Today's Angel Messages-Channeled

Isis' Message of the Day -
"Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant."

~ Robert Louis Stevenson ~
How everything and everyone is connected. See this series!
New date for repeat of Pilot. . . March 15 
World Premier March 22 check local TV station time.
I AM ISIS a "Spiritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
I wish you Joy, Love & Peace,
~ Lady of the Light ~

Today's Angel Message
Dear Ones. Blessings to all. We of the angelic realms salute you. We know of the journey you are walking as you traverse through life. We know of your struggles. We know of your triumphs. We honor the You of You, your Soul. The greatest triumph is love. As you open your heart to love, you are doing much for both your self and those around you. Be the bridge of love. Bless your hearts.
Cynthia Lee Shelton, LCSW a licensed psychotherapist with 25 years of experience in traditional therapy, psychic intuitive therapy, and healing energy work.
Cynthia has been described this way: "Take the best therapist you have ever experienced along with an amazing healer and psychic - toss in some angels and some pretty interesting guides - and you get Cindy Shelton. Her ability to get right to the essence of you and your problems is awesome. She's one of a kind!"  *   *      

Giving Meaning is Sacred
by Neale Donald Walsch
March 2, 2012
My dear friends...
As I said here last week, there are many areas of life, many situations, in which you may choose to have the Holy Experience. What it takes to experience the fact one is already a Master is to make a commitment to having the Holy Experience every day. Indeed, all day every day, if it is possible. And it is.
Beginning this week we will look into the various areas or aspects of our lives to see, one area at a time, how one may move into the Holy Experience, at will.
Let's break down the average person's life into five distinct areas, then use the weeks just ahead to explore each of them as they relate to the Holy Experience.
Loosely, most people's lives might be broken down into these areas or situations:
1. Yourself
2. Your significant other
3. Your family
4. Your work or chief activity 
5. Your larger life in the world
Of course, such arbitrary "categories" are always deceiving, always incomplete, always fuzzy as to borders and boundaries. Nevertheless, it could be said that, in the main, one's activities during a typical day will involve interactions with either one's self, one's significant other, one's other family members, one's work or chief activity, or one's "larger world" contacts, acquaintances, and outside-of-the-house connections (the clerk at the post office, the lady at the supermarket, the people at the hair styling salon, etc.)
As already noted, there are overlaps, certainly. But let's focus in, for the purposes of this exploration, on those five areas of human interaction.

The Holy Experience and Yourself
This is where it all starts. This is where everything begins, if it is to begin at all. All experience commences with the Self. All experience resides within the Self. All experience is created by the Self. Absent the Self, there is no experience at all.
That is the answer to the classic question: Does a tree falling in the forest make a sound if there is no one there?
The answer is, yes, of course. Yet the tree making noise is an occurrence. The act of someone hearing the noise is an experience. In life, if a thing has occurred but it has not been experienced, its occurrence means nothing at all.
Nothing has any meaning, save the meaning we give it. If there is no one to give it meaning, it has no meaning. Things do not have meaning in and of themselves. There is no such thing as intrinsic meaning. As well, there is no such thing as intrinsic truth.
This is the Holy Experience, right here. The Holy Experience is the giving of meaning to something by us.
It is in the moment that we give something meaning that the most sacred experience takes place.
The experience is pure creation--and that is sacred, indeed. It is the most extraordinary thing that a sentient being can do.
There are two ways to give something meaning: (1) we can pull the meaning from our Past, or (2) we can choose the meaning in our Present, as Highly Evolved Beings would do.
(Once again, this is explained with wonderful clarity in the CWG book When Everything Changes, Change Everything, where will be found an extraordinary explanation of the Mechanics of the Mind and the System of the Soul.)
And we will continue our explorations of all of this here next week. Until then...

