U Will Soon Throw Off The Yoke Of Duality

1.)  Today's Angel Message
2.)  SaLuSa: You Will Soon Throw Off The Yoke Of Duality
3.)  2011: Stepping Up and Out
4.)  Jeshua - Message of the Day
5.)  You Are The Strongest Of The Strong!
6.)  Your Star in the Sky

Isis' Message of the Day -
You are transforming into your true Self. Wherever you are take a  deep breath. Focus your attention 100% on just that breath, and then on just the next one. It only takes a split second of stillness to feel your transformation.
I AM ISIS a "Spiritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
I wish you Joy, Love & Peace,
~ Lady of the Light ~

Today's Angel Message
Dear Ones. This is a time of great rejoicing. So many people are coming together in spiritual harmony. We wish you could see the lights shining from people the way we do. When you gather together in groups, your lights shine out as if you were a lighthouse shining the way for others to follow. There are some of you who are just beginning to notice the “lighthouse” and some of you have been shining the light for quite some time. Know that the work you do is seen and felt. We are with you on this journey. Feel our love and our wings touch your heart, then take that love and share it with others. This is how things change, one heart at a time. Give and receive. It is very simple. Open your heart, and allow our blessing in. Now go take on the day and bless your heart.
Cynthia Lee Shelton, LCSW a licensed psychotherapist with 25 years of experience in traditional therapy, psychic intuitive therapy, and healing energy work.
Cynthia has been described this way: "Take the best therapist you have ever experienced along with an amazing healer and psychic - toss in some angels and some pretty interesting guides - and you get Cindy Shelton. Her ability to get right to the essence of you and your problems is awesome. She's one of a kind!"  *  www.cynthialeeshelton.com/   *   

SaLuSa: You Will Soon Throw Off The Yoke Of Duality
January 14, 2011
We can talk now of the months to come that are set to raise your levels of consciousness, as so much energy is being beamed to Earth. This is wonderful as it means that even more Light than previously will be grounded, and bring nearer the time when it will empower you to bring the sought after changes into being. It is your collective consciousness as much as anything else that is the key to success. It also means that the Light will be so well established upon Earth, that no amount of dark activities will stop its progress. As we have told you before, there will be many distractions and genuine concern where you are the focus of their attention. However, it is part of their final fling to destroy what has already been put into place. Simply allow it to take its own course knowing that it will only have a minimal affect on your future. The collapse would come anyway, as what has proved unsuitable for you as you head for Ascension, cannot remain.
No matter what Mother Earth or you suffer, there are plans to restore everything to a pristine condition. The old ways were entrenched in duality and only possible because of the extremes that it allowed. Your future is bound in balance and harmony through the restoration of your sovereignty. It comes with the establishment of a society based on justice, honesty and loyalty to those of the Light, some of who are yet to take the stage in your lives and lead you onwards. They have always been with you seeking the opportunity to step forward, and that day comes nearer as the pressure mounts for the truth to come out. The Divine Plan is perfect and it shall deliver the many promises that have been made. Trust your inner feelings, as you knew that this period of time would move you into the Light. The truth is to be made known about every aspect of your evolution, and particularly regarding the more recent period that has played a part in all of your lives. Such revelations will bring you all much closer together, and the differences that the dark Ones have created and played upon will disappear. It will most importantly explain our own role both in the past and for the future.
Your worries and concerns are understandable but again we stress that everything will turn out not just satisfactorily, but in the most wonderful way. It will all happen in a relatively short time, and the final period before Ascension will be a beautiful uplifting experience. You will soon throw off the yoke of duality that has caused stress and lack in your lives. We can state quite emphatically that you have nothing to worry about, as powerful Beings of Light stand over you and will ensure that you receive all that has been denied you in the past. The illusion is being broken and once you understand the truth it cannot hold you any longer. What you consider real is the unreality created by you, and those who have seized your power. The Light has always remained with you, but clouded by the veils you have drawn over you. You have dwelt in them until you believed that they were all that there was, but the Light has crept in and allowed you to glimpse a much greater opportunity to lift yourselves up. In fact the Light cannot ever be extinguished, and it will always overcome the lower vibrations.
What is happening is not intentionally meant to move you out of your comfort zone, but greater times are ahead that will more than compensate you for accepting the changes. Accept the inevitable, and view it as the hand of God, stretching out to lift you up and out of the darkness that you have lived in for far too long. As an experience it is irreplaceable for it is the pathway to a greater understanding of duality, and a wonderful way to spiritually evolve into the higher dimensions. You always knew what you were letting yourselves in for, and the promise of a happy ending has kept you going. What can be written down as thousands of years of experience, is but the blink of an eyelid where your Higher Self is concerned. Indeed in time only what you have learnt from those experiences will remain.
Meanwhile each day on Earth seems a separate experience, although it is all ongoing and continuous and the threads run through many lives. It is the hard road of experience that often places you in the same situation time and time again. Yet progress is gained in a manner that is difficult to achieve when you are without challenges in your life. Take heart from the amazing opportunity you are now finishing, having achieved such a great step forward that you are ready to ascend. View life in this way and you will see it has been a great success, and as a unique soul has in fact been orderly and planned for you. What you are taking forward with you is a mountain of experience that will help others some time in the future.
There is so much happening just now, but unless you are in our position to see the broader picture it will not make too much sense. Random events fit together to tell us that you are responding to the input of Light, and assured of great results very soon. We cannot be clearer about the timing as we have to make our decisions quite quickly, and be able to change our approach at short notice if necessary. The dark Ones are now fragmented and no longer follow a recognized pattern of activities. They have become opportunists and we have to monitor them much more closely.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius and assure you all that we are in control, but even so cannot stop events that are allowed according to the freewill accorded to you. However, we have responsibilities for you and Mother Earth, and we will not let matters get out of hand. We urge our allies to push on because the opportunity to obtain results has never been better. We wish those in positions of political power would accept their true responsibilities, and now serve the people as intended. Anyone stepping forward in the Light will receive our protection, and unless there are karmic reasons for it being otherwise will be able to carry out their work to completion.
The way you can help your fellow travelers is to keep calm and spread your Light as far as possible. Assure people that everything is planned to ensure a happy future, and no matter what happens now will not be long lasting. Indeed, we say once again that when we can speak with you all, we will tell of the plan that will safely carry you forward to the end of the cycle.
Thank you SaLuSa,
Mike Quinsey

