthquakes that have been bringing down cities in its grasp. There will be more heavy quakes in the coming months, as this part of the world continues to re-position itself during the galactic alignment. We expect movements in the Aleutian Islands and Alaska before too long. The western coasts of North America are becoming unsettled and many small quakes are happening now and will continue to do so for some time. The old volcanoes in Oregon and California are experiencing movement deep in the crust that provide the possibility of new eruptions in the coming months. At this point we don’t see any violent eruptions, perhaps just a lot of ash releases. You who live near them should however, keep on top of what is going on there. The Madrid Fault in mid-America is a deep ancient rift that is now starting to widen, a very little at a time. At this point we are seeing, not a violent quake, but a series of small movements and the land on either side of the fault becoming unstable.

Air currents around the world continue to change rapidly, partly due to the heavy vibrations from the happenings on the earth, but mostly from the rising frequencies that are pouring upon it from the Sun. Tornadoes are popping up in unexpected places, as well as the normal path through the middle of North America. We see them parading much further north in America and hitting Canada in the next few months. Heavy wind and thunder storms should be expected in April, causing more flooding in areas already saturated. Be aware of this possibility, especially in low-lying areas throughout North America. Europe will also be experiencing unusually strong storms, with temperatures that go up and down without any reasonable expectation. Russia will be inundated by melting glaciers and snow, at least bringing water to the dry lands. China will be experiencing some heavy quakes in mountainous areas, amid fierce storms that will wreck havoc on rice crops in some areas. New Zealand is in the position of deep movement of its volcanic origins and even more quakes to come. Australia so far is quite stable, but can expect heavy rain storms, even in the Outback. The Pacific island chains are in trouble, as rising sea levels continue to confront their beaches. The coming months will see a few of them disappear beneath the waves.

The uprisings and revolts in the Mid-eastern countries are the outcome of the rising consciousness of humanity in areas that have been downtrodden for centuries. World wide communication has brought the understanding that they have been robbed of their inherent freedoms and the ability to gain the knowledge the rest of the world has prospered by. The loss of life and the millions of dollars needed by the nations that are helping combat this ancient misconception of leadership, will be considered well spent in the years to come.

Dear ones, this is reality time. You are the generation that have come to witness the great transformation of your beautiful planet into a new planet of beauty and plenty for all. The great deserts and waste lands will become green and filled with new species of vegetation and wildlife Humanity will be more intelligent as those being born even now are showing dramatic awareness at a very young age. The lessons being learned now are the culmination of millions of years of needful accumulation of experience and wisdom by every one of you Souls. Take each day with enthusiasm and a willingness to see and feel everything around you, helping each other as much as you can. The giving attitude of the Japanese people during this terrible time for them is a lesson for humanity that should never be forgotten. You are a very special generation – use each experience, no matter how difficult, as a step forward during this lifetime  and for many more to come.
Question: Last month you referred to a “growth spurt” for Planet Earth. Would you enlarge on that statement? Does this have anything to do with the atomic plants leaking radiation?
Answer: This has to do with the changing crust of the planet. As the earth goes though its current stretching and wobbling, there is new land being built also. The planet is actually becoming larger, as scientists will find in their explorations and figures in the next few years. Of course, not so much larger that the ordinary person will recognize – this is happening in inches, feet, etc. This is happening because of the rising heat of the core, which is an inner reactor constantly creating the energy that fuels all living things on the surface. The galactic alignment that is already starting to happen is the instigator of the growth. The Supreme Creative Energy that set into motion the many universes in the void patterned the planets and the myriad other creations of matter to relate to each other in ways that would continue creating and changing for eternity.

