U-R Now At The Crossroads {Channeled}

1.)  Today's Angel Message
2.)  SaLuSa: You Are Now At The Crossroads
3.)  Universal Mind: Living Your Truth
4.)  Archangel Michael: Understanding Addictions
5.)  Jeshua - Message of the Day
6.)  Turn On the Lights

Isis' Message of the Day -
I look for the divinity within every man and woman. I believe there is something infinitely beautiful and precious in every being which deserves to be considered and loved. How could there be any less since we are ALL ONE with the Source of ALL That IS? By seeking the divinity in each man and in each woman, I show faith and love for the Creator/Source of All That Is. Therefore also showing love for you and for myself.
I AM ISIS a "Spiritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
I wish you Joy, Love & Peace,
~ Lady of the Light ~

Today's Angel Message
My dear friends, we love you so very much.
My dear friends we love you so much! Happy springtime! It is the time for movement, bursts of inspiration, and certainly new life. Seeds are pushing to the surface. Blossoms are unfurling and you will find within yourselves a great desire for greater light in your own lives. What is it you want in life dear friends? You all want security, but you already have that, so stop focusing on lack. You all want love but you already have that, so be the loving souls that you are and you will attract more. You all want health so focus away from the ills of the world are listen to your bodies so that your health will improve.
What do you want beyond all that? What is it you wish to experience and express upon this earth, beyond mere existence, beyond mere survival, mere comfort? Start asking those questions dear ones for they pull you up and out of the mundane details of existence and begin to pull you forward into a greater reality. Don't worry about "how" you will create those things, "when" you can have them, etc. What if you had financial security already? What if you had love already? What if you had your health and vitaltiy... what would you wish to experience and express then?
In asking these questions you begin to find a deeper truth within yourselves. You begin to touch upon the divine spark within you. You begin to find that there is indeed more inside you! There is a reason you came to earth, not to suffer and survive, but to enjoy the experience, and to make some sort of contribution. And by contribution we do not necessarily mean grand acts of charity, but sometimes the simple act of love given to a child, or a difficult act of forgiveness given to a parent. "Contributions" to humanity, dear ones can be any act of love, in any form.
Dream beyond your boxes. Elevate your hearts and minds. Allow your free spirits the freedom to dream of the life you truly want, in your thoughts first, and in your energy fields, and then dear ones, watch the magic unfold. Happy springtime! Happy new, unfurling, blossoming you!
God bless you! We love you so very much.
-- The Angels
With much love,
Ann Albers
Author, lecturer, angel communicator.  Visit her site at:  www.visionsofheaven.com/ *
Books & CDs  You can visit my store for all products here: www.VisionsOfHeaven.com/storedocs/storeIndx.html  *    

