Time 2 Release The Pain {Channeled}

1.)  Today's Angel Message
2.)  Keep Your Eyes On The Prize
3.)  Arcturians: It is time to Release the Pain in Your Heart
4.)  Jeshua - Message of the Day
5.)  Infinity and Eternity Are Yours
6.)  Life's Liberating Scenario

Isis' Message of the Day -
God Said:
"In all actions and reactions, people are revealing themselves. They are not revealing you. When others reveal hostility, they are directing it to themselves. Ultimately, this is how it is. They are trying to get rid of the hostility they carry by putting it on you. By the same token, when you see their swords of anger as directed at you, even as they evidently are pointed at you, then you also are revealing yourself and your own lack of self-love."
* From Heavenletters™ September 4, 2011 * Copyright1999-2011 * HEAVEN #3936 *
I AM ISIS a "Spiritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
I wish you Joy, Love & Peace,
~ Lady of the Light ~

Today's Angel Message
Uriel's Message -- Honor Your Life Today

The life you live today, the reality you have created, is the only one you can have. It reflects your energetic vibrations, history, beliefs and intention. When you judge your life based on the past or a future that has not yet occurred, you dishonor yourself and de-value the reality you have created. The way you create your life, from moment to moment, is as you have allowed it to be, whether your allowing is conscious or unconscious. The Universe does not consider whether you are choosing consciously from your highest intention or unconsciously choosing from fear and habit, it simply honors you and your choices. So to honor your life is also to honor the Universe and your partnership with it. 
There are no other options for you other than those you chose but by honoring your life today, you allow all aspects of your journey to unfold in new ways because it is through your life and the reality you create that you are able to view the manifestation of your energetic vibrations. Unless they take form in the third dimension they are hidden to you, so it is through form that you are able to see and know where you are on your journey. Imagine your life as an image that you can alter through your will, because it is no more than that. Your life details are not as important as the learning and healing journey that they are part of. 
You become stuck in the details, judging and criticizing yourselves for what you feel are mistakes in choices when the details are tiny steps on your soul's path. Each step is important but with your judgment you have a very small perspective of yourself as a divine being. When you see yourself in the fullness and wholeness of your spirit, in the infinite greatness of your soul, then each step takes on a different meaning and you can honor your life as it represents your soul path and the learning that is part of your ascension. 
Honor each aspect of your life today, the lessons and teachers, situations and events, the fears and challenges because they are no more than energetic aspects of your chosen journey. And when you honor them you know them for what they are and do not empower them beyond their true purpose. They are tools for healing, learning, growth and transformation and when you have completed each step of this process you can release that aspect and allow a new one to take its place. As you honor your life, you honor yourself, your lessons, your path and your divinity. And from this place of honoring who you are and your creation, you allow abundant blessings to flow to you as you stand in the grace of your divinity and your power as a co-creator of your reality.
Article Copyright ©2011 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved.
About the author
Jennifer Hoffman is an intuitive, spiritual healer, mentor, teacher and author. She also channels the energy of the Archangel Uriel.  Jennifer has helped many people through the Shift through her unique insights and counsel, facilitating their healing journey. Jennifer is the founder ofwww.urielheals.com, an on-line spiritual healing and growth center and dedicated to the messages and teachings of Archangel Uriel.  Information about Jennifer's books, on-line seminars and services is available at her websites, or email healing@urielheals.com for information.   * Enlightening Life  www.enlighteninglife.com  *  email:Support@enlighteninglife.com *        

Hi Lady Isis.
I can't believe I had to bring this Message (below) through while it was raining fire all around me, but I just kept hearing: "We have it under control, just don't look outside!"  These sure are interesting times in which to have a front-row seat. Right?!
Kindest regards,

