U-R Looking At Major Changes ...

1.)  Today's Angel Message
2.)  SaLuSa: You are looking at major changes
3.)  Kwan Yin: The Paths Become One
4.)  Alpha Starship Commander Sohin:
      Do not worry about what your future holds
5.)  Let Loose the Bird of Love
6.)  Jeshua - Message of the Day
7.)  Goddess Of Liberty

Isis' Message of the Day -
ID Theft Protection
I normally don't send advertisements about anything. But this is something I believe is needed in the world today where ID Theft is running rampant and this gentleman has invented something I think is worthwhile taking your time to investigate. My husband and I are both going to be using his products.
Go to: http://www.idstronghold.com/  *  And check this out for yourself.
I AM ISIS a "Spritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
~ Lady of the Light ~

Today's Angel Message
Dear Ones. We love you. We bless you. You are a Divine Being that is part of creation. The breath of God/Creator flows through you. Every breath you take is a miracle in action. Every step you take is a miracle in action. Every thought you think is a miracle in action. Know how amazing you are just for being and breathing.
We are around. You see us as the shimmer out of the corner of your eye. You feel us as the wisp of comfort that caresses you. You experience us when you see the love from a child's eyes. Children are so close to us. Know that you are not alone. We bless you. We love you. Bless your hearts.
Cynthia Lee Shelton, LCSW a licensed psychotherapist with 25 years of experience in traditional therapy, psychic intuitive therapy, and healing energy work.
Cynthia has been described this way: "Take the best therapist you have ever experienced along with an amazing healer and psychic - toss in some angels and some pretty interesting guides - and you get Cindy Shelton. Her ability to get right to the essence of you and your problems is awesome. She's one of a kind!"
www.cynthialeeshelton.com/   * 

