Today's Angel Message - Channeled

1.)  Today's Angel Message
2.)  SaLuSa: Love energy is the Most Powerful One of All
3.)  Galactic Federation of Light: All Have Dreams and Visions for their Life
4.)  Jesus/Jeshua: Expressing Your Soul’s Light
5.)  Jeshua - Message of the Day
6.)  Where Oneness Is

Isis' Message of the Day -
"God gives us dreams a size too big so that we can grow in them."
How everything and everyone is connected. See this series!
I AM ISIS a "Spiritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
I wish you Joy, Love & Peace,
~ Lady of the Light ~

Today's Angel Message
My dear friends, we love you so very much.

In every moment of your lives, the presence of God’s love is coordinating the actions of each and every soul on your planet. Can you imagine that if everyone listened to their hearts in every moment, you would be in a dance that was so beautifully orchestrated it would take your breath away. Relationships would shift and you would all find yourselves in communities of those of like mind and like heart.  Everyone would find their own piece in the beautiful puzzle of life.  All needs would be met, as would be guided to give, and some guided to receive in turn. The flow of God’s love would be unobstructed and would increase in vibration until there would be no distinction between heaven and earth.
So by all means, make your plans and intend what it is you wish to create, but also remain open to the small movements of your heart that may seem unrelated to your dreams and goals, for in truth everything is related.  Every movement in your heart, be it a desire for major change in your life, or a desire for lunch, is really a movement towards love. Each time you listen to these little whispers in your heart you are cooperating with the love that synchronizes all of creation. God moves the stars in the heavens and like the human brain seeks to coordinate all aspects of the human body at any given time, the Divine presence seeks to coordinate all aspects of the human race at any given time. Like nervous signals sent to the cells, firing constantly with new awareness of the body's needs, so too angels are sent out to guide every human being at every moment, in a great and beautiful dance of love.
So listen to the whispers in your heart, and join the dance of creation as it unfolds, one moment at a time.

God bless you! We love you so very much.
-- The Angels
With much love,
Ann Albers
Author, lecturer, angel communicator.  Visit her site at: *
Books & CDs  You can visit my store for all products  *   

