The Truth Has A Way Of Getting Out

1.)  Today's Angel Message
2.)  SaLuSa: The Truth Has A Way of Getting Out
3.)  Taking Back the Power
4.)  Message from the Masters
5.)  Jeshua - Message of the Day
6.)  Life Is Coming True

Isis' Message of the Day -
"The truth is composed of all truths. So simply it is your opportunity to recognize that what you hear are other truths in the truth. If some of them vibrate according to your truth, then integrate them, if they don't, don't." ~ Bashar ~
The Light that shines on me . . . shines on my neighbor as well. The breath I exhale . . . another inhales. We are all ONE.
The spirit of truth will guide you into all truth." - John 16:13
I AM ISIS a "Spiritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
~ Lady of the Light ~

Today's Angel Message
Dear Ones, We are here dear. It is a time for people to know what they are wanting. If one wants to create Eden, one needs to know what Eden looks like. What would Eden look like to you? It is not just what “things” you would have, but would make you be happy? Would you be in love? Would you be passionate about the work you do? Would everyday be filled with experiences that excite you and make your day? Once you get clearer on what Eden means to you, start finding little things everyday that start making Eden a reality for you. You are a Co-creator with God/Spirit/All That Is. You choices do affect your reality. Let’s fine-tune some of the choices to bring in more of what gives living that wonderful feeling of Aliveness and Excitement. Now go take on the day and Bless Your Hearts.
Cynthia Lee Shelton, LCSW a licensed psychotherapist with 25 years of experience in traditional therapy, psychic intuitive therapy, and healing energy work.
Cynthia has been described this way: "Take the best therapist you have ever experienced along with an amazing healer and psychic - toss in some angels and some pretty interesting guides - and you get Cindy Shelton. Her ability to get right to the essence of you and your problems is awesome. She's one of a kind!"  *   *   

