Things R Building Up 2 The Grand Finale {Channeled}

1.) Today's Angel Message
2.) SaLuSa: Things Are Building Up To The Grand Finale
3.) The Masters of Light: Riding the Storms of a Lifetime
4.) Bright Golden Light
5.) Jeshua - Message of the Day
6.) Universal Mind: Power to All Our Friends

Isis' Message of the Day -
Peace comes first within the souls of people when they realize their oneness with All That Is. When they realize the Source of Creation is a circle of conscious energy whose center is everywhere and whose circumference is nowhere. When they realize that at the center of that circle dwells that same Creator which is "within each of us."
I AM ISIS a "Spiritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
I wish you Joy, Love & Peace,
~ Lady of the Light ~

Today's Angel Message
Dear ones, we want you to embark on a journey with us. Imagine if you lived in a world where the colors were brighter than you can imagine and that every living thing was an expression of light and color. That is the beauty of your world as seen through our eyes. The colors and light shift and change with movement and emotion. Some of you are like a beacon, your light is so bright. Know that beauty surrounds you even when you cannot “see”. Be at peace. Blessing your hearts.
Cynthia Lee Shelton, LCSW a licensed psychotherapist with 25 years of experience in traditional therapy, psychic intuitive therapy, and healing energy work.
Cynthia has been described this way: "Take the best therapist you have ever experienced along with an amazing healer and psychic - toss in some angels and some pretty interesting guides - and you get Cindy Shelton. Her ability to get right to the essence of you and your problems is awesome. She's one of a kind!" * *