SaLuSa: Love energy is the Most Powerful One of All
Through Mike Quinsey
March 26, 2012
In some ways we would say that our mission nears completion, as we approach a time when all of the work put in to release you from the control of the Illuminati is showing results. It is for you the end of the cycle of duality, and for us simply the means of clearing the way for the commencement of a new cycle. It will be a new beginning and follow a continuation of the raising up of your consciousness levels, to allow you to ascend to even higher levels. We too will be sharing those times with you and are very much a part of your future. We are assisting you to eventually become Galactic Beings, and that will be by you rightfully reclaiming your place with us.
What you have now is not your true reality, but one you have created over millennia of time since you dropped down from the higher dimensions. Not a single soul was forced to do so, and each and every one of you freely volunteered for the experience. You did so with complete faith knowing that however much you strayed from the Light, there would be a time when you would be called back and helped to do so. That time is of course now, and in a short time you will know for certainty that you are firmly on the path to Ascension, and that nothing can stand in its way or delay it. Can you not sense the difference already in the energies around you, as they have become more of the Light and so uplifting. Those of fear have been subdued, and when you obtain confirmation of the extent of the arrests and resignations of the dark Ones, that will also help you to live more peacefully.
The freedom that has been denied you for so long is returning, and you will be in no doubt that the old paradigm has been destroyed. The new one is already taking its place and bringing you a new hope and belief in a wonderful future. Some of you have glimpsed it and it has inspired you and changed your outlook on life. It is so different to what you have now that words seem inadequate to describe it, and one notable aspect is the feeling of love that comes at you from all directions. If you have ever experienced such an energy it is likely to have only been a momentary experience, whereas in the higher dimensions it is continually present. You have an expression that "it is love that makes the world go around" and you do not realize how true it is. Indeed it is the lack of love that has torn your Earth apart and made you feel detached from your godself. Love energy is the most powerful one of all, and could change your circumstances in a flash if you were all able to come together in this way. Many of you have experienced what love can do, particularly where it is used to heal. It can transmute the lower vibrations, and that is why you are often asked to send love to those who are of the dark Cabal.
Think upon these things and when you feel that you want to help Mankind, send out love to those who are clearly in need. The results may not be instantaneous but be assured that it helps even if they take time to be seen. The Light can be built upon such as when you use it to protect yourself. If you are not already a beacon of Light, practice seeing yourself as one and you will surely create it around you. You will also find that you will attract other souls of a like kind, as they will sense your higher vibrations. Imagine if everyone around you was of the Light, and you will begin to get a feel of what it is like to be in the higher dimensions. Do not limit your expectations as to what Ascension means to you, as it will set you free from all of the conflicts and problems that beset you now on Earth. In the future you will want for absolutely nothing, and you will find that the Creator has provided for you in every conceivable way.
So Dear Ones, be determined to ride out whatever comes your way between now and Ascension. Do not let anything get you down as whatever happens it will be short lived. If you suffer losses they will be more than made up to you, and remember that you cannot take anything with you into the higher vibrations unless it is compatible with them. That is why no soul can force its way into them, and will automatically find itself at its correct and corresponding level. Understand that you all progress at your own speed, and have had equal opportunities to choose the path to Ascension. So please do not upset yourself should a near loved one choose differently to you, and honor their freewill choice. Loved ones are never far away, and you will always be able to meet again.
Get ready to enjoy yourselves and feel free to express your feelings, as once the changes come out and you see the benefits you will be ecstatic. Celebrations will be the order of the day, and believe us when we say that we shall organize some memorable events and take part in them. Joy and happiness are getting nearer and will carry you all of the way to Ascension. There are difficult periods still to go through, but nothing will last very long and if it creates new needs we will be on hand to help you. We already work behind the scenes and will be pleased when our activities can be more open. Our priority at present is stopping the warring factions from coming to blows, and we have no doubt that we can prevent any attempts at starting another war. You will be appalled and no doubt angry, when you learn of how many times the dark Ones have tried to start another one in the Middle East. We will not dwell upon such unpleasant things, but you need to know who has worked against you over many, many years, often in the guise of working for you.
We continue to closely monitor Mother Earth as there are physical changes happening, and some areas are more prone to them than others. We are not allowed to stop those that are necessary, but will do all we can to alleviate any harm to you and keep extensive damage to a minimum. Conditions could well have been horrendous if the dark Ones had their way, but we have stopped their plans to induce catastrophes to reduce the population of Earth. We know many of you cannot comprehend that anyone could fall to that extent, but with the almost total loss of Light such souls have lost any feelings of compassion.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and thank all of you who have given a hand in spreading not just these, but many messages from sources of Light. They have uplifted so many people, and prepared them for Ascension. God bless you all.
Thank you SaLuSa, 
Mike Quinsey
I receive my messages from SaLuSa telepathically, he is speaking for the Galactic Federation. I have never had the advantage of being able to have a relationship where I can ask questions. I sit down at a specific time to make contact and then I get images or what I call 'packages" of images or words which I translate straight away onto the computer. Since March, 2004 I have been in contact with beings from the Galactic Federation.  *     

Galactic Federation of Light: All Have Dreams and Visions for their Life
Channeled by Greg Giles
March 24, 2012

Each of you will be able to experience what it is that you desire. The limitations of your experience here will be greatly lifted, and you will find untold freedoms to do whatever is you wish as long as you do not violate the rights of another. As long as you abide by this rule, each of you will be free to experience the life that you have always wanted. All of you have dreams and visions for the life you would like to live, and this will all be possible for you if each of you follows this one simple rule; to allow those around you to experience their life the way they would like. If you are able to do this, so much will become possible for you and everyone around you.

Today in your world so many wish to dictate the lives of another. So many wish to impose rules, laws and regulations to effectively govern someone else's life. This will not be permitted in your new world, and anyone who feels compelled to control another's life in this way does not belong in your world and will either have to change their ways or find another place that is suitable for them. This can and will be arranged, as there are many places in this universe for souls to experience the life that more accurately matches their vibrational level. Here your new world will be a place of untold freedoms, as this is your new higher dimensional road map. Each of you will be free to follow your own path, uninhibited by any others who wish to direct you to take the turns they want you to.

