Today's Angel Message


Today's Angel Message
Dear Ones, How are you today? We have much to say today. We have been full of words lately, have you noticed? There is much in the works. It is time for preparing oneself. By this we mean, filling yourself with the Divine energy, being more of who you are, and listening directly to spirit. Each of you has an amazing gift that you are. Because it is so natural, you often discount the gift. The more you connect to the Divine Energy, the more your gift naturally emanates. It is effortless. Many of you struggle with, why am I here? You are here to be you. It sounds like such a simple statement, but the simplest truths are often the hardest for people to comprehend. Be the Light that You Are. Fill yourself with the love from God/Spirit/All That Is. In the filling, you begin to increase you “intuitive senses” by the very fact that your vibration is raised; your connection to Spirit/God/All That Is becomes strengthened. Be the Light that You Are and Bless Your Heart.
Cynthia Lee Shelton, LCSW


Isis' Message of the Day -
"Nothing can bring peace but the revelation of the individual to himself, and a recognition of his direct relationship to the Universe." 

~ Dr. Ernest Holmes ~


SaLuSa: The Levels of Light You Project Around You = Changes
Through Mike Quinsey
January 20, 2012 
The word of the year 2012 being an important one is spreading, but unfortunately because the Mayan Calendar ends on the 21st. December, it is being taken by some people as the end of the world. That of course naturally evokes fear amongst you, but with the coverage given by the Internet we feel that it will soon be understood thatthe "end" is but the beginning of a new cycle. It is certainly an event that will continue to attract much attention, but will be clearly explained when we have open contact with you. In the meantime, Lightworkers can explain the process of Ascension to those who have been misinformed, or have misunderstood its significance. As you might imagine, as events materialize and it is seen that the media has been freed from censorship and control, freedom of speech will return and be reported truthfully by the media.
Surprisingly, the subject of UFO's although widely discussed and backed by masses of proof, has still not been accepted by many people. Disclosure will put an end to all doubts and it will make our contact with you almost a mere formality. We have done our best to create the right image of the Galactic Federation without pushing too hard, and believe it has in fact been extremely successful. Whatever is done to prove the existence of UFO's and the intelligence behind them, there will always be some people who will remain reluctant to accept it. However, when our existence amongst you is taken as normal, we doubt that many if any at all will still carry their disbelief.
Much is happening right now and we wait for the European financial crisis to play itself out, before we can implement the new system that has largely been accepted by most countries. Our presence will ensure that our allies get the support they will need to carry out the changes involved. At the same time the dark Ones are being driven into a corner, that will enable us to finally put paid to their activities. The removal of the Illuminati will be a monumental achievement and take away their ability to cause any further trouble, and that is high on our list. We can only add that patience is called for all round, as some of these tasks are very delicate and finely balanced. As always keep your sights on the outcome that you desire, and do not let your focus waver.
Already you approach the end of the month, and many of you will realize that time is still speeding up. It is a strange experience for you, and means it will feel as if there is insufficient time to get all of your work done. There will also be odd symptoms to deal with that arise from your bodily changes, including emotional ups and downs. They should however be short lived particularly for those of you who are already aware of what to expect. Tiredness will probably catch up with many of you, and adequate rest is very important if you are to function normally. You may also have noticed how your taste in various things has also changed, and if you ponder the reason you may well find that you are attracted to food, music, literature and so forth that satisfies your higher vibrations. When they were lower it did not matter, but you are now seeking all that is more refined and pure.
All experiences will feed your desire for progress and you are more in charge of what they may be, and also more in control of them. There was a time when you had little purpose in your lives, and were simply going along with the flow in no particular direction. Now you have taken charge and have distinct ideas of where you want to go and how to get there. We and your Guides will back you up and if you need it help is never far away. You cannot however have everything you want, and it must fit in with your life plan that has first priority. You should know by the feel of how your life is progressing, as to whether you are experiencing fulfilment. Just bear in mind that sometimes you will have chosen to go through traumatic experiences, and these are equally as important as any others.
Even if you took a life that was planned to give you wealth and all the comforts that it could provide, it would still carry lessons for your evolution. Sometimes wealth can be a burden and a heavy responsibility, and even create greed and selfishness. It also carries power, and it has been successfully used by the dark Forces to control people to do their bidding, and also fund their covert operations. That wealth has been tracked down, and since most of it was illegally gained it will be returned to the people. It will not be much longer before you learn of changes that are to be made in this connection. It will be the same where a countries wealth was taken from them, and it will be returned to its rightful owners. You will find that once these operations are completed, that there will be more than sufficient to make everyone prosperous. It will be one step further along the path to equality, and the sharing of wealth so that all benefit.
This year will quickly pass and move you on quite rapidly, so that you are raised to that level you should have already reached but for the deliberate interference of the Illuminati. Then you will progress just as quickly to even higher levels that will see you settle in the 5th. dimension. The changes will be most welcome and prepare you to be the Galactic Being that are your destiny. The difference between what you are now to the new Being you will be, is going to be fantastic. At present it is difficult for you to imagine what it is like to have an a greater level of consciousness. Even now you are somewhat more aware than you were just 20 years or so previously. Many of you can vouch for such changes and they will continue, helped by the more powerful energies that are being beamed to Earth.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and Dear Ones I have to say that regardless of how you may think the changes are brought about, much is down to you and the levels of Light that you project around you. It is also due to your powerful intent to claim your rights, and ensure that those who represent you are honest and work for your interests and well-being. Has it not been stated, that we preferred it was you who achieved the goals leading you to Ascension. It does not mean that our loving help would be withheld, and we are always ready to assist when needed, and are an integral part of the work to be done. We are One in our service to you and God, and our Love is ever with you.
Thank you SaLuSa. 
Mike Quinsey


