
1.)  Today's Angel Message
2.)  Hilarion's Weekly Message: March 27-April 9, 2011
3.)  Thoughts to Ponder: Be Patient and Know that All is Well
4.)  Jeshua - Message of the Day
5.)  Mother Mary's Empowerment Exercise
6.)  Deeply Desiring Oneness with God

"The Light Codes In Their Totality Comprise All The Qualities Of The Light."
The Changing World
The Earth is changing because our planet is preparing to take another giant step in its long progression towards development.
The ancients were aware of these times and left references in their temple complexes.  Even though the keys to reading this information have been lost, the information is resurfacing now.
The frequency of our planet presently  has been increasing while the magnetic field decreases.  Through the process of entrainment, the rhythm of one plane effects the substance of another.  Our bodies subsequently change as they tune into the higher frequency of the earth.

Cyclically changing vibrational patterns as a means of advancing creation is part of the "Blueprint" or "Plan" that was formed when the Cosmos was brought into being.  These changes appear to be linked to the Precession of the Equinox, a slow and stately wobble in the axis of the earth.  Over a cycle of 25,920 years the north pole of our planet's spin axis traces out a great circle in the heavens, and seems to plot out the beginning and ending of the cycle.
I AM ISIS a "Spiritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
I wish you Joy, Love & Peace,
~ Lady of the Light ~

Today's Angel Message
My dear friends, we love you so very much.
Breathe dear ones, and allow yourselves to focus on the ideas and inspirations that are beginning to emerge within you. For upon your planet earth you are emerging from a very difficult and stagnant time. Spring has sprung! The trees are budding. The flowers are blooming, and you too will be desiring movement, growth, and a blossoming of your soul. When inspiration hits dear ones, ride that wave. Allow yourself to be energized when you feel a passionate desire to accomplish something. Get moving. Start taking the tiniest steps towards your hopes and dreams. When inspiration engulfs, take that energy and use it to create movement in your lives.
This is not a time for hesitation. This is not a time to push yourself either, but rather a time in which you want to take advantage of the waves of energy as the emerge from within you and carry you forward. All of life is in motion once again dear friends. What small steps will you take to being creating the life you desire? Start today. This is, after all, your life, happening right here and right now.
God bless you! We love you so very much.
-- The Angels
With much love,
Ann Albers
Author, lecturer, angel communicator.  Visit her site at: *
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Hilarion's Weekly Message: March 27-April 9, 2011
Received by Marlene Swetlishoff
Beloved Ones, 
The energies of renewal are now coming forth in the flow of life and the cycles upon your Planet and bringing with them the energies of a new beginning. How this new beginning translates in your personal life is dependant on your attitude and perceptions and your ability to become the Master of your thoughts and emotions and your intentions to create a better way. There are cycles within cycles within cycles and upon your Planet and in the Cosmos, many of these cycles are now converging into alignment with a far greater Plan than has been understood by Humanity to the present time. 
Much depends on the thoughts and emotions of each of you during the times ahead. Most of you have learned to love with a certain sense of detachment that allows you to lovingly accept that others have their own choices to make and Paths to follow and you allow them to do this without any attempts to control. This is what is known as unconditional love and it releases you from feeling responsible for the actions and choices of others and sets you free to experience your own direction with greater clarity and focus and most importantly, enjoyment. Life in a physical body is an opportunity to experience the gamut of an entire range and depth of feeling, emotion and creativity that allows for a richness to blossom from within.
As you become multi-dimensional in a more conscious manner, you will realize that you have, in fact, been accomplishing much more than your previously limited perceptions have allowed you to comprehend. Work on the higher dimensions involves the use of creativity, visualization and thought and each of you does this so easily that you tend to not recognize that you are doing this. Try to become more cognizant of your creative thought processes and as you do, you will become more clear about the Universal Laws that you have been working with and how your thought processes bring to you the manifestation of your predominant and many times, subconscious thoughts. 