SaLuSa: The Truth Has A Way of Getting Out
November 19, 2010
On Earth sensational news travels fast, and the truth about the missile that was shot down is no exception. A brave soul Colleen Thomas has allowed an interview to give the Pleiadian version of events. I am asking Michael to make the link known to you, and he will put it at the bottom of this message. Such news is a sign of the times indicating that people are no longer in fear of the authorities, and are intent on spreading the truth around. It will only be by such sharing of information, that the real purpose behind action being taken in your name will be revealed. For too long you have been lied to and treated as objects for use of the Illuminati, in their plan for your eventual enslavement.
Many people have in fact indicated their readiness to support the efforts of the likes of Steven Greer. He has amassed hundreds of testimonies that will confirm the truth of disclosure, which awaits official permission to recognize our presence. It will be just the start of a long series of revelations that will go back far longer than you will probably imagine. The mood upon Earth is changing rapidly and the people are mobilizing themselves, to put pressure where it is needed to get the truth out about the cover-ups. No longer do they blindly accept what the Governments tell them, and have long questioned their statements. With the increasing levels of consciousness this move to learn the truth will spread. For the time being the Internet is your only source of reliable information, but beware of those who for different reasons send out anything but the truth. If in doubt trust your intuition, and check the facts out by comparing it to websites you trust.
What is happening is speeding you towards the first real changes that are going to take most people unawares. However, there are enough awakened people to help ease them into an understanding of the reason behind such events. The most important reason is of course the ultimate completion of this cycle and finally Ascension. In the months leading up to it, much time will be given to explaining the manner in which people may prepare for it. It is largely a need to know how to centre yourself, and expand your consciousness to a point where the lower vibrations can no longer affect you. Ascension is a natural result of the culmination of the powerful energies that will bring it about.
It is easy for us to ask you to keep calm when Mother Earth becomes more active, but it is essential if you are to avoid experiencing fear. Fear quickly lowers your vibrational level, and if sustained will make you susceptible to illness. It also attracts to you the very thing that has brought it about in the first place. The Law of Attraction has no means of discerning whether what you are thinking strongly about is viewed as desirable or not. What you focus on is what you bring to yourself, and is the basis of self healing. It is possible to think yourself as healthy by taking such a positive attitude. In the distant future you will become powerful creators, and even co-creators with God. It may seem a long way off bearing in mind where you are now, but already such powers are already developing.
Most of you having been immersed in the lower vibrations for so long, have in fact forgotten your true potential. Opening your minds to it is part of the awakening process, and it will continue until you are fully conscious Beings. For so long you have been deliberately kept down, and had little realization of the great Being you really are. That is now all changing, and you are beginning to understand concepts that not too long ago would have baffled you. If you can identify with that description then you are surely experiencing an expansion in your consciousness. Telepathy will also start to grow and you will realize that when you know what people are thinking and you are picking up their thoughts. You can develop it by projecting your thoughts to another person and will be surprised to find it works. In time it will become the normal means of communication, which is what we of the Galactic Federation use.
You will find that in your dream state you will meet other souls also out of the body, but more importantly bring a waking memory back with you. Some of you will also be allowed to visit us, and that will most likely be because you are in fact related to our civilization. Many of you on Earth especially for this time are representing your real family, such as Colleen Thomas and the Pleiadians that we mentioned earlier in this message. You will at some stage get to know about your links with us and may find that you have arranged to return to your home planet when this cycle ends. You are coming out of your dreamlike state which has been put upon you and into an unrealistic position of believing the illusion that you have been living. That is why some emphasis is being placed upon getting the truth out into the public domain.
Dear Ones, so much is happening your heads may be in a spin, which is why we so often emphasize the need to stay centered. Going with the flow is good advice, but use your advantage of knowing what is planned to stay grounded and calm. One day you will look back at these times and in seeing the big picture realize how privileged you were to be present to experience the transition to the higher dimensions. It is a big event of such massive importance to all life in the Universe and it will pass off as planned and represent a fantastic change that could only happen at the Creator’s command. Little Earth therefore becomes a very important cog in a very big machine and it is why it is attracting a great deal of attention. Visitors to your solar system have to keep their distance but many, many civilizations even from other Universes want to be present to record Ascension. That will give you an idea of what a great event is about to be played out and it cannot be affected by anything that happens on Earth. The potential for such levels of interference has passed and we are here to see that success is guaranteed.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and thrilled by your progress towards the real commencement of Ascension. Of course it started a long time ago, but it is only since the last 30 years that it has substantially picked up.
Thank you SaLuSa,
Mike Quinsey
***The YouTube video link is:  *     