Please do your best to always keep this one rule in mind. Today on your books you have countless laws, rules, regulations and policies that govern your speech, your actions, your will, your careers, your social lives, even your sexual expressions. All these rules can be broken down to one, and that is not to violate the free will choices of another. Combining all these laws into one will be much easier than you think once your new world is born and you understand better what your new experience will be like. Do not get muddled down today with trying to figure out how this will all work out and just trust in knowing that there are countless other worlds who have evolved past your current states, and that all of these worlds follow this one simple rule and have gone on to prosper greatly just as your world will go on to prosper greatly.

There has been so much denied you here in this 3rd dimensional world, and it has all been for the sake of your growth, your education, and your spiritual development. Many of you are demonstrating that you have reaped the benefits from these lessons and you are ready to enjoy the fruits of your labors and advance to a new civilization with new challenges and new adventures. This world is blossoming all around you, although it may at times be difficult for you to perceive this. From our perspective, we see your new world only in the Light of Love and a higher understanding, and  it will not be long now before it is time for you all to embark on your new journey and step foot on the fertile grounds of your new Earth.

You will breathe for the first time in many long years fresh air, unpolluted by the contaminants of your 3rd dimensional industry. You will drink water that is pure right from the stream that will invigorate you with vitality. The sounds you will hear will be the sounds of nature, not the sounds of your industrial machines grinding out another dollar for the few who hardly need it. Your crops will be plentiful and they will be healthy, needing no chemicals or pesticides in their growth. You will have the assistance of new technologies to help you keep your planet in this pristine condition, and you will be properly educated on how to maintain a perfectly harmonious balance to all of the ecosystems around your planet. You will be trained in how to monitor all aspects of your new world through your soils, your oceans and rivers, your highlands and your atmospheres. Not again will your Earth become the polluted wasteland that so much of it has become today.

Together we will engage in many projects to purify these portions of your planet that have suffered at the hands of the greedy and the unconscionable. She will be restored to her pristine beauty and condition, and once our mission is completed it will be up to you, the people of this planet, to keep her this way. If you treat her right she will treat you right. This is the way it is, and this is the way it has always been. She will have no necessity to purify herself if you do not give her reason to do so. Forever keep this in mind, as this is something many of you do not understand today. This science will be fully explained to you in due time, and we wish this knowledge to be understood by everyone around your world as it is vitally important for your well-being, as well as your mother planet's.

There are many sciences and new understandings that we will share with you when we can begin openly interacting with you. There are so many worlds who will share with you what they have learned and they will ask nothing in return. You are asked to take this knowledge and apply it to your new world for the betterment of your entire civilization. One day in the future you will have the opportunity to share what you have learned with another blossoming world that can benefit from your wisdom and your willingness to share.

That is how this universe operates, where so many worlds come to the aid of others in offerings of what it is they possess, whether it be knowledge or resources. Your world has so much that you can share with others who would greatly appreciate your gifts, and these gifts are not only in the name of resources, but in the wisdom that you all, through your many lifetimes through the physical, have acquired. Many worlds can benefit so greatly from what you have learned here and they will be eager to listen to your story and the lessons you have learned through all your years of hardship and struggle.

You need to understand that not many worlds have experienced the type of history that you have here, where so much has happened on so many levels throughout so many years. The lessons that were developed for this planet were carefully designed and implemented to give you all the opportunity of such a comprehensive and advanced education. That is why your planet has such a rich tradition and such a rich history, and why so much has transpired here. The education that each of you has been provided is invaluable to this universe, as so many worlds will prosper from the gifts that you can offer.

You will have the opportunity to share your gifts in the days ahead and we encourage you to do this. Just as in your world where one benefits when all the others benefit, the same principle applies to this entire universe, where one world will prosper when all worlds prosper. You will experience this Law on a planetary level, and then you will experience this Law on a Galactic and Universal level. There is so much that you are going to learn and experience in the days ahead, and we look forward to sharing with you all the combined wisdom of the worlds that make up the Galactic Federation of Light.

