The Times U-R In R Wonderful {Channeled}

Beauty Of Earth's Crust


Today's Angel Message
Dear Ones, It is a blessing to be able to converse with each one of you. You, who are on the path to your own personal knowing. We work in accordance to your wishes and those of creator. Know that all wishes are met. However, your doubt cancels many of them. The timing of the wish being met is often “off.” Divine timing is different than man’s timing. The more you are in connection with your inner knowing, and stay connected, the more the amazing the timing and the coincidences in life happens. Get excited about the coincidences, they show you your connection. Stay true to yourself. Be in awe of the unfolding of your life. Be at peace. Bless your hearts.

SaLuSa: The Times You Are In Are Wonderful
November 30, 2011
As the saying goes, keep on keeping on, and let nothing distract you from your chosen path. Only you alone truly know what is needed to propel you forward, and exactly where you have set your goals. Normally you would be quite happy to progress at your own speed, and certainly no pressure is exerted upon to do otherwise. However, it must be understood that Ascension is so near that if you desire to seize this opportunity to get out of the 3rd. dimension, you do need to ensure you know what is needed of you. As we have so often mentioned it is your intent that is so important, because as soon as you send out that energy it attracts similar energy, and strengthens yours that opens up the pathway to Ascension. It is about raising your vibration by bringing more Light into your life, and sharing it through positive thoughts and actions.
Do not concern yourself if your path is different to others, as there is more than one way to reach Ascension. Indeed there are time lines that cover every possible combination of possibilities. If you have exercised your choice there can be no wrong way, otherwise freedom of choice would be pointless. You are the creators of your own future whether you realise it or not, which is why you are told that you have created your present reality. That does not mean it cannot be changed, because you have done just that by standing on your own two feet and refusing to bow down any longer to the dark Ones. It is true that we and many other Beings of Light are helping you, but we only do so when you have taken the first steps yourselves. You point the way, and we will place more signposts along it so that you do not loose your sense of direction.
The times you are in are wonderful, because you have made it quite clear that you want nothing more to do with the mentality that focuses on war and confrontation. You are quite positive in demanding world peace and if your present leaders are unable to respond, you are not prepared to see them just step down but insist that new leaders that can do so are appointed in their place. Dear Ones, such leaders are amongst you and when we have removed the obstacles and opposition to them, they will lead you to the peaceful and happy era that you not only seek but deserve. There are now a great majority of people in the world that pray for peace, but not at any cost but through peaceful negotiation. Such prayers are being answered by Beings of Light from the highest realms, and they support us in our work by empowering us to help you to achieve lasting peace on Earth.
There is much that needs achieving before you reach the end of 2012, and this is where we will play a major part. You have to move quickly from the set up that has been maintained by the Illuminati, one that has kept you under their control. They have sought to create situations that make you more and more reliant on them. In so doing they have done everything in their power to stop you advancing into the New Age, as that would have made you more independent of them. However, their power has now been greatly reduced and will continue to do so until we can remove them from positions of authority and influence. Already many of their secret bases have been dismantled and disabled so that they are permanently out of use.
Matters are progressing well although by your perception may not see it that way. It is a mammoth task to reach the point where we can allow our allies to step into power. Fear not, as we are so near to putting an end to the interference in your lives. Duality was of course giving equal opportunity to either the Light or dark to take charge, and until recently the dark Ones were the dominant force. That is no longer the case and through our allies we seek to use the power of the Light to remove the negative energies that remain on Earth. The Light can be subdued but never defeated by the dark Ones, and the truth is that the Light will always be victorious. Do not confuse the coming activities of Mother Earth with negative events, as the cleansing she is involved in is a series of positive actions that shall lead to the Earth being restored. When there are physical eruptions or movements of the Earth, some souls will leave but that is by choice.
Your world affairs are dominated by the financial crisis, but we see the outcome as helping remove members of the Illuminati who have not only monopolised monetary policies, but manipulated them to their advantage. Some of the biggest crimes against humanity are in this connection. Your money has been stolen either directly or indirectly, and lined the pockets of those who have set themselves at the top of the pyramid. The wealth of the world will be taken back and fairly distributed, and all shall enjoy a satisfactory life where you no longer have poverty or slavery.
You may have noticed an ever increasing number of sources putting out messages about the coming period. Be selective and allow your intuition to work for you, and hold onto your beliefs until you have good cause to change them. As we have said there are many paths to Ascension, but also some that simply take souls on a continuing journey in this present dimension as they have no desire to do otherwise. Leave them to follow their chosen path, as it will provide exactly what they need to progress. It is no one else's place to convince them otherwise, but be assured that they cannot have been on Earth without learning many useful lessons. These will serve them well at some future time, and if they are souls that you relate to now, you may wish to stay linked with them as a Guide.
You sometimes talk of thanking your lucky stars for the good things in life, and you may not realise how near to the truth you are. When you look up into the night sky you are looking at the suns of many solar systems. Each sun is the abode of extremely high Beings of Light, and they stream the Light into your Universe. You can think of them as Gods that in turn link with the Great Central Sun, and act as conduits to spread the energies everywhere, thus lifting up the lower vibrations. It is an ongoing process that is gradually enabling all life to return to the Source. Remember, that All Is One and everything has its being in the energy of the whole.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and wish to convey blessings and love from the member civilisations of the Galactic Federation.
Thank you SaLuSa
Mike Quinsey

