Unexpectedness of Life

1.)  Today's Angel Message
2.)  SaLuSa: The Day of Truth Beckons
3.)  The Power of Christ Light
4.)  Illusions
5.)  Wisdom From The Ascended Masters:
       "Relationships"  Via The Akashic Records
6.)  Jeshua - Message of the Day
7.)  Unexpectedness of Life

Isis' Message of the Day -
Albert Einstein said, "You cannot solve a problem from the same consciousness that created it. You must learn to see the world anew."
I AM ISIS a "Spritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
~ Lady of the Light ~

Today's Angel Message
Uriel's Message -- Why You Cannot Help Others
Jennifer's note: I asked for this channel today because several of my friends are facing very sad life issues. I cannot do anything for them, other than to send them prayers, love and light. I feel helpless and sad, even though I know that all is in divine order. My question to Uriel was why did this happen and why do I feel so helpless. This is his reply.

Your desire to help others is part of your commitment to be of service to all of humanity at this time. Do not confuse helping humanity with alleviating its suffering. You can reveal alternatives  that will present new potentials for understanding and action but even with the vibrational shifts, new energies, ascension and transformation, karma is still at work and soul contracts are being fulfilled. See beyond emotional consequences to the spiritual fulfillment that is being created . Many contracts involve separation, final resolution and choices that are made without consideration of others' pain or reactions.
You are only seeing the pain and sadness of others, not the full scope of their experience. This is a lifetime experience that represents the completion of energies gathered over many lifetimes within a soul group. Each one chooses the most powerful path they can connect with and although their choices may seem weak and powerless to you, in reality they represent their decision to release energies in ways that make them feel powerful.
Every journey has a happy ending, although how that transpires is not always a joyful occasion for all involved. Many souls are now able to choose outcomes they have never been able to manifest before, and that includes how and when they will end their human cycle. For some this will be to work from the spiritual realms, rather than continuing their path in a human form. For others this will be to experience humanity without spiritual partnership. All of these choices represent a chosen path of experience in this lifetime.
Your help cannot be in the form of altering someone's path, releasing them from the results of their choices, or removing pain from their lives. You can send love and light, see everyone in their most powerful aspects and know that all are choosing from their believed point of power. Allow everyone to fulfill their chosen destiny and release their karma. Remember that all is in divine order and stay connected with spirit, for this is where you will find the peace and understanding you need in these times.
Article Copyright ©2010 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved.
About the author
Jennifer Hoffman is an intuitive, spiritual healer, mentor, teacher and author. She also channels the energy of the Archangel Uriel.  Jennifer has helped many people through the Shift through her unique insights and counsel, facilitating their healing journey. Jennifer is the founder of www.urielheals.com, an on-line spiritual healing and growth center and dedicated to the messages and teachings of Archangel Uriel.  Information about Jennifer's books, on-line seminars and services is available at her websites, or email healing@urielheals.com for information.   *  

