U-R On The Verge of seeing a Major Change


1.)  Today's Angel Message
2.)  SaLuSa: You are on the verge of seeing major changes
3.)  Archangel Gabriel: Receiving the 12:12 Activation
4.)  Jeshua - Message of the Day
5.)  The Nature of Freedom
6.)  Sacred Snow - Miniature Frozen Crop Circles

Isis' Message of the Day -
Note: In yesterdays Reminder on the bottom of the Message I sent the wrong email address it isn't verizon it is ladyisis@frontier.com *
Thought / Intention / Proper Action Harnesses the Power to Produce Tangible Riches from Formless Substance. 
The, Seemingly, “Void of Space” Is Really Teaming with Particles  of Love/life and Un-manifested Potential. 
I AM ISIS a "Spiritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
~ Lady of the Light ~
Holiday cards:  If you wish to send me Holiday cards (please no E-cards as I don't have time to retrieve them). Please NO Checks I can't cash them no way to the bank. Mailing Address: Lady Isis - 80 NE 19th Street Gresham, Oregon 97030 U.S.A.

Today's Angel Message
Dear Ones. How are you today? Today we wish to talk with you about the new age as some of you call it. It is about your own personal connection with Source/God/All That Is. It is the knowing you have when you are aware and tuned in to your connection. Many of you are starting to open up to gifts you did not know you had, but they have always been there. They have just been dormant. As many of you awaken to your gifts, you also awaken to the wonder of life and the spirit of all that is around you. You also begin to see your influence of that which is around you, both through your physical actions and your thoughts. You are also setting aside places in your homes that are sacred places. This assists you with maintaining your divine connection to source. You are a Child of God. You are perfect in God’s eyes. As you begin to see the Divine Spark in each of you, you then open to the perfection of all living beings. Be at peace and bless your hearts.
Cynthia Lee Shelton, LCSW a licensed psychotherapist with 25 years of experience in traditional therapy, psychic intuitive therapy, and healing energy work.
Cynthia has been described this way: "Take the best therapist you have ever experienced along with an amazing healer and psychic - toss in some angels and some pretty interesting guides - and you get Cindy Shelton. Her ability to get right to the essence of you and your problems is awesome. She's one of a kind!"  *  www.cynthialeeshelton.com/   *   

