Thoughts On Your Current Reality {Channeled}

1.)  Today's Angel Message
2.)  Greetings from the Federation
3.)  Mother Mary and Master El Morya: Thoughts on your Current Reality
4.)  Jeshua - Message of the Day
5.)  Stubbing Your Toe
6.)  Quan Yin: Walking on the Shifting Sands of this Time

Isis' Message of the Day -
Spread the message of light and unity to anyone willing to listen.
I AM ISIS a "Spiritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
I wish you Joy, Love & Peace,
~ Lady of the Light ~

Today's Angel Message
Uriel's Message -- When Are You Being?
The relationship between human and time has always been one you consider as a limitation to your creation. You have to wait for results, to know spirit and heaven, to understand your purpose and life path, to be ready for your connection and so on. Yet the issue of time only exists in your third dimensional reality. All results are measured in the days, weeks, months and years that they take to manifest. Yet this is another third dimensional illusion. When you shift your understanding to higher dimensions you see that time is no more than the motion of energy through the density of illusion. 
The more dense the illusion, the harder it is and the longer it takes for energy to move through it. Since you judge your manifestation results by how much time they take to manifest, you believe that time stands between manifestation and creation yet it is not responsible for any delays. Density, which is a mirror of your being, is what creates time or delays in manifestation. And while the greatest amount of density is created by doubt, fear and confusion, it is the 'when' of your being, where you are in your own individual timelines that creates the aspect of time and the level of density associated with it. 
When your being is grounded in the past, which is the experiences you have lived, your emotional DNA energies, the vibrations you are at and your energetic frequencies, you are being in a space of great density and illusion which is a mirror of the past. This limits the flow of energy movement and activates the element of time in your manifestations. If you shift your attention to being in the moment you remove the density and time seems to go by quickly which is just another illusion created by the lack of density. From the point of spirit, it is only energy movement that corresponds to your own energetic vibration. 
You know 'when' you are placing your being by asking whether you are in the present moment. As you set your intention for each moment, ask 'when' you are being, the point of your timeline where you are energetically. This is the point of your being. You cannot undo, change or re-do the past but you can use that information to create differently in each moment. Stay focused in the present and you will release the density that blocks energy's movement and the illusion of time and waiting, and you will experience instant manifestation as you connect directly and powerfully with the energy that is yours to create with, without density and therefore, without time.
Article Copyright ©2011 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved.
About the author
Jennifer Hoffman is an intuitive, spiritual healer, mentor, teacher and author. She also channels the energy of the Archangel Uriel.  Jennifer has helped many people through the Shift through her unique insights and counsel, facilitating their healing journey. Jennifer is the founder, an on-line spiritual healing and growth center and dedicated to the messages and teachings of Archangel Uriel.  Information about Jennifer's books, on-line seminars and services is available at her websites, or email for information.   * Enlightening Life  * *        

Greetings from the Federation
by Messenger
May 28, 2011
Hello to all who are doing service for us at this time. We send our love and energy to you. We wish to address a certain question raised by factions among you regarding the time line. Yes, there is no way to make a determination with certainty about disclosure. We here are only using our best judgment given the wider information and resources we have available to us about these matters. We cannot control how your governments and individuals make these decisions and how they implement them. Though we could easily do so, it is not of the higher order. These decisions are made by human beings with all the human frailties that come along with your third dimension density. But we are reasonably assured that there is an announcement coming soon that is the gateway to the disclosure process.
We have monitored many conversations involving the power elite in your countries and have done so for a very long time now. We are encouraged by the conversations we are hearing and the diminishment of the Illuminati’s discussions on sabotage. In fact, those conversations have become a trickle. They are replaced now by a certain calm determinacy that this must occur and those who have to do it must bravely move forward to accomplish the task. We have assured those in power that they have our blessings in moving forward in this respect.
The volcanic eruption was a minor adjustment by Gaia in her efforts to “fine tune” the processes she must undergo prior to ascension. We expect no more such activity for a short while in this aspect.