Melchizedeks Message
Received by Marlene Swetlishoff
November 29, 2011
Beloved Ones, 
As you each attune yourselves to the new frequency levels, understand that you are those Ones who are already operating in the fifth dimensional consciousness and even beyond into the higher dimensions. You are holding the higher vibrational frequency for the World and this is vital in the coming days, months and years. As your Light quotient has expanded your auric field, your Light has been affecting all those around you whether you have been aware of this or not. You are each Light Bearers and are becoming impervious to lower energies. This in itself is a great accomplishment. 
Continue to do your work each day and know within you that you "Are" making a huge difference in the unified field of consciousness and this has been evident in the events that are transpiring around you. Everywhere you look you observe that there is a greater sense of happiness and oneness in people’s attitudes. True, there are many who are in the throes of purification and release and this will continue, but you Dear Ones have already been there and done that and are now working on the next level of your Ascension journey and maintaining and expanding your Light so that you are connected with your I AM Presence in an ongoing permanent way. 
As you embody more Light from your I AM Presence it is important that you now walk, talk, and act from a place of your Divinity at all times. Practice asking for assistance if you need to, if you need help with this. Ask for upliftment and empowerment as you go about your daily activities and try to make a time every day to sit in quietness and receptivity. Seeing yourselves as a Being of Light whose Light is radiating from within every cell and atom of your Being will eventually bring this into manifestation in your physical form. Dare to dream "Big" and envision the highest ideal future for yourselves and everyone on the Planet. Hold to this vision and bring it into focus many times each day. 
Your affirmations and decrees "Do" make a difference, for each time you do this work, the Angels surround you and magnify the energy that you create; you are quite literally energetic powerhouses. Bless everyone and everything around you and intend to be a blessing as you daily labor. Trust in the guidance that you are receiving and know that all is well no matter what is going on around you. By these actions each and every day you have been creating amazing transformations in the people and World around you. Be good to and love yourselves by taking time out often and doing activities that bring you joy and happiness. It is time, Dear Ones, to be in joy and harmony, in peace and laughter. 
We are ever with you, guiding and working with you on the higher dimensions. Each of you are known and deeply loved by your Family of Light. Let this thought always be with you, for it is so! 
I AM Melchizedek
©2011 Marlene Swetlishoff

Much Light, Love and Rainbow Blessings, Marlene 

Orienting to the Eclipse Passageway – Entering 2012

Thursday's New Moon with a partial Solar Eclipse ushers us into a new landscape with new ways of experiencing and where sensing and knowing expanded information is possible.

This is a passage-way.  Eclipses always come in pairs and this last Eclipse cycle of 2011, opens a path to 2012 that is initiatory; you can be changed in very practical ways that filter down into your experience and give you new footing by the December Solstice Celebration and to enter 2012, doing/being what you are, what you want and what you love.