Dr. Edwin M. Young
www.WisdomOfTheRays.com *

Keep Your Eyes On The Prize
9/11/11  Ceres  Anthonious  “Toniose”  Soltec
Good evening my friend and thank you for hearing my signal despite the “jangle of vibrations” in the air right now.  Many ones who have awakened and now no longer believe the official lies concerning 9/11 are resenting, ever more angrily, the stepped-up replaying of those lies at this 10th anniversary time by a compliant media.  Indeed, you chronicled many of the lies in the months of your publication right after the event occurred.  Now the perpe-traitors worry how much longer their boat will float in an ever more turbulent sea of growing doubt.  On this front, the financial front, the health and energy fronts, and so many others, The Big Squeeze that I alluded to in my last message (6/27/10) is now well underway. 
Indeed I shall identify myself before we proceed further with this message.  Never feel it to be an offense to any from the Higher Realms to demand such.  The Dark Tricksters work overtime these days, especially in this tenuous realm of subtle communications.  I would expect no less from you!  I am known as Ceres Anthonious “Toniose” Soltec, geophysical commander of this present Earth Transition Project, and longtime friend and scientific colleague.  I am of the Host of God, come in and of the Light of the One who created us all, happy to be of service at this most auspicious time. 
Besides all the natural adjustments being made by Mother Earth herself, great mischief is afoot all around your planet at this time.  Behold, for example, the 50+ fires that were just ignited (and still raging) by very unusual “dry lightning” in your immediate area, literally within a few-hour overnight window.  This we are watching carefully—now on top of a suspicious airplane crash into your local mountains, just a week earlier, that ignited 17,000 acres and set most of an entire residential community on fire (for the second year in a row) on the other side of your town.  Then there was the series of odd personal attacks during this past week, aimed to throw you off from this writing project—and launched before you even knew you were about to be called to duty.  Yes, all around your planet ones are being challenged in one way or another during this time of the “last hurrah” for the Dark Energies and their remaining puppet minions.
This long-awaited upshifting of the frequency band of your planet’s energy signature manifests outwardly in many kinds of human unrest and heightened geophysical activity.  With our oversight and assistance, Mother Earth is constantly making adjustments and otherwise readying herself for what you ones term Ascension.  But more accurately, this amounts to her movement back up into the higher-frequency realm wherein she once resided before graciously offering to host, over these many past millennia, your daring spiritual journey downward into the challenges of lower-frequency duality experience. 
As we monitor the sometimes tumultuous activities of and on your planet at this time, we hear many an anxious and sincere plea among Lightworkers for Guidance concerning how best to be of help.  It is your nature to show such high compassion and desire to be of service.  And beyond that, it is also your nature for each of you to want to challenge yourself, perhaps even overdo things and otherwise take on more of a load than is reasonable or healthy or balanced. 
The reason for this message is to call attention to the fact that, while Mother Earth knows exactly what she is doing at this time, we see many Lighted ones becoming overwhelmed by unfolding events, often feeling helpless, and then distracted from what is actually most beneficial for "You," personally, to be doing, on a constant basis, to assist the Greater Good.  This is something that is seemingly so simple that you overlook its power—that is, find a way, whatever it takes and no matter the circumstances, to achieve, maintain, and radiate an attitude of Joy.  Yes, so simple to state, but maybe not so simple to consistently do, without practice.
You ones have a great cheer that goes: “Keep your eyes on the prize.”  The prize is Ascension.  And Joy is a potent energy-wave that would be most wise to “surf” to surmount being caught-up in the many distractions being engineered and thrown at you, as last-ditch efforts by the desperate Dark Tricksters, to pull you down in frequency, into a state of fear, seeming helplessness, and even utter despair—conditions that energetically feed the efforts of these Dark Ones, while simultaneously disconnecting you from your Higher Guidance and even from the kind of Common Sense that would otherwise remind you to, say, make sure you have emergency supplies. 
Many lessons are unfolding all around your world at this busy time.  Trust that these are tailored for those who need those experiences for their own chosen reasons of spiritual growth.  What "You" need to do is be cautious about vicariously taking on others’ lessons, especially through over-indulgence in the addictive sensationalism all too often screamed at you by your so-called news media sources.  Yes, say a prayer for those you see and hear being affected by challenges that may greatly disrupt their normal life routines, and perhaps even help in some more direct way when and where you are truly nudged to do so.  But it would be wise to not become so fixated (“glued to the tube” as your saying goes) on what is primarily for "Their" experiencing, that you forget to live "Your" life. 