The time is now to begin to discipline your minds to focus on what you want to manifest in your lives rather than what you do not want, for the Universe is impartial and will give you what you constantly focus on in your thought processes, and the Universe is alive with power and energy and will create for you what you desire, or what It perceives that you desire by your repetitive thoughts, visualizations and creativeness. Care must be taken to ensure that what goes forth from you will in turn be what you truly desire to have come to you. This is why daily decreeing is a method to bring to you that which is for your highest and greatest good and in these times of great change, the discipline of decreeing helps one to focus and stay grounded. 
For those of you who need to have such a focus rather than using meditation each day, much can be accomplished through the power of the word spoken verbally to bring out the higher aspects of your own Self and increase your vibrational frequency, for sound has vibration and creates powerful energy and most of you who use this discipline understand how powerful this process is in your personal and Planetary transformation. Even one decree each day for your personal protection and growth and one decree such as the Great Invocation repeated each day can bring about a higher frequency in your energy field as you repeat them in repetitions of three, seven, nine, eleven, etc. It is the intonations of each word and the repetition of these words that creates a more powerful and centered You and helps you to become a more conscious Being creating and manifesting in this octave of life. 
Conscious creation can bring to you more joy, freedom, grace and ease once self discipline is employed to your thought processes. Make your mind the builder, Beloved Ones, the mighty tool of your own Mastery over every situation you encounter as you walk upon the Earth. We remind you that there are many unemployed Angels just waiting to be called upon and recognized as such, Legions and Legions of Angels…just waiting…. 
Until our next message in two weeks time (April 9th), for the Scribe will be travelling to California next week and will not have a computer.
I AM Hilarion
©2011 Marlene Swetlishoff
Distributing this message in other forums, etc. is encouraged, please do so with the following guidelines: Include author's credit, copyright and website: Weekly Messages from Hilarion  *  Angelic Gems of Light Messages * To Subscribe Details at:  *    
Much Light, Love and Rainbow Blessings,


Thoughts to Ponder: Be Patient and Know that All is Well
by Jean Warner
March 25, 2011
The prelude to a new age is unfolding now, as prophesied both by the ancients and by awakened prophets of our time.  Understand that prophecies are based on probabilities at the time or on happenings in the past.  They are not carved in stone.  They are simply given as a warning of possible conclusions.  Mankind has always, by Divine Decree, been given choices which can effect change.  And it is through choices and intent that one’s future evolves. 
Do not focus on an Armageddon predicted in the past, even though there are those who desire to spread fear among the population by broadcasting gloom and doom.  God gave you free will, which can be used in negative or positive ways.  The more positive vibrations you can spread among the masses the less negative vibes can take hold.  Which do you want to manifest?  Positive words, thoughts, and intentions will produce positive results.  Which way do you want the mass consciousness to go?  Focusing on tragedy can produce negative vibrations.  Just remember that loves breeds love, and love conquers all!
The truth is that there is good in everything that happens.  Instead of being fearful and negative about what is taking place, look for the good in it.  See the positive results that can emerge from tragedy, for instance, the gathering together in oneness that is emerging where tragic situations have developed.  Cannot you see the love, compassion, and determination spreading over the lands where people had previously seen themselves as impotent victims.  Everywhere on Earth people are awakening to new perspectives and insight.
This change in attitudes has been growing exponentially for the past few decades.  It is this growth in human consciousness on Planet Earth that has allowed the Higher Forces to take notice.  You are now receiving a great deal of help and support from the Universe.  Light is flooding your planet from above, and you are projecting the light within you.  The darkness that has ruled your world is being replaced by the Light of God:  the Light from above, as well as the light from within you, is decreasing the darkness each day.
You must realize that many thousands of people in your population agreed to come to Earth at this time to jolt the sleeping public into awakening.  Thousands contracted to come to this planet for the purpose of giving up their lives en mass to help bring about this awakening.  It was a choice each one made of his or her own volition, knowing that this sacrifice would provide the impetus for reform in a world headed for destruction.  Know that those whose Earthly lives were sacrificed are thriving in a beautiful world of light and love, and that they will soon be able to communicate again with loved ones left behind.  Know too that these heroic spirits will be watching over you, ready to greet you in the new world of light on Earth.