You can pass into this New Year using your current positioning or you can open into this passage and create and renew your framework of intentions and understanding which generates your experience.

Message from the Archangel Michael
Orienting to the Eclipse Passageway – Entering 2012

11-11-11 is still unfolding within you and this Eclipse Passageway is a means of conscious integration, accelerated integration and offers an energy arc that you can ride to new horizons if you give presence to it.  Attuning to this arc can help you keep your eyes on the emerging horizon--and keep you from being sidetracked by the reflected environment—as you move through the Earth's transformation with confident, informed, empowered presence.

You realize increasingly the vastness of energies available and present and in learning to pick and choose, to call forth resources as needed in harmony and balance and living with neutral coherent aliveness, the mastery of your future self here flows back into your field and the wisdom and inspiration of your soul presence descends more fully into this human energy emanation which exists for and as you.

Calling forth your Cosmic Greatness is the pivot point in initiating your own multidimensional lifestyle here; the living patterns which supersede all prior versions of you in their brilliant clarity!  It is this imperial experience which you have summoned from within your heart and the convergence point of the arrival of your ultimate intended self with your human focused experience is approaching.  Note that this arrives in waves and stages, not all at once.  The full integration of your liberating presence into human form takes field adjustments and cellular reprogramming as well as involving emotional and mental adjustments and evolutions...your whole energy system is implicated by the intentions you emanate from the template of your being.

This template organically orchestrates that which is of greatest benefit to you and you can orient to this by sensing and feeling and going with what feels harmonious, right, true, and what feels good to you.  There is 'No" exception to this guidance and any thinking processed disengaged from this overall feeling will give you grief and dilute both your creative capacity and your energy.

Life exists in orbs of flowing spherical radiance and your orb is defined by your intentions and the quality of your focus.  This fluctuates as you encounter the inputs of many modes of interfacing with all levels of reality and so it becomes increasingly important as you understand this to orient by whole body presence rather than visual or mental cues alone or even primarily.

The capacity to live in total harmonious multidimensionality is right now "Fully" available through feeling whole body knowing and sensation.  As you turn your attention to an idea or a choice, notice how you feel throughout all layers of your being.  If you feel a quickening, a hum of energetic enthusiasm and excitement, or a swell of opening and a spacious abundance of love--then go for it.

If it creates an experience of tension, of restlessness, or anxiety, uncertainty or confusion are present, make sure you are focused on whole-body perception and then if this is still the feeling, then what you are focused on is "Not" in alignment.  Release it.

Everything surfaces as it is needed and relevant so there is "No Need" to wonder if it will return, to make decisions on it, other than the one you are currently pondering for this very moment.  Rather, you might consider an approach of curiosity!  Wondering what will emerge next, this day, how your intelligence will arrange and compose your specific expansion and unfolding into fullness in harmony with the vastness of being and layered landscape in which you "Are."

This of course necessitates a relationship to life which releases all illusions of control yet recognizes innate power and mastery of choice in perception.

It is a bit of a conundrum or riddle that you are powerfully creative and yet own and control nothing.  If you think about it you may feel confused.  If you feel your way into this you somehow entirely understand, and the truth of it seeps in and releases you into a state of neutrality accompanied by total, unique, creative inspiration and freedom.  Bliss can be yours.

Use this time to renew your footing and your navigation.  Enter the eclipse cycle a willing eager participant in the supportive transmissions from the auric presence of your sun and moon.

All is orchestrated in relevance and conscious presence to what is assimilated and refreshed within in you and the new footing you develop through conscious attunement to this passage can open important keys to your inner self, arriving in greater communion and your entry into 2012 being empowered and expansive in clarity and joy.

Joy is the energy to claim while in 2011.  Call forth all elements of your being that can assist you in manifesting this energy within.

I AM joyously in your service! [wink!]

I AM Archangel Michael

Channeled by Meredith Murphy

Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
All of you have found love, sometimes in the most surprising places, and all of you have felt the harshness of life. And all of you have felt and heard the voice of separated ego that would say, “You chose wrongly. You should not have said what you said, did what you did, come at the time that you’ve come.” But everything, beloved ones, has been in divine order, and your soul knew this before the incarnation.