SaLuSa: The Day of Truth Beckons
August 27, 2010
We are with you to give guidance, and just one of many sources that do so. In accompanying you to Ascension, we are bound to ensure that you reach it. It is therefore a dual role that is to enlighten you as to what you may expect, and how to prepare for it. Because so many have a rigid mindset new ideas are not easy to accept, but we know that if you are faced with the truth it will have an impact. It is the messages that are conflicting with your understanding that cause confusion. In these instances you will know that we often recommend you go within. When you are told that you have all knowledge within, it is because on a higher level you are the sum total of everything you have learnt. Your difficulty is distinguishing between your Higher Self, and your ego that controls your daily life. That is why we strongly recommend that you make time to find those quiet moments when you can go within.
The way to a greater understanding is much easier if you keep an open mind, and respect those sources that are acceptable to you. You may not necessarily agree with everything that comes from it, but at least set it aside for further reference. As seekers of the truth you will surely have already found that information seems to come to you without you looking for it, and supplies the missing piece that completes the picture. That is how the Law of Attraction works, and proves that what you focus upon will come to you. It has been established that you are not your physical body, in which case you may wonder why you cannot tune into your Higher Self. It is because it exists at a much higher vibrational level than you normally use. Therefore you have to prepare yourself before attempting contact.
In this present time when the Earth is being constantly flooded with Light, you will find that your consciousness levels are expanding. With it will come the ability to commune with your Higher Self almost at will, and we know that many of you have developed such a link. The paradox here is that although we talk of “higher vibrational levels” where your Higher Self is concerned, it is not outside you but within. You are a complex Being with a number of different aspects, and exist on many levels at once. However, that knowledge will wait for a future occasion when you have lifted your consciousness levels to a greater understanding. It is useful to have the idea in mind and as more information comes along, you will be partially prepared for it.
Following the announcement of our presence, you will be inundated with information that has been kept from you. For a time you will be hard pressed to keep up with it, which is why we ask you to keep an open mind. There are few people that are still unaware of our craft, or deny their existence. So confirmation of our existence will hardly come as a shock. That reaction is more likely to come with learning how you have been used by the dark Ones, to achieve their agenda for world control. You placed your trust and lives in the hands of those who should have worked in your best interest. You will find that they were only out to enslave you, and made diabolical plans to achieve it. It is these revelations that worry those responsible for what has taken place, and although the truth leaks out into the public domain, it is much more far reaching than you can possibly imagine.
Until you are able to learn the truth about yourselves and your history, you will remain confused. Upon learning the truth you will be released from the controls placed upon your freedom. Also with a greater understanding of who you really are you will experience a rapid opening up of your consciousness. The obstacles to your understanding will be removed, and you will be given every opportunity to learn the truth from us, and other Beings that will emerge from amongst you. It is all planned and for a while it will be a roller coaster ride, but very enjoyable. The relief of it all will encircle your Earth, and a new energy will permeate everything and bring Love and Light to you all.
Although Ascension is an ongoing process, it is not forced upon anyone. God will not take away your freewill to choose your own pathway, and other options exist. So those who are unready for Ascension will proceed onto a different path, to continue their experiences according to their preference. Many will stay in this present dimension, but not in this Universe which is ascending in its totality. You soul journey is thought of in linear terms, but in reality all experiences take place in the Now. So you can easily switch from one path to another, but only in the same vibrational level. No souls are lost or destined to remain in the lowest dimensions, as evolution is a continual process.
Restoring your true memory has been carefully arranged, by introducing you to teachers who have come to Earth from the Light realms. Their energies have been impressed upon the Earth, and gradually a spiritual awakening has taken place. Even the most closed minds have been stirred by them, and it is because a loving and understanding approach is made. There is no judgment at the higher levels, and we simply see beautiful souls making their way back to the Light. The whole purpose of being in duality is to grow through experience, so why indeed should anyone’s choice be looked upon as different to anyone else’s. Your lives all carry responsibility and your actions are accountable for by you, but once cleared karmically there are no recriminations. Remember that experiences are set up with souls that have all agreed to play out their respective roles. Someone has to take the part of the dark Ones, and believe us Dear Ones – you have all acted on both sides.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and can tell you that the Galactic Federation is pressing for the awaited announcement to be made. Our allies include people in exceptionally important positions who are pushing forward with all speed. The day of Truth beckons, but does rely upon the stage being properly prepared for such a monumental occasion. Governmental changes are so important, and the necessary challenge to those in power is soon to be made. We know it is testing your patience while you wait for action, but the plans have been made and agreed with the higher forces that oversee your future. Timing as always is of utmost importance, and we will know before anyone else when it is right to forge ahead with our plan. The future is in our hands and your Ascension is assured.
Thank you SaLuSa,
Mike Quinsey