2011: Stepping Up and Out
by Lauren C. Gorgo
January 11, 2011
"We would like to congratulate the warrior brigade for your collective emergence into true, authentic beings of light. The year of 2011 is one where those of actualized, authentic spiritual descent will be emerging as the risen leaders of the new paradigm…those who will be followed to the new day." -Pleiadian High Council
Happy New Year!

Can you believe that we made it to 2011?  I seriously remember thinking in 2006…"how will we ever get through another year of this"…let alone five more.  DOH
For all you path-pavers and pioneers of the new timeline... granted, it's been pretty odd to calculate the journey to now with the increasing compression of time...but somehow, someway, we all made it here together in one collective piece (checks all ten fingers and toes). The last decade+ of consciousness expansion happened so incredibly fast, yet morbidly slow…it seems like yesterday was a lifetime ago, but went by in an instant.
And tho most of the journey to this point was akin to running waist high in mud, if we look back at the contrast of who we were before we naively embarked on our soul travails, its mind-blowing to see, feel and comprehend the rate and result of our personal evolution thus far. (And nothing highlights this contrast like a Christmas visit with family...yikes) On a personal level, its surreal to think that I started writing about this stuff in my twenties…and now I am like 88…in dog years. Feels like we have lived 20 lifetimes in the last ten…weeks.
Tho time is getting increasingly more janky by the hour…and will speed up like 20 fold for the masses this year…things will begin to level out for each of us, individually, as we are personally able to break thru to new ground. Once we snap into place…meaning, align our hearts/minds (merge male/female), the feeling of time rushing past us, or gasping to catch up to ourselves and our lives, will cease to exist…in fact, when we are fully operating from the space of no-time, we will ironically have more control over time than we ever knew possible. More on that below.
What's to come?