SaLuSa: Things Are Building Up To The Grand Finale
May 6, 2011
It is becoming very obvious that the Human Race is at a key point in its evolution. The collapse of the old ways confirms that they are no longer suitable for the new Human that is emerging. However many only see an uncertain future offering more chaos and catastrophes. It is therefore important for our mission to commence upon Earth without delay. Our acknowledged presence will allay many fears and give hope, whereas often at present only despair and desperation exist. You do have a wonderful future waiting to unfold that is only held back by the last gasp antics of the dark Ones. We shall therefore exalt our allies to forge ahead and start a sequence of events that will end in Ascension. If we do not get the response we desire, we shall be allowed to force the issue in the interests of all of you.
As you will know by now, when we refer to using force it is by way of persuasion or through the application of Universal Laws. We wish that your civilization had taken the opportunity offered many years ago, to bring peace to your world. However, it was not to be and you were lured into thinking that you were free citizens and that your lives were normal. Yet you were gradually having your freedom taken away from you, and it was done by such subtle means you were unaware as to what was happening. To your credit many souls started to understand what was taking place, and movements grew that sought the changes that would lift you up and bring peace.
That was a signal duly noted by the Spiritual Hierarchy, who extended the time period to enable more souls to awaken to the truth. That decision has proved to be successful, as a great surge in your consciousness levels has been recorded. It is a sad fact that many are called, but some souls are too set in their ways and beliefs to respond. We still interact with them as with any other soul, as we see the true potential of all of you. Great care and love is given unconditionally, as we know that it is only a matter of time before a group of souls is ready to ascend. By your reckoning it will be a long, long time, but it will come with the cyclic nature of all that exists.
If you hold onto your faith in us, you will deflect the negative energies that are inevitably leveled at us by those who do not understand the Light. We represent change and it does not come easily to those who are beholden to the material world. Their fascination with it will often only last whilst they are successful, but it cannot bring true fulfillment and the inner peace that brings joy and happiness. Many already enjoy such peaceful levels of existence, and they are able to walk tall through any discord or confusion because they are no longer affected. Such Beings are the beacons of Light that bring calmness wherever it is needed. Their high energies also have a healing affect on people around them. This level can be achieved by anyone who lives their life in Love and Light and gives no place to the lower vibrations.
Whatever effort you need to put in to achieve Ascension, will be more than worth it and should not be looked upon as having been a sacrifice on your part. To live in the Love and Light is your natural demeanor, as you return to levels that were once your home. Have we not told you that you are gods in the making, in which case you have a natural urge to return to them. Duality is a game that upon completion you leave behind, having gained immense experience that you take with you. No experience is without some value, and you will forever evolve until you again return to the Source. Perhaps you can now understand why you need to release attachments to the lower vibrations. Think into the future and hold that image, and know it is vastly superior to anything that you presently experience.
Things are building up to the grand finale, and as you know it will come good. There is no other ending this time round, and the Divine Plan will ensure a happy ending. It was different in bygone times when you yourselves created your future. Now however the line has been drawn and this cycle of duality must come to an end. Ultimately every soul will find itself exactly where it should be, and there is no place for error. Be glad and look forward to a heavenly existence knowing that you will never again enter the duality cycle. From hereon life will be idyllic and fulfilling while you enjoy the beauty and comforts of the higher dimensions. You will need for nothing at all, and have everything that makes life an absolute pleasure. Words cannot describe the bliss you will experience and the Light that permeates all that exists.
We really are in a waiting scenario, as the final acts are about to be played out. So much is near fruition, and tremendous effort has been put into bringing the result we expect. Your input is still vital and we need you to focus your Light upon any issue or person that stands in the way of our success. Together we have to continue transmuting the dark energies, and thus weaken their ability to interfere with the process of change. It is you the people who hold the real power so we encourage you to put out positive thoughts, and never give in to the fear factor. There will continue to be terrorists all of the time there is inequality in the world, and a country’s sovereignty is interfered with. They will however withdraw from their activities in the near future, when it is understood that a peaceful conclusion can be achieved. It will be backed by our presence and assurance that peace will be restored everywhere in the world.
Peace is the answer to almost all of your problems. At a stroke it will remove fear and replace it with hope, joy and peaceful co-operation between all people. We are therefore laying down the plans for a great leap forward, and await the opportunity to first clear the decks. Much preparation has already been made and you will find that once we achieve our first objective, the rest will follow quite rapidly.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius and most grateful for all of the activity put in by the Lightworkers. It has helped our aims to push ahead with our projects, and we now stand at the ready to proceed. The Galactic Federation are most pleased with your positive outlook and it will bring its own rewards.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey
I receive my messages from SaLuSa telepathically, he is speaking for the Galactic Federation. I have never had the advantage of being able to have a relationship where I can ask questions. I sit down at a specific time to make contact and then I get images or what I call 'packages" of images or words which I translate straight away onto the computer. Since March, 2004 I have been in contact with beings from the Galactic Federation. *