The Power of Christ Light
by Jean Warner
All living things on planet Earth (including humans) are made up of photons of light.  As our scientists have told us, photons of light can manifest as either waves or particles, and particles of light can morph into form, as they are activated by mind/consciousness/intent.  The forms we see around us, the trees, the flowers, the animals, even the rocks, are manifestations of light energy.  Every form in our world is basically an illusion, for any of these forms, including our bodies can return into light. 
What conclusions can be brought from this?  For one thing, nothing is static.  Everything is subject to change.  Our world was created through the thoughts and intentions of the God Mind.  We all give Him/Her credit for that.  But, as we have access to the God Mind, we too can manifest or create.  There is only one mind, and we are not separate from the Creator God who dwells within us. But our use of that energy is limited by our failure to recognize this truth.  Oh yes, we often manifest objects or situations on a subconscious level, but we seem to have lost our ability to connect with Light Energy due to our lack of belief that we, as well as everything in our world, are a part of the Creative God Force.
The energy we call God—or any of the many names given to Him—resides in all of His creations, for He is omnipresent (everywhere!).  There is nothing in form that does not manifest from God Energy, even though it may come through one of His creations (or manifestations), for His energy is within all things.
We cannot extinguish that flame of light that abides within our heart.  However, if unused and unrecognized or acknowledged, it can grow dim.  When we begin to realize who we really are: an aspect of the Father/Mother we worship, that light will grow brighter and brighter.  We can then utilize its power.  We are powerful beings, but we have been sleeping for thousands of years.  It is time to awaken and recognize our identity. When the Omnipresent Energy brought forth the Earth and spread His essence over it in the many, many forms He chose to morph into, Earth was considered the gem of the universe. 
For some time we were content in taking care of our beautiful planet.  As time went by, however, we began to see ourselves as separate from our source and, well you know the story.  It just didn’t work!  Now we must realize how things started spiraling downward and that it is time to unravel the mess we have made of our world and re-establish our connection with the God                                                                                                        Energy by using the God Mind instead of the prodding’s of our ego.  So where do we begin?
Actually, we have already begun, thanks to the orbital cycle of our Earth as it leaves the last age of darkness and progresses into the 2,000 years of light, which refers to our entering into the photon belt after a 26,000 year cycle.  Yes, all forms can return to light.  Just as our forms descended into density during that dark period, our bodies have the ability to become lighter and lighter as our frequencies rise.  Remember, light waves become particles, and particles can be molded into form through mind and intent, in other words, consciousness.  We can make the choice to become God oriented.  And because our entire solar system is also entering the photon belt, and the repositioning of our universe, we have the opportunity to more easily raise our consciousness.  In accordance with our progress in this regard, the light within us will expand and we will find ourselves in a higher vibratory level. 
We are blessed at this time also by the light sent to us from other planets and other realms due to the beneficiary planetary alignment of other worlds that are sending their light frequencies to us   as a hand up. Planets and systems moving in their own distinct orbits cross our paths at varying distances as they follow their own paths.  We are receiving help from many higher realms who are eager to lift us up.
However, we must help ourselves if we have chosen to advance. (For every one of us has been given a choice.)  We must be willing to change our perceptions, our goals, and our attitudes.
Here are steps to consider:
Step one:  No more negative thinking.  Have faith in the process.  It is part of the God plan.
Step two:  Start thinking from the heart rather than the mind.
Step three:  Put aside your judgments.
Step four:  Forgive yourself for any perceived wrong doings.  They are part of your past; this is now.  Look at them, acknowledge them, and leave them in the past. 
Step five:  Forgive others.  Not just those who offended you but all those you consider to be wrong or bad.  You do not know what they have been through nor what their life plan of service might be.  (It takes great courage to choose the role of a catalyst. Yet some have done so.)  See the God flame in every being and send them blessings. 
Step six:  Look on the good side of everything.  Stay positive.  Be grateful. 
Step seven:  Be good to yourself:  Get plenty of sleep.  Eat healthful foods.  Drink lots of pure water.  Exercise.  Play more, and be joyous!
Step Eight:  Recognize your sovereignty. 
Step Nine:  LOVE.  Love yourself.  Love others.  Love every living thing, for therein lies the Light of God.
Thoughts to Ponder * www.jeanwarner.com  * © Copyright 2009 Jean Warner  *  Jean's greatest joy is in writing, singing, intermingling with, and learning from, many inspiring lightworkers.  Contact Jean at  *  mary.jean.77@hotmail.com*  1177 Agnes Lane  *  Gilbert AZ  85296  *   