SaLuSa: You Are Now At The Crossroads
April 4, 2011
Believe us when we tell you that matters are moving along very well, and the work we have put in is beginning to yield results. Whatever happens you will be ready for the end times, and nothing can stop the closing of the cycle of duality. You do not have to go through purgatory to ascend, and clearly your experiences from one soul to another will differ quite considerably. Most of you will ease yourselves into the New Age, and for our part we will make the transition for you as quickly as we can. You are seeing rapid changes in the Middle East, and whilst that is going on the West is also going through a testing time. They will also have to change and much will come about following political reform. In your hearts you know that all future changes must be based upon what is best for all, and that means a structure that is built upon Love and Light. Anything less will not satisfy the people, or lay down the path that will give you a smooth ride to Ascension.
The dark Ones are at last capitulating, realizing that they need a way out of a predicament of their own making. Through our allies that is being offered, and once they are no longer in a position to interfere with progress, we can really become more open in helping you. Making them responsible for their acts against Humanity is not directly our concern, because there is no escape from eventually having to answer to the higher spiritual hierarchy that oversees your evolution. In other words, just like you they will have to experience the effects of their deeds and fully understand the outcome. We can tell you that once you return to the higher dimensions, and know the truth about life and its purpose you are more than eager to atone for your mistakes. We must stress again that there is no punishment as you understand it, and no judgment and the final outcome is in the hands of the soul concerned. The karma resulting from each life time is twofold, and firstly keeps you on the path back to the Light, whilst ensuring that you learn from your mistakes.
The final run in to Ascension is one that gives you so many opportunities to tie up your loose ends, and change your mindset to one that is in alignment with the new vibrations. The old you will largely disappear and a beautiful Being emerges that will be ready to ascend. You have worked hard and came a long way to reach this point, and it will be a most uplifting experience regardless of whatever you go through to get there. The energies around you are ever increasing and bringing you more into the higher vibrations. It brings a calmness and feeling of great expectancy, as you become more sensitive to them and stand tall as a beacon of Light. In doing so you are on your way to the Ascension, having moved up from the lower vibrations. Indeed, you now find that they are coarse and no longer serve your life purpose. Spreading peace and happiness is your aim and you will be successful at doing so.
Without necessarily openly approaching other souls, you will uplift anyone around you and your positive attitude will rub off on others. The word is spreading about Ascension, and you can be one who can gently introduce others to its benefits at the same time pointing out that freewill choice is involved. However, every opportunity will be taken to make the facts known when we can finally walk amongst you. There will eventually be no soul that has not had a chance to learn all about Ascension, and make choice from a well informed position. There are of course those who accept the end time, but believe in a different ending to it, and since you create your own reality they will experience a different path of their choice.
Meantime we ask you to keep your focus on your personal goals, and do not be discouraged by the happenings outside of you. Certain events have to be played out, and the physical changes are necessary to assist Mother Earth’s Ascension. You travel together as you have done so for millennia of time, and will do so in the future. The more you can bring the light to Earth, the more you will all be helping to bring the New Earth into being. The old creations of yours are unable to be carried forward, so consequently there is much to do by way of transmutation. Nothing is totally destroyed, but simply changes its form to be used again. Matter is created and re-created over and over again and never wasted. As creators yourselves you will take greater responsibility for your creations, but at the same time you will rise in consciousness and will exercise good sense and wisdom in your work.
You are now at the crossroads, and it is your decision as to which way you go. Either way there is no long term problem, as the cyclic nature of the Universe ensures that another opportunity to choose differently will always come your way. However, the cycles are long by your measure using linear time, and if you but knew you would be more inclined to put the effort in to ascend this time round. We know that some souls are still so mired in the darkness, that they find it hard to comprehend what Ascension means. Sometimes they feel victims of their circumstances not realizing that they create their own experiences. There will come a time when the truth will come to them, and then they will seek a way to change them for the better.
Be assured that your progress is followed, and at the first signs of a desire to move into the Light, help is given to move you in the right direction. No one wishes to see you repeatedly going down a dead end, and having to do it all again. Fortunately most souls evolve over a period of time through the experiences of successive lives, and the guidance given to them. In the present challenging times, progress can be quite rapid because of the continual battle between the dark and Light. There are repeated opportunities to overcome the lower vibrations, and no soul is condemned to stay in them. It is quite the opposite, as The Brotherhood of Light works to help those who are in the lower dimensions, and find the ones who are opening up to the higher truths.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and as you enter the most important time for your civilization, we do our best to attract your attention. We want you to recognize the relationship we have with you, which is one that has existed for thousands of years. We Are All One, and are rightly coming together again to celebrate our reunion. We shall go forward with you to the higher realms that are your true home, and await your presence as ascended Beings.
Thank you SaLuSa,
Mike Quinsey