Hugs and love,

P.S. The thoughts above come from The Holy Experience, a full-length book that you may download for free at Simply click on the Free Resources icon. *
Neale Donald Walsch is a modern day spiritual messenger whose words continue to touch the world in profound ways. With an early interest in religion and a deeply felt connection to spirituality, Neale spent the majority of his life thriving professionally, yet searching for spiritual meaning before beginning his now famous conversation with God. His With God series of books has been translated into 34 languages, touching millions of lives and inspiring important changes in their day-to-day lives. * ( * Blog: *  *
ReCreation Foundation | PMB #1150 | 1257 Siskiyou Blvd. | Ashland | OR | 97520 *         

Message from The Arcturians
Channeled by Marilyn Raffaelle
March 11, 2012
Dear ones, we come to tell you of the light we see eminating from your planet in an ever increasing intensity. So many are awakening and beginning to understand the bigger picture. So many are beginning to see through the lies and games of those who wish to keep you in bondage and ignorant of your true selves . Do not get hung up on the fear and negativity you may become aware of, but instead try very hard to use that which you become aware of for practice in keeping your energy and consciousness immersed in truth, for this is what will change world consciousness. Your energy of light affects those around you and then will affect the next for all are actually "One."
In oneness you do not lose your individuality, but begin to understand that all individuals are within and of the "One." Many fear losing their individuality as they evolve because this concept has been presented in some teachings and when understood through a third dimensional consciousness, it could be interpreted that way. The truth is that each of you is a vital piece within the whole (Omnipresent Divine Consciousness) much like a jigsaw puzzle with each piece being very important.
The time is drawing very close when you will see and hear information directly, dear ones. Many of those watching, are awaiting the correct time to appear and help, but world energy is not yet ready. There are still many living in the old energy of fear, not quite ready to accept the reality of other nations upon other planets. Much is taking place that you know nothing about because your news does not tell you everything, however that will also change.
This is a grand time for all privileged to be on earth. Many have come simply to assist in your transformation to a higher dimensional planet. Many of your childrenare here with no karma or third dimensional lessons to be learned, but simply to add their light to the process. Try not to push these unusual children into the conventional boxes that society often wishes to place people in, for in doing so you confuse and hold back these dear ones. Much of what seems important to the third dimensional consciousness, resonates as obsolete and irrelevant to these evolved souls--however, not yet fully mature, they can't quite figure out why they are different. Parents need to understand that these children need love, acceptance, and guidelines. Never talk down to or use old outdated modes of discipline with them for this will cause them to simply shrink back from what they do not resonate with but also do not yet understand. Many of those termed "A.D.D." are simply bored as they have already evolved beyond what they are expected to be learning in mostly obsolete school systems.
We wish to talk to you about ascension. Many believe that ascension means a sudden lifting with lots of fan fare into a new world. Ascension is a gradual awakening process. As your consciousness becomes enlightened with ever more truth, it manifests as an ever more enlightened world. Your job is to keep practicing, which means living each truth you become aware of, centering within, and connecting with your higher selves through meditation. This process begins to bring all parts together as one--the higher self, soul, and individuality and this comprises your journey to becoming an enlightened being.
Meditation is important because it opens the door to your higher self and says, "I am ready, give me more." It demonstrates an intention to evolve and allows more truth and information to flow to you. Often an individual will experience some new awareness at a later date and often when least expected, but each new awareness represents the fruitage from the opening of spiritual channels through meditation. Mediation does not have to be the difficult and structured experience that most of you have been taught. Those techniques were necessary in order to move a student from heavy third dimensional energy into the higher frequencies but those higher frequencies are now here. Try not to look at meditation as a difficult chore, but simply as the activity of resting in the space between thoughts in an awareness of "I and the father are one." This then establishes your connection, and these moments will get longer as you practice.
Many of you are feeling the higher frequencies intensely now and are beginning to experience a sense of detachment from the things and people in your lives. Try not to force yourself back into how things were before, believing that this sense of detachment means you no longer love this person or that. It simply means you are graduating--moving beyond the need for anything outside of yourself. The bonds that have held you in a false sense of the world are dissolving. Detachment does not mean a lack of love, it means a lack of bondage to something or someone. Love then becomes more clean and pure; not based on some perceived personal need.
This false sense of love still pervades many of your relationships whether of family, marriage, or friendship. It manifests as an individual's need for others to be, say, or do, exactly as the individual believes they should in order to be loveable or to satisfy some imagined and very skewed concept of love. This false sense of love simply serves to people push away, for all souls feel the need to be free, to be loved and validated for who they are.
Unconditional love is a love without strings and allows freedom of expression to all. To hold another in bondage to one's concepts, needs, desires or expectations is not love. This is the lesson of detachment; the realization that all are already whole, complete, and perfect and that nothing or no one outside of yourself can change that.
You are learning the true meaning of love which is the connecting energy between all facets and expressions of "One Omnipresent, Omniscient, Omnipotent Divine Consciousness."