HEAVEN #3563
August 27, 2010
God said:
What is it that makes your heart ache so? How do you account for it? How can a heart be so happy one day and not so happy the next? What cruel joke do you play on yourself? You are the whole story. Your story, no matter how it may seem, is dependent upon you and no other. You can only become disillusioned by illusions you carry. Who chooses to illusion yourself if not you? Do you really need illusions so wholeheartedly?
By and large, your illusions boil down to that you are dependent upon something other than yourself for your share of happiness or, by the same token, the obliteration of your designated happiness. You perhaps carry illusion in order to become disillusioned of it. That you are dependent upon others for your well-being is an illusion that will fall by the wayside. It has to because it is an illusion. It is an illusion by the very fact that it lacks truth. It is not Truth that disillusions you. You can not be disillusioned of Truth. You can only be disillusioned of illusion.
Of course, you can make yourself dependent upon others, yet the life of your heart does not depend upon others. It depends upon you. You make yourself happy or unhappy. Be not unhappy because untruth fades away. You have long learned that because you want something a certain way does not make it so. The world as you know it does not always yield you your dreams, or, if it does, it doesn’t always let you keep them.
What this means is that you are the captain of your own ship. This is the inevitability of life in the world. You are your own consort. Perceived otherness in the world does not always bring you your cup of tea, that which you like to perceive as your cup of tea and which may not be. You may be finished with that cup of tea.
You may believe that your happiness is dependent upon this or that, and yet your happiness is dependent upon you. You are responsible for your state of happiness. No one else is. You made your decisions. You are the one who decided that your happiness depended upon something that it does not.
No one outside you is capable of being responsible for your happiness. This is a Grand Illusion. It may seem so, and yet it is not so.
This is a good thing. You don’t really want your happiness to be dependent upon what wafts in or out of your life.
Come, establish yourself in Being.
Life is you and I as One. You are sufficient unto yourself.
You can bend down and smell the sweetness of an iris. So sweet. You can even pick the iris and put it in water in a vase on your mantel. You can love it. You can adore it. You can love it all you want. Nevertheless, the sweetness of the beautiful iris is here today and gone tomorrow. It gives you its essence while it can, and then it can’t any longer. The iris did not let you down. You know better than to assume that your happiness is dependent upon how long the iris offers itself to you in its splendid moments of full beauty. You aren’t despondent because an iris gives you all it can while it can. You are glad for its gifts. You know better than to blame a beautiful iris later for not sustaining your happiness. You never told yourself it could.
Dear Lady of the Light,
Your beautiful writing about the Statue of Liberty  * 
www.godwriting.org/world-peace/freedom-illegal-aliens.htm  * Thank you so much, dear friend. Gloria *
Have you tried the Heavenletter Cosmic Generator yet? What Heavenletter comes up for you today? It’s kind of like I Ching! If you haven’t tried this yet, click:  www.heavenletters.org/gods-cosmic-loveletters-universe.html   * What message was yours today?  *
Heavenletters™ Copyright1999-2010 -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts * In these times when the whole  world needs nourishing, Heavenletters is already proven to stir the hearts and souls of people of all ages all around the world and from  all walks of life. * Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter™, Teacher, Speaker * The Godwriting™ International Society of Heaven Ministries * 703 E. Burlington Avenue, Fairfield, IA 52556  *   www.heavenletters.org  *    

Wisdom From The Ascended Masters:
"Relationships"  Via The Akashic Records
Through Rev. Michelle Coutant
August 23, 2010

