Twin Flame or Soul Mate ??


How to Tell The Difference between Your Twin Flame and Soul Mate

A Message For All Twin Flames

How to Tell The Difference between Your Twin Flame and Soul Mate

Physical Realm
How to recognize a Soul Mate
It is Common to Meet Your Soul Mate in the Physical
You may have a life time relationship with your soul mate
You know the person from another life
Please remember there can be many soul mates
You know it is just another episode in personal growth
Feel you have met the person before
Feel you have lessons together
Feel you have met other soul mates
Some lessons are challenging and you may need to resolve something
Its great at first

How to recognize a Twin Flame
You Rarely meet Your Twin Flame in the Physical
Please remember there is only one true Divine Counterpart offering The Holy Reunion or The Holy Marriage that can be in the physical or in soul
If karma for the female and also the male is 95% completed on both sides, they have more of a chance to stay together in the physical in this life
You know the person from the beginning of time
You know you are in completion
Feel you know each other inside out and the discovery can go on forever
Feel complete yet have some lessons together
Never felt this deep before from a soul mate
Beyond the challenges together you know the connection is unfathomable
You know your soul is connected forever whatever happens in personality
Male and Female balance in re-union
You can remember the pain of the split at the beginning of time and upon meeting again heal the memory
You are supposed to be together to share with the world the perfect union
You are destined to be spiritual teachers together to teach the world about twin flame union

The Subtle Grey Areas
For both your Soul Mates and Twin Flame
One partner is more evolved than the other
It is not easy
You are telepathic together
You are not supposed to be together for a long period of time

A Message For All Twin Flames:

Beloved Children of the Light - it is I Azraella. I speak to you as an aspect of Lady Jayne - I am in the Higher, Angelic. I work alongside my Beloved Lord Azrael, and we have been together since the beginning of time. We were caretakers and still are of the Angelic Realms.

Dear Ones, once you were together as one whole force, male and female but as you descended to more earthly existences, became separated and agreed with the Elders to do so. You went on a journey of your own, separate from your Beloved, and only maybe once or twice, came across your Beloved or even married your Beloved in a lifetime or two. But the plan was to lead lives separately; to bring Light separately to the World. Each of you have a certain mission; each very individual in that mission and as the lives progressed incarnation after incarnation, you found yourselves waivering, almost forgetting each other. Thus the darkness fell on many of us, many of you, and it took some lifetimes to clamber out of what you may term Hell to reach Heaven once more. And many of you are in your last incarnation and are about to or have met your Beloveds.

Your Beloveds may even be on the earth plane yet when two personalities come together there can be still some friction even though you know you are true Twin Flames at Soul. So one and the other have to be at the same level of evolvement to truly resonate thus otherwise causing havoc in your emotional bodies so in some ways it is much purer and finer if one is on earth and the other in Soul. For the one in Soul already knows who she or he is in all their Aspects, for all their Aspects make up the One. And mirror each of the Beloveds aspects who remain on the earth, dimmed, from the memory but are awakening to remember. Thus the Beloved in Soul draws them forward to remembrance. So eventually you regain your sight, your bearings, and you regain your continued centredness and feel more and more complete as your Twin beckons you forward, and in His or Her earthly incarnation that remains in Soul, closer to the earth than the higher vibrations of Soul, He or She can almost walk the earth with Thee.

Thus, being seen by thy side; thus you envisaging their presence daily. Having more and more intimate conversations; having more and more laughter, having more and more Light pouring through your entire being. Thus as the Light draws through you, it effects your physical body and yes, it changes the structure; the infra-structure, the DNA of your physical body. Thus your body can learn to be in the Light and as your body becomes more and more of the Light thus you learn to disappear and reappear in an instant with thy Twins guidance. You are allowing thyself to travel the spiral of your being, of your souls essence to reach the Godhead. In the process of reaching the Godhead your inner souls' flame re-ignites and is seen by us and maybe by some in earthly embodiment. Your flame is activated above your crown reaching up to the top five at least chakras, above the crown reaching up to the Christed level and higher. And so you will regain clarity, you will regain divine purpose, joy and balance through your flame being re-ignited through your Crown upwards. For it is so used to being in the body traveling the earth doing mundane activities that are necessary while you are on the earth yet it is forgetting during these mundane activities how to re-activate, until you take time to learn and feel your inner flame.

Dear Ones, you are on the verge of a GREAT discovery. You are on the verge of disovering who you are. You are on the verge of knowing who you are in the many aspects that you conjure up from your soul. These aspects work with the many Soul Beings that are awake, working for God. You are resonating to Soul Families in the many realms that exist in Gods mansions and you will find your Home wherebeit, and you will know your Twin when you find this Home.

You will find many teachers on the earth are being activated to this higher soul awareness thus wherever you live or whatever part of the world you live you will find a teacher who will regain your memory of your Twins existence. And even if your twin is on the earth plane you can still readjust to his or her higher levels as you grow into yours, thus nothing is lost one way or the other - only to be gained; only Heaven on Earth to be gained. As you work with us in soul, you will remember that Angel part of thee, you will remember that Holy part of thee, you will remember the knowledge in one of your aspects perhaps of Medicine, perhaps of Philosophy, perhaps of Science - whatever you care to remain in your Souls presences, will remain. Yet you have the choice, but you do speak with the Elders to ask if these aspects are of sufficient benefit to the Soul family and others who may need this information.

So dear ones, it is many levelled and very complex if you allow it to be so. I will not linger too much to explain the complexities of your Soul but I will linger on sharing the Love of your Soul. For the Love of your Soul especially blended with your Beloved is beyond human dreams, is beyond human language for as Twins we are made from the essence of God and for the most part is unfathomable in His/Her Love and so are you! for it is Eternal. You will be learning new and great wisdom eternally. You will be free as Twins to go as you desire to other galaxies, other planets, to understand all forms of being, all forms of light all forms of intelligence, all forms of emotion, based on Love. For Love is infinite, Love is beauty, Love is precious, Love is All.

For when Love truly ignites its inner flame to its highest point, and Love penetrates your subconscious mind into the body's awareness, into the lower chakras of the physical, you are ignited for this lifetime to travel in Light, in Love and in Service to the Supreme. When you feel this Love, you will know and you will know the Presence of your Beloved through this Love.

Call your Beloved daily every hour if you wish, for this gives Him/Her permission to step through for they do not want to come if you do not want their presence. It is all finely monitored so that you are not pushed in a hurry too forward and you take each step very slowly, subtly and gradually. Dear Ones, you are totally protected in this procedure for at this level there is nothing more than Love, Light and Support from the Elders, from the Masters, from God, from the Solar Logos, from all that have lived forever at this level and have watched over thee. You are protected and you are deeply loved and you are being drawn to where you belong and that is Home with a capital H!

I thee Love with all my Heart and all my being and I greet thee in. Thank you for listening to my words on Twin Flames.



Love, Light, and Blessings, Brenda