SaLuSa: You are looking at major changes
August 30, 2010
For some time we have been helping you ease your way into thinking along the lines of the new paradigm. Not only will that lift it onto a new level, but you will also be helping to manifest it. The success of it can already be seen around you, as people are following a new way of looking at life. The realization that it can be much better than you are used to is creating demands for changes, which will bring you what you desire. It is course embodied in the heart of what you know as NESARA, and many of those benefits are ready to be passed on to you. You have been thrown into serious difficulties because of the financial meltdown, and although attempts have been made to overcome it the old system cannot be restored. In spite of the enormous bail out it has failed, and a new system is waiting in the wings to replace it. You will by now have heard of plans to go back to one that is based upon precious metals, and that will produce stability and enable debts to be at least reduced if not completely cancelled. You will also most likely have heard that your tax system has also operated in an unlawful and unfair manner, and that too will be addressed.
You are looking at major changes all around you once the necessary conditions have been set up. We cannot do that directly ourselves but have our many allies who are well aware of what is required of them. Once we have dealt with the problems that beset you on a day-to-day basis, a great feeling of hope will spread amongst you. It will be seen that our promises are truly intended to lift you all up, and return to you that which you have been wrongly denied. All of our actions are set to return you to a point in your evolution that you should have already reached. Those responsible for holding you back will have been removed, and faith in your leaders will have been restored. The dark Ones have reached the end of their reign, and no amount of subterfuge, covert actions or attempts to blackmail or threaten people will restore them to power. The power has always rested with you, and soon you will see your visions of a new world fulfilled. Everything has been carefully planned, and when we move into action it will be swift and very thorough.
The changes to ensure your promised future will be the fulfillment of all that has been planned, and are overseen by St. Germain and a host of heavenly Beings. It has been brought into place over millennia of time, in anticipation of the end times. It was foreseen that the low vibrations on Earth would attract the dark Ones, and what would result from it. Therefore plans were made to remove them as soon as the Light became the dominant energy, and when their power was diminishing. That time has arrived and with the levels of human consciousness increasing so quickly, there is now a higher vibration that is awakening people to the truth. St. Germain is the Founder of a world trust fund that was set up a long time ago. It will be able to support a new financial system and enable a fair distribution of wealth. St. Germain’s message is that you should let Love and Light be your guide as you take your path to freedom, and know that the heavenly hosts are with you all of the time.
The Galactic Federation is well acquainted with the work of the Masters. We have followed their paths on Earth and supported them where necessary. Our work has been largely carried out without announcing who we are, but your ancient records speak of some of our visits and presence in some detail. The dark Ones may have enslaved you, but that has not prevented us from supporting the Lightworkers. We are after all your future, and permitted to help those that are awakening. The dark Ones certainly do not have it all their own way, and they never have. The testing grounds of Earth have been saturated by the blood and life force of millions of inhabitants, and negative vibrations have entered the Earth where they have remained. These energies are slowly being transmuted, and eventually will have been completely removed. Mother Earth will otherwise control her own cleansing, and we will assist. Our objective is to keep the outcome of the changes in check, so that there is a minimum amount of damage and loss of life. We cannot however prevent or interfere with changes that have to be carried out to restore the Earth.
Once we can speak directly with you as the Human Race, there will be naturally an emphasis upon the end times and what is about to happen. It is desired that as many people as possible understand the message, as there is still time for an awakening amongst those who are largely unaware of their destiny. Whatever way you look at it, a decision will be desirable as to whether you intend to take the path to Ascension. Without one, you will automatically find yourself moving into an appropriate vibration to your own. Clearly if the incoming energies have not been able to awaken a soul to their true selves, then they are not ready to make the changes required to ascend. No one can simply come for the ride, as Ascension is a process that requires you to have lifted your vibrations to a matching level. Neither is all lost if you cannot achieve it as life continues to move in cycles, and new opportunities to ascend will always be presented to you.
Acquiring wealth is perhaps the goal of many, because life is considered to be about the survival of the fittest. However, whilst it may overcome poverty or hunger, it will not necessarily feed the soul. In fact although wealth often leads to success, it can also lead to disaster when it cannot be sensibly handled. Happiness cannot be bought, and the simple pleasures of life are not necessarily fulfilling. The happiest people are those that achieve satisfaction by working for their results, and establish the framework for a balanced life. Extremely poor people do have a hard time, and it would be no consolation for them to know that as with all life plans, they would have been agreed beforehand. There is something to learn regardless of what level you live at, and in these important times they can be quite dramatic. Know that you are experiencing your last life upon Earth, as you know it now. However, it is true that it will change very quickly immediately prior to Ascension, and you will taste the promise of a wonderful life that awaits you in the future.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and see both you and Mother Earth beginning to make great headway. The end is in sight, and we will be so pleased to join you and help ensure that you ready for the great upliftment.
Thank you SaLuSa,
Mike Quinsey

Kwan Yin: The Paths Become One
Received by Marlene Swetlishoff
August 28, 2010
Beloved Ones, 
I come today with a message to you that I pray will uplift your spirits. I wish to say on behalf of the Ascended Host that your efforts have not been in vain and have indeed been making a difference in this World. Though you may feel as though you have been plodding along without going anywhere, the truth is you have been traversing different timelines and it has been most confusing to most of you. 
We are at a point where the past, present and future all converge into one whole in spherical time and many past life dramas have been coming into play which have required you to recognize that this is taking place, or to get caught in the dramas of other lifetimes and work your way through them, transmuting and transforming every situation with your Great Light. There has never been a moment when you Dear Ones have been alone, always we stand at your side and offer our assistance. Although you are walking through the valley of the shadow, know that these are the days of your final testings, final initiations. These testings have required that you dig deep within to connect with your own truth and to make a choice yet again, to walk in the Light no matter how dark the night of your Soul has been. 
Each of you chose once again for the Light and because of this, your Light shines ever brighter and covers a greater radius than before and so the Light, your Light, ignites the heart flames of others around you in a greater circumference than before. This puts the onus on you to walk your Path with the utmost honesty and integrity at all times. You have come a long way, Beloveds, and you are on the home stretch. By this we mean months and years, not days. Your sense of time is now speeding up and so this will come sooner than you might think. 
Choose to hold steady your Light to stabilize the energies in your vicinity and call upon us to help you to do this. We can do much to assist you in these times and are eager to help. 
I AM Kwan Yin
©2010 Marlene Swetlishoff
Distributing this message in other forums, etc. is encouraged, please do so with the following guidelines: Include author's credit, copyright and website: Weekly Messages from Hilarion  *  Angelic Gems of Light Messages * To Subscribe Details at:  http://www.therainbowscribe.com  *    
Much Light, Love and Rainbow Blessings,