Watch the European business conference for signs that they are discussing disclosure. There is already talk among them of patenting certain already existing technologies so as to capitalize on them once disclosure occurs. They cannot take into account our dissemination of these technologies directly to the people and the people will not allow any more the blind profitization on what is to be freely for the people. One of these technologies will be the devices to “playback” all those discussions that are to be used as proof in your world courts. Use all these technologies wisely and they will greatly benefit all of you.
Smile, for you are of the light and have been invited to be cosmic citizens. There is a great deal of excitement here as we wish very much to show you all the things that have been denied you and to welcome you as visitors to our cultures and societies for those who wish to learn.
We wish to speak directly about a number of “soft” Disclosure releases occurring from your world specifically about video images of various ET species. We cannot speak for all of them, but there are some which are truly images of other species. We believe this is the next level of disclosure planned by your governments as they see a necessity for you to become comfortable with these images. It is part of the planned exposure to our presence on your world. While some of us look like you, some are very different in appearance, and this “conditioning” must occur for you to reach a level of comfort in how we appear to you.
Indeed, we have discussed in our own councils sending you our own images to this effect. Of course, no true consensus has been reached although we are of the position that such would benefit you greatly in this respect. With Disclosure nearer than ever, it may still come to pass.
Most believe that they will be able to accept our appearance once they see our various forms, but even the most prepared among you may still recoil upon the appearance of some species to you. This conditioning, then, is a necessary step in the process and one you can accept as a sign that Disclosure is near. We believe these images will continue to “appear” in your media without word of their origin into the future as you become more acquainted with our various forms.
You have been genetically engineered from long ago towards a tendency to xenophobia. It is part of your biological makeup and something we have taken into account in the Disclosure process. While we encourage your willingness to see us for who we really are, we recognize that you will have a biological urge to “recoil,” as it were, towards certain of our species. Do not look down upon each other for this reaction. Rather, see it for what it is. Know that when we come, we will act with the utmost in diplomacy for your feelings and preconceptions.
We are getting closer now and it is time to prepare accordingly. See these signs around you for what they are. Your level of excitement is directly related to the truth you feel in your heart. Use that as your ultimate filter to guide you in these matters. Be joyous for what is coming.

This writer is a new channel. He said had felt "compelled" to write. These messages he had never received before and he didn't like it. He said he had "no intentions of being anyone's typist, be they "human or alien" and does not want his name published. My inner-guidance says they are authentic. Use your own discernment.
This writer is still hesitant, but apparently his higher contacts are not. I see a lot of connections with other channeled messages, the ones from SaLuSa for instance, and these messages contain some new elements which are very uplifting. I decided to start publishing them for as long as they come through. "Wanderer of the Skies" the name first chosen doesn't seem to fit, so I will not give him the name Messenger.  *    

Mother Mary and Master El Morya: Thoughts on your Current Reality
Channelled through Natalie Glasson 22/05/11
Gentle loving waves of light flow from our hearts to you now as we come forward to connect our light with your light, allowing our sense of oneness with you to grow and enhance. As ever we only wish to support you in your wondrous journey upon the Earth, we wish to encourage you to fill your heart with love, to see the beauty that enfolds you and the great possibilities that lay before you.
We come forward as representatives of the feminine and masculine energies of the Creator, shining these qualities into your being, activating the feminine and masculine energies appropriately to aid your oneness with the Creator. In this communication we do not wish to offer you any new insights or revelations but to remind you of the wondrous potentials that exist within your reality, with the purpose of enhancing your current experiences on the Earth. We, Mother Mary and Master El Morya will share with you our thoughts and will also state how these thoughts can be transformed into affirmations to aid in your own realisation and understanding of your reality.
Mother Mary: You have the ability to love yourself unconditionally.
 (I love myself unconditionally.)
This is a wonderful gift as it means that you can heal yourself with ease, that you can support yourself in any situation and can feel secure, safe and protected at all moments of your day. The power of recognising the love that you hold and honouring yourself with your love encourages you to accept your own power, realise your own strength and guide yourself with safety and ease.
Master El Morya: You have the ability to understanding the energy of love.