This kind of calculated, low-frequency, media bombardment—actually a subtle and sophisticated form of mind control—has risen to epidemic proportions.  Much that is of a negative sensational nature is being trumpeted even through more trusted “alternative” media sources that not only should know better, but were actually brought into existence to be of positive value and responsible influence at this time.  Please realize that even these sources get off-track, driven by adrenaline and the allure of greater ratings and related revenue rewards.  So always pay attention to what your “gut radar” is telling you as you consider the output of "Any" news source, media or otherwise.  Which brings me to my next point. 
Besides efforting to not become a media junkie, please try also to avoid falling into the trap we observe among some number of Lightworkers who focus an unhealthy degree of attention on anxiously awaiting whatever the next channeled message, that comes across their computer email, has to say about Big Picture events that are really "Our" concern—and may or may not ultimately be accurate for reasons of the “chess game” we play with the Dark Energies.  Now effectively sidetracked by either media scare-hype or alluring Big-Picture prognostications (or both), otherwise well-intentioned Lightworkers not only get disillusioned (“Why hasn’t such and such happened yet?!”), but more importantly, forget to radiate Joy.  Furthermore, we see many such distracted Lightworkers continue to ignore “seemingly insignificant” matters their Unseen Guides consistently place on their doorstep exactly for "Their" personal growth at this special time.  Appreciate that whatever Big Picture plans we have engineered must work just as well for Lightworkers too busy being useful (maybe to even realize they’re Lightworkers), much less glued to whatever the next grandstanding channeled message may have to say.
Over many years of public visibility in professional capacities and for us, whenever this receiver has been asked to comment about various fear-provoking media stories, this one is fond of impishly replying:  “Well, don’t you think it possible that Beings who can create and direct the evolution of planets and solar systems and galaxies and universes, might just be capable of walking and chewing gum at the same time?  Why would you assume nobody’s minding the store?”  In other words, the suggestion is that it would be wiser for you ones to focus on that which is in front of "You" — the challenges and opportunities to serve and grow spiritually that are right there on your own doorstep—rather than get too caught up in worrying about the Big Picture of Ascension that is unfolding, truly, very well under our direction and control.  Do you really think we would, for instance, allow some wayward asteroid to strike Earth and devastate all life onboard such an exquisite schoolroom that we’ve been watching over for eons of time?
Might it not be more useful to pull yourself away from whatever’s being hyped on your media or emails, and, for instance, go check on the elderly neighbor wearily dedicated to caring for her invalid husband?  Perhaps the simple act of offering fresh green beans from your garden, along with a big smile that says you care, would bring great Joy to all concerned.  And what about taking a moment to Joyfully appreciate the miracle of Nature that those green beans represent, and thank the unseen Nature Spirits for their help in tending your garden.  And when you walk back home, surely uplifted from such a heart-felt visit, how does your dog greet you?  With pure Joy, of course!  As you learn to pay more attention to such, you will find that you are often being gifted with Messengers of the Divine—like that Ascension-bound pooch radiating pure Joy from head to tail. 
My point here is simply to remind you, at this time when so much can seem chaotic and senseless, that “keeping your eyes on the prize”—that is, working to radiate an attitude of Joy—is the single most important thing "You" can do, energetically speaking, to aid the entire Ascension process.  Let us sweat The Big Stuff; we really do know what we’re doing.  And if you do get away from that television or computer, and get outside more, and keep your eyes open, you’re sure to spot some examples of our presence for yourself; neither those fascinating cloud formations, nor those dazzling spectrum-twinkling stars on a clear night are necessarily what they are assumed to be by the uninformed. 
So take a deep breath, relax, find something around you to be truly thankful for, and you’ll soon be well down the road to living a Joyful life.  With Joy from my heart to yours, I am Toniose Soltec, teacher and wayshower, friend and fellow traveler along the ever-expanding Road of Life.  May we each honor, through our own unique outpourings of Joy, the One who so Joyfully created us.  Salu.

