The Power Of Receiving Love {Channeled}

1.)  Today's Angel Message
2.)  Archangel Gabriel: The Power of Receiving Love
3.)  Saint Germain: Meeting Your Needs or Their Needs?
4.)  Jeshua - Message of the Day
5.)  A Rule of Thumb
6.)  Never Cast A Doubt!

Isis' Message of the Day -
"Love who you are and what you are and what you do.  Laugh at yourself and at life, and nothing can touch you. It's all temporary anyway. Next lifetime you will do it differently anyway, so why not do it differently now?" ~Louise L. Hay ~
I AM ISIS a "Spiritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
I wish you Joy, Love & Peace,
~ Lady of the Light ~

Today's Angel Message
Dear ones, we greet you today. We thank you for your courage and desire to change your world. We know at times it is tough to be in the physical body. We want to remind you that you are never alone and that we are here for you. Remember that love is the greatest gift you can share with others and to give the gift of love to your self. Open yourself to the love we wish to share on this momentous day. Look for the soul in each and every person you meet. In this way you will know God, since you will see yourself reflected. Go in peace. Blessings to you all.
Cynthia Lee Shelton, LCSW a licensed psychotherapist with 25 years of experience in traditional therapy, psychic intuitive therapy, and healing energy work.
Cynthia has been described this way: "Take the best therapist you have ever experienced along with an amazing healer and psychic - toss in some angels and some pretty interesting guides - and you get Cindy Shelton. Her ability to get right to the essence of you and your problems is awesome. She's one of a kind!"  *   *       

Archangel Gabriel: The Power of Receiving Love
Received by Shanta Gabriel
June 4, 2011
Dear One,
You are always receiving Divine Love whether you “tune in” or not. Imagine how much greater the love can be when you consciously tune into the flow of Divinity within you. This attunement process is not difficult but it takes reminders, and awareness to take the steps required when in the midst of your busy life.
Overflowing love awaits the opening of a door to conscious awareness. When you can slow the forward motion of your life long enough to breathe and receive this love, a level of attunement is there for you. This action will bring you a sense of protection and well being that adds a dimension of joy to daily life. When you allow yourself the moment to receive Divine Love, you can open up your awareness to receive the guidance you desire for any situation in your life.
A rapidly changing world is asking for all people to live from a heightened state of awareness if they want inner harmony. You often have no time for long retreats in natural environments or deep solitude available. When one desires more acute connection to spirit, there needs to be a place of instant attunement. As the frequencies of energy increase on the planet, it can cause disruption in the nervous system as the body adjusts. You may feel as though you are “over-amping” from the flow of heightened energy in your circuits. This feeling can be interpreted as anxiety or the desire for frantic movement. You may have requirements for major life decisions with little information, in short time periods. A deep sense of centered truth and connection to your inner guidance will go a long way to relieving the mind that frets in the midst of the Unknown.
The Breath of the Heart
Taking time to create this deep connection would seem paramount right now. It is often useful to create an imaginary scene, a serene place where you can lift your mind from its burdens of the moment. For many having a physical action that can be repeated will provide a connection that transcends mind, body and spirit. Doing both can release you into a new conditioned state of harmony in a very short time. When the mind is frantic, bringing your hands to your heart and breathing into the warmth of your palms can begin a process known in physics as entrainment. Spiritually you are attuning your entire being to the beat of your heart, which connects you deeply to God’s Love. As you slow your breaths, you begin to balance your heartbeats and your breath. This rhythmic breathing pattern will begin to calm your mind, and bring a sense of harmony to your body in a short amount of time when it becomes a familiar ritual.
Masters have given mantras, prayers or phrases for centuries to open the heart to God’s love. Using a phrase when you breathe into your heart is offering yourself assistance that brings you into a more centered state. At the time, you may be only able to croak, “Help me Angels.” Even so, know that whatever you say will be enough if your intention is to receive loving support and guidance in that moment.
Sometimes the most difficult thing for a person to do is be open to receive and allow love and support to enter your life. To have balance, you need to be able to receive as well as give. It is a primary law of the Universe, this balance between giving and receiving. There are legions of Angels waiting to assist you if you but ask. You have a Divine spark of God that links you to your most sacred, eternal self within your being. When you receive this love with full awareness, you will experience a tremendous shift within. This can lead to a sense of harmony and well being in your self. You will know you are protected and cared for eternally. It is all there for you if you allow yourself to receive help. Sometimes the support of the Universe can come in the form of a friend or a family member. It often accompanies a synchronous moment of being in the right place at the right time. Your willingness to receive is the key.
The Practice of Receiving
Imagine how different you would feel if you could truly believe the truth of how much you are loved? What if your body could gain a sense of knowing this deep within your heart? What if your mind could relax knowing you are being guided and protected, cared for eternally? This is possible with a bit of practice. Experiment with this idea by taking a moment often to place your hands on your heart. God’s love consists of Divine Light and pure Intelligence. Breathing this power into your heart as often as you can, starts a connecting process within you, enabling a deep attunement with the Universal principles of Clarity and Wisdom. You can even ask for these qualities of consciousness to be within you. Breathe in Clarity. Breathe out confusion. Breathe in Wisdom. Breathe out frustration. Breathe in Love. Breathe out fear. Breathe in support. Breathe out feeling alone.
Your heart is beating in unity with the heart of God. Receive the wellspring of Divine Grace from this place within you and you will be receiving guidance and love. You can have a sense of being guided where you need to go. You will know intuitively who to talk to and your inner truth will be more clear. Through this simple process, you have attuned yourself to a higher frequency of energy that allows you to live in harmony and alignment to the Universal flow of Intelligence and Right Action.
If you need words to say, as you breathe into the warmth of your hands on your heart, here is a suggestion from the Angelic Dimensions, Divine Presence, I NOW receive your love and light into my heart. Thank you for guiding and directing my actions and thoughts. I am now in alignment with my Highest Good, and I gratefully receive your support.
You can close with a traditional, prayerful “Amen,” or another Thank You. Your gratitude opens many doors to receiving God’s Love. This awakening presence is more available than ever before. Your heart holds the key to the Love and Guidance you are always receiving. It is for you to… Make it So.
Shanta Gabriel