Taking Back the Power
by Scott Rabalais
Novermber 11, 2010
Perhaps as long as humans have inhabited Earth, the prevailing perception of reality has been that of separation consciousness.  Largely, we have viewed ourselves as apart from an external existence.  We have accepted the perception that we are isolated human beings in a vast and unfathomable universe.
Out of separation consciousness we have created various societal institutions and, in many cases, given them the power and authority to determine the course of our lives.  We have turned over our sovereignty to others deemed more knowledgeable and powerful and subjected ourselves to the dictates of their authority.  Working our way out of the cobweb of hierarchical structures has been nothing short of an immense challenge.
Fortunately, in this age of awakening, many of us are hearing the call from within to stand up and step away from that which was created from a sense of separation.  In recognizing our inherent divine nature, we are realizing that we can claim the infinite power within and respond to the harmonious and synchronistic guidance from our souls.  What we have given away in the past, we are now reclaiming as our own.  We are taking back our power.
The institutions that have become woven into the fabric of our lives are often seen as facets of a “permanent” reality.  The prevailing belief is that these institutions are necessary to keep order and maintain progress throughout the world’s cultures.  If we question these institutions’ essence or foundation, we are typically met with strong resistance, if not an inquiry into our sanity!
The vast majority of citizens on the planet are consciously aware of only one level of awareness, and that is the consciousness of separation.  By transcending this level and moving into unity consciousness, we can clearly see the root of the institutions that cover the landscape of our collective reality.  It is from this mountaintop view that we can perceive the manifestation of institutional thinking from separation consciousness.  From this same mountaintop we can see how these same institutions would largely disappear in a collective manifestation of unity consciousness.
The institutions mentioned herein are not all-inclusive, yet represent a sample of those societal constructs that are prevalent worldwide in our current age.  They are listed in no order of importance or impact, but what they do commonly share in their current state is man’s prevailing unawareness of his innate spiritual nature.  Interestingly, as we have failed to see the power within, we have created instead societal institutions, none of which currently reflect our inner divinity.  While it cannot be determined with total certainty what would be manifested from a prevailing collective unity consciousness, it is safe to assume our current institutions would either change dramatically or altogether disappear.
1. Religion
Separation Consciousness – Man exists as a subscriber or follower within the dictates of a religion and its specific beliefs, commandments and rituals.  In many religious systems, the quality of the afterlife is determined by the willingness to follow the rules and practices as prescribed by the religion.  A key characteristic of virtually all religions is worship, or submitting to the demands of a perceived ultimate authority figure.  Sacred texts, accepted as “the voice of God,” are revered and used as a code for daily living.
Unity Consciousness – Man is a god unto himself, complete and whole in every respect.  As a being of pure awareness, he is no more or no less than any other aspect of existence.  In unity consciousness, man serves as his own ultimate authority, and he has no desire to rule over any person or domain – nor be ruled.  He is directed only by the guidance emanating from own soul or inherent divine nature.  There is no fear of death or the afterlife in the realization that he is an eternal being.
2. Government/Law/Politics
Separation – Man establishes a hierarchical structure of government and law and selects individuals to carry out the responsibilities of various authoritative positions.  While forms of government vary worldwide, all are based on the idea of the selected few speaking and acting for the many.  The rule of law is enforced primarily by physical force, imprisonment or other forms of punishment.  In many areas, the rule of government and law is imposed upon a citizenry with little respect for their freedom of expression.
Unity – There is little to no need for an authoritative government or man-made law.  Man is no longer directed by the ego or intellect; instead he is aware of and manifesting from his consciousness of oneness.  No one person sits in authority over another, as each person claims his responsibility as a divine being – and operates as such.  As a result, a natural harmony exists among all world citizens, with little to no need for law enforcement.  As each being serves as a conduit for the flow of universal abundance, there is a decreasing need for an authoritative body to redistribute wealth.  Through unity consciousness, networks or groups form through a natural attraction to a cause or project.
3. Economic/Banking
Separation – A belief in possession rules the day.  Man learns at an early age that money is necessary for survival.  Competition for jobs, profits and status ensues.  The quest for money becomes the prevailing motivation for the actions of many.  More is always better, and ambition creates the need for rules and regulations that attempt to prohibit taking what is not one’s lawful possession.  Currently, economic concerns are experienced in every institution and beyond.
Unity – Financial systems are no longer necessary; money largely disappears from the face of the earth.  In the consciousness of unity, man takes and uses only what is appropriate based on “right action” or the guidance of the soul.  This inner guidance also serves to direct each capable human to his natural and joyful contribution to humanity.  Out of unity consciousness flourishes a civilization based on harmony and synchronicity built upon a foundation of infinite intelligence.