Though really there is no such thing as prediction anymore (since we are creating everything from scratch now), I am hearing that 2011 will be a year of rapid transformation for many…a year of physically dividing ourselves from all that no longer serves us as we move more deeply and rapidly into the flow of all good things.
Up until now our transformations have been, for the most part, internal. In 2011, we begin to traverse a new era thru the consciousness of co-creation... the complete alignment of all four bodies (spiritual, mental, emotional and physical) enabling the full descent of our spiritual mastery into form, and resulting in the outward manifestations of our inward transformations. This means that this year it becomes absolutely vital and essential that our thoughts are clear and in alignment with who we really are and what we really want.
Since the eclipses, we are definitely in new (unknown) territory…THE space required to be all we came here to be and to do all we came here to do. But we still have some inner/outer aligning and integrating to do (most likely until the March equinox) before this becomes totally clear to us.  That said, we will begin to see big chunks of our new lives come into plain view and land in perfect alignment starting mid-January, if this is not already apparent to you.
That unbelievably powerful eclipse sandwich portal that blasted us out of our past for good created a massive separation between our old identity and our new sense of trueness. You may not even recognize yourself in relation to that person you were even 6 weeks ago and thru relentless self-questioning and re-questioning you may have many more realizations and clarity that are supporting your confidence to be who you truly are now.
The chasm created from the eclipse period was to prepare us to redirect our focus to our new life and roles, which meant embracing more of our true selves and leaving behind some of those things that we either "thought" we would be doing, or at the very least it forced us to take an objective look at what is real and what we really want to bring with us into the new.
Most of us have built a solid portion of our foundation for our new lives, however, in some cases the last 6 weeks may have forced you to tear down and rebuild some parts of it. This may have been jolting, however, it will be well worth the struggle in this brand new reality we are just beginning to figure out.
At 4am this morning, the Pleiadians said to me; "If your life was about to become all that you've ever dreamed of, what would you need to do right now to prepare yourself?  This is where your focus needs to be"
Though I am still processing this colossal question, my feeling is that these preparations...whatever is left in our lives to resolve or set up...is paramount to our successful take-off...that any undone details will inhibit our ability to fly.
In addition to the extensive self-nurturing and receiving that our bodies still need, we are also being urged to apply the masculine energy of structure, discipline and organization in our lives... to tighten up the ship and fully anchor our foundations so that we are ready to freely set sail. This is not the fun stuff, it's hard work, but we need to have it all balanced and in place for our future…even if we can't see all of what's on the other side of this yet.
The good news is that our hearts (feminine) have become so finely tuned and in equal power with our nearly pulverized will (masculine) that it is easier now to determine where we need to put our energy and when, and to take inspired action when prompted. As well, we have become acutely aware of what we absolutely must have in our lives so we can effectively and quickly weed out all that we do not want.
Stepping Up

All of these tireless growing pains…especially the last 3 months...are not without their rewards. Though 2010 was a very sobering year of internal and external realizations and expansion, the most important thing that it provided for us was the ability to strip away any/all pretense and to become, without exception, exactly who we came here to be. This year it will be like we have completely unzipped ourselves from all that we thought we were so we can step up to who we really are.
Yes, this year we will all have our "Tootsie" moments where we will pull off our wigs and expose ourselves to the world in our truest form. This will probably be nothing like we expect, but it will stem from the inability to hide or remain inauthentic in any way. This coming out process has been happening slowly over many years…both in the macro and the micro... but in 2011 it will be more obvious than ever. It has been a never-ending work in progress to feel safe enuough to become more transparent, to allow ourselves to be seen with all our perfect imperfections, and to give our transparency a voice. Now, we literally have no choice left but to be true to ourselves, to engage our full potential, or suffer the contrasting backlash in an instant and brutal way.
The necessity of becoming authentic has been circling us like a school of sharks the last two months...especially as it pertains to our passion, purpose, and potential. We got hit with a MASSIVE wave of energy that served to clear out some last minute goo in preparation for our new year. The lunar to solar eclipse wormhole period served to sandblast any remaining vestiges of our ego-identity so that we could become purer, clearer reflections of our YOUniqueness as we prepare to direct much more of our focus and energy into our new earth creations.
It's time to step up. Our roles are changing to adapt to the new frequencies and tho this meant many grueling weeks of unplugging, upgrading and fine-tuning, it will result in our ability to emerge and remain fully aligned as we step out into the world…to find our most authentic voice and muster up the courage to use it.
Stepping Out