Forward Movement for 2012 Begins
by Rev. Angela Peregoff
January 16, 2012
"The best success I can dream for my life: to have spread a new vision of the world." - Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
The conversion energies of passing from one realm into another will finally be picking up speed after this week. The recent weeks of the New Year have been spent in quiet communication with the Great Awakening energies. As Earth and her inhabitants move closer to our destined change the portal we know as the year 2012 leads to a deeper orientation of placement and position within the structure of Creation. Supernatural forces have reset our inner spiritual energy. The human collective kingdom made a decision to relinquish our lesser modes of being and allow a disintegration of the constrictions of Self we held, of what we thought ourselves to be, and to emerge with a far deeper sense of our true selves, the truth of our Souls.
That act of changing from one use, or purpose, to another is considerably tricky when billions and billions of life forms must make the change unharmed and in tact. Remember, at no other time in history has a planet been able to rearrange its complete structure and sustain life order during that transition. We are the cutting edge "beta test case" for the entire universe right now. Every heart has agreed to bring back the pure intent of Soul and Spirit into life expression. And we are at the exact place within the experiment in which the Elders of Creation are yelling, "They made it! They transitioned the rampant, discordant phase undamaged and ready to commence toward a new equilibrium of light quotient."
So what comes next? As I understand it, we stand within a threshold of molecular reconfiguration. At a threshold that announces to us that we no longer spin in Light, Truth or belief as we have in the past. And this week, as well as the two after, will be like a compression point that is inviting an escape for any attitudes, behaviors, or emotions that would attempt to keep us anchored in a paradigm of illusion and separateness. Look around within your own time and reality to see what is ready for release. Do not make the error of perceiving your current disharmonies as pain and suffering. Instead, reference the situations and experiences as opportunities of liberation into spiritual mastery.
While 2012 will not be without its difficult and provocative points, so much of what you will take from your life experiences will be greatly influenced by how you seed your creative processes as you enter this newest phase of shifted awareness and consciousness. We are now engaged in the New planetary story of evolution that is not going to stop or reverse. All that we have journeyed emotionally, physically, and spiritually over the last twenty-five years has prepared us for this year when our thoughts and intentions will magnetize experiences to us as never before.
Your ideas (whether negative or positive) will appear to manifest almost instantly, as your creative abilities are recognized and consciously directed for the good of the whole. Of course, this also means that collectively held perceptions will also demonstrate almost instant collective experiences as well. Cleary then this is not the time for spiritually evolved beings to be caught napping in some ego-protected cocoon. Determine now that you will live 2012 with resolve to move into a deeper, fuller, vaster, relationship with who you really are - not the who the ego thinks you are.
As you dissolve karmic imprints that limit your own creative power, dedicate all your efforts to the collective process. Know that it is your privilege and your responsibility to bring about an end to the profound levels of suffering and ignorance so rampant in the complicated world of the twenty-first century. You are the one that can demonstrate to the many that a spiritual lesson is present in virtually every event that arises before you. You are the one that can require yourself to transcend, or to cut through, the resistance that impedes your own spiritual empowerment.
As you stand within the entrance of a new planetary pathway it is imperative to realize that external forces can no longer dictate how you live. What happens from here on out is the result of an Inner Self knowing. Use this week as a time of deep reflection into a pool of possibility. Each situation in your daily life is touching deeper aspects of you now. Use emotions that float to the surface as hidden treasures that are revealing the need for change. As the Light steadily increases in pressure and position you will find you are driven to utilize the higher intelligence of your Soul nature and to give up the despondent human wants and needs. Observe this week because energies begin to move forward, making recognition of what blocks your spiritual and evolutionary expansion a bit easier to spot.
As always I honor each one of you plowing through life with diligence, determination, dedication, and declaration on the path to destiny.
Rev. Angela
It is incredible to be here in 2012! To be in a body reclaiming the heritage of the Divine! To consciously be Spirit moving as One creative intelligence unfolding into a higher evolution that spreads its Light farther and farther out until It touches the heartsong of every living thing is truly humbling. I know that as I sit here feeling the power of Spirit within me, in my heart, ever flowing, ever expanding the world and everything in it is doing the same.
As I explore the new spiritual calling that is blanketing the Earth I know the grace of Soul spreads its presence out before me. . . I feel the full embodiment of my eternal Self as it penetrates deeper into this contemporary world of form. I accept my role at this time as the Practice of spiritual principle, right here and now, for the upliftment and benefit of all. I affirm that goodness awaits me and that every time I ask for guidance or assistance that it is immediately given. I relax and breathe for there is nothing that I cannot discover, nothing I cannot interpret because I am backed by the creative power of the universe and It listens and responds in positive, constructive, empowering ways -- always.
I am so great-full for the week that stretches out before me. Thank you, thank you, thank you Spirit for touching me with such fondness; I am so pleased to be given a time when I can consciously repair the connection/disconnection with my Soul. As God's channeled grace I release this word into the law knowing, accepting, allowing it to be true and manifest now. And so it is.
© 2012 Angela Peregoff | All rights reserved.