4. Business/Commerce
Separation – Profit is the key to maintaining and building a business.  The bottom line often speaks louder than the impact of the business on the Earth and its people.  Production is driven by what the consumer desires, while desire in turn is manufactured by false or seductive advertising.  Dominating the competition often becomes a theme that overshadows the pure intent and purpose of the business.
Unity – All business and commerce is conducted as a manifestation of the divine without regard to personal gain.  With economics no longer a factor, every business has available whatever it needs to fulfill its purpose as a creative entity.  Fulfillment is derived from divine expression and in the creativity that benefits the fellow man.  Rather than focusing on profits and losses, the focus shifts to creativity and sharing.
5. Military
Separation – Weapons and weapon systems are built and employed by countries and organizations for the means of protection from and aggression against perceived threats.  The separation consciousness of man creates the polarities of friend/enemy, good/evil and right/wrong, then acts on them accordingly, often with lethal force.  Politicians, military leaders and soldiers strongly identify with belief systems that serve as an impetus to violent action.
Unity – With polarity dissolved into oneness, man sees all of existence as an extension of himself.  Thus, any action taken against another is taken against himself.  Fear dissipates into love, and, subsequently, the need for military force disappears.  Others are not viewed for their labels and identifications, rather for their nature as a divine being.  Threats, aggression, violence and crime are history.
6. Education
Separation – Education serves primarily to train and expand the intellect and indoctrinate into the ways of a culture.  At most schools, students are subjected to tests and grades, while being offered a homogenized curriculum.  Little recognition is given to the originality, creativity and specific learning tendencies of each individual.  A primary focus of education systems is to indoctrinate students for jobs and careers.
Unity – Instead of the primary function of education being the indoctrinating of students with knowledge, the purpose of education shifts to bringing out that which is already within the student.  Students are exposed to practices that encourage recognition of their inner selves as well as their unique expressions and manifestations.  Students become aware of their purpose(s) for incarnating on the planet and are prepared as needed for the fulfillment of such purpose(s).  No tests and grades are administered; instead, each individual is honored and respected for his unique path of self-realization.
7. Medical/Drug
Separation – Healing is largely administered by doctors and health officials who are often ignorant of the interconnection of spirit, mind and body.  Instead, the body is treated as a machine, apart from the forces of the mind and the spirit.  As a result, treatments are administered through the use of drugs or the latest technology.  Large numbers of human beings suffer maladies on a regular basis, with health care becoming a major expense.
Unity – Generally, man exists in a state of harmony with respect to spirit/mind/body.  However, if dis-ease occurs, the healing approach is holistic, identifying the underlying cause of the illness.  Healing is not administered through drugs, but instead by guided and purposeful introspection.  Medical cases are rare, due to man’s alignment with and awareness of his inherent divinity.
8. Media/Entertainment
Separation – Many news outlets subscribe to a fear-based approach, focusing on death, poverty, crime, unemployment and so on.  Virtually all popular entertainment forms, whether movies, sports or music, are based on strong identification and separation consciousness themes.  A primary focus of media and entertainment has become financial gain, with a massive worldwide audience (perceiving through separation consciousness) participating as consumers and spectators.
Unity – The approach to media and entertainment is toward expressions that uplift, inspire and awaken.  Cooperation is preferred to competition.  Human beings express for the sake of expressing and naturally share their talents and gifts with others.  Rather than focusing on themes of the separation mind, expressions reflect the divinity from which they are sourced.
Creating a reality based on unity consciousness is not a fairy-tale dream, but rather it is a certainty when the collective ascends in consciousness.  We can continue to “tweak” the current systems that originate largely out of a collective separation consciousness, or we can forge ahead into a “new world,” both inwardly and outwardly.
How does each of us contribute to this new reality?  First and foremost, we attend to our own self-realization and rise evermore into an expanded unity consciousness.  From there, we naturally move toward that which is divinely sourced and away from that which originates from the perception of separation.  Likely, we find ourselves disassociating from those institutions that represent a collective separation consciousness.  We are outsiders for awhile, until our new reality comes to the fore.
From unity consciousness, we serve as the architects of a reality based on love and free from fear, beliefs, ego, violence, ambition and greed.  We live in a divine state as beings of freedom, truth, harmony, peace, wisdom and abundance.  As we take back the power that we have given away to others, we reclaim our authentic nature as divine beings.
Copyright © Scott Rabalais - Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this article freely on the condition that the author’s name and website ( is included with the article.  *    