Universal Mind: Living Your Truth
Channeled by Alec Christos Gabbitas
April 3. 2011
When will the  continual gnawing feeling remove itself from our solar plexus? When will that ever persistent feeling of nagging fear leave us for a moment? When will the self confidence be restored a little and the 'poor soul me'  go? When will we again be whom we were before the multitude of mishaps came to be and the whole wide world seemingly 'flipped on it's head' to one and all? We temporarily seemed to lose the sure grip of our ships as we did sail quite bravely through those winds of change, yet were not alert to the swell of the tide pounding back upon the beaches of life, causing momentarily mishap.  
There was and is always going to be a backlash and rampant swirling of the tidal waves or currents as all manner of accomplishment were truly realized and attained by the magnificent unity effort of the many whose hearts are in expansive mode and whose rewards were perceived by the multitudes. They had all achieved giant strides in the instigation of 'taking up one's arms' as it was necessary so to do. Globally has there been torrents of occurrences that have come in rapid momentum, and the dye is cast as the direction is found.
Mighty are those who have been the forerunners of all that is to be. Grand are the avenues created into the obesity and corruptivity of those 'war lords' whose wars were always with they whom had no semblance of an equal part of any bounty, and which was reserved solely for the ruling tyrants so to be.
Catastrophic have been the reactions of a Mother Nature whom had no other course than to deal the only hand that was there to be dealt, against the love and abundance that she is surely want to be. Manners of mankind have again been seen to 'err and stray like lost sheep,' and have unwittingly through the lusts and desires and total complacency regarding all life form on the planet and even for the mighty planet herself, reaped a 'hell on earth' for those dear hearts who now bear the brunt of those cold and calculating ploys. As wealth and stealth are surely but a greedy need! Now turns the tide as Hu-man kind begins to flex their muscles and open wide those mighty hearts, and without  doubt will those walls of Jericho begin to fall, yes indeed, again once more!
Reminding ourselves of all that we might have well forgotten, acknowledging all that has so courageously been achieved, let us now look at ourselves in pure light as it were! Let us see that the light victorious is ever victorious and that we now have a greater need to love ourselves yet more than ever before.
We have need to continually wash ourselves through with that iridescent pure light from our mighty I Am Presence!' Link in with the Great Central Sun and  allow your mighty 'I Am' to flood the crystalline golden white light through the totality of your magnificent beings, washing away all niggling doubts or that which bodes in fear. Reinforce your powerful power centers with but vibrant love and abundances of fortitude and resilience, accepting only that which is of positivity and pureness, knowing that only love and light is ever victorious! There is not room for niggling tummies or irritating thoughts - they are done!!
"The sun will ever shine where the heart truly IS; let go those third dimension illusions that sway you other ways. The warmth will ever caress and so bless your aching bodies and the strength and power from Central Sun will always uplift and maintain your every need. He who seeks will inevitably find and she who loves will in like ever find true love. There will ever and always be a time and a place when and where heart and soul will unite and be as one, for there will ever be the time and the place for that greater initiation to express itself as yin and yang do merge and meld into the true sacredness, of All In One.
Go forth and multiply, dear friends, there's nought to stem the flow where true love blends. Go forth and seek the truths in life, dear ones, for now's the time when star dust will be strewn. All that glitters does not necessarily mean gold, and passion swells the heart that seeks it's home. This journey now uncovers many roads, as destinations rise on distant shores, yet life itself will swell the searching soul, to find and furnish true it's worthy goal!  In coming home."
(c)2011 Channeled by Alec Christos Gabbitas for the Universal Mind and an ever United Kingdom. Please copy and share, giving full credit to the source of these messages * Email: gabbitas1@aol.com  * Also to Lady Isis and The Light Circle Ezine)  *  "Be Still and Know that I Am God....be God and Know That I Am Still!" *           