 (I understand the energy of love.)
When in a physical body it can be very difficult to understand the energy of love as it manifests as a vibration and feeling which cannot truly be analysed or described. It is most important to recognise the potentials and existence of love. Love is a powerful essence that manifests from the Creator. Love can be found within every person on the Earth. Love can be shared, expressed and accepted. Love is ever present in every moment and experience in your life. Love not only exists in your surroundings but most importantly exists within your being. Love is an energy that composes your entire being; it is a guiding and healing energy that can fill you with joy and contentment. If you remain connected to love by acknowledging the love within your being, reality and others, then you will begin to understand the love of the Creator, its power and importance in your reality. In your current reality love is the transforming energy that can be used in all situation and circumstance on the Earth, with this understanding you can create a reality of love for yourself.
Mother Mary: You have the ability accelerate your spiritual ascension.
(I am now accelerating my spiritual ascension.)
With the consciousness of humanity developing and awakening along with the intense light vibrations that are being anchored into the Earth by light guides and humanity you are now being given a powerful situation and foundation to allow your spiritual awakening to progress with ease. Everything that you realise now has a greater impact on your reality, feelings and thoughts. The vibration upon the Earth and within your being is much quicker than in the past which lends itself to accelerated growth and awakening. It is a great blessing to have supportive energies around you and anchored into the Earth encouraging all illusions to be dissolved and truth to beilluminated. You also have tremendous support from your guides, when you ask your guides to accelerate your spiritual awakening they will according to the will of the Creator. You are being offered all the recourses that you need to align on a deeper level with the Creator. The energies around you are abundant in enlightenment, it is important to recognise that your soul, your guides and the Creator all wish for you to awaken further to the light of the Creator and are embracing you in supportive light vibrations.  This means that your spiritual growth moves at a quicker pace allowing you to see the growth that you are achieving and the pathway that is unfolding before you. Little adjustments to your thoughts or realisations within your being will now create major changes within your reality. This signifies that you also hold more responsibility in your current reality.
Master El Morya: You have the ability to create a reality of beauty.
 (I create a reality of beauty for myself.)
The Creator's greatest wish is for you to be happy and joyous as this signifies and allows the essence of the Creator's love within you to flourish and flow. There is now no need for you to experience negativity or painful occurrences unless you wish to or unless it is needed for your spiritual learning. Your reality can be a place of beauty and joy for you to exist within. You have the ability to maintain a positive mood and thought process at all times, creating a natural radiance of happiness and fulfilment. With the power of your thoughts you have the ability to appreciate and recognise the presence of the Creator within your reality and all blessings that have been given to you. When you recognise the beauty of the Creator all around and within you then you naturally begin to create or manifest an abundance of beauty because you realise you are worthy and that beauty naturally radiates from your soul.  You hold the ability of opening yourself up completely to the blessings of the Creator, this coupled with positive thought forms and knowing what you desire to experience within your reality will assist you in creating a reality of beauty. Maybe the most important understanding is that you can now create a reality of beauty, it is achievable and obtainable. A reality of beauty may seem as if it focuses on a materialistic reality but it is a focus upon love and all its manifestations.
Mother Mary: You have the ability to remember who you truly are.
(I remember who I truly am.)
You are an aspect of the Creator's soul; this means that you hold an aspect of the sacred qualities, wisdom, love, awareness and peace of the Creator within your being. You are not simply a human beingbut are so much more than you can currently imagine. You have come to the Earth because it is a natural part of your journey as a soul or aspect of the Creator. The Earth is allowing you to understand and discover your own energies, to comprehend the Creator's soul and to remember your alignment once more with the Creator. You are a beacon of love and light with the resources of the Creator to aid and assist you in your reality.  Everything is changeable, new wisdom and understandings will always flow into your being. You are altering and transforming at all times. With the understanding that you are more than your physical body and personality, you are able to deal with your reality with greater ease, working energetically to bring forth what is needed.
Mother Mary and Master El Morya:
You have the ability to draw forth wisdom when you are confused or unsure.
(I now draw forward wisdom to dispel all confusion and insecurity.)