Science, technology, arts and literature from so many worlds throughout this universe will be shared with you in the days ahead. Your new libraries will be palaces, designed as meeting and gathering places for the sharing of gifts from peoples throughout countless galaxies. These will be beautiful buildings with sprawling hallways and rooms lined with books and tools of higher education. They will be built all throughout your world, and each and every being on your planet will have free and easy access to all of these Mecca’s of higher education. There will be a section in honor of your people and the history of this planet, and beings from all across this universe will gather there and read the words of your story and what you have all gone through to be where it is you stand today.

Your history will surprise even those of you who have lived through it, as virtually all of your past experiences here are not in reach of you today, but in time you will be able to access the records of all your incarnations here and the true history of your planet. You are so much more than you can realize at this time, and so much has gone into making you the being that you are today. You will have the ability to see the bigger picture and understand better why it has been necessary for you to undergo such lessons and endure such hardships throughout your journey. You will be able to trace your history while mapping your development, and see and understand clearly the twists and turns of your path through existence.

Your story is an amazing one, and each of you should be proud of yourselves for how far you have come and how much you have grown. This is why you have journeyed here, and when you set out so many lifetimes ago you had this day in mind and knew that one day you would somehow reach this point, and indeed you have. This is your moment, each and every one of you, and we wish for you it to enjoy it to the fullest, for you have earned the right to be here and all that you have worked so hard for will now be yours.

We are the Galactic Federation of Light.
From Greg:
In recent days both the Ashtar Command and the Galactic Federation of Light have stated they would step up the number and quality of the sightings of their ships, and I wish to make it clear at this time that is all they said, as neither Galactic Command mentioned anything about a mass sighting or any major event on any day.

I have received reports of two separate sightings of ships, both spotted on March 22nd, and both in Scandinavian countries. One was sent to me by Andreas Janson of Sweden, who after reading the messages from the Galactic Commands went UFO hunting with his girlfriend. Andreas states; “15 meters above my car a V-shaped UFO hovered, by 2 cigar shaped ones. There were no spotlights on either of the ships, and there was a lot of movement among the stars.”
Another report was shared with me by Sandra who lives in neighboring Finland who witnessed star-like lights above her building. Sandra states “I think I saw 5 small flying, I thought it was stars, and one big one with really bright lights. It didn't make any sound and it was fast.” Sandra also says that the city newspaper said it wasn't anything but space junk. “I know what I saw” Sandra says, “The big one was kind of really close. I could see it even when it shut its lights off.”
My friend Sam has also reported that he witnessed the V shaped craft over Phoenix, Arizona on March 8th, and I have gotten a chance to view his videotape of the sighting. The tape clearly shows a V shaped craft that appears to be the same type and size as the craft in the above video. He and his wife also witnessed a craft that shined a bright orange glow on Monday, March 19th.       
It is very interesting that the ships witnessed by Andreas and his girlfriend in Sweden and Sam's sighting in Pheonix match the description given to us by the Galactic Federation of Light of large, black, V-shaped craft with lights running down both wings. The cylinder shaped objects that Andreas has also reported match the descriptions of the Mother Ships used by the Galactic Federation of Light. Sandra’s sighting in Finland matches closely what the Ashtar Command advised us to look for when identifying their ships, and Sam and his wife also witnessed this type of sighting this week. The Ashtar Command explained that when witnessing their ships we would see only bright lights, differing from the color of the background of the daytime or night-time sky, as from our 3rd dimensional perspective we would only be able to perceive lights and not the actual design of their ships.
The following UTube Videos posted can be seen at: *  
Sunday, March 25, 2012Ashtar Command Lightship Over Germany 3/23/12 
A brilliant Ashtar Command Lightship videotaped after turning on its outboard lights over Germany
Galactic Federation of Light Mother Ship Over New York City, U.S. 03/22/2012 
Just days after the Galactic Federation of Light advised they would now increase the number and quality of the sightings of their ships, this mother ship was captured on video orbiting over New York City in the middle of the day. At the end of this video, you will see a small scout ship drop from the mother ship.
Saturday, March 24, 2012Amazing Footage of Ashtar Command Lightships in Spain 
Video courtesy of Santiago Martinez UFO hunter in Spain. 
Greg Giles
I am a Starseed, incarnate of the Indigo Ray and channel for the Galactic Federation and my Star Family from the Ashtar Command, an 11th dimensional Osequeq collective from the Star System Tauri C; Amanda, Arisa, Rona, Jella, Morgana, Sophia, Germana, Capella, Jackie, Romana, Angela, Patricia, Anthony, Gifta, Maria, Mercula, Pierca, Ramulete, Augusta, Chevron, Thomas. I have incarnated at this time on assignment to advance my education and assist this planet and its people in their time of ascension to a higher dimensional existence.  
**The Galactic Federation of Light, The Federation Of Light or The Galactic Federation is all One and the same, some channelers may use a different name, and  was founded over 4.5 million years ago to prevent inter-dimensional dark forces from dominating and exploiting this Galaxy. *   