No doubt you who were left behind were in on these decisions and were willing to play your part in giving up the ones you love.  The loss will be for but a short time, for in this new world to come there is no time; there is only the Now.  Eventually you will remember those vows of service to mankind.
So face your fears and realize that they hide opportunities.  Let your focus be on creating a world of love and joy.  Manifest this by maintaining a positive attitude.  Visualize the beautiful world you want to be in.  Know that God, in his vast wisdom, has a plan and is molding it into a wondrous pattern of abundance, beauty, perfect health, joy, and love for all of his children.
Your Father/Mother God has not deserted you.  There had to be certain changes on the surface of the Earth in order for the new Earth to follow its proper path.  Also, the negativity that has penetrated deep within Earth’s depth has to be released before the planet’s frequencies can be balanced.  The Earth has to be cleansed from the blanket of darkness that pervades her surface through wars, anger, hatred, etc., in order for her to be able to adjust to her new position in a higher realm.  This is being accomplished through fire, water, wind, and volcanic eruptions. Like you, the Earth is releasing old patterns of negative energy to allow for brighter more spiritual responses to develop. Mother Earth is releasing all that does not serve her.  Together you and she are preparing to enter a new way of living, thinking, and being, in a new age of oneness and love.
You will be amazed at how quickly that time will come.  All memories of the trials and tribulations of life on Earth will gradually fade away, and you will all settle into the bliss of a new and eternal lifetime, in a place you will recognize as your true home.
So hold your heads high and pat yourself on the back for having met and overcome challenges that you hadn’t realized were for your benefit. Know that everything is in Divine order and moving in accordance with God’s plan. Rejoice, for you are well on your way to a new and glorious life!
Thoughts to Ponder *  * © Copyright 2009 Jean Warner  *  Jean's greatest joy is in writing, singing, intermingling with, and learning from, many inspiring lightworkers.  Contact Jean at  **  1177 Agnes Lane  *  Gilbert AZ  85296  *     

Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Beloved one, there will come times when you may truly need to open and to be intimate with another one to the place where you say, “This is who I truly feel that I am. I’ll show you the human side of me. Now, will you please show me the divine side of me? Will you please believe in the divine part of me that I can’t see yet?”
Visit our website:  *    

Mother Mary's Empowerment Exercise
Given through Susan Leland
March 22, 2011
Mother Mary - March 22, 2011 Asthar Teleconference: 
"Greetings, Beloved family!  It is I, Mother Mary, and Sananda and the Kumara children are at my side.  Sanat Kumara is here as well.  So we have Family, and I am representative of the Love that is yours by birthright, by creation of Mother/Father God, and in the Joy, indeed the absolute Joy of our togetherness in purpose upon this planet.  It was I who spoke* and said, "I am not known perhaps as the being of empowerment.  I am known as being compassionate, nurturing.  I am known as a bringer of grace and blessings to those who are in any kind of torment or trauma upon Planet Earth." 
Beloved Ones I had, in this identity as Mother Mary, I had trauma and torment within my own beloved Earth family, but I also had the perspective that you are coming into, this perspective of Empowerment that is automatically given and received when you are in full connection with the totality of who you are.  I had the high perspective of the universe, the perspective of knowing of my divinity and the divinity of all living beings, even those, even those who persecuted and tortured and destroyed the body of the one you know as my son.  Yes I had the feelings of the mother, but I also had the feelings of knowing that we were playing most important roles in what we did, and to honor us now for the roles that we played is appropriate, but it is not to grieve. 
And so I step forward to commune with you in this Exercise of Empowerment for all, that all of us together may share this high perspective, that all of us may know that we are indeed partners traveling this road together, that we are equals, that we all have this wisdom, this perspective, this divinity within us! 