You have the ability to remain balanced at all times, connected to the light of the Creator.
(I remain balanced at all times, connected to the light of the Creator.)
You have the ability to exist without limitations but with freedom.
(I am free from limitations, I experience freedom.)
You have the ability to open your heart truly to love and to be embraced in the love of the Creator.
(I open my heart completely to love and to the loving embrace of the Creator.)
You have the ability to heal yourself physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
(I am now healed physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.)
You have the ability to accept the blessings of the Creator in all forms.
(I accept the blessings of the Creator in all forms.)
You have the ability to attract all that you desire and need into your reality.
(I attract all that I desire and need into my reality.)
You have the ability to understand the wise direction of your soul and guides.
(I understand the wise direction of my soul and guides.)
You have the ability to discover your amazing spiritual and physical skills and talents with ease.
(I now own and understand my amazing spiritual and physical skills and talents.)
You have the ability to become one with the Creator, to converse with and bathe in the light of the Creator.
(I am now one with the Creator; I converse with and bathe in the light of the Creator.)
Through our communication today not only did we want to offer you valuable affirmations that you could use in your daily life but we also wished to remind you of how wonderful your current reality actually is. You are blessed completely with such abundance, so many opportunities, possibilities and good things. You are already everything that we have spoken about today.  If you can remember this always then you can transform your reality even further.  We realise that many people become so locked into their physical reality and the negative situations that are occurring, they forget to acknowledge, appreciate and give thanks to the wonderful blessings that they receive naturally daily. You are abundant in so many more ways than we have stated today. Allow yourself to write down and document the blessings that are with you right now, the wonderful abundant energies and experiences that flow into your reality. It is important to have the mentality that you are also all that you wish to be right now. People often have dreams or goals and they perceive that time will aid achievement. Time is an illusion and was only created to bring structure to your physical reality. It is not time that allows your dreams to manifest but gradual understanding that you are already all that you dream of. This understanding comes gradually because you allow or desire it to, but it doesn't have to be a gradual process and can manifest instantly, there is simply a need to dissolve the habit and create a new pattern of generating, manifesting and awakening energies from within you.
We ask that you do not allow yourself to feel negative about your reality whatever your circumstance because we want you to see the many blessings that are already with you. With this alteration in the way that you perceive your reality, you will alter all negative situations as you draw the love of the Creator deeper into your reality and being. We ask that you adopt an existence and perception that you live in a reality that is abundantly blessed. Accept whole heartily that you are blessed by the Creator and are deserving of these blessings. Know that you can call upon blessings to shower over and through your being. Your reality is beautiful as it is now; take your focus away from the negativity, your loss, what you do not have and honour the abundance that is within and around you. Allowing this state of existence to become a pattern will encourage a wealth of abundance in all forms to flow into your reality with ease and perfection.
It is important that humanity begins to notice and accept how blessed they are, how abundant and loved they are because this will break a negative pattern that is etched withinthe consciousness of many on the Earth.  Many people still hold onto the belief that they are not worthy of the blessings, energy and love of the Creator. Some believe it is immoral to be abundant in all ways when devoting oneself to the Creator. Others believe that negative situations and experience require and should be given more focus and attention than positive experiences. Patterns of resisting the abundance of the Creator or ignoring the blessings of the Creator now must be dissolved; it is the presence of love that is encouraging this alteration. Love encourages appreciation and acceptance. Allow yourself to begin to believe in the love of the Creator by being thankful for and honouring your current reality for the abundant blessing that it is.
Let yourself see your reality and self in the light of truth.
With abundant blessings,
Mother Mary and Master El Morya
May you walk in the love and light always,
Natalie was born in 1984, UK. Over seen by Archangel Michael, she now works as a channel for a vast variety of spiritual beings and Masters in the spiritual hierarchy. Through her  she shares the channeled messages of the Creator’s helpers to expand the awareness of humanity and assist in the raise in energy vibration of the planet.  She offers a service of channeled readings from Ascended Masters, Archangels, Angels, Unicorns and Fairies.
