The Secret Is Out {Channeled}


1.)  Today's Angel Message
2.)  SaLuSa: The Dark Ones Secrets Are Out
3.)  Communication with the Federation Of Light
4.)  We Can Change Our Economic Future
5.)  Jeshua - Message of the Day
6.)  Be Your Own Hero

Isis' Message of the Day -
"Never do anything against conscience even if the state demands it."

~ Albert Einstein ~
How everything and everyone is connected. See this series!
New date for repeat of Pilot. . . March 15 
World Premier March 22 check local TV station time.
I AM ISIS a "Spiritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
I wish you Joy, Love & Peace,
~ Lady of the Light ~

Today's Angel Message
At specially timed intervals there have always been small groups of special, unique Beings who incarnated into the different races and sub-races, and who brought forth fresh ideas, instilled new qualities and attributes. These advanced Beings interjected their wisdom, higher consciousness and special talents by example, and they also merged physically with select members of the human species in order to advance the DNA encodings of  humanity.  "You are living in one of those special times."
I AM Archangel Michael
Transmitted through Ronna Herman * Star*Quest* 6005 Clear Creek Drive, Reno, NV 89502 USA * Phone/fax: 775-856-3654 * *  I claim the universal copyright for this article in the name of AA Michael * Copy freely and share * For Archangel Michael’s books, tapes and information on courses given through this Channel please  *      

SaLuSa: The Dark Ones Secrets Are Out
Through Mike Quinsey
March 14, 2012
The dark Ones are having to bow down to the pressure being applied on them by you. They never considered that you could exercise such power that they would be prevented from achieving their goals. Because of the emerging consciousness levels that are continually reaching new heights, they do not have the energies to draw upon that are needed to be successful. Their secrets are out, and at every turn they are confronted by challenges to their authority. They see their bases destroyed, and weaponry also destroyed or removed to prevent the fulfillment of their plans. They are in disarray but still fail to understand or accept that their days are over. However, we shall confront them at every turn to ensure that they are prevented from causing a major incident. We know all about their false flag operations, and they shall answer for their treasonous attempts to stage another World War. We state again, that war will not be allowed, and have asked the Illuminati to put a stop to attempts to create one. The New Age is birthing itself right now, and its progress will not be stalled or halted by any outside interference.
Therefore Dear Ones you have no reason to be fearful whatever you hear about plans to cause delays, and they would be best ignored as it is we the Galactic Federation who are in charge. Neither you or us have come all of this way to be foiled or disappointed, and as we have often proclaimed victory is ours. The round up of the dark Ones has begun and they will be placed where they can no longer interfere with your evolution. The Laws of the Universe are quite clear and irrevocable, and both the dark and Light must obey them. The one that has been considerably used is the Law of Attraction, although for a large part of your lives you have not understood the implications of your actions. The dark Ones have understood it, and taken advantage of your ignorance by empowering themselves at your expense. However, as you have taken the Light unto yourselves, you have attracted even more to the Earth and it has turned the tables in your favor.
It is a fact that in the end the Light will always win battles with the dark, even if they make momentary gains. What bigger prize is there other than your Ascension, which you have come a long way to claim. At times you have cried out to God believing that you had been deserted, when in fact you created your own separation. You blamed God for the death and destruction, yet it was Man who went to war out of greed and lust for his neighbors possessions. It has taken a long time to see how pointless it has all been, and truthfully there are no winners and all are losers. At last you are quite rightly demanding an end to war, and that call has been answered by God. It is now decreed by God that war is ended, and our place is to ensure that it is so.
That elusive peace you sought for eons of time is soon to be yours, and all forms of aggression will also be denied to those who would ignore the Divine Decree. Those souls who still harbor thoughts of this kind, will find that their vibrations are such that they will not be allowed to enter the higher vibrations of the ascended. It is no place for anything other than the Light and Love that exists in the higher dimensions. if you have the intent to ascend, make sure you are clearing the baggage that you have brought with you. Any word, action or deed that is on a lower vibration will feel out of place, so you should be able to gradually remove them from your normal interaction with others. Be to others as you would wish to be done to yourself, and you will create peace and harmony around you.
As you are noticing time is speeding up faster than ever, and a week seems a mere few days, and each week is filled with such a great potential that will change your lives. The media is still restrained and little of what is really happening reaches your eyes or ears. However, we are successfully working towards an open free Press, and once the restrictions are lifted you will be overwhelmed with reports about everyday events. When it is safe for us to appear with you, then regular T.V. programs will take place, allowing us a platform to tell about our plans and your future. The most important aspect is to calm peoples fears and prove that we come in peace, and thatwe are your future selves. Everything is planned is for your upliftment and benefit, and whatever changes take place you will be the ones to gain far more than you are likely to lose.
As you are to ascend with Mother Earth, total cleansing must take place and that will be of the land, seas and atmosphere that have been badly polluted. It has partially taken place through our presence and use of our superior technologies. Our brief has always been to keep a balance on Earth, and we have done that even to the extent of having prevented it from tilting too far off its axis. Earthquakes are quite natural, but we have lessened their affect where they have posed a great threat to mankind. They are Mother Earth's way of being involved in her own cleansing, and vitally necessary if she is to be returned to her pristine condition.
Sooner or later everyone of you will have to face the truth about your sojourn upon Earth. What you have been told is a far cry from the truth, and often it is distorted to suit the cause of those who control you. Yet you are born free and entitled to express yourselves as Spiritual Beings having a physical experience. That degree of freedom will be yours very soon, and you will forget the difficult times in duality although the lessons learnt will remain with you. You will come to appreciate what a great experience you have had, and how much it has furthered your evolution. That indeed is what you came to Earth for, and it has been a wonderfully enlightening time that ultimately you will have no regrets about whatsoever.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and we are so pleased to see you getting the proof you want that is confirming the dark Ones are in retreat. There is no place to hide or escape justice, so you do not have to concern yourselves about their fate. As with each soul that has walked the Earth, all of you are bound by Universal Law, and no one is above it. The Laws do not however give punishment, but instead the opportunity to make good your mistakes. All is carried out whilst you are held in the energy of Unconditional Love, that you should know how much you are loved by God.
Thank you SaLuSa. 
Mike Quinsey
I receive my messages from SaLuSa telepathically, he is speaking for the Galactic Federation. I have never had the advantage of being able to have a relationship where I can ask questions. I sit down at a specific time to make contact and then I get images or what I call 'packages" of images or words which I translate straight away onto the computer. Since March, 2004 I have been in contact with beings from the Galactic Federation.  *     