"The moment that each of you decided to put forth your focus into physicality was the moment that you decided to take part in the greatest evolutionary leap in human consciousness." - Pleiadian High Council
In the coming days of this final year of transformation (the 9th and final level of consciousness according to the Mayan Calendar that will commence around February/March of 2011 and conclude on October 28, 2011), and prior to the heralded galactic gateway freeing earth thru the completion of this evolutionary cycle, those who have been prepping themselves to lead the planet and her people to the 5th dimension will be doing so en masse. This means that those who are activated and aligned with the new timeline will be stepping into roles of active service (play)…putting forth our authentic voices and reclaiming our power to lead by example.
This means one thing in particular . . . time to walk our talk.
"...those who have become the fine-tuned masters of their inner world will be displaying many new gifts and traits now in your outer world. Those fully connected to their inner guidance systems will be strongly urged to come together with others of like mind and vibration to support the teachings of new earth changes for those who are still following any source outside of themselves...for they will begin to awaken to the truth within this year, and will begin seeing new ways of understanding that will be more aligned with the 5th dimensional ways of the heart." -Pleiadian High Council
Many reading this are here to teach in some way but keep in mind that teaching will take many different forms which include: personal action, writing, speaking, creativity, art/film/media, science and even applications of interactive unconditional love (acts of kindness) will be inspirational teachings in action.
"Those of you who have always gravitated toward the arts and creation sciences will be longing to reconnect to your roots…to your inner foundation that has been recovered through your personal ascension process. Those of you who have always gravitated toward the social, public and political sciences will also be drawn to reconnect to your origin plan thru the activation of your specifically encoded deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) which is programmed with your individual source code…the original intention of your soul spark for these momentous times." -Pleiadian High Council
In other words, as of the eclipse sandwich, we are now ready to activate our next-level of service and highest purpose as participants in the new timeline of 5th dimensional creation.
What does this mean?
All kinds of things yet unknown to us as well as those things we have been consciously working toward….things that we will create based on our new clarity and higher level understanding as fully integrated divine/galactic-humans exploring and implementing our new-human capabilities. This year we will be engaging in the gifts and grace of spirit in form as we collectively reroute human consciousness to a higher level of potential and possibility.
In earth terms, this means that we will finally have the energetic means to support our long-held intentions, the capabilities of our fully actualized GOD-self as we bring forth the full essence of our soul's desires in physical form. As we step into greater life roles, we will be spending the year honing our skills at maintaining balance in the fields of unity/oneness.
This balance comes strictly from heart-centering…aligning ourselves with our feeling-based knowing at all times, regardless of the outside world. As we do this, as we are non-wavering in our ability to remain neutral to outside events and turbulent circumstances, so too do we exhibit the example required to lead others to peace, to harmony and to the expanded state of awareness required to ascend beyond the dimensions of polarity.
The Pleiadian High Council brings this to our attention for the purpose of clearer understanding of our roles as way-showers, that we are here to lead others through our centeredness, non-reaction and peaceful understanding of the many shifts and resulting circumstances yet to come. In most cases, we will not be required to do or be anything other than we already are... for we are all that is required already.
New Understanding of Time/Space

Our relationship to time is/has been changing for quite some time but now scientists are beginning to discover that time itself is changeable and therefore, malleable. This discovery will lead to many new advances in technology beginning this year that will revolutionize our world…mostly by way of industry. For the next decade or so, this branch of science will be highly studied and will offer humanity the proof required to move into a new understanding of time and space and how it relates to our personal and collective evolution.
Up until this particular point in time, humans have understood evolution only by way of a linear timetable…that is to say: past, present and future. From this understanding we grew to learn that evolution required the passage of time. The fifth dimension is not spatial, nor is it temporal. Rather, it is a dimension that brings space-time into relationship with the timeless and eternal…so from 5D "upward," time in relation to evolution is no longer required and human beings who have moved beyond karmic (polarity-based) creation will be capable of quantum changes that are vibrational in nature…where energy is proportional in magnitude to frequency.
In a non-polarized 5D matrix/unity timeline we can see the inter-connectivity between all things, so evolution takes place collectively… beyond the confines of the self-defined ego, which is in relationship to itself, and where a group or collective understanding of love, life and goals must be harmonized.
Since the spiritual, or ascension path involves disconnecting from our ego/personality traits, naturally, those with an understanding of this energy/science will consciously move forward into the new day with greater ease, joy and anticipation, while those without this understanding may spiral into confusion and fear thru the perceived threat and loss of personal identity. Again, it will be for way-showers...those who understand, who have actualized their visions...to lead the way for humanity. (no pressure : ))
A Word from Our Sponsor