Question: It has been reported that many plant species are going extinct. Is this going to be a threat to humanity, or a clearance to create new species of vegetation? (report in a magazine)
Answer: Due to the changing climates around the world, yes, of course the vegetation that grew according to particular temperatures and water amounts cannot continue when all of this changes. Remember that creation is a constant! When one variety fades away, another will take its place. Just as scientists have been finding many new animals, insects, etc. for some time, they will also rejoice in finding new varieties of vegetation and even vegetables and fruits that are even now coming to life in tiny seeds all over the world as their homes project the ability to feed them, and they await the proper moisture and heat needed to bring them to life.
Question: There are so many souls passing back into the spiritual realm now, would you please explain to us the meaning of that word we use to explain our real existence? How does it originate, what is its purpose in the universe? In other words, What is a soul?
Answer: A Soul is the most important creation of all. A Soul is a specific conscious, intelligent, spiritual energy. This piece of eternal creative energy is the reason for the birth of universes and inhabited planets. All things in matter were (and are being) created in order to formulate a material stage upon which for each Soul to dwell for a time. You see and understand that there are probably very few planets that you can see that are inhabited, but there are myriads of them in the many galaxies you can see and many that you cannot see at this time. Souls are created from the Central Mind or Energy that created all things. That is why you say you are a “Child of God.” Actually, that is true from your field of thought. The bits of energy that compose a Soul begin as just that – very tiny, bits of energy that constantly reach out for the “food” of knowledge and experience. As they shoot into the vortexes and galaxies of the many universes, they learn everything they can and, when a planet has evolved to the point of supporting material life, they are drawn to the creatures that are procreating their species and find the opening where they can activate the body and mind of the seedling. Does that mean all animals have Souls? To a very limited extent in most cases, yes. This is a very new Soul that has to experience all material energy from its very beginning. As the Soul makes its transition to higher forms of life, it grows in knowledge and experience and seeks to learn more. By the time the new Soul reaches “maturity,”,so to speak, it is ready to seek out – in your case – a human being. There are other bi-peds inhabiting your solar system, of course, and they are also of a higher mentality. The object here for the Soul is to become a central part of the human being, in all ways, that it might experience, and learn as much as possible during the lifetime of that being. Human beings, and all similar life forms, were created expressly for the Soul to inhabit. Souls are the life force of the body – the innate focus of who the person is, can be, and will be. Every emotion, every action is important to the Soul. Obviously, this time of “living” must be repeated even millions of times in different places, different bodies, in order to become a fully enlightened Soul who will eventually rise to become part of the Supreme Energy of All Things. This is the goal.
Ruth Ryden
Access Ruth Ryden's latest channelings on weather predictions and Earth changes. Read answers to her questions to The Masters of Light regarding current events and pertinent issues in the world today. Ruth also provides a series of special feature articles channeled on specific subjects of interest. Ruth is renowned for the quality and accuracy of her channeling. *  www.planetaryheart.com/  * She has published two books that are very basic teachings about our role in the universe. They are both still available at Amazon and other book stores. The books are: “The Golden Path” and “Living the Golden Path”. Go to: www.Amazon.com and enter in the “seeking” place, “The Golden Path by Ruth Ryden.” * Easy to find and deal with – some used books there too. * If you wish to express your appreciation for these messages and can afford to donate a few dollars occasionally, it would be a great help to me. Please do not use Pay Pal. Personal check, cash, or money orders are just fine. Please, Please!! Make sure to include your e-mail address so I can thank you personally.

I am still accepting requests for personal spiritual readings. Your Spiritual Teachers and Guides are contacted for this purpose. Please e-mail me for information. She can be reached at: Ruth Ryden  *  2806 N. Apple Lane, Whispering Pines, Payson, Arizona 85541-7328 USA  *  (928) 474-3515  *  
rydenruth@yahoo.com *        

