Times Of Difficulty

Isis' Message of the Day -
God Said:
"Let Us start a fan club. We love love. We love. We are love. I am love, and so are you the same. Let's proclaim love. Let's sing its name from the rafters.
"Let Us indemnify love. Let's stamp love approved. Let's pull love out of the corners. No allowing yourself to hide love any longer. Love has been found, and love will be known. Let's start the chapter of a fan club. We will start where We are, and, before you know it, love will have taken over the world and will never step down.
"Who will be first? Who will unabashedly stand up and say: "I am love. God and I are love. God and I are partners in love. Come join. God loves love. Don't you too love love? What is so fair as a day in June? I will tell you what is. Love is as fair as a day in June. There is not one thing that is not love. So love is universal. Love is Unity. Love is Oneness, Wholeness, Vastness. I align with love. What else is there for me to align with?"
* From Heavenletters™ August 14, 2011 * Copyright1999-2011 * HEAVEN #3915 *
*   www.heavenletters.org  * http://twitter.com/heavenletters *          

I AM ISIS a "Spiritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
I wish you Joy, Love & Peace,
~ Lady of the Light ~

Creating a Spiritual Anchorpoint at Times of Difficulty
by Julie Redstone
There is a need, especially at times of heightened difficulty or distress, to have available a spiritual means of anchoring oneself in one’s larger identity so that the challenges of the time can be managed from a place of spaciousness within.
Such a spiritual anchorpoint is not a technique as much as it is a way of contacting an inner knowing that all is held in God including the circumstances that are difficult. This understanding makes the difference between moving through a time of distress with a sense of being upheld and guided, versus moving through the same terrain with a feeling of being alone.
Many souls have experienced a sense of aloneness over lifetimes due to the energies of separation that have actively influenced consciousness, as well as to the nature of physical embodiment which creates, through the structure of the brain, the experience of things being separate from each other.  The inner knowing that all is held in God reverses this isolation.  It allows the outer self to join with the inner, to know and feel that no matter what the difficulty, one’s inner being is safe and secure as are those belonging to one’s loved ones.
The problem in locating such a spiritual anchorpoint lies in the willingness to seek a deeper understanding of events than the one that appears on the surface.  This is often difficult to do for the embodied self because the body, which contains both mental activity and emotions, can experience pain of such intensity that it feels that only the pain is real, rather than that only God is real.  The translation of awareness from the outer perspective to the inner, with a priority being given to the inner reality, can dispel the exclusive hold of physical reality on one’s awareness, even when painful situations arise.  It can relocate the center of consciousness to a deeper place within the self where hope remains and where trust in the unfolding future remains.
This is the challenge of the present time, and it involves the willingness to recognize oneself first and foremost as a soul created by God, and secondly, the ability to hold that recognition as most true, even when painful circumstances surround the outer self.
Holding the reality of oneself as a soul, it is possible, even in the presence of difficulty, to feel held by the spiritual matrix in which the soul lives – the air and breath that God infuses into every aspect of life, including the physical.  This capacity to partake of the divine Breath makes of even painful situations something else.  It allows them to become bearable.  It allows the outer self to feel supported by the larger context which consciousness holds.
The illusion of external reality is that it is all there is.  The role of spiritual anchoring is to dispel this illusion and to create the awareness that God is all there is, even in the presence of pain, even in the presence of difficulty.
Anchoring as a technique can be practiced in many ways: through the breath, through meditation or prayer, through the use of healing tools.  In whatever way one feels comfortable with, anchoring supports the process of shifting from the outer self to the inner, from the pain of the external situation to the peace of the soul. It also permits individual consciousness to separate itself more fully from whatever interpretation collective opinion places on a situation, allowing one’s inner truth to gain ascendance.
This is the nature of anchoring, and at times of distress it needs to be practiced with greater determination and frequency.  Such a practice allows the blessing of Divine guidance and help to flow more freely into one’s consciousness and being, creating greater ease and showing the way through even situations that appear to have no way through.  Blessings. 
Meditative Prayer:
May I be shown the way through this situation, beloved God.  May the way be made clear.  May my soul convey to my mind and heart, that which will show the way.
Julie Redstone is an emissary of the Realms of Light and the founder of Light Omega, a spiritual center that has been given a mandate to assist with planetary change through making available the ancient teachings of light.
Light Omega was founded as a center for spiritual teaching and healing to support those who wish to serve God and Life by putting into practice the sacred teachings of Light.  Such service does not depend on religious outlook but rather on the Divine commitment of the soul to serve humanity’s need to take the next step in its evolutionary process.

Established in 1990 in western Massachusetts, Light Omega is based on the teachings of Julie Redstone. These teachings form the mystical heart and core of all religions. In their present form, they are expressed anew as universal principles, applicable by anyone of any background.
Julie's work in collaboration with the Realms of Light is to bring through both the concepts and energy that are needed so that a new consciousness and way of life can be anchored and established upon the Earth. This new energy is not meant for those of any particular religion or form of belief, but belongs to all.  It is simultaneously an energy of the heart and an energy of awakened consciousness that can recognize Divine reality in and through the mind, heart, and body.
Julie serves the mission of the Christ as does the center that is Light Omega.  This mission serves all of the Earth’s inhabitants in bringing into awareness knowledge of the One Creator and of the One Heart that dwells within all.
Julie Redstone's websites, * www.lightomega.org *  * www.oneworldmeditations.org  *   www.prayersamerica.org   *           

Have you tried the Heavenletter Cosmic Generator yet? What Heavenletter comes up for you today? It’s kind of like I Ching!
If you haven’t tried this yet, click 
http://www.heavenletters.org/gods-cosmic-loveletters-universe.html   * What message was yours today?

Do you or someone you know need a Healing on some level?

I connect you with your own innate healing powers. I AM a channel for the God Light, the Source of ALL THAT IS that has affected some cures, brought relief to some, just give some a jolt of energy that was needed and did nothing for others as they chose certain difficulties as part of their life's path. Like everything in life at a "soul level" healing is a matter of choice. * Healing Hands Of Light * http://mysite.ncnetwork.net/ladyisis/HealingHands.htm
  * Testimonials * http://mysite.ncnetwork.net/ladyisis/Testimonials.htm   *

Do you smoke? Want to quit? Let Archangel Michael Help You
I have a page up on my web site on how I quit smoking in 1988 and am inviting those that want to quit to give it a try. It will work if they really 'want' to quit. That is the key. You have to "want" to quit. All you need do is tell Archangel Michael you want to quit and ask him to take away the desire/addiction. He will take away the desire/addiction . . not the temptation. I guarantee you that you will not "want" another cigarette. You can go read my story if you wish at: http://mysite.ncnetwork.net/ladyisis/smoke.htm *
Dear Isis,
How wonderful, what a Miracle !!!!!!!!!

I smoke really sparingly - a stick or two a day, so no urgency to quit although it was such a dirty habit. After your mail on quiting, I immediately called on Archangel Micheal asking him why he did not let me know earlier for he is my guiding Angel. A few minutes after this transmission, I felt nauseated just at the thought of it; the desire even for company or pleasure just suddenly disappeared.

All glory and praises to Source and Isis.
in Love and Light,