Alpha Starship Commander Sohin:
Do not worry about what your future holds
Channeled by Kris-Won
August 28, 2010

Greetings from Alpha Starship!
Despite the painful events that are occurring in some localized spots on the planet, realize that people of all nations of the world continue with their local festivities, enjoying their family lives, or sharing their leisure time with friends. And those that reflect this attitude are the majority. You can go to a village in Africa, India, including Haiti, after all that has happened, and is happening, but nonetheless still see children playing happily in the streets of their village, their town or their city.
The sorrows are soon forgotten, and man recovers his joy and spontaneity, because his true nature is to be happy. Nobody wants to suffer in their life for a long time, and people try to shorten any pain and to return to adopt a happy attitude as quickly as possible. The human being, once he has harmonized and balanced the scale of all wrong doings with the altruistic actions of his past, of all the lives spent on this planet, takes on the state of bliss that corresponds truly to a human being, because he is a creation of the Divine Creator made in essence, in His very image and likeness. This Act, valid and applicable to all human beings on the planet, is also reflected in the times that we are now living, in transition towards a New Age of Light.
When a human or animal becomes ill, after an incubation period of the illness, there is a small crisis before the body expels of its ailment and recovers its health and well-being again. This situation also occurs in Gaia, in your beloved Planet Earth, which is also an intelligent living organism itself. So before this Planetary Being who gives you shelter disposes itself of the "illness" that it has, as a result of misuse made by its cells (the human beings) from the energies and materials available to him, it is necessary, before complete healing, to pass through an intermediate stage, though of short duration, so that it (Gaia) can free itself of the few cancer cells that are preventing its body from being a healthy body.
For this fact to take place, some cells must be disposed of from the body of Gaia, so that other cells are able to enjoy a healthy future, full and happy. But if you look carefully, there are many more good and peaceful people in the world than mean and evil ones, therefore the vast majority of you will continue living your lives as embodied beings on this planet, and only a small fraction of humans will leave their bodies to enter into other bodies, but on other planets further behind in evolution from Gaia.
The Earth, the world that it hosts, is a very special planet; it is of great relevance to the planets of your Local Universe.
(I am forced to cut, much to my regret, communication with Sohin for two compelling reasons, and after a brief pause and asking for forgiveness from Sohin, I try to establish telepathic contact with him).
I see people concerned about whether they will be one of those who will die (I prefer using the term “disembody”) or if they will continue their journey on Earth. But believe me, those who leave their physical body will not die, but will continue their development on smaller planets, so there is nothing to fear. The life of the Spirit never ceases, and you still have many lives to live on this or other advanced planets, unless you choose not to embody anymore and to establish your homes on more subtle planes, where there is no need to surround yourself with a body of flesh.
Do not worry about what your future holds, because your fate is already predetermined, whether you worry about it or not. From this, what you can be sure of is what the future will hold for you with respect to the evolution of your soul, which will continue towards the state of Perfection that is the zenith, the final stage of all souls.
Live happily, and enjoy with us these times of transition for Earth into the New Being that it will soon become, and with it, all of you.
Peace and Love,
Commander Sohin
Kris-Won was born in the Island of Mallorca (Spain) in the Mediterranean Sea in 1961, where he currently resides. He got the gift of channeling when he was 21 years old, while he belonged to a spiritual group in Palma de Mallorca. He has traveled to countries with ancient cultures of undeniable spiritual influence such as India, Mexico and Egypt. In 1985 he personally met the Indian Master Sathya Sai Baba. His teachings and guidance influenced his life profoundly, so he dedicated himself to translating a great deal of Sathya Sai Baba's teachings to Spanish during the last 10 years. By late 2009, he joined our group of translators and began to translate other channelers' messages. Shortly after that, Alpha Starship began to dictate him their first messages.   *    