Please explain the concept of seeing others as our Master Teachers.
Dear Ones, you will assist yourselves greatly in your quest to bring harmony and balance into your relationships, when you see each interaction with another as an opportunity to learn.  You may be greatly assisted if you will stand back and see each one in your life as a Master Teacher.  It matters not if it is a close love relationship, if it is a family relationship, if it is a passing relationship with someone you meet in your daily life.  It could be in relationship to someone that your work with.  Each relationship is an opportunity to learn spiritual lessons.  Each opportunity will present you with growth and wisdom if you are willing to see your relationships from this aspect. 
Your relationships are your greatest opportunity for growth, as you will be tested each day, and you will have lessons presented to you each day.  The people, places, and situations you draw to you are the exact people, experiences, and situations needed for you to learn lessons and gain wisdom.  You may simply use the term Master Teacher as you see each person you interact with, throughout the day.  This will be a very simple trigger and a reminder that this person has something to say to you, something to teach you, even if it is a very short encounter.  There is always something to be learned in every situation.  The interaction with another does not have to be one of stress, or charged emotions, to be a situation for learning and wisdom gained.  A simple conversation, may present much wisdom to you, if you are aware that the person you are speaking with has been drawn to you for a reason and has something of great value and wisdom to impart to you.
How can we assist ourselves to be open to this concept each day?
First and foremost, listen, Dear Ones.  Set aside the need to be right.  You ego greatly comes into play when one must continually speak in defense, pressing their own thoughts, beliefs and concepts upon another.  Listen and hear, truly hear what the other person has to say.  Allow them to speak all that they choose to speak and remain silent after they are finished speaking.  There will be a reduction of the charged energy of the situation, if it is one of stress, as the other person will know that they have been heard.  This, Dear Ones, allows you also, the time to choose your thoughts and words carefully, and stay centered in love.  When you remain in the state of love and listen, all can be resolved in love.  Deep breathing will assist you to stay centered in your heart, as you quietly listen.  Holding the thought form of this person as your Master Teacher, will assist you as you listen, and truly hear what it is that the other person has to teach you.  You will find yourselves able to express yourselves more clearly, when it is your turn to speak, when you have truly listened to the other person as your Master Teacher, as you stay centered in love.
Please explain the concept of raising the vibrations when we are interacting with others, to resolve situations which are out of balance and harmony.
Dear Ones, if you know you are about to engage in an emotionally charged encounter, take the time to meditate for a few minutes with the intention of raising your own vibrations to the highest possible vibrations you are capable of holding with ease and grace.  As you become adept in the process, you will be able to do it in only a few moments.  High vibrations will assist low vibrations to rise.  The low vibrations will seek equilibrium with the higher vibrations.  Intend to fill the room with the vibrations of love, intend for the situation to be resolved for the highest outcome for all concerned.  Intend for love, joy, harmony and balance and peace, to prevail.  Breathe deeply and call upon us to assist you to maintain the vibrations in the vibrations of love.  We will assist, you, but you must ask.  Call upon the Ascended Masters, and the angels and all beings of the Divine Law of One, which resonate with you.  We will assist you.  It is Cosmic Law that you must ask, before assistance may be given.
Dear Ones, you will find that miracles occur and situations that you thought had no resolution in the higher light, can be resolved in good will, with the highest outcome for all concerned.  It is the power of love and wisdom and the will to hold these vibrations, which has assisted you and all involved to bring balance and harmony into the situation.
What wisdom can you share with us, to help us to maintain balanced and harmonious relationships?
Beloved Ones, set your egos aside.  In relationships based on Christ consciousness, there is no room for the ego.  There is no room for the lower vibrations, fear, and the emotions of the ego.  You must set your intentions for every moment to be one of the God Self, to be a moment in your Christ consciousness.  You must set your intention to think, speak, feel, and act only in the God consciousness of your Divine Self.  Hold foremost in your mind that each soul is on their own journey, each soul is on a different path, a different journey than you are, and you must hold compassion and unconditional love for all souls.  Do not compare yourself to another, as you will find yourselves lacking.  There will always be souls who are farther along on their spiritual journey than you are, and do not compare yourselves to those that are seemingly not on their spiritual path.  Every soul is on their path at all times.  It is their choices mad e through free will, their thoughts, their actions, their feelings, which determine where they are on their path.  Superiority and inferiority are emotions of the ego.  It does not serve the highest good of any and all when comparisons of the ego are made with another.
Beloved Ones, you must set your boundaries, and hold your personal power in love and compassion as you hold the intention for the highest outcome at all times, in unconditional love.  Maintain your strength and courage with the intention to stay centered in peace and harmony.  You will find that you will indeed maintain peace, harmony, love, and joy even when others around you become unbalanced.  Your inner strength and love will assist them to return to balance and harmony.
Dear Ones, you are meant to walk as Masters. The Master remains calm and heart centered in love and will, wisdom and compassion, even as the Master claims their personal power, with kindness toward all.  It can be done, Dear Ones, and it is a path of great rewards.  As you climb the spiritual mountain, you will find that great strength, courage, trust, and faith will assist you greatly.  You will find that you are never alone and you will be assisted as much as we are able to assist you, as you show your dedication and your diligence and your perseverance to lift yourselves up to the higher realms, to your home among the stars.  Go the distance, Blessed Ones, go the distance.  You have only forgotten the joy, the love, the beauty, the harmony, the exquisiteness of the higher realms.  Each step of the way brings you new remembrance and new beginnings.
Call upon us, Dear Ones, Call upon us in love, in joy, in challenges.  Call upon us.