The Masters of Light: Riding the Storms of a Lifetime
As Received by Ruth Ryden
Tremendous quakes in Japan, with the attending tsunamis, volcanoes threatening to erupt in Africa and Iceland, tornadoes racing across the U.S., disastrous floods and storms of all kinds, are now a part of life on Earth. Was this all so terribly unexpected? It has been foretold down through the ages through seers and for the last hundred years or so by modern channels with even more definition. The pressures showing up in racial situations, tensions being exaggerated and tempers flaring over small things, even the weather itself with its erratic temperament, are mostly caused by the extremely high energies being created with the faults below by the shifting of the crust over the central form of the planet.
Whenever pressure builds up, the molecules of matter explode into many more and, there being no place for them, redefine themselves into heavy concentrations of raw energy. This “earthquake energy,” we will call it, rises rapidly to the surface and affects all life. The planet is surrounded by very high frequencies from the cosmos at this time, and the additional flow from beneath your feet can seriously disturb the emotions and balance of the body in even the most advanced seeker on the Path of Light. Those who have lived under bad conditions and with controlled resentments find themselves exploding with wrath and all the pent-up tensions they have had over a long period of time. Those who live and work under high pressures find it almost impossible to “keep their cool” when confronted with simple problems. No wonder there is so much crime and violence abroad wherever you look. Television is simply reflecting what is actually happening all the time.
Many people react to high energy (or frequencies, if you like) by sleeping many hours. When convenient, that is a good remedy, for, without the resistance of the conscious mind, the energy flows through and out of the body. Others find themselves pacing the floor or working harder than usual to dissipate the overflow of energy. Tempers flare quickly. This is not an easy condition to live with.
Earthquake energy does not end there. It shoots upward with a force that interrupts the normal air currents, whirls them around and spreads out to great distances. Winds and storms are formed that can create havoc on an already-hassled population. It is well to know that many tidal waves and high tides that are created after a quake are not always from movement on the ocean floors, but many times by the intense energy shooting out from beneath them. Sea water is a living organism and reacts immediately and strongly to energy of any kind. When there are multiple aftershocks shaking the land, it is well to stay out of boats. Reactions in the sea can be very localized and very erratic.
Why do people stay in areas that are becoming more unstable every year? Most of them cannot tell you, except that they just cannot leave. It is more than giving up property, leaving good friends and stable jobs, there is an inner anchor that holds them. Before incarnating into this third dimension of matter, many, many soul beings accepted and sought this situation to provide, perhaps, a chance to help others when they did not before – the solving of karmic problems in one, huge traumatic event, etc. The reasons, of course, are many and varied. Their inner being is holding them in the earthquake zones so they may accomplish their purpose for this lifetime. Then, there are others who feel the urge to leave, but refuse to give in to it out of pure stubbornness!
Many are leaving their homes, seeking more stable land and living conditions for themselves and their families. Inner guidance is being given very strongly and some may interpret this guidance as fear. Fear, in this case, is a very healthy thing, being given by the Creator to warn of danger and, when heeded, can be a most helpful companion for a time. This kind of fear can be very directional and push you to safety, if you let it. It can make the mind expand with clarity so that what needs to be done is immediately apparent, giving you the energy to move quickly and the stamina to keep going until the danger has passed. Then, look around and see the reality of the end of the danger; sit down, close your eyes and thank God for the gift of the fear and verbally release it back to the universe, there to wait until it is needed again. Rest awhile until you feel yourself responding to your needs once more. Don’t try to mend a broken house until you regain your balance. Only then will you be truly able to cope with what seems to be “impossible” situations.