Twelve Rays of Light Book Available Now * Free Video Meditation Visit: and view my video page where I am beginning to build a collection of guided meditations. *  * The Sacred School of Om Na website * Channelled downloads written and in mp3 to aid the spiritual education of humanity.  Visit For the latest news visit my website  *  If you wish to view any past messages I am placing them in the weekly message gallery, go and click on weekly messages. *     

Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Beloved one, being the extension of the one Creator, you are by nature creative. It is also in your nature to come to a place of realizing, making real in your conscious awareness, that which you are. You come to that place of realizing, “I am the one who is creating all of this,” in concert with the brothers and sisters, yes, but also as to your choice as to how you will see things and how you will react, what your response will be.
Visit our website:  *    

HEAVEN #3837
Stubbing Your Toe
May 28, 2011
God said:
As you twist and turn under the covers at night, you may twist and turn during the day about life. It would seem that for every joy, you have three annoyances or aggravations or downright woe. Let the annoyances fly away. Keep the joy. Eradicate the sense of annoyance that you have been allowing yourself to have. You have been wronging yourself.
The way it’s been for many or most, over and over again, is that, when you stub your toe, you keep stubbing it. Stub is an interesting word because it is linked to the word stubborn in English. You just don’t want to budge. Someone wasn’t nice to you, and you continue the dialogue and interaction in your thoughts. You are good at doing that. You are a pro.
The offending person is not beside you around the clock, yet you are beside yourself with emotion, and you keep the offender in your outraged thoughts. You keep the offender close, as if you had nothing else to do, as if you had nothing else to live for but to recount, reemphasize, relive, remake, renew all the affronts that troubled you and trouble you still. You count your accumulation of wrongs as if they were a wad of money.
Let go of the offenses and the offenders, and you will no longer have them. You have been nursing the viperishness in your own bosom. You say to yourself a thousand times over: “Look what they did to me. Look at how they wronged me.” And so you wrong yourself over and over again. Must you prove time and time again what you see as the heartlessness and wayward thinking of others?
The fact is, when you are in that state of mind, you are mastering the very skills you purport to have contempt for. You have contempt. These others were contemptuous, and now you are contemptuous. They had no respect. And now you have no respect for them nor for yourself, or you would not keep the contempt alive and well, churning in your heart, in your mind, turning your blood into vinegar.
Have regard for yourself and get out of that old mind-set. A minute was too long to have it. You have had it for years, perhaps a lifetime. Say adieu to those old ways of thinking. Sink them. Pretend they are golf balls. Picture hitting each old golf ball of thought with a strong stroke. The golf ball goes far away over the fairway and out of your hair.
Forgive Me for dwelling on the past when I tell you to get out of it. The thing is you have not seen what you have been doing to yourself. See and dismiss. See and desist. How can you hit the ball out of the park unless you see it?
Or play football rather than golf and kick the old habits of thought out of the field. You are inundated with them. You feel you have to be on top. You have to control. Or you may have to control by being put upon, as if that is worth your whole life. You put yourself into a slot where you make happen what you protest. It keeps coming up again, the same old situations. It is the past that motivates and controls you. You have been in the thrall of the past. You have not let yourself go. It is you who gives yourself a stiff neck.
If you have been dragging yourself in the mud, it makes sense to get out of it.
If you have been thinking that you have been persecuted, you persecute yourself. You have become a dancer in life then who knows only one step.
Life dances to the tune of your own thoughts. As you think, so goes your life. Turn your thoughts around, and so will your life turn.
Heavenletters™ Copyright1999-2011 -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts * In these times when the whole  world needs nourishing, Heavenletters is already proven to stir the hearts and souls of people of all ages all around the world and from  all walks of life. * Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter™, Teacher, Speaker * The Godwriting™ International Society of Heaven Ministries * 703 E. Burlington Avenue, Fairfield, IA 52556  *  * *          

Quan Yin: Walking on the Shifting Sands of this Time
As received by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan
Quan Yin Speaks: As I weave my energies around you, within you, and to you there will come many faces of the feminine.  Allow each face that comes to your mind to enter your heart, to enter into you, to enter in through you; and thus you will create a portal, an entrance, and an exit that you will facilitate at a much higher energy than you realize..  Weave into the context of your heart to the very beginning island of your soul in the first thought of God, in the first thought of creation.  Place yourself upon that island of Light within you.  See it as a Galaxy, a Universe, and begin to spin forward from it what your heart desires, what your heart cries for, and what your soul demands.  Let not your humanness enter into this aspect of weaving, of creating, of birthing. 