Communication with the Federation Of Light
Received by Blossom Goodchild
March 11th. 2012
I hadn’t planned on channelling until tomorrow, yet after watching a particular interview , I feel the ‘calling' so strongly , that I have abandoned other plans and … well here I am. I’ll leave you to proceed.
We desire to be in communication with you at this point in your time, not because of the urgency of a message, but because you are in place to receive us and that which we wish to speak of. Shall we say your receptors are on full firing cylinders.
You are saying in my head ‘continue’ … so I am assuming you are wanting me to ask the question that was going over and over in my mind as I listened to the interview … and that (as you know) was …. How? How, How, How, How, How, How, How do we remember who we are? I know I asked you this before and you said about imagining we are emanating Light, yet what else? There’s a huge key which we have lost, we are standing in front of the door, the keyhole is there, We can "Feel the Light" through this keyhole, Yet "Where is the Key?" The key you are asking us to find? It is being heard now all over "Remember who you are! When you Know this all powers will return and we can transform this Earth into its Higher place."
Are you able to give us more advice on how to do this? How to make this come about? I feel this is really important.
And you are correct, It is of great importance. Yet with Grace we would offer you gentle words of encouragement to continue on exactly how you are doing. We cannot press a button for you and "Hey presto, you recall in full who you Truly are!." This is not how it is to be. We can however suggest to you to ask from within. And keep on asking to be shown "For Yourself" who you are. It cannot be as if in a lecture where there is a teacher and a blackboard. It cannot be explained this way. It is only when an individual soul is ready that the entire remembrance of their original birth shall flood into their hearts and indeed …This Shall Be One’s True Awakening.
Ask dearest souls, ask of the Divine to be shown the key. Seek and thou shalt find. Understand that through your seeking the key shall be shown to you. We are only here to remind you that the key is to be searched for and we ask you to "Know in Your Hearts That There Is a Key." You can Feel it. You Know Of It. You cannot deny this Feeling, even though at times the boat is tossed upon stormy seas, you through your own manoeuvring bring that boat into calmer shores once again and Feel the Peace within you that simply Knows.
Knows what? You talk of this Knowingness and I understand it a little, could you talk about it in more depth?
The Knowingness inside each soul is the Truth. A Truth which cannot waver. Other Truths can change as one develops and evolves. This is more to do with ones understanding of greater understandings. Yet, The Truth, is something inside of you that is a part of yourself.  It is beyond expression. That is why it is so difficult for us to explain.
Keep trying by all means.
This yearning that resides in the hearts of many, this desire to connect up with a Higher self, a Higher sense of purpose, this Higher Knowledge. This is who you are, you are this higher self, this higher sense of purpose, this higher knowledge, you are the longing that you desire.
You are desiring yourself not a longing to "know" for you already know. You are believing that this Knowledge of Higher things is ‘out there’ waiting to come to you. This could not be further from the Truth. All that you desire is not up in the stars where your hearts are magnetised too, that is merely your former residence, your home of Truth. You Feel, many of you, that you long to go home but it is the longing of yourself that you are aching for and that is not up in the galaxies. It Is Inside of You. Deep within you lies all truth, all knowing. Deep within you lies all truth, all knowing.
I am aware you have spoken of this before, yet this is what I am asking you to help us with. We seem to be struggling in finding exactly where inside this lies. How do we access it? This is really what we are seeking, how to access this knowledge of who we Truly are?
We can tell you this. You cannot access it by being busy bees. You cannot remember that which is of the greatest value, when you are choosing to push aside that part of yourself that is calling out to you and you refuse to listen. Yes of course you live upon Earth and upon Earth is much to enjoy. We do not ask you to stop the enjoyable things. We ask you to fully consider all that you partake in and to remove from your everyday living that which "You Know" to be of little service. In respect for where you reside and it’s varied undertakings we would safely say that there is much which would be of great benefit for you to let go of, yet you seem to think you can’t live without it.