"Welcome to the era of co-creation! This is an era of collectively defined and accepted values toward the greater good…an era of understanding the needs of the whole thru the nourishment and development of each individual. This is the era of creating through the power of intent which is bound by the universal laws of attraction and reciprocity...a time when all things are possible, not by sheer will alone, but by universal and vibrational consent. This is the moment of truth…of stepping so fully into your authentic selves that you fail to see anything beyond what is real and true.
For those of you who will be joining in the shared resources of the 5th dimension, we say to you…welcome home! We have been waiting a long "time" for you!
We are the Pleiadian High Council, and with deep abiding love, we look forward to joining with you on your new crusade to even greater understanding. "
To our next, first steps!
Copyright © 2008-2010  Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission/article on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author(s), link is provided to author(s) website and that the information is distributed freely. ThinkWithYourHEART.net  *    

Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Beloved one, feel the divinity of you as the holy, innocent Child that you are. For truly, you have never sinned. Now, I know the world will say to you that you are always making mistakes, that you have sinned, you have gone astray, but I say unto you, you have never sinned. You have made choices, and you have lived with those choices.
Visit our website: www.Oakbridge.org  *    

You Are The Strongest Of The Strong!
by Alec Christos Gabbitas
January 10.2011
Greetings beloved friends, much joy and elation in our hearts this special day as we celebrate more birthing an ever continuance of 'light packets' upon and within the beautiful Terra. Validating and exercising the feminine principle in subtle yet most assertive injections, as the adamantine particles in like flow is veritable manna from heaven, so to speak. Never is there time when no acts of imbibing are occurring, for it is indeed an ever free flowing river of light that feeds the hearts and souls of all thereon, and all within Earths mighty bodies.
Allow these interim days of comparative quiet, to gently coerce you to places of receptivity and openly accommodating variance of energies as they occur. The universal scales of justice are overall yard sticks and precisely on course and there are only balanced and smoothing energies foreseen in this moment of time.The seas so mighty are ebbing and flowing and the swell is pounding on beaches of ever upstanding good intent and continual supportive mode.
Trials and tribulations are only so as the heart falters or misses a beat, only to realise that the 'mistook' change is ever only in divine highest good. These are pointers for you to concentrate fully in your intent and divine purpose for you  still need to remember whom you truly are and to why and what your mission is at this precious time on beloved planet Earth. You have not a need to be in fear or abject shock, but to ever maintain that inner balance which will guide you to every point you need to be. Remember that you ARE that master in the making or indeed the making of that master, for you are unearthing your true self worth in these current days of realisation and assimilation.
There are moments in every one's journey when the sudden alteration of that which we expected to be 'normal' suddenly shifts and rebirths into something that is indeed far from the normality that it was and to which our comfort zone was so locked within! Switching your focus to that which has now become a more rightful flow, is simply allowing that flow to so gently coerce you with an unmistakable sense of higher frequency good. It will 'titillate' your inner child and your heart will sing and skip as it realises this new born direction or way.
Everything is becoming simpler, yet only if you allow it to be; for the surest or simplest way is to repeat oft-times to yourself, "I am a pure channel of light and I affirm to align only with the most highest divine light, so shall it be!"

Everything is now moving to that area of simplistic thinking and doing, as the many middle ways even though they held good before, are now swinging to the path of simplistic direct  approach and receiving.Gone are the days of old when you would work hard and toil endlessly in making your connection and of realising your goal. Those days are obsolete and in need of disposing of!
You are all moving into times of far greater clarity, even though there is to be up and coming shifts and associated changes that will require your earnest intent and attention with a soundness of heart. You are moving into spaces of far higher connectivity and therefore far greater compatability and product will be the obvious result. There are multi-faceted and multi-dimensional beings whom await the pleasure of your connectivity and trust; for trust, faith and highest intent are the building blocks of much that is to be witnessed by so many in these future climes.There's so much that is awaiting you in the wings as you are the ones that can adorn those wings being the angel that you are.
No way will you falter from your pathways, for you are the mighty building blocks that are placed in exactly the right place to be of most effectual good, harnessing All That God Is, rebuilding those walls of Jericho and reshaping  the whole world with your loving expertise. Doubt yourselves NOT.You have travelled so far and so long in this greatest mission of your lives, to be here at this time honouring your inner agreements with perfection and pure prowess.