And so I call upon us all to simply join hands and hearts together, and I call forth the Blue Wave of Truth.**  Archangel Michael shares it willingly.  And it drops and it spirals and it floats, and it is for all of us to allow this beautiful energy, this Blue Wave of Truth, to empower us to soar high, high in the skies, if you wish to be in the sky, or anywhere that you choose to soar.  But it is appropriate to come up above all of Planet Earth, floating literally on this Blue Wave, this beautiful Blue Wave of Truth, of Light, of Enlightenment. 
Now, look around and see us all together, this great Family, this wondrous, wondrous group.  See us all mixed in together.  There are no boundaries, no dividing lines, no separations at all.  We are all One in the great Light of Truth.  We all soar and our own lights shine forth and become one with all of us together.  Beloved Family, this is who we are.  It is this Light, it is this Empowerment with which we all serve together.  No one of us is any more or any less than any other, and it is this Truth which we share now.  Open your eyes, open your hearts, open your minds' eyes and feel it and be it.  This is our Truth, this is our Empowerment, this is our Place of Perspective, this is our Source and this is our Destination! 
And that is what it is for All!  There is not one of you who is choosing to stay behind in the darkness without this Truth.  Not one.  You are all choosing to be here now, at this time.  So as we join hands and hearts, let us savor this wondrous high energy.  Let us empower each other with it.  Let us greet each other as equals, as sovereign, as divine.  All of us have roles to play in this wondrous coming together.  And it is indeed time, as you measure it, for this recognition to come into the totality of who each and every one of you are, One with us, equal in Empowerment, equal in Creative Capabilities, equal in Lighting the Way, because you know the Truth of it and you know Who You Are and you know Who We Are, and you know that Together We are One. 
Breathe in this precious Blue Light, take as much as you wish.  Breathe it in and let it swirl around throughout the entirety of your fields of energy.  In so doing, rise even higher, allow yourselves to fly even higher.  We are all together now, flying even higher.  Come up into the Christ Consciousness realms.  It’s there for all of us.   It’s there for us all to come to as equals.  It’s there for all of us to be completely empowered to do so. 
"And as we fly up, notice that there is even more of this wondrous Blue Light.  Gently now, very gently, without letting go of hands and hearts, just gently breathe in more and then blow it out.  Breathe it in and blow it out.  Send it to all of Planet Earth, send it out now, this Blue Light of Truth, this empowering Blue Light.  Send it to all of Planet Earth.  Just let it fill you, let it bring us into even higher Light, and at the same time, send it to Planet Earth, that more and more may wake up, that more and more may know the Truth, that more and more may come together in Mission, in Purpose, and in Oneness.  Let it be the Joy and let it be the Joy of Who We Are Together, all together One, in Mission, in Purpose and in Love.
And thank those who are accepting the Blue Wave, who are opening their hearts, and their eyes, and their minds and their minds' eyes and coming to join with us now.  Let us welcome them, let us welcome them, more and more coming, more and more awakening.  Keep on sending this Blue Light out.  Keep on sending it out every day when you think of it, when you think of Who We Are, Who We Are Together, and what we are co-creating together as Equal Co-creators!  Send this Light out and share it even more. 
I, Mother Mary, am empowered to do this, and if I sound a bit different, a bit more powerful, I am merely the mirror to you, Beloved Ones, reflecting back to you with grace, ease and Love beyond words.  So thank you, Beloved Ones, for coming for this.  Play this often in your memories, in your ears or your hearts.  Keep the words with you and know that in this time together, you have recognized, you have met your Divine Selves as Equals, as Co-creators of this wondrous mission of Ascension!
So, now step right up when you are ready.  Accept your roses.  They are among the rarest in the universe.  They are blue.  They are the blue roses, the Kumara roses of blue.  Everyone take one or more into your hearts and into your minds' eye spaces.  Let this be your Empowerment reminder, always now, forward on the path Together!  Breathe it in, breathe it in, and so it is!!!   Namaste! 
*  During Ashtar's message - The Masters are sometimes speaking together, but with the identity of the main speaker.
** Ashtar spoke about the Blue Wave of Truth in his message. 
Oh, we're flying high!  You are wonderful, Beloved Ones.  We are in Mission.  Let your gifts come forward.  Share them with this wondrous Planet in the Ascension process. 