We are the Arcturian Group
Marilyn Raffaelle
I live in  beautiful  northern Michigan close to  Sleeping Bear National Park and have been on a spiritual journey my entire life.
I began  meditating and searching more deeply in the late 60s. and after many side journeys was led to and  began working with the mystical principles presented in Joel S. Goldsmith's "Infinite Way"  material.  These deeply mystical teachings moved  me into  an increasingly intense desire to more deeply understand and bring together in practice the many  world teachings, modalities of healing, and myths.  This in turn led to a series of intense inner shifts (not all so pleasant) and an  ability to  communicate with my guides and other Teachers  of Light.
I have studied many healing modalities and work as a channel for personal readings but my main interest and focus is to help others awaken into a deeper realization of their innate perfection and reasons for being here.
I was asked by the Arcturians who are my guides, to start a web site which would allow them get their messages of Love and Light out  to the world at this very important time. 
** * *    

Light Streamings: Trust the Knowing
by Carol Fitzpatrick
March 2012
The earth consciousness is changing now, radically so. Seeds of light are to be planted and nurtured as we begin supplanting new growth, new heart-seeds even as the old hurts and pains drop to the wayside. Nature sees no harm, no foul in this endless cycle of birth and rebirth, yet the human mind cannot comprehend the enormity of the rebirthing. Therefore the human consciousness within us tries to stop it or slow it down. 
Our goal in present moment is to be fully aware of our heart, to allow what is to be, without analyzing or over protecting what was. In fact, what was is no more and will never be that again. Our mind's sense of time wants to hold onto the effectual way of controlling the world that we have created within us. That is not possible in this global economy of scale. The upward draft of change is happening so quickly now that any push to stay back or want to be in a different place, other than the one that the soul has mandated, does not work. To resist change, at this point in time, is to disjoint the mind from the soul. 
There are no determining factors here. It's practice, practice, practice of letting go of the mind's need to know, so completely, that peace is the only feeling left in the body. Once this frame of reference is realized, the soul, as felt through the tactile remembrances of the body, will remember its natural state of being. 
We are perpetuating this, [feeling of peace, love and joy] in our own lives now. We have practiced this throughout the ages and have asked ourselves the question. What will it be? Who shall we choose to be at this time in our lives here on earth? There are many answers to this very question, and all answers lead to only one solution. In essence we can never be anyone other than who we already are. We may assume a garden variety of different persuasions, life coverings or even personality switches but, in the end, we are still that which created us. 
The mind within us is not happy about that sometimes but that is okay. We are learning to trust outcomes now and cannot determine our path here on this new earth grid until we do.  Trust is at the very core of our ability to shift the paradigm of the mind away from control and allow the heart of God to do its work through us. 
I have been experiencing my own version of this very learning of late. When presented with a life puzzle that did not seem to fit my version of what should be, my mind went into overdrive to figure it out. I consulted everyone I knew who even remotely might have the answer, but at the end of the day, the answer came through the channel of love. It was those heart to heart connections that led me through the tunnel of confusion to land on the other side of fear. 
Learning to most deeply trust even when there are no obvious answers or solutions is the greatest spiritual gift that we can give ourselves. It's not easy by any stretch of the imagination but it is very simple. 
Simple is the only way to go. 
There is a divine flow that weaves its magic through everything we are and even extends to every thought, feeling and emotion. The God that we are is most evident in the details of our interactions with others. As much as we wish to change the world, our work is right here at home within us, and with those we most cherish. Even in that statement there is a letting go. 
I am constantly reminded, through metaphor, that to most fully appreciate a beautiful butterfly, one must be very still inside. When she lands, be gentle and open. Then, as she flies with all her colors shimmering in the sun, be prepared to experience the wonderment and magic as one of God's creations takes flight. 
We are that and so many of us are in the midst of taking flight in all our glory. There is so much to do but for now enjoy the arrival. Your adventure awaits you as you go forth and manifest your heart's desire in the new earth grid. 
With much love and appreciation,
Carol Fitzpatrick
Carol Fitzpatrick is an avid spiriitual activist. She uses her gift to help others understand what is beyond the fives senses; to help people to see clearer pictures of their lives, and to understand what role they have chosen to play in service to humanity at this critical time. She is clairvoyant, clairaudient, and clairsentient. It is her role as a translator for the Guides, angels and other light beings who are here to share their wisdom that brings her the greatest joy in service to others.
Carol resides in Fredericksburg, Virginia, and is the mother of two grown children.
WB:   *  EM:   *  PH:540-785-7770  *  13313 Country Way Circle *  Fredericksburg, VA 22407  *    

Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Beloved one, there are times for actions and there are times when you use the power of your visioning and your power of meditation or prayer, because there is no separation. You are all as the Christ expressing and experiencing in this human realm, this reality that you have chosen to fashion. If you want to have it differently, who is going to change it? Yes; you are, the Christ. You are going to acknowledge the power of Christ as you. You are going to then suggest actively or just internally the changes that you want to see.
Visit our website:  *    
The Benevolent Blue Light
by Navajo
In the Fall of 2010, I wrote an article entitled “The Nexus Approaches,” regarding the galactic alignment of 2012 and the role the Dark Lords were playing in destabilizing the Earth prior to this powerful alignment. I need to repost this article, in part, as the information, it seems, is still crucial due to some of our most recent current events. In a nutshell lets take a look at a couple of areas…
*The economy is wackier than ever with a slew of global resignations occurring at the highest levels in the banking world, trillions of dollars in fake financial transfers and bonds, and the facts rolling out that the U.S. is actually in way worse economic shape than the Greeks (so why pick on the Greeks?),
*The environment is still under hell and high water as mass animal deaths continue to occur globally (look at this rolling list of animal die-offs in 2012 alone, radiation from Fukushima has far exceeded levels measured at Chernobyl when evacuations were demanded and the Gulf of Mexico’s oil fiasco is far from over, but we seem to be immune to these facts anymore,
*World safety is at a heightened state with war and rumours of more war… I made the mistake of watching a video newscast from Syria where the atrocities I witnessed are, to say the least, heartbreaking, and I could not fully digest that I am still living on a planet where such archaic behaviour is actually accepted. I realized I have had the good fortune to live in an extremely privileged and beautiful world (a protected garden of sorts) that actually exists in the midst of extreme world chaos & turmoil.
I find it necessary to revisit our global decay in light of new information released by two important and respectable lightworkers (Aluna Joy and Barbara Marciniak) whose information is beautifully preparing us for an imminent and extreme shift into the 5th World, as prophesied by all indigenous cultures.
“From that 1987 date until now”, Mr. Barrios says, “we have been in a time when the right arm of the materialistic world is disappearing, slowly but inexorably. We are at the cusp of the era when peace begins, and people live in harmony with Mother Earth. We are no longer in the World of the Fourth Sun, but we are not yet in the World of the Fifth Sun. This is the time in-between, the time of transition.
“As we pass through transition there is a colossal, global convergence of environmental destruction, social chaos, war, and ongoing Earth changes. All this, Mr. Barrios says, was foreseen via the simple, spiral mathematics of the Mayan calendars. It will change, Mr. Barrios observes. Everything will change. He said Mayan Daykeepers view the Dec. 21, 2012 date as a rebirth, the start of the World of the Fifth Sun. It will be the start of a new era resulting from — and signified by — the solar meridian crossing the galactic equator, and the earth aligning itself with the center of the galaxy.” ~ Carlos Barrios, Mayan Datekeeper ~
26,000 years ago, the galactic center of the Milky Way emitted an enormous energetic wave we have come to call the Nexus. It does this every 26,000 years, as they say, there is nothing new under the sun. This emissions are what have caused the tumultuous transitions from each of our previous world eras. If you are not familiar with these facts, simply research indigenous tribes and their 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and soon to be 5th worlds. It is their belief that their have been 5 worlds, each and every preceding world has ended in global upheaval, always heralded by a divine counting system of 5,125 years or so, that is actually keeping a ticktock beat to the 26,000 year galactic alignment. We just so happen to be approaching the 5th of these alignments (hence, the 5th world of peace). This is the grand finale of the play!