Humanity for so long has sensed the birth of new projects, of new ideas, of new energies, of new eras as something that was painful, something that was hard to do, something that took great strain and effort and more than yourself to do it. Humans themselves need a midwife, or so they think to birth their dreams, to birth their hearts, to birth their creations and their manifestations. 
It is time that you become the midwife of your own essences and trust that you have the knowledge, the innate cellular and stellar knowledge to birth into your everydayness whatever it is that you feel that you need.  As you view the outside world, as you view the humanness from your island of Light;  there is a feel, a need, a want, to retract yourself to pull back into your shell and not venture out again until the rising waters are safe, the electricity has stopped popping and the sand has stopped shifting.   Now is time that you will learn to walk on these shifting sands, now is the time that you learn to understand the electricity in the air, the tides that ebb and flow throughout your life.  You can no longer stick your head in the ground as an ostrich, and hide from what is your destiny.  Your destiny screams at you from within. 
Part of the angers that many are feeling is the very voice of that destiny:  “Let me out of this tower that you have kept me in, let me out! Destiny is about to bend the very bars of its prison breaking free and breaking loose.  You can no longer sit on the haunches of your humanness and wait until the sands settle, until the tides abide, or the angry winds stop knocking on your door.  It is time to dance with the energies of wind, ride them tame them and then  use them to propel you forward.  It is time to merge with the granules of the shifting sands, in the hourglass of time coming undone.  It is time to hold your breath and dive deeply into the murky waters that flood the shorelines of this time and place. 
Moving forward, and moving without fear will be the names written in the chapters of the upcoming books and sequences of events in you life.  Learning to walk in between the worlds, learning to walk in the cracks of self, to straddle what is fractured and broken, riding it into smoothness.  Hone it by your desire of movement.  You all sit as a baby who has taken its first step and fallen, crying, screaming, railing for the Father/Mother/Creator to come pick you up; but the child must pick itself up.  You can yell, you can scream, you can be angry at what injustice was done to you, who and what hurt you, who and what owes you, but still the movement forward thru all the emotional debris is yours and yours alone. 
You have heard that necessity is the mother of invention? Now through necessity you will become the mother of creation going into the cupboards that seem so bare, scraping the emptiness, forming it into something that is wonderful and delicious. Seeing what still lives in the invisible in-between the molecules of time. 
Lift the veils of your humanness scrape the cataracts out of your heart and your soul.  Scrape the resin off the outside of you and let your pores breathe; let your dreams breathe, and let your heart beat in joy again. Walk as a babe that is cautious but yet strong and determined to take another step.  See the arms, the hand, the heart of your Creator stretched out to you as a parent beckoning you forward and forward and forward.  You look back with each step forward as the door of the past shuts and seals. 
You cannot go back for the very essence of time immortal has changed.  Many of you cry out to your earth parents feeling vulnerable like a  frightened child that is left alone. Why is this happening Mother?  Why is this happening Father?  Your child like cries fall upon dead ears. That is why we come to you.  To hold you, to nurture you, to support you when you cannot or will not support yourself.  Yes, we are invisible to most people; like all that is grand such as love and God, but we are in the eyes of the one who sits across from you tonight.  We are in the eyes of the children.  We are in the eyes of your dreams, and of your animals that say, please hold on one more day, one more minute, one more choice;  we cannot make it without you, you are needed by so many for so much.  You have shed the coat and skin of who you were earlier this year; and you are naked.  The light is bright and sometimes stark and you feel exposed, and vulnerable; you may find yourself lashing out to those who offer help or love or an encouraging word. It is you who is angry at you. You feel as if you have no control or what is happening in your life. 