Message from the Masters
Received by Dr. Meg Blackburn Losey, Ph.D.
November 16, 2010
We are grateful for the opportunity to be of service with you in this now.

There have been many changes across the dimensions of creation since our last transmission and much of the change is a result of your coming together in a unified intention of Oneness.

As the seven star gates continue their opening progressions, areas of creation that had become enfolded have begun to reopen, become available and harmonized. Creation is a pulsing, moving beingness with a rhythm of its own that each of you carries within you. As you rise in vibration, so does all of creation in response. As the vibrations rise, the enfoldments that had closed upon themselves for many, many millennia are now opening in such a way that corridors that were utilized by the ancients to cross through the space-time continuum are becoming available again. There has not been a greater time in your existence in which more access throughout creation has been available to you.

To experience these possibilities it is first for you to become aware that they exist, for you cannot have a possibility without awareness that it might even exist. Secondly, to enter and experience these corridors with your consciousness or even your complete being, it is to do so with only the purest sense of being. What we mean by that is to become the oneness that you are, dropping all sense that you are a separate being from creation. To let down your guards and defense that are untrue in the first place, and to become what you intend. Thirdly, it is to enter without expectation or preconception of what the experience will be and to allow yourselves all freedom as a whole and perfect explorer of all reality. Journey with the inquisitiveness of a child, from your greatest states of innocence and allow yourselves to be carried along passageways that your most ancient of ancestors utilized.

Along the way await great beings of light that will be way showers for you. They will give you messages of great importance and truth, and they will assist you in the healing of attributes that you have taken on as untruths.

You can communicate with beings of other dimensions, and of galactic origins. Every twist and turn within the corridors takes you to a new locale in creation, different levels of manifested reality and different levels of density. Do not be so focused upon your journey that you forget to stop and have the experiences that await you. Much like your earthly experiences, when you become logical about what you encounter, the encounter quickly recedes from truth and becomes what you imagine instead. The difference between what you imagine and the truth is that imaginings are often only self-serving and are not aspects of the greater One. Of course you have a responsibility to serve yourselves, learning to receive as much as you give! That can be a difficult resonance to embrace and embody as you have been taught otherwise.

Selfishness is not the same as serving self. Selfishness does not consider the entirety but serving self does nothing but that. It may seem as a paradox and yet it is far from it. Because so many of you have been coming together on your 10/10/10 and 11/11 harmonic dates in a sense of unity and grace, you have brought great harmonization across all dimensions. You have brought balance into the star gate alignments. The time glitches that you have been experiencing are coming to an end as the true harmonization within and amongst the corridors through creation is perfecting. There is coming over the next weeks of your time, even further harmonizing. You will find within you a great sense of ease and embodiment of the One unlike any times before. The harmonics within you are beginning to mirror that which is the change in creation. This is one of the greatest aspects and events in all of your history.

As the new harmonizations begin to settle in, you will find that your space brothers and sisters will begin to appear more and more. There will be messages delivered and received unlike any in your memorable past, and positive outcomes possible from these experiences.

Your weather patterns will stabilize for the now, being intense in some areas and milder in others. The La Nina will deliver some intensified weather over the next months for those who are in its path.

You may have noticed a minor recession of earthquake activity in the intensity of these events but know that there will be more and further intense events particularly in South America and the far western pacific especially during December of your time. That which has been your norm will become very different in many ways, but then is not change the catalyst to human expansion and awareness? Notice what is happening within you and around you. Let your inside experience balance with your external one. As this occurs, that which you intend will become of fruition much more clearly and quickly than it has in the past.
Celebrate the escalation of human evolution as you rise in consciousness and therefore vibration close to the source of your creation. Remember that all change requires balance and that when positive changes occur there will be other more dense aspects occurring in response. Do not bend to the denser events but see them as only aspects of balancing. That which is positive and that which you intend as positive events will ride farther and higher than any attempt at balance. Also know that what seems to be negative can often be the catalyst to great and amazing change that you may not have yet considered. It is often what you had not expected that brings you the greatest joy and satisfaction.

Continue to work together in body mind and spirit, as your souls know inherently all aspects of Oneness even beyond your human perceptions. As you come together in the name of the One, so do you become indelibly graced with all aspects of consciousness and possibilities. Know that what you have learned as beings of density is far from truth and what you know is only truth. You can certainly learn the difference by listening to your bodies and becoming aware of how experiences created within and around you. When they match, you know you are in truth. When they do not, you may have drifted far from it. But you always know the way back. The way home. You don’t need a map or a process, only to listen well to your inner being.