A Message from Spirit – "Why Do You Fear?"
Through Barbara Dutcher
April 2, 2011
Dear Ones,
You hear about and read about and discuss among yourselves so many aspects of your Earthly life that cause fear, doubt, confusion and anxiety. Constantly you are confronted with another, newer, more reliable version of the latest buzz, whether it be natural disasters, the prophecies concerning a certain date or a healing method with a new name.
While it is often necessary and helpful for you to receive these data, rather than assisting your upliftment and enlightenment, they often simply add to your anxiety and confusion instead.
There is a simple way to relieve these thoughts and feelings that tire you mentally and physically.
The only real question to ask yourself when these feelings arise is: what kind of a world do I believe in? Do I live in a hostile universe, or a loving, nurturing one?
The answer to this question may be influenced by the things that can be seen in your immediate surroundings. Perhaps you notice more hostile elements in your environment than loving ones. Maybe you find yourself in what you would call extremely challenging circumstances. Even there, if you look intently and in a dedicated way, you can identify within you a deeply buried but unwavering knowingness that the universe is loving to you.
Beloved, ask yourself - is it possible to ‘love your way’ out of any situation you encounter? Why have you drawn this circumstance unto your Holy Self? Is it not to love the circumstance you have manifested for your own Holy Self? What else is there to learn? To love wholly lovingly, in every circumstance. Look at the life of whichever enlightened human being you choose, and ask yourself whether the ability and the art and practice of eternally loving without restraint has been the thread of holiness throughout this one’s life? They were and are demonstrating the wholly loving nature of life itself.
Admitting, then, that your circumstances are wholly loving to you, since you live in a wholly loving universe, can be your ticket to healing. If you choose your situation – including relationships, career, health – only in order to practice loving, then it is well if you begin immediately to love all of it.
Acceptance of your beautiful life, in whatever state you currently judge it to be, rather than condemnation, will be your ticket to peace.
Do you believe in a wholly loving God? A wholly loving universe? Why, then do you fear? What could happen in 2012, or in Japan, or in any circumstance whatsoever, that could separate you from God? You, His Most Holy Child, for whom the whole universe bends in loving embrace. You, His Eternal Child, who cannot suffer death – only a transition from the body, no longer needed.
When you hear of any information, even if it seems to you to be of a ‘spiritual’ nature, and if that information, that input, causes unrest in you, causes anxiety or any level of fear, regret or any diminishment, then simply know that that information, whatever it may be, is not Truth, and do not fear it.
Let your own prayers arise or participate in group prayers and healings, but do so only from the position of perfect ease and perfect trust, never from fear or anxiety or regret. It is natural to grieve with your brothers and sisters, even those you only read about or see on your television and internet, and it is good to do so from a position of perfect Truth, sharing their burdens and sending back your healing love to them. Your love does make a difference, as do your prayers sent from a level of Truth. Amen, Beloved.
Barbara Dutcher, MA, is a teacher, channel and certified spiritual counselor. She teaches a method for reliable connection with inner guidance, and receives kind, loving and wise messages from Spirit on behalf of her private clients. To learn about her Audio Lessons, Self-Study Course and Workshops, please visit www.theguidewithin.org/classes.html * For information on her Spiritual Counseling services, please go to: www.theguidewithin.org/counseling.html * For Articles, and Messages from Spirit, you may visit www.theguidewithin.org/guidance.html  *       

Archangel Michael: Access Your Spiritual Gifts And Talents,
Bring Forth Your Divine Mission
Through Rev. Michelle Coutant
April 2, 2011

Dear Ones,

Remember a time when you were a shining beacon of light, filled with the light of God, glorious in your light bodies, glorious in your knowing of your magnificence, your solidarity, your oneness with all creation.  You are returning to this state of oneness, you have never left this state of oneness, yet the veil was tightly drawn in the illusion of separation.  Now is the time, the perfection of your heritage is once again shining through, and you can no longer deny, ignore who you are.  The tests and lessons are coming hard and fast for those who choose to stay mired in the lower vibrations.  As you raise your vibrations greatly, you will experience your tests and lessons much more gently, yet you will experience them.  Embrace them, dear ones, this is your growth.  These tests and lessons will lift you up to the vibrations of love, of joy, of peace and harmony, and you will wonder why it took you so long to return to your spiritual path and your heritage.

