Universe supports your walk toward Truth & Morality








November 7, 2010



Beloved children, this is your Mother Nebadonia.  The universe is your play and training ground for the ascension to a spiritual way of life.  Living on a physical world in a corporeal body has its limitations, especially since you did not receive all of the DNA that is part of your divine inheritance, so there is a plan in place now to help you in your ascension journeys that will take you far into vast domain of the cosmos. This is a thrilling adventure that your human minds can only partially fathom, yet you have infinite potential seeded within the core of your being to help you awaken to your inner journey to Spirit.


Many of you are awakening to this inner adventure and opening to the possibilities that are stirring in your souls.  As we watch you awaken and come out of your human shells, know that much help is at your disposal to gain strength and walk out into the world in a new way.  While this way may seem unfamiliar at first, you are given much trust and courage to make this journey even when so many of your brothers and sisters are still sleeping and have not yet awakened to their potential.  It is by your adopting a playful attitude to your own inner growth process that will keep your training ground joyful and peaceful, and provide a human stimulus to your siblings to open the door to their own hearts and what is contained therein.


So, play and know that you are safe in me, my children.  Your Mother is watching and caring for you as you open and being this journey in earnest.  Your teachers and helpers are by your side, and you have the whole universe supporting you.  Take great care in dealing with your sleeping brothers and sisters, too; being loving and compassionate with them as they awaken to a new reality.  Some will have a more challenging time then others, so ensure you are playing gently with them as they open their inner eyes and see who they really are!