What was released all that time ago will soon reach our earth in full strength. The Nexus has its own personal rhythm and does take some time to cross the galaxies and skies. I believe its arrival correlates to the Mayan Long Count End Date of December 2012. Afterall, the center of the Milky Way is where the Maya believe their Creator Hunab Ku resides. Our Creator has sent out an energy impulse, this Supreme Being is blowing us/creation a kiss. Unfortunately, our consciousness resides too far away from our original empowered selves to simply receive that kiss in bliss.
That incoming energy is meant to completely change our world, in other words, to wake us all up to who we are: infinite Gods and Goddesses with incredible abilities and powers. This incoming beam of bluish-white light will alter and restore our DNA from its current state which only uses 3% of its capacities to a renewed state of 100% remembrance. Translated: 97% of what scientist call junk DNA will be reactivated. WoW…a jolt of electricity that courses through our veins, awakening our souls and minds. No one is going to escape this phenomena. Thank you Hunab Ku!
“The human race is headed towards a great change, many spirits will return to the stars and something magnificent is going to happen!” Astral Walker
Ready for the magnificent?
When I originally wrote The Nexus Approaches, we were deeply embedded in a war with the Dark Lords. Things have dramatically shifted since then and I am happy to report the Operation Victory was indeed a success. “Continue on in your fight against those who have oppressed you and who wish to enslave you, and we will continue our fight on our front lines. We will never retreat, and we will never desert you. We will together succeed in this epic struggle, and the forces of Light will prevail against the forces of darkness. So it has been written. And so it shall be.” ~ We are the Galactic Federation of Light.
And, to confirm that I do not live in la,la loo,loo land, take the time to watch Barbara Marciniak’s most recent video, where she clearly gives us a piece of Earth history with these so-called Dark Lords…
The benevolent ET’s, the light ones, are calling us home and their bioluminescent blue-white light is the signal. You can feel this with your heart. I most recently had a Prema-Birthing Session (a type of rebirthing where the Ascended Masters welcome you to Earth in a reprogramming of one’s original birth story (trauma)). My heavenly Mother was a very benevolent Lady dressed in royal blue ropes. I couldn’t quite wrap my mind around who it was… Mary Magdalene, Mother Mary, The Lady of Guadalupe. What does it matter? Her energy was safe, compassionate and filled with unconditional love.
Let us recall the last sign in the Hopi prophecy which states that a blue planet from the Heavens will crash into Earth causing earth destruction, this last sign is what all elders are awaiting as our entry into the 5th world. Possibly, it is not a planet, but an energy wave: the Nexus?
Lightwalkers, we are going home now. We have felt the Nexus approaching for years, even if we could or could not put words to it. Our Creator desires our remembrance and this collective shift to magnificence is welcome. Stay in your heart, the Dark Lords will lose power, we will live in a world dreamed upon by the visionaries, masters and avatars of our history. It is promised and all is well!
We are closer than ever…Our Nexus Approaches onward and forward in these most pivotal times

I send out my blessings,
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