We are the Ascended Masters, here to assist you on your journey home to the higher realms.
All my Love and Many Blessings,

You may copy and share, with Love and Blessings.  Please copy the message in its entirety, giving credit to the Ascended Masters through Rev. Michelle Coutant, and provide a link to:
www.transformingradiance.com/cosmicblog/   *   Visit Michelle's website at:  www.transformingradiance.com    *   Email:  michelle@transformingradiance.com   *    

Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Beloved one, as you will live the life of the holy innocent Child who delights, delights in this being, even being in the world that can be challenging, others have an opportunity to choose anew. They have an opportunity to feel some of that contagion of joy and freedom that you have the courage to take and to be and to extend unto them.
Visit our website: www.Oakbridge.org  *  

Unexpectedness of Life
by Hillis Pugh
August 19, 2010
Be thankful this day for the unexpectedness of life.
I'm sure we have all heard the phrase "life happens.”  Life does happen whether we want it to or not. Life happening is inevitable. We wake up with a plan, we follow through with a plan, we plan major life events or altering decisions, and we attempt to plan our whole life. As adolescents, we fantasize about the life we desire. We all desire to be successful, live prosperously, have loving family, great friendships and have a great job. Through all of our planning, we forget life is happening. Some of us like to control our life through planning. I'll admit I was one of them. When the plan is followed, we are happy, content, selfish and feel in control. Yes selfish and controlling. It's our "plan", it will be our way, and won't be happy any other way. This selfishness and control creates a false sense of security and the ego finds a new attachment. Ego gets a boost from always being in control, creating a new sense of pride with every plan completed.
Every aspect is controlled by the mind's ego or the human self, which now blocks the spiritual self from emerging. We all have a plan and when it's not fulfilled, we get upset, stressed, or act out. Each plan has your personal interest at stake. Every planned move is like a game of chess. Each move gets us closer to our goal or end game. Then the question becomes, what's next? Not every move made by your opponent, those interfering in your plan or spiritual self can be anticipated. The moves made by the opponent are considered illogical. Our mind tells us no such thing can be done, because it's not a part of our plan or way of thinking. When the move is made it's to challenge our thought process and how we view and respond to "life happenings". The moves made does not have to necessarily come from another person, they can and often do come from the Creator and work through us and others. With higher intervention, it is showing us there is another way to accept life as it happens.
Being one who lived by plans and relying on external sources for my happiness, I can understand the difficulty of accepting life as it happens. We have to open up to realize life is happening every moment, every fraction of every second. When we are so stuck on the "how" or plans of our life, we miss the golden opportunities waiting for us. I know at one point or another we all had a moment where something didn't go as planned, but worked out even better. That was life happening to show you and witnesses no matter what you plan, the Creator has a better one. Life's unexpectedness is a joyous feeling of letting go to surrender to the life happenings created by God and co-created with us. Yes, we co-create our life with God in the form of free will. Now I know you all must be thinking then I can plan my life whichever and however I choose. And I say yes you can. The best way to plan any life is with the help of the Creator, in alignment of your true purpose. Yet, be sure to enjoy the marvelous happenings of life, all the unexpected treasures given. Our human expression is a gift to enjoy. Though all may not happen as you plan for it, remember there is a better one. All is as it should be.
Be thankful this day and everyday for the expansion of the mind to accept life as it happens. Be thankful this day and everyday to enjoy the unexpected treasures life gives us. Be thankful this day and everyday for a purposeful plan being co-created in fulfilling your true purpose.

The Way . . . What way? Which way? Your way. My way. Right way. Wrong way.
A direction proceeded in determining choices signaling to self this is just for you.
Being open to the way asked and created. Looking to higher self and surrendering to what is.
Feeling worthy of the way created and found within the heart of self.
This way. That way. The only way is the one you know being led by your heart.
All original bodies of work is owned and copyrighted by Hillis Pugh aka PHantasm. http://www.thankyouthursday.blogspot.com/   *   

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