This is a time for all those who inhabit earthquake zones to reassess their inner needs very honestly – to listen to that inner guidance very carefully. Friends and loved ones may be exerting pressures on you to move to other states because they fear for your safety. Accept that concern, but stand your ground if you feel that inner anchor. For those of you that do, there is no fear, only glad acceptance of what is to be and the exciting challenge of a changing world.
As you are aware by now, the planet is undergoing a cyclic change, motivated by the magnetic pull from other planetary entities in space. The western coasts of the North American Continent are comprised of plates that are under intense pressure at this time and will keep moving for some time. The poles are heating up and increasing amounts of water will be flowing into the seas, which is already raising sea levels along the coasts of the continents. You are living in an era of exciting changes, not only in the Earth and atmosphere, but in yourselves. Compare your children with yourselves as children. They are soul entities of high knowledge and accomplishments, their intelligence and inherent abilities are opening the minds of humanity. Ancient ways which recognized the healing plants and elements given by the Creator to care for humanity are coming back into use because of these awakened memories.
When the body and mind respond to these higher frequencies, the veil between the higher dimensions and matter becomes thinner, making communication between humankind and the Creative Energies easier. When this happens, those to whom it is a new experience will seek out someone to tell them what is happening. It can be frightening to one who believes such communication is satanic! Give your help and knowledge to those seekers, for you will be their guiding light. All who receive knowledge must share the knowledge. It cannot be withheld from those who need it.
There are hard decisions to be made in many areas; the mental upsets and traumas, the confusion, need to be shared with those spiritual beings that surround you very closely now. Whether you consider them Guardian Angels, Spirit Guides, Teachers, etc., become very near to your Creator and ask that help, comfort and guidance be given by those who look after you.
Prayer is never to be directed to the creations of God, only to the Creator. As All Is One and the Supreme Intelligence resides in every being and every created energy cell; your needs are known to all at once. When the Holy Ones are asked for help through the Father of All, the response is immediate. It may not always seem so, but when looking back after time has passed, it will be very apparent.
Listen to guidance as it is given and you will be able to walk through the hard times with confidence and love for all around you. Think not that all help must come from the Eternal Being directly and solutions will appear as by magic. Most answers to prayer are given through the one asking for help. Strength, abilities and clarity of mind provide most of the answers you need, and you, yourselves, will become the answers and the solutions, not only for yourselves but for all humankind. The Creator works through His Children to create new realities, and you are a part of that, never forget!
Remember that you are surrounded by beings of great love and power – the love and power that are yours for the asking. When grief overcomes you, let it run its natural course, then return to clarity of mind, for others need you. You are spiritual beings encased temporarily in matter and you have the abilities, all of them, that those in spirit have. Make the effort to connect with that inner being that you are (that you term the Higher Self), and life will become, if not easier, one to be lived with clear purpose.
Ruth Ryden
Access Ruth Ryden's latest channelings on weather predictions and Earth changes. Read answers to her questions to The Masters of Light regarding current events and pertinent issues in the world today. Ruth also provides a series of special feature articles channeled on specific subjects of interest. Ruth is renowned for the quality and accuracy of her channeling. * * She has published two books that are very basic teachings about our role in the universe. They are both still available at Amazon and other book stores. The books are: “The Golden Path” and “Living the Golden Path”. Go to: and enter in the “seeking” place, “The Golden Path by Ruth Ryden.” * Easy to find and deal with – some used books there too. * If you wish to express your appreciation for these messages and can afford to donate a few dollars occasionally, it would be a great help to me. Please do not use Pay Pal. Personal check, cash, or money orders are just fine. Please, Please!! Make sure to include your e-mail address so I can thank you personally.