We are grateful to be of service in this now. Be in peace.
About Dr. Meg

Dr. Meg Blackburn Losey, Ph.D. the author of “Pyramids of Light”, the “Online Messages” and  “The Children of Now.”
Please remember that my radio show, Continuum, is now on  the first and third Wednesdays of every month! My thanks to Shirley and Brit for sharing this wonderful space with me! The shows will be available on my site within three weeks of airing and available for downloading to your MP3 players as well so if you missed then when they aired, you will be able to hear them later!
Meg may be reached via e-mail or her website: *  *  *  Spirit Light Resources | 29830 S. Pine Springs Rd. | Cheney,  WA  99004 |  *   

Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Beloved one, there is nothing wrong with touching. It is most necessary. When you have the infant in arms, that infant needs the sense of touch. It is one of the basic first senses of the infant, and it is never, ever forgotten, and it is never, ever completely fulfilled, even if you put it aside as you grow older and you say, “Well, perhaps I’ll shake hands.” Touch, love, be, live life to the fullest. Take the power of Now and extend it, yes, into your future. But you are the power of Now, and you are the power of life. Allow it to be real in your own feeling.
Visit our website:  *    

HEAVEN #3648
Life Is Coming True
November 20, 2010
God said:
The Heavenletter before this does not say that you are to give up on your dreams. Have your dreams, keep them, and be happy with what comes. In every case, something wonderful is on its way to you.
It is like this: You have a recipe for a certain cake. You start making it, and you find you are missing an ingredient. Well, you substitute another. You make the best cake you can in that moment. You improvise. You do not stamp your foot or cry. You are not stymied. You bake your cake, and it may turn out to be the best ever. You play your part.
Life is like that cake. You can ad lib a recipe. You can ad lib life.
You do not have to be adamant about what life is supposed to look like. You do not have to be adamant about what you look like. You go along with life as it is. You run along beside it. Life may go your way, but not always. Maybe life knows better than you.
A book you are reading does not always turn out the way you wanted. It is a good book nevertheless. You close the book, and you enter the next book in a continuation of a series you call your life.
Your life, beloveds. What a boon.
It is said that there are no mistakes in life, yet you can be mistaken. What you make of what occurs is not surefire.
Just as when you take a photo, you may have to focus it more to the left or more to the right. You don’t mind making that change. Don’t mind making other changes in life as well.
You may want ivory paper to print on, and all you have is blue.
You may want Missouri peaches, and all the store has are California peaches.
Be happy with what you find.
It could be that what comes next is what you want.
Life is like a telescope that keeps extending. There is always more. You can go further. Sometimes the telescope expands, and sometimes it contracts. This is good experience for you. It makes you flexible – but not too flexible. Hold on to your dreams at the same time as you don’t need to have them. You are not at the whim even of your dreams. Life is coming true.
Just love, beloveds. Love your dreams, and love your life as it appears before you. Take a chance on life. See what it has in store for you. Let the play proceed. You are the performer of your life. You are director as well, yet that does not mean that everything plays out the way the director envisions. Allow life some freedom. Don’t nag life. Don’t standardize it. Live it. Up hill or down dale, have fun with it. It is only life. There is only life. There is no death. There are no tragedies, but to you there are. You see only a slice of life, not enough to tell you the whole story.
Life in the world is all about change, and you cannot always deal the cards. Sometimes they are dealt to you. All the while, nothing has happened, only you didn’t get your way. Be a good sport. Tomorrow is another day. Tomorrow you may get the cards you want. You may even be the dealer.
Like a game of cards, life has to play itself out. What is the next card, beloveds? You will see.
Have you tried the Heavenletter Cosmic Generator yet? What Heavenletter comes up for you today? It’s kind of like I Ching! If you haven’t tried this yet, click:   * What message was yours today?  *
Heavenletters™ Copyright1999-2010 -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts * In these times when the whole  world needs nourishing, Heavenletters is already proven to stir the hearts and souls of people of all ages all around the world and from  all walks of life. * Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter™, Teacher, Speaker * The Godwriting™ International Society of Heaven Ministries * 703 E. Burlington Avenue, Fairfield, IA 52556  *  * *   

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