Consider in your head being upon an island where there were no distractions just the sea and the sky, the forest and the fish in the sea. The fruits upon the trees and the temperature of the weather. Imagine yourself there for a long period of time. Imagine being on that island for perhaps two months of your time, without the company of another human being. Think hard about how this would appear to "Feel" like in your reality, the hubbub would be gone, the hustle and bustle of life that you have created in order to ‘survive’ would not be there to rush you off your feet. You would have all the time in the world to breath. You could ponder upon the beauty of nature. You could sit in silence with yourself without interruption for days upon days upon days, just you in touch with yourself. Asking yourself questions and not being influenced by another’s thoughts or interpretation to that question, just you there to listen to your own answers. This is how you find out who you are. By giving yourself the respect you deserve to do so.
Yet you do understand I presume that as much as many of us would like to be beamed to ‘said island’ right now this isn’t going to happen and therefore some may feel frustrated at that which you suggest.
Yet did we not suggest to "imagine?" There is not one of you that could say you do not have the time. Even the most busiest of you would be giving unreasonable excuses to the self if they were saying they simply do not have the time. We would reply, "Oh yes of course you do." You need only to prioritise that which is of the utmost importance. And we would say, to take yourself to an island in your head should be number one on your list.
Of course we know you understand that it is not necessarily an island that one should travel to but to use the analogy we have presented can be most useful, as within the space of half an hour you can imagine many months and therefore your Being can have the benefit of those months before you have even brushed your teeth! These things we suggest to you, along with all other things we have suggested, are done so to assist you to remember, "We cannot do it for you." Nor would we wish to. For a forced concept of knowledge would not serve. All concepts of who you are are formed from within yourself.
"You Are Light. You Are Love." This we have instilled into you at every moment of communication. Consider the Light. Know the Love That You Are.
Back to square one … How? We are really trying.
And this is all that is asked of you.
Yet is that enough? Because you keep on asking us to remember and we keep saying ‘We are trying.’ Will we all remember at once?
We ask you to consider the possibility of many remembering at the same time, a mass awakening of that degree, yet not all. Certainly those who are of that elevated level within themselves who are ready for the change. And by example shall you lead them. As hopefully we are now. We are leading by example of Light. We are showing the way by being an example of Love. Brothers, sisters, Family of One, do not be concerned that you are not yet who you are! All is in alignment no matter how things may appear. When you Trust in this, when you give yourselves to this Knowing then a Peace resides within the heart space. We ask you to remain in that Peace. We ask you to Trust in yourselves within that Peace and Know that all is unfolding as it should.
The darkest of days are over. Chose to Know Yourselves by giving yourselves the time to appreciate who you are. How can you Know Yourselves if you never give yourselves a moment’s thought? For too many thoughts are on matters that are superfluous to the souls needs and yet one has taken them on board to be life’s meaning! In Love we would say, take hold, get a grip. Take recognition of that which Truly serves your soul and let go of the importance of things that are not important.
What is of utmost importance above all trivialities that you consider ‘high priority’ is offering yourself up to yourself. Serving your heart beyond all else. How many of you do this? From this moment on  in all things ask yourself, "Am I serving my heart? Is this serving my heart?" And your heart, dearest friends will rapidly answer you by the "Feeling" it returns in reply.
When you give service to your heart at all times you will notice your change. You will notice the change with all around you. Your circumstances, your standard of living, your standard of thought. You will begin to Feel as if your heart has had a makeover. It will begin to beat to a new rhythm. A Higher Vibration. Because by serving your heart you are serving your Higher self which is inside of you and the place where you begin to look for that key. Only we would add, that the key is not hidden there it is on display, yet you have new eyes to see what has been presenting itself to you all along.
The language of your soul speaks silently. "The Feeling Within You" that bursts with expression through your eyes. This language Lights up your face and speaks without words, it is Light beaming through your eyes. It speaks a thousand words in one glance. It is Love looking right at you. And how do you know? Because you Feel It. No words are spoken to convince you. There is no need of this, the Feeling alone lets you know who it is, Who you all are and that is Love, Only Ever and Always Love.
Times up. I know that’s it for tonight. When we can see you face to face we will look into your eyes and you will know us as we will know you. In the Truth of who we are. No doubts, or confusion. Love, Only Ever and Always, Love. Roger , over and out! In Love and thanks.
Blossom Goodchild
The interview I watched was (1hr 30m) *
Blossom Goodchild is a professional ‘direct voice’ channeling medium working with spirit and cosmic energies. *  *      