You Are The Strongest Of The Strong, and you are self selected and indeed divinely elected. You are the ones that you have been waiting for, and you are about to see the curtain go up on the greatest show on Earth!
Think simple, un-think complicated. Be sure, eradicate doubt or uncertainty! Be simply LOVE, and all other will be offered unto you, for so it surely is! The stars in the heavens shine because of you, the sun in its highest splendour is there to shine on YOU, warming you and transforming you, bathing you within its purest, crystalline, rainbow light rays of endless love and infinitive BEING!

Go forth and multiply, go forth to be the leaders of men, become those divine God Beings that you truly and surely are...
Remember, You Are The Strongest Of The Strong! So be it, Salut!
Alec Christos Gabbitas for the Universal Mind and an ever United Kingdom.

Please copy and share affording credit to the source. "Love is the only way." *  gabbitas1@aol.com  *     

HEAVEN #3703
Your Star in the Sky
January 14, 2011
God said:
There are two ways to take life. One is very seriously, and the other is without attachment. I bet you never thought of the opposite of serious as without attachment. That’s what taking life seriously is about however – attachment to it. That is when life becomes very serious, all serious. Perhaps another way to say seriously is to say tensely. Holding onto an idea of what life must be and what it must look like is attachment, and bound to bring tension.
Life does not have to be like a wild safari fraught with danger. Life can be a ride up and down the river of life. It can even be paddling in a canoe, or sailing on a paper sail boat. It can be a whistle while you walk in the park of life where there is much mingling and activity, yet still the walk an amble.
Adapt an ambience to life. Give life all you’ve got at the same time as you let it be, waterfalls and changing weather, and varied terrains. As you walk through life, you don’t race. You don’t drag your feet. And when you stumble, you simply set off again on this blessed unknown journey.
Have you had the idea that the journey you are on must be proscribed? The journey you are on is the journey you are on. It is a unique never traveled before journey, and it is yours. It is no one else’s. It is yours. It is bound to have surprises and unknown turns. Life cannot be known until the moment it appears. You are a traveler on the road of life, and yet you are not a wayward traveler. You are on the journey you set out for. Regardless of its twists and turns, you are on your journey.
You don’t have all the say of it. There are too many factors in this life on Earth for you to have a designated map. However, at any turn in the road, life can change in a flash, and you can decide much of the turn. You can welcome life, or block it, or fuss about etc. to whichever degree you choose. You have been doing that right along, and now, today, you can welcome what life offers you. You can lean in the direction you want to go.
It is not necessarily that you are exactly ready for all that life holds, yet you can welcome the known and the unknown just the same. Are not the known and unknown the elements that make up life? It is as if you have two reins in your hand, and you do not hold on more tightly to one rein than you do the other. Hold the reins lightly, beloveds. You and life can be affable. You can get along good-naturedly.
Let go of resistance, and follow your star in the sky. You have a star. It is there. Even when you don’t know which star is yours, it is there beckoning you. Certainly, your star could be any number of bright sparkling stars, yet one is yours.
The stars are calling to your heart. Your star pulls you along sometimes as if you were a sled, and sometimes your star lets you race uphill and downhill. You have your own route. Consider your star the energy of life that holds you firm and also lets go of you. There is the Will of the Universe, and there is your free will, and sooner or later the twain will meet.
You will enter into a divine route where only love exists and you soar. It is inevitable that you come to this path and stay on it. No longer do you vacillate. You will reach up to the stars, and the stars will swing you as in an embrace, and you will sail through the galaxies right to where you want to be and always were before you got caught up in the illusory changeable and forgot.
Dear Lady of the Light,
Your beautiful writing about the Statue of Liberty  * 
www.godwriting.org/world-peace/freedom-illegal-aliens.htm  * Thank you so much, dear friend. Gloria *
Have you tried the Heavenletter Cosmic Generator yet? What Heavenletter comes up for you today? It’s kind of like I Ching! If you haven’t tried this yet, click:  www.heavenletters.org/gods-cosmic-loveletters-universe.html   * What message was yours today?  *
Heavenletters™ Copyright1999-2011 -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts * In these times when the whole  world needs nourishing, Heavenletters is already proven to stir the hearts and souls of people of all ages all around the world and from  all walks of life. * Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter™, Teacher, Speaker * The Godwriting™ International Society of Heaven Ministries * 703 E. Burlington Avenue, Fairfield, IA 52556  *   www.heavenletters.org  * http://twitter.com/heavenletters *   

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