Dr. Edwin M. Young *  www.WisdomOfTheRays.com *         

Arcturians: It is time to Release the Pain in Your Heart
As received by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan
We herald from the Star and the System of Light known as Arcturus.  We hold keys to Time Gates that are being given issuance to open.  These Time Gates herald situations of healing for all of humanity.  The Time Gates occupy a space which holds unto all that it serves.  As the Time Gates are unlocked, what once served you will be released into a flow that moves away from you.  Everything that you have held unto emotionally, physically and mentally is now given a decree to be released. 
It is time to heal.  It is time to release the pain in your heart.  It is time to let go.  It is time to forgive.  It is time to love, deeper, fuller, more beautifully than you ever have thought.  The Time Gates have held your thinking in a formatted structure that has served humanity up until now.  As long as you had the security of the four walls and the ceiling to rely upon, you were not afraid.  As the constructs of invisible walls and ceilings are released from you emotionally and mentally, you are then free to fly home into your original source thought. 
The walls in your heart, the walls in your life, in your automobile, in your home, in your thinking – have all served you.  They have lovingly served and limited you.  They have kept you looking at the same scenarios over and over again, never refreshing what you thought in the past, always bringing it to the future, to the now, chewing and re-chewing what you created as truth. 
Imagine a world where you own nothing and yet you have everything. There is never envy or jealousy towards another --- for each individual has the same inherent ability to create.  A place where each passing thought creates whatever you need.  Imagine a world where nothing is concealed and all is seen.   Imagine a world where you as a community decided upon the weather patterns, where you as a community decided upon how crops, trees, flowers  would grow and what elements would be inherent within them.  This is a scene taken from Arcturus.  This can be your future if you choose wisely. 
Imagine a world where with a single thought, you could create any healing action that you needed or wanted. Imagine a world where you could see your past/present/future in one sitting. See all the expressions of yourself, all apexes, all mistakes, all loves and angers in situations time after time. Enabling you to choose with full knowledge, and a full heart, your next expression of self.  Imagine a world where you thirsted for knowledge as water. You have explored and experienced all the knowledge of your realm and you seek knowledge from other dimensions and spheres of existence. Seeking knowledge, seeking wisdom, seeking truth from place after place, star after star, experience after experience.  Creating love in places that never knew of love.  Heart in places that had no heart.  Joy in places that had never felt it. 
Your bodies were formed from the stars and they yearn to go home. Allow us to lift you back into the stars while your feet are still on the earth.  Allow us to stretch your humanness beyond its boundaries, complications, angers and its sadness.  Allow us to retrieve for you the knowledge that you seek, the answers that you need.  See us as a cosmic search engine of sorts. 
We stretch ourselves to answer what needs to be answered.  We are not Gods.  We are not grander than you are, but we are your potential, as you are our past.  Strive to become more and in that striving, you will expand your consciousness and your ability to perceive worlds beyond worlds.  See us as those that come to help you heal.  We ache as we watch you trip upon yourselves.  There are so many blocks within your consciousness that you trip over day after day like land mines. They explode as rage in your heart. 
You have forgotten the declaration, “We the People.”  You the people of earth must stand up for your future.  Stop bending to the needs and the wants of a world that manipulates you on every level.  Receive your power.  This time, this day, ask to be empowered with your divinity, with the pinnacle of your humanness, and the star that lives within your heart.  Do not let others decide your future.
The reason that so many star systems will eventually come to earth on every level is that there are many cracks within your world. Not the fissures or fault lines of the earth but cracks within your relationships, your marriages, and your integrity. 
Your earth declares its vulnerability.  Earth is open for all to enter her because she is not healed within herself she is falling apart as are you.  You are not together in your hearts.  You are not together in love, and you are not together in peace as a world or as a family. There is separateness, as a state as a country as a continent, and as a world; there are great deep crevices of separateness.  That is what draws others to earth to take her over, to use her. 
If you stood together as a planet, this would not happen.  A microcosm of that macrocosm that was needed initiate standing together was officiated in your 911 emergency situation. The world stood together for a moment, for a day, for 24 hours.  Everything stopped and life became holy, life became sacred.  We do not want to see you come to that point as a planet, not just two buildings – but as a planet.  Unite in your effort, continually with each other.  Take that extra step toward a neighbor, toward a friend that has betrayed you, towards a family member that disagrees with you.  Take that extra step.  Just starting with the hands of those that read this, begin to wind yourself around earth. 
We are the Arcturians.  Our message brings frown lines to your faces but brings truth to your heart.  That is the place that it shall dwell.  Call upon us to assist you in healing. You are blessed.  Live that!
Gillian MacBeth-Louthan
Gillian MacBeth-Louthan| PO box 217| Dandridge, Tennessee 37725-0217| www.theQuantumAwakening.com  |  TheQuantumAwakening@Gmail.com |      

Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
If the future comes out of your visioning, where is the future right now? The future is right now. As you make it, you are living the future already. So you are, in essence, the power of Now, projecting it into the future as you understand linear time to be.
Visit our website: www.Oakbridge.org  *    

HEAVEN #3947
Infinity and Eternity Are Yours
September 15, 2011
God said:
Insecurity breeds ego. If everyone felt secure within himself, there would be no use for ego. Ego is meant to bolster a flagging spirit, a flagging sense of self. Why would you ever need to be inflated except that you have felt deflated with little sense of self-worth or no sense of self at all?
A man with his stomach full does not have to steal food. What is ego but stealing? You would have no desire to relish ego unless you needed a boost of some kind, even if the boost is false, even if the boost is no more than tinsel, even if the boost is fragile, even if the boost can only let you down as ego does time after time.
Ego is a flat balloon that, when all is said and done, flattens you. It leaves you barren. Yet ego seduces you time after time. Neither debase yourself nor inflate yourself.
When you feel insecure, you are looking in the wrong places.
When you go into a book store, you have a choice of which section to look through. If there is a section called Ego Development, you do not have to go there. Why would you be drawn to it?
In life, if you are looking for gold, would you mine ego? When you seek gold, mine gold.
Ego is a poor band-aid for insecurity. You can find many reasons to feel insecure, and yet none of them has a basis in Truth. The world is fraught with insecurity. Anything can happen. That anything can happen is freedom for you. Humility can happen. You do not need fame. You do not need accolades. You are not alive to defray life. You are here to live it. Ego is not the escape route it would like to masquerade as. Ego is a deceiver. Ego does not give you security. It gives you an illusion of supremacy for a while. Ego is hot air. Ego is bound to let you down. Ego knows only to let you down.
The more your ego is inflated, the more you have to let go of it. Ego is a character out of the comic books. Ego may wink at you. Behind the wink lies a calculating eye. Ego is calculating your fall. The higher that ego raises you, the harder the fall. Ego offers you a flame that is quickly put out. Ego's bluster is far more advanced than what it delivers.
Be free of the need to capture the world. Capture Me. Have Me at your side. Forgive yourself your trespasses and let not ego trespass on you.
Ego has no right to you. You have no business caving in to ego. You do not need the false supremacy of ego. Walk away from ego. Do not waste your time.
Ego, wanting to be first, cuts through the line of simple human beings. If you want to be at the head of the line, try letting someone else go first.
Beloveds, do not sit on the chair called insecurity. Sit with Me instead.
You have Infinity and Eternity. They offer far greater than the myth called security. Infinity and Eternity are the platform you stand on. You are looking for worldly guarantees. Worldly guarantees are false insurance. They do not really exist. Worldly guarantors are false prophets. They are salesmen who do not have the goods to deliver.
Stand on the firm ground of Infinity. Accept Eternity. It is eternal. A little flame of ego can only sputter and go out.
Have you tried the Heavenletter Cosmic Generator yet? What Heavenletter comes up for you today? It’s kind of like I Ching! If you haven’t tried this yet, click:  www.heavenletters.org/gods-cosmic-loveletters-universe.html   * What message was yours today?  *
Heavenletters™ Copyright1999-2011 -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts * In these times when the whole  world needs nourishing, Heavenletters is already proven to stir the hearts and souls of people of all ages all around the world and from  all walks of life. * Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter™, Teacher, Speaker * The Godwriting™ International Society of Heaven Ministries *  P.O. Box 2064, Fairfield, Iowa 52556  *  www.heavenletters.org *   http://twitter.com/heavenletters  *          