We Can Change Our Economic Future
by Jelaila Starr
March 12, 2012

* Video Link  *

In last week's message I wrote about how our response to fallen financial leaders will impact the type of financial system we create in the new reality.  This week's message describes what that economic system and society in general could be like.  I say could because none of us really know what form it will take since it will form from our beliefs and those are definitely changing.  
Prophecy tells us that we will end up with a one world economic system. I agree with that. Prophecy also tells us that it will not be good; in fact, we will all be slaves, shackled to it via a computer and a chip imbedded in our forearms.  I'm going out on a limb here and say that what was foretold is not going to least not in the way originally foreseen. 
I've felt for a long time that the prophecies were based on a future that was solely 3D.  What I mean is that the prophets could not envision a future in which man would spiritually awaken.  So, their timelines and events were based on history along with the level of consciousness in their current time.
We've seen a major shift in consciousness in the last 10 years and it continues (thanks in part to the Internet).  The concepts of higher awareness, higher beliefs are making their way into mainstream consciousness.  Many more are becoming aware that they are souls having a physical experience rather than the other way around.  And we are waking up to the fact that we do indeed create our reality...all of it. In other words we are becoming more personally responsible.
It won't be long before we move to the next level and embrace the fact that not only are we creating our reality, we are doing it for a reason--to learn from it.  We will understand that as incarnate souls, we have made contracts with others to show us parts of ourselves (beliefs and behaviors) that we can't see.  Thus, the concept of victimhood is no longer relevant.  We are simply souls playing roles in order to grow.  Consequently all things related to victimhood and the promulgation of it (wars, lawsuits, the military, etc.) will be things of the past. 
I also see other good changes.  A different attitude towards money will emerge.  This will occur because financial literacy will become a priority.  Children will be taught how to manage money from an early age. By the time a child graduates he or she will know as much about money management as any child from a Global Elite family.  These children will not fear money nor will they despise it because they have the knowledge to avoid being enslaved by it.  It is my humble opinion that a lack of literacy coupled with the resulting financial enslavement have brought about the negative attitude towards money that so many people have, especially lightworkers.
In addition to making financial literacy a priority, personal responsibility will take center stage.  Again, making it part of the curriculum in schools will ensure that it becomes part of our new consciousness and reality.  Of course this means that children (and adults) will no longer want to be seen as victims because victims are not cool.  
There's much more to this but I think you get the point.  Though it may appear we are headed for the type of one world government so many fear, I feel we still have the time to change that.  We just need to keep moving forward, keep awakening and reaching for the highest and best part of who we are.
Jelaila Starr

Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Beloved one, smile at the next person you see, and at the next person and the next, and what happens. It becomes contagious, and after a while ones are having a good day. They may not know exactly why, but they get to the evening and they lay the head upon the pillow and they say, “It’s been a good day. Someone smiled at me.”
Visit our website:  *    

Heavenletter #4128
Be Your Own Hero
March 14, 2012
God said:
Everything is not as you have thought it was. You are not as you thought you were! You are, at the same moment, far more than you have ever credited yourself with and, in the same breath, well, you may not be as marvelous as you sometimes thought you thought you were. You thought you were right. Everyone thinks he is right. Everyone on Earth is sure that his way is right. Just about everyone takes pride in his opinion.
You yourself thought you were more together than many others. Other people let you down. They didn't come up to your high standards. You were unaware that you didn't come up to your standards either.
Or, other people should know what they're doing, while you may be blithely ignorant of what you are doing. Someone doesn't treat you right. How have you been treating someone else? You may have seen it one way when it was really another way. Often, in your perception, others are wrong and you are right, and you do not see.
Other people tend to be too self-centered, and you may overlook your own self-centeredness. You had expectations of others that did not get fulfilled. Do you begin to see how you play all the roles in your life? You are the person you come up against. You, the human being, are not always the hero. A victim is not a hero, beloveds. You may expect others to be the hero. Be your own hero.
It has been easy to think that if only others were different, how much happier you would be. Ah, if only others would dance to your tune. Beloveds, you do not always dance to your own tune. Truly, if only you saw differently, how happy you would be. You are the supplier of your own happiness.
You want a certain prescribed intimacy with others. You want to be close, and another doesn't come as close as you would like. Beloveds, come closer to yourself, and the Universe will unfold all its wonders for you.
This is not to say that you are to start judging yourself. It is to say to stop judging others. What you see in others is what you contain. The only person you see out there is an aspect of yourself. You can hardly believe this, and yet it is true.
You conjure up others. If you feel betrayed, you have betrayed yourself. If you feel let down, you have let yourself down. At some point, you come to realize that others are not what you thought them to be. You, too, beloved, you may well not be what you thought yourself to be.
You haven't known your True Greatness, the same as you have seen yourself right in life and others mistaken. You haven't seen that you are not always right in your daily life. You may well see things one way when things are truly another. You aggrandize yourself at the same time as you abandon responsibility. This is not about affixing blame, you understand. It is about grasping responsibility. You, the responder to your life, are responsible for it. No one else is responsible for your life.
Ignorance is no excuse. Self-righteousness is no excuse. Being denied is no excuse. Conditions are not an excuse. Wave a magic wand over yourself and arise a prince or princess.
No more pursed lips at what others do or don't do. Look unto yourself. You, the human being, are not above it all. The soul of you is above it all. As an actor in life, you are learning, and everyone and everything is teaching you.
Have you tried the Heavenletter Cosmic Generator yet? What Heavenletter comes up for you today? It’s kind of like I Ching! If you haven’t tried this yet, click:   * What message was yours today?  *
Heavenletters™ Copyright1999-2012 -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts * In these times when the whole  world needs nourishing, Heavenletters is already proven to stir the hearts and souls of people of all ages all around the world and from  all walks of life. * Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter™, Teacher, Speaker * The Godwriting™ International Society of Heaven Ministries *  P.O. Box 2064, Fairfield, Iowa 52556  * *  *    
To Stay in Balance
by Christina Lunden
March 2012
“I feel like I am on a roller coaster. How do I stay balanced?”
“Is it still necessary for me to ground myself to Mother Earth?”
Think of Mother Earth as being 9 months pregnant. She is having contractions and is ready to give birth. Have you ever held the hand of a Mother giving birth? She will almost break your hand squeezing it when the contraction occurs. Now think about hugging her and totally being One with her while she is having those contractions. You would feel all of the movements and hear up close her cries. If you are grounding yourself to Mother Earth at this time, what can you expect to experience? Feeling waves of being okay and then all of a sudden anxious, unsteady, out of balance, painful, etc. This will occur on all three levels; emotionally, physically and spiritually.