I am still accepting requests for personal spiritual readings. Your Spiritual Teachers and Guides are contacted for this purpose. Please e-mail me for information.
She can be reached at:
Ruth Ryden * 2806 N. Apple Lane, Whispering Pines, Payson, Arizona 85541-7328 USA * (928) 474-3515 *

HEAVEN #3815
Bright Golden Light
May 6, 2011
God said:
Do you have any idea of how enchanted I am with you? Yes, you. You with all your foibles, I adore you. That’s how it is. I love you, and I love the core of you.
With each of My children, I see a bright golden light. Each of you has that, is that. This is what I see. I see this golden reflection of Myself. That is the core of you. That is you without all the encumbrances you wrap around yourself.
I see your essence, and what I see is the essence of you. Your light, My light, are the same.
Your light is covered with a body and all your thoughts.
Imagine yourself for a moment, if you will, as bright beautiful radiating golden light. Imagine your heart as a bright sun revolving in your chest. That’s it. That’s who you are. A bright sun spinning. How Our light embraces.
At the core of you, you are no less than the Great Ones. What they had, you have too. It is all there within you. If only you could see yourself as this bright golden light, you would own the world. You would own Heaven. You would own love. You would own to love is what I mean. You would admit it. You would know Who you really are. You would not be blinded by your radiance. You would see for the first time. You would see yourself as I do see you. You would be light itself.
And then you would see everyone else the same. You would see Truth. You would move in Truth. You wouldn’t compromise Truth. You wouldn’t be distant from it. You would embrace the light of yourself which is Truth abiding. There is no other Truth than love, and you are the bright light of love. You feed the Earth and all in it with your abiding light. You are the light that shines. You are My Shining Light. You are the light of the Earth and you are the light of My love, resplendent on a world that needs Our light.
What could possibly trouble such beautiful golden swirls of light as My children are? What strength you are. What a Being. What nothings can you be entangled with? Let the entanglements go. Allow yourself to be the bright light that you most certainly are. You are nothing but bright light. All the rest is illusion you have been carrying on with. You have been talking to phantoms.
You are light and nothing but light. You are the radiance of My heart. You are My glance upon the world.
There are no conditions to My love, for I see My light in you. There is no fault to find with your beautiful light, and, when I look at you, that’s what I see, the magnificence of My light as if I were looking into a mirror. I am looking into a mirror that is you, and I see Myself. What is not to love?
I have said before that you are love and nothing but love. And now I tell you that light and love are One. Do not hide under the covers, beloveds. Bare your light so that the world and everyone in it is lighted. You are not this mortal dust. You are not meager. You are not suffering. You know not illness. You are not timid. The Bright Light that you are knows not fear. What is there to fear? All bright light is One. You and I are One Bright Light. We are like laser light that pierces the world into knowingness of itself.
The seeming world is made of many bright lights, and so the world is lighted, and you are the lighting of it. You are the lighter of the world and the brightening of it.
Heavenletters™ Copyright1999-2011 -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts * In these times when the whole world needs nourishing, Heavenletters is already proven to stir the hearts and souls of people of all ages all around the world and from all walks of life. * Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter™, Teacher, Speaker * The Godwriting™ International Society of Heaven Ministries * 703 E. Burlington Avenue, Fairfield, IA 52556 * * *

Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Beloved one, you may take different forms, you may have different incarnations, and you may know different realities, but always the divine energy which is you is forever ongoing, past the concept of time.
Visit our website: *

Universal Mind: Power to All Our Friends
Channeled by Alec Christos Gabbitas
May 3. 2011
The message that you are all collectively sending out is one of determination, spiritual gusto, and avid assuredness - and also a one of never turning back! The die has been cast and the same mould is being used for the whole 'hand of domino's' that has the emblem of the 'Middle Eastern Standard' upon it, for now is indeed the rightful time as the phoenix rises and the temperatures are soaring, for the collective emphasis is surely one of liberal democracy. Many are electing, from deep within their hearts and souls, of standing tall and be counted, and those precious lives are laid at the feet of the collective zenith! This vibration has been simmering for many an age as the winds of change have fanned those glowing embers into a now veritable inferno, a crescendo of fired up animation, and the tempo surmounts all known fears and 'no faint of heart' are there to be seen!
There comes a time in all walks of life, in all arena's of being, when the terse, tense, and testing scenario's have need to be challenged, chastised and then changed into a far more acceptable environment to offer greater equilibrium and balance for all and everyone. The guilty of these dictatorial regimes are in the firing line in these now times, when the walls of Jericho once more are in need of leveling into the ground! The tasks are hard, the going gets tough, yet all will be seen to slowly, yet most surely, be transformed into a fairer and more acceptable deal to all the players, using the self same deck of cards. To stand ever taller and be counted is the only way out in these current climes. Little David will surely be in fine fettle as he continually slings these stones at the ogre Goliath, for his aim is true and sure, accurate and determined!
Power to all our friends is an analogy of inner strength, of course, as the outer dictates follow that which is born of the inner. No greater strength has any one than the soul which glows and rises from within the heart of hearts and re- births into glorious creativity, illuminating the very planet with a kaleidoscope of vibrant impassioned rainbow colours. Heaven is surely where the heart is! Supporting factors are now the order of the day as warring factions meet face to face with sheer grandeur combating stark oppression. Then now the hands of destiny are awaited for the next ensuing round, when those many tools of war compel thus a seeming stalemate, awaiting now the seeds of destiny to express then their imminent ways or growth.
Beloved Mother Earth has yet again no other alternative than to allow the winds of change to blow harshly through her realms in southern U.S. States, allowing that which has ruptured been, to yet once again be burdened with elements destined to be cruel! There will become a time when such sorrowful disruptions will have been played out through a mighty mother nature, as all that unbalanced is, will no more prove to be! There will become a time when these outward expressions of dire releasements will have no more need to be endured, for the globe may once again be clear and the melting pot emptied!