HEAVEN #3566
Let Loose the Bird of Love
August 30, 2010
God said:
You say you are tired of heartache. Why then do you still have it? If you were really tired of heartache, you would be without it. You carry it along for some reason beyond understanding. It must be that heartache is like water that fills the crevices of your heart. While your heart feels so forlorn, it is filling itself up with the water of life. Perhaps you feel that if you abandon heartache, you are abandoning your heart altogether. You will even accept heartache over the chance that you might not feel at all. Perhaps you feel that emptiness could be more fatal than heartache.
Nevertheless, you cannot give up on love. Is not heartache the other side of the coin of love? Isn’t heartache a little bit like stamping your foot except it is your heart you stomp on, and you leave it with an ache? Your heart knows it is supposed to be love and nothing but love, and so it aches, and so you mourn for the love you are not able to find in your own heart at this moment. You let your heart dabble in love, and now you know you were only dabbling. If you had not been dabbling, you wouldn’t be feeling bereft now. It is not that love eludes you. It is that you lay down conditions, and you stick to the conditions rather than love.
The main condition you make is that you are to be loved in return in every way you believe you must be, and so you are heavy-handed with love. Love, which is a butterfly that must fly free -- you try to grab it in your hand and keep it still, bound where you believe it is supposed to be even. It is your own perceived withdrawal of love for a list of reasons you give that you mourn. Your heartache has nothing to do with the perceived other, for it is yourself that you dally with. You are the one who has to love, not the other. You must get out of the past-dated concept that love focused on you is the heart of the matter. It is your own heart focus that matters. You are the only one who can wound your heart. You are the only one who does. Let loose the bird of love. Let it fly free.
Do not stint on the love from your heart because of an infraction of love that you perceive. And if another does not want displays of your love, then you do not have to have such displays. If the other does not want a name assigned to your love, then you do not need a name. You only need to love, and love does not capture another’s love. Love can only set love free.
What matters most is what your heart does. Sometimes someone wants the nurturing of your heart, and sometimes someone wants you to leave their heart alone. Do not strangle another’s heart with your ministrations. It isn’t that you must withdraw your love. It’s that you must withdraw the suffocation of your love. No one’s heart is in bondage to yours, so, why then, do you feel that you are to call the shots of someone else’s heart? Kiss another’s heart goodbye so it is free to fly, free to alight, free to come back or not come back. Don’t waste your heart in self-appointed misery. Do not wrong your heart. Do not shift responsibility for your heart’s happiness to any other. No one can wrong your heart, nor are you to complicate anyone’s heart. Only your heart belongs to you. Since when are you supposed to own another’s heart?
Heavenletters™ Copyright1999-2010 -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts * In these times when the whole  world needs nourishing, Heavenletters is already proven to stir the hearts and souls of people of all ages all around the world and from  all walks of life. * Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter™, Teacher, Speaker * The Godwriting™ International Society of Heaven Ministries * 703 E. Burlington Avenue, Fairfield, IA 52556  *   www.heavenletters.org  *    

Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Beloved one, the collective consciousness is changed every time you smile; such an easy thing to do. Even in the midst of others who may be going through great heaviness, you choose in that moment to smile and to say, “I know we have come through other challenges, and I know we will come through this one as well.” Know you why you come through it? Because you intend to come through it. Even at a very subtle place, almost in the unconscious, you intend that you are going to come through whatever challenge. You intend to know the good life, the happy life, the blessed life. There is an intention, and that intention has to be fulfilled.
Visit our website: www.Oakbridge.org  *  

Goddess Of Liberty - a cosmic being last embodied on Atlantis where she erected her retreat, the Temple of the Sun, in the area that is now Manhattan Island. She is the spokesperson for the Karmic Board, better known as the Mother of Exiles.
Once a western gate of Atla, Manhattan today is the “Golden Door” for thousands who would yet immigrate to was called the land of the western sun.
Upon the sinking of Atlantis the physical Temple of the Sun was destroyed. Its etheric counterpart remains a major World Center for focusing the flames of the Twelve Hierarchies of the Sun.
[Notes: from Lords of the Seven Rays - Connections to Atlantis and Lemuria]

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