For Archangel Gabriel
(c)2011 Shanta Gabriel is an inspired teacher, healer and the author of "The Gabriel Messages." This volume of compassionate wisdom for the 21st Century from Archangel Gabriel, is personal as well as practical, and provides clear suggestions for emotional and spiritual balance. Shanta's new book, Messages from Archangel Gabriel on Divine Light is now being offered as a free E-Book download on her *  Shanta posts regular messages on her blog, * Shanta also leads an experiential seven month Archangel Study Program. For more information about this powerful soul's journey, her private sessions or workshops, visit   *       

Saint Germain: Meeting Your Needs or Their Needs?
Channeled by Alexandra Mahlimay and Dan Bennack
June 3, 2011
Dear Saint-Germain, Spirit teaches us to be true to ourselves, to our joy. I am married, with two children, and I am working in a job that I don't like, just in order to support my wife and children. I feel like just breaking free from it all and disappearing to a remote monastery somewhere in the mountains, or to just travel and be free to be myself. How can I do something like this, when I have a wife and two children to support?”
My friend, indeed, this is a situation that strikes right at the core of the matter. How are you able to take care of your spiritual and human needs, especially when you are also taking care of the needs of other people, too? And in this case, these people are your wife and children.
I understand that you are feeling frustrated, and that you would like to bring change into your life. But before you make any impulsive decision about where to go, and what to do, I invite you first to stop for a moment and breathe.
It is natural for all humans to want to break free from limitations, and to want to move into better life conditions, especially when they are feeling the way you feel right now.
However, dropping everything that you've invested yourself in, and in the life that you've created for yourself and your loved ones, will not make you happier. I am not trying to discourage you here. But the idea of living in a monastery will not make you happy for very long, even though it seems like it would right now. But you know this already, otherwise you would have chosen this path, instead of questioning it, as you are doing right now.
It is important, however, to recognize your deeper needs in this situation. These need to receive your attention now, very urgently. These needs have created a kind of uprising within you; they are wanting you to focus your attention on something fundamentally important. You have been neglecting these long enough now, that you are feeling suffocated by your current situation; so you need to turn your attention to them now.
The thing that is fundamentally important right now is to take time for yourself. You need to take care of yourself first. Do this, in appropriate ways, before taking care of others. Nurture, strengthen, and renew yourself now. This will not exempt you from your responsibilities toward others in your life, nor do you really desire this. But it will help you to put your responsibilities into proper perspective.
You see, when you have created a balanced perspective about satisfying your needs and the needs of your loved ones, then you will gain clarity and maintain a compassionate view of things at the same time. You will better understand your motivations, and you will be able to shed some light on what has brought feelings of unhappiness and restriction into your life. Then you will see what your evolving needs are at this time, and how you can best take care of them within the loving network of relationships that you have created.
When you do, the sense of fulfillment that comes from attending to these needs will open the channels of communicating with your Soul, and will invite greater ease and joy into your life.
So, my dear... the important question for you right now is, how can you better take care of yourself? What can you do to improve the way your personal needs are met?
The most important step I would encourage you to take now is to reconsider the beliefs and assumptions behind the question that you have asked. You said, “I am working in a job that I don't like, just in order to support my wife and children. I feel like just breaking free from it all...” You are clearly feeling restricted and unhappy with this situation, and you are looking for relief. You are looking to have basic needs met. But what are the needs? Ask yourself this.