Now time will be remembered for it's rapturous wonder and such inaugurating beauty of two so destined soul-mates, committing their sacred wedding bands as ordained indeed with all manna from heaven and supported on the grand Universal Scales of Justice and karmic balance. God's will is indeed seen to be so expressively done, "Thy will be done Lord." The fairy tale romancing of a charming Prince William to the refreshing and enchanting Lady Catherine do so rightly merge into this God gifted union, and relevant energies do roll across the heavens, embracing and enhancing this magical union - nobly and truly hauntingly overshadowed by the mystical Lady Diana whose energies were clear to see and feel by those that have then eyes to see! Blessed union, one encouraged by the hierarchal energies in loving united accord. The die is cast, the stage set, divinity decrees that men and women shall be as One in sacred mergence of yin and yang, through all walks, all interpretation of life, so shall it be.
The beloved planet moves ever onwards with positive strides toward her fast approaching inauguration to her rightful destiny as her star status is resumed. She is assured her ascension and will rise to this occasion when the time is exactly right and the heavens regroup, as it were, to accommodate her readjust-ment. Varying and continuous movement will be made by the many factors of Hu-mankind as they locate to the energy band that is fitting for each soul. It is an extreme and an exact motivation as then varying destinies will be realized and in highest divine order, for all in the universe will be exactly rebalanced. The law and math of ascension realignment will be inch perfect and precise, for there becomes a natural law, the law of attraction, that will accommodate all with love and synchronized compatibility.
These are times of great expectations and the greater expectation is the one that mankind holds for him/herself, as the journey now becomes more astute and the pathway one which is likened to a tightrope that affords precision and delicacy in one's choice of inner direction. Holding the light quotient for self and therefore for the beloved planet, a delicate and profound balancing of the continual changing energies that are spilling forth upon Terra with abundancy and finesse. The proof of the pudding is in the eating, and as the changes flow incessantly then will the many begin to formulate that which their inner souls are prompting and 'recommending,' for each has that inner choice to make as to where one's heart seeks comfortably so to be.
It is vital now in these now times that all information that is proffered to you from the lighter side of life may not ever be total highest good; and likewise it might be cordially suggested that all the headline news that you receive from your own plane of existence may also be quite misleading and not all is then in highest truth. There is ever the need for even greater discernment and these words are also most applicable in these now moments when much speculation is being grandly bandied around by news sources that have not perhaps the totality of truth in some aspersions that are being made. Step back from all the intimations and feel with the heart truly where the light is shining brighter.
Much to be thankful for and much to be commended upon as you walk your talk and hold your heads high in these testing and critical times that you are ably soldiering through. Holding the slowly fading old structures of the past and present protocol, yet in like manner shining that integrity and resilience into the 'now and future' structuring of new protocol. You are literally holding and bridging two planes of existence, as your Atlas stance affords mammoth implications, spanning the outgoing dying protocols, and invoking the birthing of the new energies to be! You are magnificent and truly accept these words of appraisal and commend!
See ever and always only the light, love and the might of the newly emerging world that is so surely in her birthing canal, accepting only that which is ever in perfection and in total highest good for the beloved planet and for all upon and within her. Hold as ever the vision of that new world and become the new conduits for all that God Is. Go in peace and know that yours way is being set into clear directions and that there are surely multitudes of light beings that are ever by your sides.
(c)2011 Channeled by Alec Christos Gabbitas for the Universal Mind and an ever United Kingdom. Please copy and share, giving full credit to the source of these messages * Email: * Also to Lady Isis and The Light Circle Ezine) * "Be Still and Know that I Am God and Know That I Am Still!" *

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