We are all Equals!!!  We all have sharing and compassionate caring and Love.  It makes the World go round you know.  And it’s really important.  The balance that you seek has just been amplified, even more.  These past few days in your time have been in great assistance, but there is no one and no way of assisting to a higher degree, than for you to come and bring your open hearts, your Love and your Empowered Selves to these missions.  I am looking at all of you and you’re positively Radiant Blue, and this is grand indeed.  So thank you, Beloved Ones, for your presence, for your focus, for your courage, and most of all, for your Love.  And so it is.  Namaste! 
Transcription by Deborah Urquhart.
Given through Susan Leland, March 22, 2011.  © Ashtar on the Road Publications 2011.  All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted.
If you would like to listen to the full audio recording of this free March 22, 2011 Ashtar call, which includes Mother Mary's Empowerment Exercise, the link is on this page: *  *     

HEAVEN #3775
Deeply Desiring Oneness with God
March 27, 2011
God said:
Naturally, you feel a sadness at the idea that your individuality will disappear, that you will no longer exist, you, this individuality that you have become so tied to, this individuality that sets you apart. Your individuality has been your signature. If your individuality doesn’t exist, you wonder what is left. If you, as you know yourself, are gone, then you are no longer separate.
You are sure you have deeply desired Oneness with Me, yet, at second thought, if that means you disappear, you’re not so sure. You have depended upon your name Fred or Alice and your ties and all the ruffles of you. They seemingly hold you up. The truth is that, although you may not adore every bit of your life, you really do adore your identity in the world. You like to hear your name. It makes you turn around, and you are pleased. You have been noticed. You have been singled out. When you win the lottery, you have been singled out. You want to be One with Me, and, at the same time, you do like being singled out.
Deep in the shadows of your heart, so attached are you to your individuality, so affected are you by that which makes you stand out from everyone else, you are not so sure that you want to, in effect, throw yourselves to the wolves, or, in this case, throw yourself into the brew of Oneness.
You would never be happier than in Oneness with Me, and, yet, parting is such sweet sorrow, and you are not so inclined to depart from your individuality.
Let’s face it. There is a tug of war that goes on inside you. How holy do you want to be, you wonder. What about those nights on the town with the boys? What about movies and books and fish? Are you going to have to give up your favorite foods as well? What about celebrations? If you were One with Me, you would really have to let go of the past. Could Oneness be a limitation, after all?
I assure you that Oneness is expansiveness. Individuality is a border. Individuality is a limit. Oneness is not. In Oneness, do not think that you are giving up. There is a difference between giving up and letting go. A time comes when toy trains aren’t so important to you as once they were. You do not and cannot give up that which you have already passed by.
Oneness is not sacrifice, beloveds. In any case, Oneness is ordained. It is not for you to weigh and sort. It is not like you are going on a long trip and have to decide what to take and what to leave behind. You are going to a new pasture, and what is there that you have to take with you? Honestly, you don’t have to bring the relative world along. Enjoy the relative while the relative is yours. You will enjoy Oneness a hundred-thousand-million times more. In Oneness, it is not an option to enjoy or not to enjoy. Besides, enjoy is too small a word for the joy of Oneness in Excelsis Deo. In fact, there is no word for the ecstasy of Oneness. Where Oneness is, there is no language as you know language. Well, there is the language of love which you understand instantly. You discover what love is and how much of it you are.
Don’t worry about taking your toe out of the water you have dipped it in. In My metaphor, you trade in your toes for wings. You turn in your toys for the ecstasy of Oneness with All That Is, and you are not making a decision at all. You are ready. Really, it is not a biggie.
Heavenletters™ Copyright1999-2011 -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts * In these times when the whole  world needs nourishing, Heavenletters is already proven to stir the hearts and souls of people of all ages all around the world and from  all walks of life. * Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter™, Teacher, Speaker * The Godwriting™ International Society of Heaven Ministries * 703 E. Burlington Avenue, Fairfield, IA 52556  *  * *   

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