Jesus/Jeshua: Expressing Your Soul’s Light
Channeled by Pamela Kribbe
March 21, 2012
Dear friends,
I am here, I am among you, I am Jeshua. You know me, I am your friend and your brother.
I know what it is like to be human, I am very close to you at heart. And you all are close to each other, for all of you present here or reading this are souls who have come to earth time and again, inspired by the Light, by the desire to change consciousness on earth.
Deep in your heart, you love Earth so much. Of course a part of you has become very disappointed. You have experienced rejection in your lives  on Earth. This has caused pain in your heart, but you have returned, time and again, and at this time of history something is happening. You can feel it in yourself, in your own body. There is a movement in your soul; your soul feels drawn to really expressing all of its light. Consciousness on Earth is now ready for a change, and I know that all of you want to express your soul, this lifetime on earth. I praise your courage. There’s both a dark and a light part to you. In the dark part you can feel very disempowered; you can feel discouraged, and you want to return home. But I tell you: now is the time to truly show the world who you  are.  Don’t be too much impressed by the fear and aggression in this world. You are needed, right now!
How do you connect with your soul and express your soul’s light? You all have feelings, inspirations, desires: they are the language of your soul. As a child, many of you had dreams and visions of another kind of reality. During your upbringing, you may have been told that you shouldn’t be naïve, that you should be realistic; you were discouraged to be different, to follow an alternative way. That’s why it’s difficult now to trust the dreams and visions you have in your heart. Yet it is time to connect again to the calling of your heart. Your soul gives you messages all the time. These messages come to you through your emotions and through your body.
For instance, in the area of work, or in the area of relationships, you often sense that you cannot truly express yourself or that your energy is not truly appreciated. You are very able to sense, to feel, if your energy is received well or not. Be honest about it to yourself. The emotions you feel, which may have turned into physical complaints, are messages from your soul that you are not truly honoring yourself. You have fear of letting go of the old, the familiar. However, your soul often wants to guide you beyond the familiar, into the new.
I now ask you to imagine with me that there is an open space in your heart. You can visualise it as a bowl or a vase, and in it there is still water.  Imagine this place in your heart, and see how flowers are falling into this vase or bowl, and look at the flowers, feel their energy….. this is your soul’s energy. Remember what it was like to be a child and feel completely free, free to dream and envisage any future you wanted. Now marvel at the beauty of this flower…..and perhaps you receive a message from it, telling you about where life wants to guide you to. Let this flower speak to you, and it doesn’t need to be in words; you can simply sense its energy.
Now it is one thing to feel the energy of your soul, like you just did, and another thing to put it out into the world. To do so, you have to receive the energy of your soul not just in your heart and in your mind, but also deeper within, in your belly.  What often happens to you is that you feel inspiration in your heart, and you start thinking and worrying about it: “How am I going to put this out into the world?”, or “How can I make a living out of it?” Your mind starts racing, but the art of receiving your soul’s messages is to receive them fully, which means way down into your belly. Why is this important? The belly holds your deepest emotions. To ground your soul’s inspiration, you have to let the light of your soul shine on the darkest emotions that are part of you. The area of your belly holds old fears, the remnants of deep emotional pain and sadness, and you have to address these in order to be able to express your light. It is only when your soul’s light is allowed to shine on the darkest corner of yourself, that inner transformation and liberation takes place.
This kind of inner transformation is the key to attracting – on the outer level - the work and the relationships that resonate with you. So to express your soul’s light in this world, you need to merge fully with your soul, which means you allow your soul’s energy to go all the way down into your belly. This is really the hard work. It is one thing to feel the inspiration in your heart, a clear memory of oneness and light, but it is another step to reach out from that place of oneness to the parts of you who feel very alone and discouraged. When that happens, you arrive at Christ-consciousness, and you feel deep peace within. Christ-consciousness reaches out to both light and dark. It understands darkness from within. There is no judgement, no struggle between light and dark, from the perspective of Christ-awareness. There is deep acceptance of life as it is.
To connect with the darkest parts of yourself, see them as children who need help. From the soul level, you are their guide and their parent, and it is by embracing your lost inner children that you become whole. That is how your soul becomes fully grounded and present on earth. The way of the lightworker is not to preach about a better world; it is not so much about doing anything anyway. It is about turning inward, on all levels, and truly loving and understanding yourself. When you receive the gift of love, you will automatically give it to others. You have become a light worker even if you don’t do anything specifically with it. You will bring change into the world, simply by being yourself.
I invite you to make a connection between the lightest part and the darkest, most traumatized part of you. Don’t think about it, just feel it. See yourself as an angel, radiant with light and unconditional love. That is who you truly are! Now see a small child approaching this angel. This child feels desolate and alone. Can you receive her or him in your arms? The child is a part of you and wants to come home to you. This is what light work is truly about. Once you make peace with that child, and embrace it, you can feel it in your belly: the child will give you passion and life energy, and you will become a human angel. Your soul’s light will be expressed easily in the outside world and without thinking too much, you will attract what resonates with you in the area of work and relationships. All things on the outer level will fall into place. Expressing your soul’s light begins within, and from this inner work all else will follow effortlessly.
This channeling is also available as audio file. The transcript has been slightly edited for purposes of readability.
Copyright ©2012 Pamela Kribbe - Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this article on the condition that the URL is included as the resource and that it is distributed freely. E-mail:  *       

Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
I have heard many of you ask of me, “Why am I living this life? What is my purpose in this lifetime? What am I supposed to be doing? I want to do what I am supposed to be doing in this lifetime, but I don’t know what that is.” I have said back to you that your purpose is to be: light, love, laughter, joy, upliftment to each and every one that you have discourse with. It doesn’t have to be complicated; in fact, truly it is simplicity itself.
Visit our website:  *    

Heavenletter #4140
Where Oneness Is
March 26, 2012
God said:
A suitcase that you pack for travel does not have to be jam-packed. Nor does the suitcase of your life have to be jam-packed. Nothing has to be crammed in. Allow your life to be easy-going. Allow your life to have extra space. Beloveds, you don't have to fit everything in. This is not meant to be your accomplishment - to see how much of this and how much of that you can crowd into a suitcase or into your life..
Your life, without exertion on your part, will be filled to the brim. Life is expansive. Life is just like that. Even if you are confined to bed, your life, as it is, can be filled to the brim, do you understand Me?
A spectacular book you read cannot have everything in it. There are gaps you fill in. In your life, imagination fills in the presumed gaps of your life.
If you are six feet tall, you are not five feet tall. You can't be a world-traveler and stay home - or can you? The heart and mind travel far.
You are not so tied to Earth and Earth experience as you may think.
It is not a new thought that you are also active in dimensions you have not yet fathomed.
Your conscious activities are not the sum total of your life anymore than your appearance is.
It is not a new thought that you inhabit Heaven. You may think that you are fixed, or that you are in a fix, and yet, even so, you are not bound to Earth. You are bound for Heaven. Heaven is the direction you move toward. This is real Heaven, a state of being where all is possible.
Contrary to popular opinion, you are capable of traversing the Universe and all held beliefs. Any belief that keeps you tied to the past is a held belief. Let your beliefs fly free. Believe more in yourself than all that you have previously held onto.
Beloveds, you have been masters of self-deception. You have too often closed the blinds on yourself. You went so far and no further because you expected that you were capable only so far and not further. And so you captured yourself in a net of confusion and barriers.
Life is not meant to be an accumulation. It is not meant to be a shelf filled with statuettes that proclaim your worth.
I have proclaimed your worth, and I never said that your life was about quantity. How much you have lived is not the benchmark of your life. How much you have grown is more like it. How much you have grown to love is more like it. Of course, there is no prescribed test to your life. You are your life. Your consciousness is your life. Your consciousness moves your life further and higher. There are really not milestones. There are high points, however, high points that go higher and higher and you soar with them.
There is the concept of the present adhered to the past. There is nothing but the present, beloveds, and the name of the present is Infinity. There are no boxes in Infinity. Nothing is stored in Infinity. Infinity is ever-present. It is not even marked in time. It is not marked in space. Infinity is not made of segments. If Infinity is marked in anything, it is marked in absence of time and space, and that is called the Present. Here is where We meet. Right here, right now, where clocks do not tick and there are no lines in space. Here is where We are, or We can say from another angle, here is where two of Us are not and Oneness is.