SaLuSa: You are on the verge of seeing major changes
December 13, 2010
Never let go of your vision for the future because as you and others use your powers of creation, you are helping ensure that it becomes manifested. You are all co-creators and that has applied from the time you moved into the lower dimensions. You needed guidance to apply your energies to the true workings of Light, as you became so detached from your real self. In the lowest vibrations it gave birth to those who were not of the Light, and they conceived plans to hold you captive. The Light was not denied its part in trying to reach you, and Beings of Light walked the Earth to bring souls together for their enlightenment. When there was little communication between people it was difficult to spread the Truth, and met with much resistance from those who had seized power.
The power of God was recognized, but explained as a series of energies that were attributed to individual Gods of a human/animal appearance. This was very much apparent in the Egyptian period, which is why Pharoah Akhenaton introduced the One God of the Sun. It was in recognition of the part it played in bringing the higher energies to Earth. It was the beginning of a new concept and understanding of the deity, which created a new flow energy that laid a foundation for the recognition of the One God. However, the old beliefs were still strongly held and survived, until individual’s teachers incarnated on Earth. Jesus was one and his ministry resulted in the earthing of powerful energies of Light, which have remained to this day. Much distortion of his teachings took place and even today they remain in the orthodox religions.
With the approach of Ascension it was necessary to awaken people to the truth, and new spiritual groups such as the Theosophical Society came into being. Their purpose was to bring the true history of Earth to people’s notice, and explain the existence of God and the higher powers in a way that could be understood. The Spiritualist Churches were born and contacting higher entities and receiving channeled messages, bringing the old teachings up to date. Now it is commonplace to find them being received every day, but as with every source of truth it has been infiltrated with deliberate disinformation. That is where you have to be very discerning in what you accept, and be sure it resonates with you. We regularly point out that you should use your intuition, and as you become more aware it becomes easier to recognize the true teachings.
It is not our place to unduly influence you, as you are responsible for your own choices. We simply put before you pointers to the way ahead, and concentrate on preparing you for Ascension. That is clearly important as time speeds up, as you do not have a great deal of time left to make your decision as to which direction you are going into. The difference now to past times is that you are being helped to grow in awareness, and it is true to say that your levels of consciousness have grown immensely over the last 50 years or so. It has all been part of a carefully laid down plan to advance your progress, so that you are given every opportunity to be ready for the final run in.
You are on the verge of seeing major changes and the most important ones will come with disclosure, as then you shall learn in detail exactly what is planned and will lead you to Ascension. It is to be a joint effort that is one of spiritual enlightenment and awareness of the whole process of change so that the New Age can commence. It goes well beyond 2012, and as you are learning you are about to take the first step of many that will take you back into the higher dimensions. The end of duality must of necessity mean the removal of the dark Ones, and like any other soul they will find themselves moving into a similar vibration to their present one. Souls who have chosen to stay within the present dimension are of a vibration that does not allow for them to rise up any higher. The Laws of the Universe will be seen as fair and just, and God does not condemn or punish souls who have not yet awakened to their true self.
If you can avoid fearful thoughts about the immediate future, you can move through the changes with little effort and nothing of the lower vibrations will be able to touch you. Clearly each person’s experience will be personal according to his or her circumstances, and karmic responsibilities. So you may be assured that whatever happens to other souls, it will have been part of their planned experiences. Many will pass over before Ascension and if they are nevertheless to be part of the process, they can join it from the Astral realms which they will go to upon death. These are all natural occurrences where you are concerned, but only apply to the lower dimensions. Once you have ascended there will be no such thing as death as you now understand it. You can in fact decide when “your time is up” and move with ease from one body to another.
When you are of a higher consciousness you will have much more say in how you evolve. You can for example return to the lower dimensions in the name of service to others, or birth into a new civilization. Some of you are already aware that you will stay with your present one, and join the Galactic Federation and travel the Universe with us and go anywhere that our services are required. We have our home planets, but can spend most of our time living on the ships that have absolutely everything that is required for a comfortable existence. In fact some them exactly replicate our home conditions, and you will find cities within the larger Mother Ships. Evolving is a serious matter, yet can also be a great adventure. Once you become a Being of Light it is perfectly natural that you would want to give to others, and help them through their evolutionary process.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius and feel the crying need of many souls who suffer, but be sure we are ready to alleviate your circumstances as soon as we can go ahead with our plan. We ourselves are guided by even higher Beings, and respect their ability to see exactly what is to be done, and the correct time to do it if it is to be a complete success. We send you our love and blessings as always, and even if you are unaware of it we are doing much to reduce the affect of the problems you are experiencing.
Thank you SaLuSa,
Mike Quinsey