In this now moment you have all the gifts and talents you need to accomplish all that you desire.  Meditate in the silence of your sacred heart.  Meditate upon your gifts and talents.  You have brought forth many gifts and talents in the present life, yet you have acquired through your dedication and diligence, many gifts and talents in your past lives.  Access these gifts and talents.  Make use of them.  They are stored within your subconscious mind, waiting for you to bring them forth and make use of them.  When you have mastered a gift in a past life it is available to you for the asking, but you must ask your superconscious mind, your I Am Presence for assistance in bringing it forth into the present life.  It is there, dear ones, never doubt it.

You have all the qualities, abilities, virtues, and assets of the God mind stored within you.  You have used them freely in the past, and you may use them feely now, as you set your intention to make use of them for your highest good and the highest good of all.  These gifts and talents will assist you in the bringing forth of your divine mission, a mission which will bring you great joy and make your heart sing.  Ask in meditation, "What is my divine mission?  What do I enjoy to such a great extent, that my heart sings, when I think of it, when I do it?"  Therein lies your answer, and it may surprise many of you.  Be open to receive from your God Self, your inner wisdom.  Your God Self has been patiently awaiting the time when you would activate your divine mission, your special piece of the puzzle which will ensure your earthly legacy.  It is a gift for humanity and the earth which no one else on the planet has been gi ven.  Your gift is unique to you, offered in a way which will assist the earth and all life forms in great love and joy, as the tapestry of life receives another perfect thread, a perfect addition through you, the divine God Self, stepping forth to enrich the All That Is.  It is most magnificent, dear ones.  Embrace it, it is why you are here, to experience the fulfillment of the All That Is, to experience great love, great joy, as you "Be" your God Self through the expression of your divine mission.

It is also possible for you to bring forth new gifts and talents, as you expand your horizons.  There is no limit to what you may have, do, and be.  Release the struggle, release the limitations you have set upon yourselves, and allow.  Allow the abundance of all creation to flow through you, which includes new spiritual gifts offered to you.  You must ask for these gifts and then you must go the distance, work with them, incorporate them, and make them your own, as you go forth joyfully fulfilling your divine mission, knowing that you have all the wisdom, the knowledge, the gifts and talents available to you to rise to the occasion, to manifest your divine mission on earth.

Be present, right now, dear ones.  There is the tendency to want to lift up and return home, as you yearn for the perfection you once knew.  That perfection is here now, and it is each one of you who are to anchor it upon the earth, to create heaven on earth, and to assist the earth to return to perfection also.  Go within, into the deep knowing of who you are, go within to the stillness of the All That Is.  Go within to the determination, the fortitude, the strength, the courage, the wisdom that is you.  Go within and feel the expansion of you, the expansion of the God mind within you.  Feel the flow, the radiation of the God mind within you going forth before you, radiating love and joy, peace and harmony, as you bring yourselves into this balance and harmony.  Breathe deeply as you fill yourselves with the prana, with the Adamantine Particles, drawing forth more and more as you bring yourselves into balance and harmony.  The prana fills your very being with life force energy, assisting you to return to perfect vibrant health and assisting you in remaining centered in the love of your sacred heart.

Each step you take to raise your vibrations, assists you daily as you stay centered, expecting a miracle and the highest possible outcome.  The master knows their divine mission and brings it forth into perfect expression, with great determination, joy, and passion.  Step forth into the greatness of who you are, step forth into the fulfillment of your divine mission.  Step forth, daily releasing all that no longer serves you and the highest good of all creation.  You will clear yourselves of the lower vibrations, allowing in the higher vibrations which will assist you to bring forth your divine mission to fruition, as you each create heaven on earth for yourselves, and ultimately, heaven on earth for all life forms.

I am with you.  Call on me to assist you in the fulfillment of your divine mission, your heart's desire.  Know that you are loved and surrounded by all those of the higher realms, ready to assist you also.