Have you tried the Heavenletter Cosmic Generator yet? What Heavenletter comes up for you today? It’s kind of like I Ching! If you haven’t tried this yet, click:   * What message was yours today?  *
Heavenletters™ Copyright1999-2012 -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts * In these times when the whole  world needs nourishing, Heavenletters is already proven to stir the hearts and souls of people of all ages all around the world and from  all walks of life. * Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter™, Teacher, Speaker * The Godwriting™ International Society of Heaven Ministries *  P.O. Box 2064, Fairfield, Iowa 52556  * *  *     
Are You Doing What You Came Here to Do?
as channeled by Contemporary Mystic, Lori Daniel Falk
March 23, 2012
A Normal Girl’s Journey to Becoming a Contemporary Mystic
I spent most of my adult life living someone else’s idea of who and what I should be. I believe that “someone” was the media, or pop culture, or whoever created the super woman syndrome complete with the notion that women should try to emulate men in the workaholic professional world, while simultaneously being the perfect wife, doting mother and home maker extraordinaire. I gave it my best shot, but somehow it never quite seemed to be a good fit. 
I started out as a “normal girl” who went to school and got a job in corporate America.  I held positions in retail store management and eventually became a fashion buyer.  (I gotta tell you it never felt quite right … Try to get an empath to negotiate hard core business deals, in the totally superficial fashion industry nonetheless.  Crazy!?!?!)  Fortunately during the mergers and acquisition of the 80’s, I was downsized.  I decided to look at this as an opportunity to try something new and innovative.  So I created Ready-To-Wear Review, a trade publication for executives in the retail fashion industry, which eventually became a renowned international trade journal. You might say I was the “go to” girl when it came to retail fashion trends. So I did what any “type A” Capricorn would do, I authored several books on the subject as well. I covered all the emerging retail trends of the time from “Electronic Commerce: How to Sell on the Net,” to “Resort Retail, Attracting Today’s Busy Woman,” and “Capitalizing on the Billion $$$ Airport Retail Market.” 
And then I Woke-Up!  Literally, I woke up one day and said out loud, “Hemlines go up, and hemlines go down. And in the scope of life, it really doesn’t matter. Nobody dies from it, but if I have to write another story about fashion, I might die.” Hmmmm …. Fifteen years of blood, sweat and tears … and I just couldn’t anymore??? What does one do with that???  Ahhhhh, enter the Dark Night of the Soul …. Severe clinical depression, burnout, chronic fatigue.  Let’s just say I spent a year on the couch and it wasn’t pretty.  Clearly I wasn’t living my life on purpose. 
Then I stumbled upon a magazine with an article on Lightworkers and whatever that was; I knew that I was supposed to be a part of it. Even though I had no idea what a Lightworker was, it was as if someone flipped a switch and a light bulb (pun intended) went on. Somehow I just knew.  It was then that my Spiritual Awakening began … I was intrigued by anything and everything even remotely spiritual …  from reiki, to astrology, numerology, tarot, and even angels …. I just couldn’t get enough.  You see during that “dark night of the soul” period I had asked, no I begged God, to show me what I was here for.  And as soon as I said Yes to being a lightworker it was like the flood gates opened. All the right books, authors, teacher, mentors, etc. just fell in my lap.  It was wonderful! 
"I was thrilled. Clearly I had finally found my Life Purpose, my true calling, my reason for being."