Archangel Michael: Understanding Addictions
through Mercedes Kirkel
April 2, 2011
And now I ask if there are any questions at this time. Is there any question that someone would like to ask for me to respond to?
Question: I just would like to understand better how it is that people who are addicted to drugs or alcohol or obsessed with doing a behavior like gambling or something, how it is that people become that way, and is there any way to help them. What’s the best way to help those people?
Archangel Michael: Yes. Well, first of all it is important to understand that everyone has come into this life for certain learnings, certain experiences. And we choose all different experiences in our life to support us in our growth. And so, those who have chosen to experience addictions made that choice at a soul level, because it was part of their exploration of this dimension, this particular way that the Divine is manifesting in this realm. Similarly, those who choose to be involved with others who are having what you term “addictions” chose that as well, as part of their experience of having the learnings, having the soul growth of being involved with those experiences in this form of the Divine manifesting itself.
It is very important that you do not get into the consciousness of right-wrong, good-bad, thinking that there are certain things that are bad, certain things that are good, certain things that are wrong, certain things that are right. This is not to say that there are not choices that make it easier for you to experience your connection to the Divine – this is not to say that that’s not the case, because it is true: certain choices do make it easier for you to experience your connection to the Divine. That is part of the soul learning as well. But with labels such as “addictions” and things like that, it’s very easy to get into the mindset that that individual is stuck, is somehow lower, is somehow inferior, weak, whatever it is. These are your growth lessons, if you are caught in that way of thinking, and it is your opportunity that you are having, to grow beyond that.
Truly, in this realm, the challenge is to see every being, every experience as nothing but God. Nothing is ever separating you from God. And that is part of the great challenge, the great growth in the third-dimension. So ultimately everyone chooses every experience here. Then when you die, you will remember that you have chosen this. You will have a chance to reflect upon it. You will have an opportunity to see if this has served you, if you are complete with the learning or if you choose to have more learning in this arena. And you will continue from there. Of course, I am not meaning just you. Every soul will engage this, will have this opportunity.
So, for those who are involved in these particular behaviors that you call “addictions,” it is really no different than any of the rest of you in this realm. You are having your limitations that you have chosen to assume, and you have an opportunity in every moment to find God in the midst of that.
Now at a more practical level, at a more perhaps third-dimensional way of viewing things, what you call “addictions” are safe havens, you might say, resting places, often times from parts of reality that are scary for people to deal with. These parts of reality often involve some form of emotional pain that someone has experienced, often in this lifetime, but it can be from another lifetime. So, as a soul choice, someone chose to have a certain experience of soul pain, and then they are having their experience of how to find God in the midst of that. One of the options that people have at this third-dimensional level is to have other experiences to see if that can support them in this process of exploring soul pain and exploring how to connect with God in the midst of soul pain.
So people who are involved in these behaviors are generally doing that. But it’s important to understand that everyone is generally doing that. It’s not just the person who’s going out and having a drink or obliterating themselves with alcohol or whatever else they’re doing, whatever substance they’re using to do that. But people do it in every moment. They do it through talking. They do it through thinking. They do it through achieving, and working, and becoming good citizens, and whatever else you’re spending your life doing, watching TV, or eating popcorn, or whatever it is, listening to the news, staying current, all these things that people are doing. They’re all different forms of experience that people are doing, and much of it people are doing because they’re trying to find a way to reconnect with the Divine. They have a remembrance of the peace and the joy of connection with the Divine. And in this third-dimensional realm, it’s not so easy to find that path. So they’re exploring different avenues of trying to find that path. That is all that most everyone is doing.
People who are involved in addictions are exploring avenues of reconnection that, you might say, are kind of detours. Some of these avenues of reconnection, you might say, might even be dead ends. But that is part of their soul contract to do that.
If part of your soul contract is to have a relationship with people who are doing this kind of thing, or to try to help someone who is doing this, first and foremost your work is to recognize whether your response to your soul contract is helping you to connect with the Divine. That is the tricky part for many people, because helping others, teaching others, being in relationship with others who you are seeing as doing addictive behaviors could be your form of addiction. You could be just as equally addicted as they are.
Always, the path is to connect with God. And then ask God what is your work to do? It may be to have nothing to do with these people. Not that you have to shun them, but it may not be your work to be involved with them. It may not be what serves you. It may not be what serves them. It may not be what serves life. If it is your work to do something with these people, it will be shown. But it will only be your work if it comes from freedom, if it comes from your complete connection to God first. And it will always respect their free will, because you do not know their soul choice. You do not know what is serving them. Your guidance is through God.
Are there other questions?
(Archangel Michael pauses to receive questions, and none are asked.)
Thank you, dear ones. Shine your light. Shine the light of God. Receive that light most fully. Let it be your primary food. And indeed it will become more and more your food. Ingest that light and become beings of light. And as you do that, your reality will change. It will become a new reality, a reality of light and love. And it is underway.
And know that you are blessed and enfolded by so many beings who love you and support you, who thank you for all you do, and whose great joy it is to help you. Call on us. We are here for you. We love you greatly.
I AM Archangel Michael, and my blessings are yours.
Copyright 2011 Mercedes Kirkel, www.intotheheart.org  * All Rights Reserved. Please copy and share this article as long as the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to; credit of authorship and my e-mail (aloha@intotheheart.org) and website address (www.intotheheart.org) is included; and no money is exchanged. It may be published in journals, magazines or public print with permission from Mercedes Kirkel. E-mail: aloha@intotheheart.org  *
Mercedes Kirkel is a channel and spiritual guide, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene, Lady Mary, Archangel Michael, Isis, Yeshua, and other beings of light, as well as Akashic Record Readings. She is currently working on a book entitled Messages from Mary Magdalene.
To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to
http://www.intotheheart.org/ and request to be added to the mailing list.
Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to
www.intotheheart.org, or contact her at aloha@intotheheart.org  *        

Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Beloved one, any time that the world speaks to you of problems, go quickly to your own temple and to your own sun and abide there in the security of the divine essence, the divine radiance that you are. And then if there is something that has been troubling you, bring it within that light and see how it dissolves into nothing, into light, knowing yourself always to be taken care of, always in the light, for truly that is who you are.
Visit our website: www.Oakbridge.org  *    

HEAVEN #3783
Turn On the Lights
April 4, 2011
God said:
Automatic. Love is automatic. Only you have stepped in and tried to boss love around. You want love to appear on signal. You want to dress it up. You want to whip it into shape.
The word love may be too much for you to handle. Then use the word care. Can you admit that you are a caring person? Can you tell Me that you do not care? You care a lot. Your caring may be skewed, but that you are someone who cares cannot be in dispute. You care deeply even for all that which you say you do not care about.
Perhaps as a child, you did not care about school. Or did you? Even in boredom and antipathy, you cared. You may have cared so much that you turned off your caring.
Later in romance, you cared so much that, when the one you cared about did not return your caring, your caring turned around into not caring.
Will you turn on the lights of your love once again, and just love, and love some more, and, now, in your heart and in your mind, greet all those you had turned your heart from. Allow yourself to care.
Care about yourself as well.
Some would call this caring the same as forgiving. Even erase forgiving, and just admit you care. If you had not cared, you would not have hardened your heart. A hardened heart is a heart that spoke. The heart said: “I will NOT care. I will cast this person or this event or series of events from my heart. I will evict whatever hurts from my heart of hearts. Period. I will not let someone or something stay within. I turn them out. I put up a sign in big red letters: ‘No admittance.’ I put up another sign: ‘Stay out.’”
And so you let discordance in. You close your heart and say: “Hardeners, welcome.” “Firmness, welcome.” “Fierceness, welcome.” “Ice, welcome.” “Grit, welcome.” “Sandpaper, welcome.” “Abrasion, welcome.” And, so, your heart becomes rusted.
Remove the rust by admitting that you do not have a heart of iron. You have a heart of gold. Now melt the gold of your heart so that it can once again flow through every corner of the world.
Your love can be silent. You can carry on love in silence. And yet your love will be heard. You will hear it. You will hear the rush and flow of love, and you will be inundated with it and the love in your heart will open its reserve, and the world will once again be the land of milk and honey. Flow gently, heart of love.
Your heart is meant to change the world. By the love flowing in your heart, the world will change. All your demands and insistence that the world reform are counter-productive. All your instructions are naught. All your knowing better how the world should turn is naught. All your superiority is naught. Love alone prevails.
Start with love. Start love up. Even if your heart has been like an antique car in the garage, turn that crank. Rev up that car. Zoom with it. Restore this garaged heart of yours and let it take off. Let it get going again. Turn on the ignition. Turn on the lights of your heart. Back out of the driveway, and then shift gears. Even an unused boarded-up heart can shift gears.
Heavenletters™ Copyright1999-2011 -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts * In these times when the whole  world needs nourishing, Heavenletters is already proven to stir the hearts and souls of people of all ages all around the world and from  all walks of life. * Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter™, Teacher, Speaker * The Godwriting™ International Society of Heaven Ministries * 703 E. Burlington Avenue, Fairfield, IA 52556  *   www.heavenletters.org  * http://twitter.com/heavenletters *   

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