Archangel Gabriel: Receiving the 12:12 Activation
channeled by Shanta Gabriel
December 12, 2010
Dear Ones,
Through the seeming darkness of this time, there is Divine Grace as the Imprint of Christ Consciousness begins its descent for the awakening of all beings and the sanctification of the earth.
In the moment of time demonstrated by the clock at 12:12 all over the planet, alignment begins within the human heart and mind connecting to the Unity Consciousness as a state of being. If you could only see from the Angelic viewpoint, it would appear that humans act as lightening rods when they receive this immense download of golden Christ Light.
When there is no resistance, you open to this Grace-filled presence and spark the Divinity in every cell of your being. You are encouraged to take 12 minutes at the 12:12 hour on the day of December 12 to bring conscious awareness to that powerful activity of Divine Light and allow it to work within you.
The Christ Light is a representation of Unity Consciousness, having no connection to historical figures, except that all enlightened beings express this Divine Light into the world. The 12:12 activation is a great opportunity to awaken yourself to the impact of the powerful love-filled vibration of Peace and Harmony, a state of Oneness with All That Is.
A suggestion is being made to best cultivate this energy for your soul’s purpose on Earth – for indeed, the high frequency will assist this very personal process. A willingness to receive and your intentional desire to experience Unity with the Divine Light of Christed energy is paramount. Give yourself time to prepare a space that feels sacred to you, whatever that may look like. When you gather with others in joined vision, the energy is increased.
One of the intentions of this Light of Divine Grace, is to sanctify the Earth and all beings. You can become a channel for this sacred intention with the focus you bring into this powerful time. As you clarify your willingness to be a conduit for Divine Light and bless the Earth, there is an opening within your mind to your most authentic, eternal Divine Self. This acts as a link to your heart so that Divine Love will awaken within you.
Visualizations are often helpful. The impulse of the Christ Light is a brilliant Golden River that flows from the top of your head into the Earth, creating a bridge of Light and connecting you to All That Is. Imagine yourself as a human “Lightening Rod.” Ask that this Golden Light permeate your heart with Peace and bring Divine Love into every organ and cell of your being. Allow it to expand outward into your energy fields, and see yourself as the Angels see you – a radiant Light expressing in the world as Divinity.
There is Divine Grace in this 12:12 alignment. It anchors Unity Consciousness onto the Earth for the next phase of its evolution. It is an unprecedented opportunity to seed the Earth with that which is sacred. You will feel more wholeness within your being after you receive the empowerment of this process. Know how important you are as a link in the conscious evolution of a new world where Peace and Harmony can live in the human heart. As the Earth becomes sanctified, Balance, Vitality and Love will thrive once more within the planet and all beings that live here.
Join in the Light of Illumination activated on December 12 at 12:12 wherever you are. All is One, and so it is.
Shanta Gabriel

For Archangel Gabriel
Copyright © Shanta Gabriel. These messages can be shared as long as they are used in their entirety and proper credit is given for the work. I love people to be able to share the work with others. www.thegabrielmessages.com  *    

Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
This season of the year is a time of Light. It is a time to celebrate. It is a time to take stock of what you have and to know, truly know deep within the cells of the body, “I Am whole. I Am holy. I Am That Which I have been seeking. I Am That Which Was before time was.”
It is a most exciting place to be, because there are all possibilities then around you. Everything opens up, and you can do whatever the guidance then speaks to you to do, because you are free; you feel free; you know that freedom of the energy of wholeness and of holiness and of being taken care of and of being guided, and you know that everything that you have worried about has to be in divine order.
Visit our website: www.Oakbridge.org  * 