Each day speak to your mind, body, and soul as three separate beings.  Treat them as such.  They have bickered and fought far too long.  Your mind argues with your body and the body gets back at the mind, and the soul just views and shrugs wondering what is the matter with these two Why do they fight as siblings with different father.  Stop fighting with yourself.  The body is right, the mind is right, and the soul is right.  They are all right from the angle they sit.  View them as a Trinity, each one sees from a different direction, from a different perspective. 
Speak to the body, love it as an old friend who has served you well.  Speak to the mind for it has always sat in council for your highest good.  Tell your brain, your human brain to let you expand, to let you see more, to let you be more, to let you dream more, to let you become more.  Coax it, as a child coaxes a parent for more allowance, for more privileges, by assuring the parent that it knows what it is doing. You are about to stretch forward.  It is as putting on an undersea diving suit to begin with.  The fit is tight.  You must hold your breath.  It catches on your very flesh as you zip it.  But little by little your humanness warms it and expands it and stretches it.  And so shall you do with the next phase of self that you walk into.
There is no failure in being human.  It does not matter if you waste your life, or you use your life appropriately, Whatever you are choosing to do is just fine.  There are no mistakes, there are no failures.  There is nothing you can do wrong.  The essences of wrong was given to you as a limitation; as was the frequency of death to limit you and bind you in fear.  In the Orient they bind the feet.  In some cultures they bind the head, in others they bind the heart.  Cut away all things that bind you and  no longer serve you. 
Show by example over and over and over again, like the mother eagle who comes to the ledge and shows her fledglings how to fly. Each fledgling has a different strength, and wingspan and the wind blows in accordance.  Do not Judge what another does for they are most probability doing the very best that they can in that moment.  They are at their peak for them.  Not their peak for you.  Allow them to stay in the nest longer to stretch, to fly.  Love them where they choose to camp, love them where they choose to settle. 
There are multitudes of choices because there are multitudes of people.  You hold within you a Universe, and within that Universe are layer upon layer of other Universes and possibilities.  It is your choice whether you go deep into the very first cell of your being or expand out the largest galaxies of your perception.  All possibilities live within you. 
You as a holographic piece of the whole, contain the entire Universe.  You have the whole picture within you.  It has been promised since the beginning.  It is the promise you stand on.  It is the promise you dream in.  It is the promise you breathe.  It is the promise that your heart beats for.  It is time that you believe it. All structure comes down.  The old property has tumbled.  You stand amongst the rubble.  It is time to clear it.  what will you build now on this prime creator property?  What will you build on this priceless corner lot of self?  Build what you never imagined.  Build what you never thought possible.  Build what your humanness can not even comprehend.  And force your essence into expansion.
Do not allow the traffic jams of your soul and the frenzy of others to misdirect your intention.  Stand strong, stand tall in you.  You are the true miracle.  You easily love everything and everyone outside of you, yet you look at yourself in disdain.  How could I have created such an imperfection? Even though your physical beauty is great you do not see it. Thus you see not the beauty in the people around you, and the world around you, and the lessons that grace you everyday. 
You can move mountains.  You have access through all times, all dimension, all truths that have ever been spoken, or thought.  You have access to the library of failures and the library of successes.  You have access through the time holes, through the time doors that sit in each one of your yards.  You have access into the spirit of the wind.  Into the spirit of the birds, and the raindrops.  There is nothing that you cannot become one with.  There is nothing that you cannot experience.  It is a merging, it is an emergence.  You walk in one door and out another door.  Become one with your day, with the sun, with the clouds, with the people that you see so blinded by the cataracts of society.  Let these energies of seeing open up to you.  See through all denseness, see through all the ones that you love.  See into the truths that are hidden yet so exposed.  I am Quan Yin, Merge with me.  I hold the womb of no time that I keep you within, where all creation is birthed with a thought.  I protect you and love you.  Place me in your heart.  It is there that I do my best work.
Gillian MacBeth-Louthan| PO box 217| Dandridge, Tennessee 37725-0217|  | |      

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