Somewhere in there I started channeling angels and during one of those channeled writings, I was told to become a Spiritual Life Coach.  OMG how perfect!  I had always wanted to be a therapist (but in my family “good girls” didn’t go to college and get masters degrees, they got married and had babies … ).  So here I was twenty years later with something even better … Life Coaching.  I had just barely started my Life Coach Training and was still completing my Spiritual Psychology program, and I already had paying clients. So cool! On top of that my teachers were referring clients to me.  I was thrilled. Clearly I had finally found my Life Purpose, my true calling, my reason for being.  Or so I thought … until one fateful day when I met a wise Shaman, Chief  Robert Tall Tree.  Much to my dismay, he told me that I was quite mistaken … it was only part of my purpose. 
Chief  Tall Tree was doing readings for all those gathered that evening and let me tell you I did Not want one. Not even one little bit!  I just had no desire for him to discuss the details of my personal life in a group setting.  Somehow I must have known this wasn’t going to “go well.”  But avoidance is a moot point around most Shamans, and this one was no different.  After he had read everyone else, he asked me if I was going to finally stop moving around the room and sit down.  There was no wiggling out of this one, so I sat down.  As I did, he asked me what it was I do.  “I have the best job in the world!”  I declared.  “Really,” Chief  Tall Tree asked, “ And what is that?”  “Well I’m a Spiritual Life Coach!” I replied.  “And what makes that the best job in the world?” he asked. “Simple,” I responded, “I get to help people find their joy.”  “I disagree,” was his oh-so- pointed response, “What about your joy???”  He informed me that while I was helping others find their joy, I was not in touch with my own.  Needless to say I was dumbfounded. 
Being a bit of a stubborn Capricorn, I chose to ignore all of this.  After all, he didn’t say “what’ it was I should be doing.  So I continued coaching and teaching and, you guessed it … struggling too.  You see when spirit wants your attention that’s generally how they get it.  They make things a bit difficult. This went on for months. Until one dismal Wisconsin January afternoon, when nothing I was trying seemed to be working, I went back through my divine guidance journal to see what pray tell I had missed.  It had to be something, as nothing seemed to be working.  And low and behold, nearly every channeled-writing I had done in the preceding six months contained a message to Draw. In fact the angels had begged me, no they pleaded with me, “Draw Lori, please Draw!”  But, I had chosen to ignore it. “Draw what?” was my constant question. That made no sense to me at all… so I’d simply move on and ask another question. 
Today I’m no longer living someone else’s version of reality; I’m living mine … and it is, as the Shaman said it would be, filled with joy!
Well that gloomy January day, I decided to humor them. And then it happened … I sat there in front of my altar with a blank piece of paper and the angelic messages started pouring in … they told me what colors to use, what to draw, where to place it, what it meant. It was the most incredible thing I’ve yet to experience in this lifetime. The angels told me to use this medium to bring forth their messages in both pictures and words.  By opening to this process I have seen magic occur before my very eyes.  Plus, with no formal artistic training, I have created art that’s been so well received it has found homes in over twenty countries around the world. Now that’s magic in and of itself. 
Today I’m no longer living someone else's version of reality; I’m living mine … and it is, as the Shaman said it would be, filled with joy! 
In closing, let me leave you with these thoughts ... Are you you living your version of reality? Have you fulfilled your dreams? Are you doing what you came here to do?

The question that will haunt you when it’s time to take your last breath, is not how many people you pleased, but rather, “Did you do what you came here to do?”

Lori Falk
As a Visionary Artist, Spiritual Life Coach, author and public speaker, Lori Daniel Falk is often referred to simply as a Contemporary Mystic. She has been gifted with a new artistic healing modality that enables her to communicate with, and share, the wisdom of the angels in both pictures and words. These Angelic Message Portraits Lori has the honor and joy of creating with the angels; bring a feeling of wonderment and inspiration to all who view them. To date they have found homes in over twenty countries around the world, and have graced the covers of numerous magazines.
Ms. Falk is also the founder of The Crystalline Institute, an organization focusing on bringing spirituality into everyday life.  She is a graduate of the School of Spiritual Psychology, has completed a Coaching from Spirit Masters Certification Program and is a Reiki master. She has been a featured guest on both radio and TV.  Her new book, "What the World Needs to Know Now," Wisdom of the Angels, is currently available at  *  