For this reason and for these times, the Angels gave us prayers to aid our spiritual growth and to also keep us balanced. They are Chakra Prayers. Our chakras are the spiritual connection to our physical body. Everyone on Earth now has the main seven chakras open. Having all seven chakras open allows us to fully access the 3rd Dimension. As we start to spiritually grow, we add more chakras. In the last eight years, it has been possible for us to add the 4th Dimensional chakras, which are the High Heart Chakra, the Soul Star Chakra and the Zeal Point Chakra. We add them in that order. When we are light filled enough for the 5th Dimensional energy to start flowing through us, we can open the Christ Chakra. (This is the name the Lord gave me for this chakra. Others may call it something else.) When this chakra opens, the Earth Star Chakra underneath your feet will open, as well as the Hand and the Feet chakras. (Some healers will already have had the Hand Chakras open, even in the 3rd Dimension.)
The Chakra Prayers are simply prayers that concentrate one at a time on each chakra. The Angels have shared with us several 4th and 5th Dimensional chakra prayers so that we could choose what resonated with us at the time we want to say the prayer. Whichever one you choose, be assured it will raise your vibration above where you were when you started the prayer. We are guided by the Angels to say these prayers completely and never concentrate on just one chakra. Doing so would definitely throw you out of balance. Where we have issues with our chakras is usually not that a chakra is closed but rather it is blocked of some of its light flow. Saying these prayers will help to release any blockages. If you have a concern, you can also request that your Angels show you how you are creating the blockage.
These last 18 months have been a wild ride for Lightworkers. So the Angels wanted to give you reminders of specific tools that have already been shared to assist you in staying on the highest and easiest path during the rest of 2012 and all of 2013. Mother Earth is going to be in the throes of birthing for a while and as it gets more intense, these tools will help you to be balanced while still sharing your light freely to all.
~Take three long, slow, deep breaths, three times during each day. Some Lightworkers have told me they set their cell phones alarm to remind them to consciously take these three deep breaths.
~Say both the “Short Chakra Prayer” and “Unified Chakra Prayer” every day. This will take you 30 seconds. Both of these prayers and a few of the 4th and 5th Dimensional chakra prayers are posted on my website “Chakra Prayers” page for you to access any time. ( I also have several more forms of the prayers in the “Angelic Guidance” Soul Teaching radio programs.
~Speak affirmations and prayers to create the life that you want.
Once a week:
~Say a longer Chakra Prayer, any one that resonates with you. These are the 4th and 5th Dimensional prayers.
~Listen and participate with one of the “Angelic Guidance: Angel Blessings” radio programs. These programs are not teachings; they are simply prayers and affirmation surrounding a single theme. Some examples are: If you feel the need for healing, then listen and say the prayers to “Healing.” If you need peace, listen and say the prayers to “Peace” etc. These take less than 30 minutes. You can access these programs through my radio link on my website or go directly to the page Scroll down the list until you see “Angel Blessings” and then choose whichever theme you want.

If you are new to these particular chakra prayers, here is something that will convince you of their power for your life. Start with one of the long 4th Dimensional chakra prayers. Say it every day with an open heart for 7 days; preferably at the beginning of your day. Then on the 8th day don’t say it. See how your day goes. You will notice the difference. These prayers go to our core, our spiritual connection and work their way back from there. Since we are more spirit than physical, they are naturally balancing us. (Most prayers start from the physical and go out into Spirit.)
To help Mother Earth and all our Earth family we shine the light through our experiences. More will be asked of us over the next few months but for now the message is still to “Be The Light.” Just Be. The highest gift we can give everyone is the Ascension to a new world. This Ascension is activated by The Light. For your physical, emotional and spiritual bodies to have the strongest light flowing through it that it can, you need to be balanced. These are some of the tools the Angels have shared to do just that.
Light and Balanced Blessings,
Copyright 2012 © Christina Lunden ~ Creator Mediator All rights reserved. Although these messages are copyrighted, you are invited to freely share them; send them to friends, add to your newsletter, post on your blog, etc. including the Source:  *   