I am Archangel Michael, and I bring you this truth.
All my Love and Many Blessings,

Michelle began her spiritual practice in 2002. She studied intensively, meditated, and extensively educated herself. She continues this practice each and every day. She fully immersed herself in the wisdom teachings of Archangel Michael, through Ronna Herman. She quickly became so dedicated to the joys of her spiritual journey, that she was ordained in March of 2003 as an honoring of who she is.
Michelle attained certification as a Medical Intuitive and Quantum Practitioner. She became a vibrational healer, practices healing touch, and also works within the human energetic matrix. She is a messenger for Archangel Michael and Jeshua, and also receives wisdom from the Ascended Masters & Teachers through the Akashic Records, and is a disciple of the Kriya Yoga spiritual lineage. *  www.transformingradiance.com   *   Michelle's Cosmic Blog:  http://transformingradiance.com/cosmicblog/  * Email:  michelle@transformingradiance.com  * 3472 S.W. Oar Court, Palm City, FL. 34990, USA *   

Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Beloved one, there is nothing that can threaten or change the divine radiance within you. Feel it with your mind’s eye. Feel yourself in that sun within yourself. Know that you are surrounded by the sunlight that you are. Feel it. Visualize it. Allow yourself to be safe, secure within the sun of yourself. Know that always in that place of the sun there are no problems.
Visit our website: www.Oakbridge.org  *    

HEAVEN #3781
Deliver Love
April 2, 2011
God said:
Speak to Me of love. Speak to Me of how love is growing within you, how your love is sprouting and taking over your life. Your life is no longer your own. Your life is for all. Your love is for all.
Specified love is less in your life. It does not have the all-consuming importance it once had. You know by now that it is for you to love. Love toward you is no longer your pursuit. No longer is received love the End All and Be All. No longer do you collect love and count it and total up numbers and value. The faucet of your heart is opening. You are turning on love full-force. What is there to count now?
“All who are thirsty,” says your heart, “come here, and drink. The love in my heart flows to you. It is for you who are thirsty. Take a cup of my love, and drink. Have refills. Why not? And then go ahead and share the dew of my heart that I have shared with you.
“Even if I am not in your presence, my love flows to you. My love passes through even stone. My love passes through miles and mountains. There is no stopper to my love. I give it freely. I can do nothing else.
“At every turn, I am love, and you can find my love on every branch of every tree. You can find my love wherever you look. You may not see me, yet you receive my love.
“Let love from me blindside you. Let you be stricken with my love and feel love forevermore.
“There is nothing that my love cannot do. Be flooded with my love. I have love in my heart so that I may give it to you to drink.
“Whoever you are, my love is designated for you. Love my love, and make it your own.”
And so your heart speaks. And so your heart sounds like Mine. Could I not have said the same words as I put into your mouth above? If I can give you My heart, surely I can give you My words. Take them. Make them yours. Become an endless supply of love. Others may need to receive your love. You are to give it. You have graduated from elementary school.
No longer is the song of your life, “me me me.” Your next melody is “you you you.” The next song you will pick up is: “We, We, We.” And We become One, and We, you and I, become interchangeable, and We are One and the Same.
As you give love in any quarter, you are filling yourself up with love only to give out more. You are the designated driver of love. You will take everyone with you. You are drunk with love, and yet it is safe for you to drive love home.
I, God, do not want to be the only One Who loves everyone and everything. And, so, I call on you to partner with Me hand in hand, We skip along and bestow love everywhere. We don’t even have to think about it. There is a mist of love around Us, and this mist of love is received. It goes far. It goes further than the eye can see. It goes further than touch, and yet Our love touches. Even a whisper of love is heard. There is telepathy of love, and it is everywhere.
You were never meant to love less than I. You were ever meant to love as I love. Come closer to Me, and you will be closer to giving all of My love out to all who are thirsty and want to drink. Fill up. Deliver.
Heavenletters™ Copyright1999-2011 -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts * In these times when the whole  world needs nourishing, Heavenletters is already proven to stir the hearts and souls of people of all ages all around the world and from  all walks of life. * Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter™, Teacher, Speaker * The Godwriting™ International Society of Heaven Ministries * 703 E. Burlington Avenue, Fairfield, IA 52556  *   www.heavenletters.org  * http://twitter.com/heavenletters *   

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