HEAVEN #3671
The Nature of Freedom
December 13, 2010
God said:
Rather than ask questions, give love. Is it so hard to give love? Must an inquisition come first?
Somewhere along the line, you learned that pride comes before all else, that ego, disguised as pride, is foremost, that dignity counts more than love. You too often let your mind decide love for you. Your mind judges if you are giving love in the right place, and how much love you should give given the mind’s counting factors. And, so, you are mindful of yourself and what you have to gain when, all the while, love is the heart’s domain, when giving is the heart’s domain. According to your heart’s giving is your heart’s wealth. Only a heart giving of itself has room to receive. Only a loving heart is wealthy.
A heart of love is not a stinting heart. A heart of love does not count pennies. A heart of love cannot be a miser and be a heart of love at the same time.
You are concerned about ego, or you are giving love. Which is it?
Ego pats your back. Love strengthens from inside.
You know that I am a big proponent of love. I sing its praises to the High Heavens. I extol love. I proclaim it.
Is more love in the world needed? Then you must promote love. I am not talking about love in neon lights. I am talking of simple acts. I am not talking of long romance or special personal relationships. I am talking of giving love wherever you are. It is a courtesy to give love.
If you see an unruly child in a store, here is an opportunity for you to smile at the child. If you see a cross mother who has lost patience, do not frown at her. Of course, she should be kind and loving and not cross. So then be you kind and loving, even if it is without a word. Do not condemn even silently. Do not condemn.
There is no one in this world who can’t use a little blessing from you. Surprise someone. Surprise everyone. Surprise yourself.
Surely you have your own problems. What of that? That is not the point. The point is that you are here on Earth to give love. You are not here to focus on your problems. You are here to love. Loving doesn’t mean to condone. It means to give a little sweetness to others along the way. You are not indentured to someone because you give. You are free to give, that’s all. If you can help someone carry a package up the steps, why wouldn’t you? You didn’t think of it? Why didn’t you think of it?
You are a humble servant to all on Earth. That is not humiliating. When you see a need, you fill it, and so you raise yourself higher and higher. He who puts a pillow under someone’s head has heightened the world.
Have your eye out for opportunities to leave a trail of love like pebbles on your path.
When you feel bereft, that is prime time for you to give a gift of yourself, not in pride, but in humility, not in need but in the spirit of giving.
No longer overlook even one opportunity to give as you pass by another being. Be like a soft summer breeze. As you open your heart, you open others’ hearts. You open the heart of the world. You welcome life. You venture forth in life. Grab hold of life. As you grab hold, you release your hold, and you give love, and that is the nature of freedom.
Dear Lady of the Light,
Your beautiful writing about the Statue of Liberty  * 
www.godwriting.org/world-peace/freedom-illegal-aliens.htm  * Thank you so much, dear friend. Gloria *
Have you tried the Heavenletter Cosmic Generator yet? What Heavenletter comes up for you today? It’s kind of like I Ching! If you haven’t tried this yet, click:  www.heavenletters.org/gods-cosmic-loveletters-universe.html   * What message was yours today?  *
Heavenletters™ Copyright1999-2010 -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts * In these times when the whole  world needs nourishing, Heavenletters is already proven to stir the hearts and souls of people of all ages all around the world and from  all walks of life. * Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter™, Teacher, Speaker * The Godwriting™ International Society of Heaven Ministries * 703 E. Burlington Avenue, Fairfield, IA 52556  *   www.heavenletters.org  * http://twitter.com/heavenletters *   

Sacred Snow - Miniature Frozen Crop Circles
as received by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan
Everything within and upon the planet earth has a geometry, a light, and a sound that is involved with its evolution.  Your very snowflakes are sacred geometry's that have come to give you the gift of ungradement. Look at snow as solidified light patterns, light that has landed like miniature frozen crop circles.  This solidified frozen geometric light comes forth to infuse you with sacred patterns of ancient /future knowledge.  Imagine trillions upon trillions of snowflakes, each one holding a different geometry, a different pattern of living light.
When you look up and see these magical snowflakes open your mouth like a small child and let them land on your tongue. They will give you sacred solidified light equations to help you move into another level of self and soul. As you walk upon them a crunch is heard as the geometries break apart and give forth to all that come near an infusion of light. Imagine yourself walking through every crop circle that was ever created all at once, what a thrilling experience that would be.
In the past you have looked at the snow as a burden, see the snow from a different angle of thought. Scoop up some snow from a sacred place in your yard, or on a mountaintop and let it dissolve into water.  At that point you will see a difference of energy that is quit measurable. Ask that the sacred geometries in the water escort you into a higher level of knowledge.  Move beyond something that seems slippery and frozen and skate across the creek of your life into a place of knowing.
You are asked to enter the quantum fields of reality where you direct the orchestra, where you direct the energies, where you direct the creations without fault, without fear, without falling, or without failing.  You are each Masters and Maestros of Light.  Nature has have held the sacred text and the sacred truths until humans were aware enough to embrace them in love.  All of life has messages hidden within it.  It is time to release the bounty that lives within the rocks, the clouds, the sky, the snow, the trees, and the water.
Gillian MacBeth-Louthan | PO box 217 | Dandridge, Tennessee 37725-0217 |  www.theQuantumAwakening.com  |  thequantumawakening@hughes.net |      

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