Complaining in 2012
As received by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan
January 20, 2012
For the last several months we have been inundated by grouchy, complaining people in our furniture store. So much that I actually did a radio commercial about it.  I try to see everything in my life as a blessing and a teacher no matter what the shape or color of the learning. I always look to myself first to see what I may be reflecting from the person/situation and then do my darnedest, in the most human way, to bless the person and situation.
Owning a Furniture store is like going to retail battle everyday. (that’s how you know God has a sense of humor). The populace is angry and upset and feels cheated. Everyone is pointing a sharp finger with four fingers turned back at themselves. Forked tongues have turned into serving spoons, serving up justice in a toxic verbal way.
I try to place the public's angry energies on the weather, the full moon, politics, the price of gas or the Bossa Nova. No matter what is good, there is always something bad that they talk about. It is exhausting to watch. I work real hard at staying balanced in a place of harmony.  I do my prayers and say my mantras driving down back roads in the Smokey Mountain foothills; as soon as I hit ‘the real world’ the real  ride begins. Like riding a bull with heels and putting on mascara with a set of twins in your arms, while getting dinner ready for your in-laws.  Standing as a  light in the center of a three ring circus is not for those weak of nature.  I just take a deep breath and dive into the deep end of the human pool. As the tides turn you are going to have to swim to shore and pray. When you get to the shore you then will become as a Light house, sturdy in your light without jumping in to save the ships. Allowing them to be guided or perish at sea.
2012 is a turning point year no matter what comes our way on any level of life. It is a year to be respected and looked at very closely. Every thought counts. The light and the dark count, your every vote counts and  I am not speaking of politics.
When you complain you are poisoning your future.  When we go around grumbling and complaining we are calling in more of that poison to every part of our life.  When we complain about a pain, we're calling in more pain.  Try to do all things without grumbling, fault finding or complaining.  See the good in every situation and be thankful.  Find some reason in your day to be thankful – this will help dilute the kind of complaining that creates poison in your body and in your life.  
There’s always something to complain about but you need to look very hard to find what’s to be thankful for.  See good around you – be the one to make a difference.  Leave it up to God, the Universe, to fight your injustices.  Until you are at a point of gratefulness right where you are, God is not going to help you change that situation.  Be grateful for what is right in your life instead of complaining about what is wrong in your life.  
Do all things without complaining and you will find the magic and miracles in your life multiply.  When you are in pain or worry, immediately find a point of gratefulness about something in your life. Those thoughts bring you into higher vibration that will assist you and move you past any negative situation.  Look at the half-full glass, not the spilled water under the bridge.  
Gillian MacBeth-Louthan|


Archangel Faith: Honoring the Divinity
Received by Malika
January 20, 2012
Honoring the Divinity Both in Individual Embodiments and the Collective
All souls in creation carry a frequency endowed by the Creator that is part of the whole.  Therefore whenever we honor a frequency, principal or vibration, whether embodied in another soul or not, we are honoring that frequency in everything.  Idolizing an energy outside of oneself is the honoring of that energy without realizing that it exists within one's Self.  The dark has steered society away from the true honoring in the Divine nature of existence.
Each of our souls imbue a frequency that is part of the whole and that also exists in everything else.  The frequency that each soul embodies is naturally mandated to anchor that frequency for the Cosmos.   Each soul also carries the Divine spark of consciousness which is the sum total of all frequencies throughout the Cosmos.  When the soul that embodies a specific frequency is disturbed, then that frequency throughout the rest of Creation is also disturbed.  To heal the disturbed frequency in the universe, we need to heal the soul that anchors this specific frequency.  When we heal the soul that anchors the disturbed frequency, we heal that frequency for the whole Cosmos.  Therefore, it is actually the natural state of being for all souls to honor and care for all embodiments, and the entire Cosmos.  When a specific frequency within ourselves becomes distorted, it is because the soul that embodies that frequency has become disturbed.  The common belief that when we fully heal ourselves, we heal the world, is conditional upon all embodiments being healed.  We truly are so deeply interconnected that one can only be fully healed when the entire Cosmos is healed.  If one were to examine one's own consciousness through meditation, one will discover this truth. 
For example, when one causes a distortion to another's energy field, the distortion spreads throughout the entire Cosmos.  When that distortion is corrected, it is also corrected for the Cosmos.  When ripples are created in the water the ripples spread far and wide
We will find that if a Divine frequency in collective consciousness has been distorted, that the souls embodying that frequency will be distorted.  In order for one to be healed, the other has to be healed.  There is no separation between souls with embodied frequencies and those frequencies throughout creation.  When we take care of one, we take care of all.