Life's Liberating Scenario
by Neale Donald Walsch
September 9, 2011
Hello my wonderful friends...
We have been discussing here the nature of The Holy Experience, and the difference between God and human beings. And one thing we noted is that...
...the difference between Divinity and Humanity is that Divinity seeks only to distribute, and Humanity seeks only to gather.
God cannot gather anything, because God IS everything. Therefore, there is nothing for God "To" gather.
Yet if God cannot gather, and if you are God, then you cannot gather, either.

Perhaps you've already noticed this. Perhaps you've already noticed that, even if you do manage to collect a few things along the way, sooner or later it all disappears. At the end, none of it is there. You go on, but none of it goes with you.
What is it they say? "You can't take it with you."
In fact, it's all starting to disappear right now. You don't have the friends you had. You don't have the stuff you had. You don't even have the feelings you had.

Everything you thought was "you," or that at least helped to define you, has disappeared. There is nothing that is permanent. There is nothing that stays.

Everything goes.
Which is an interesting fact about life.
Everything goes.
And when you understand this, everything goes. There are no restrictions anymore. You can do anything you wish, say anything you wish, think anything you wish, because you're not trying to hold onto anything anymore.
What's the point? You can't hold onto it anyway. It's all going to go away. In the end, if not before.
This may sound like a desolate and despairing scenario, yet the truth is, it's liberating. You can't have anything forever. If you had it forever, the having of it would mean nothing.
The Holy Experience is knowing this.
Each moment becomes truly holy, because each moment ends. It cannot be held onto forever. Not a single moment can. Therefore, every single moment is sacred.
Like a snowflake, the moments fall and form a collection that melts into the stream of our lives that evaporates into nothingness, disappearing from sight but not from Reality, condensing and forming cloudy formations, which then drop down as new snowflakes, new lives, starting the whole cycle over again.
Each snowflake, each moment, is utterly magnificent; cryingly, achingly, tearfully beautiful, unfathomably perfect. As is each life

Hugs and Love,

P.S. The thoughts above come from The Holy Experience, a full-length book that you may download for free at www.nealedonaldwalsch.com * Simply click on the Free Resources icon.
Neale Donald Walsch is a modern day spiritual messenger whose words continue to touch the world in profound ways. With an early interest in religion and a deeply felt connection to spirituality, Neale spent the majority of his life thriving professionally, yet searching for spiritual meaning before beginning his now famous conversation with God. His With God series of books has been translated into 34 languages, touching millions of lives and inspiring important changes in their day-to-day lives. * (http://www.cwg.org) * Blog: * www.TheAlternativeVoice.org  *
ReCreation Foundation | PMB #1150 | 1257 Siskiyou Blvd. | Ashland | OR | 97520 *         

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