For example, is one of your basic needs to provide for your physical safety and security, and for that of your loved ones? Or is your basic need to feel accomplished as an individual; whole and complete in the work and service that you provide to others? Perhaps your basic need is to attend to the relatedness, love, and sense of belonging that you experience with your family? Or maybe the main need you have now is beyond family, self, and biological security? Perhaps it is more trans-personal? Maybe you are longing for connections with All Life, that your current situation is not satisfying.
It is also quite possible that all of these needs may be legitimate and interacting at the same time. But you must look at them. And as you do, you will begin to feel the authenticity of each one, and have a better understanding of what you may need to do, or allow, in order to satisfy them.
Give these questions some thought, but do not dramatize your situation. Give yourself the time to see how your real needs are revealed to you, and observe yourself in the process. You will find ways that you can do things differently, and this will enable you to move beyond this feeling that your needs don't matter.
You do matter to many, and you are loved beyond words, my friend. Thank you for your question.
Alexandra Mahlimay and Dan Bennack
This material is offered to help free us from limitations by expanding human consciousness. It may be distributed without charge, provided this intention is honored. Commercialization by other parties requires the expressed written consent of the copyright holders, Alexandra Mahlimay and Dan Bennack. If you are reproducing this material, please credit the authors by name and include the following link:  *                      

Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Beloved one, when I use the word “Father,” it means All. It means Mother/Father/God/Goddess/All That Is. I used the word “Father” as it has come down in your holy writings because it was a term that the culture understood at that time. The word that I actually used was “Abba,” which means more than just biological father. It meant the Father of All, the Creator, the loving Creator. It means your own divinity, because you are not separate from your Creator; you cannot be; you are an extension of it.
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HEAVEN #3851
A Rule of Thumb
June 11, 2011
God said:
All the attributes you see in others may well be your attributes. You might not see the unholy unless you had not felt unholy and didn’t like it in yourself. When you fight with another, there is something within yourself that you are fighting, else why would you storm about what someone else says or does?
You have familiarity with ignorance. You can’t stand someone else’s ignorance because you have had experience with your own. You don’t want to be reminded of it.
You have familiarity with stubbornness, and you are stubborn about someone else’s stubbornness.
You are annoyed with all the attributes that you yourself have experienced. You can’t stand a skinflint, and yet you have been a skinflint.
By the same token, when you are uplifted by someone’s good-heartedness, you have been good-hearted. When you appreciate a smile from someone, you have smiled.
By and large, you become irritated by that which you have displayed. Whatever you come up against, it is a shadow of you. What you love is also a shade of you. What you see is a reminder of you.
When you cannot tolerate injustice, perhaps subtly, you are being reminded of your own unjustness.
Every trait that drives you up the wall, you know it well. So long as you are irritated, you haven’t vanquished all traces of that trait yet. And that which in another gives you joy, well, that joy too is a reflection of you.
You are to get over things. Get over your own selfishness, and others’ selfishness will not be the big ogre it seems to be to you now. Ogre or friend seems to be your repertoire. You have been both aspects. You are well-experienced in both.
Of course, what you see as ignorant, someone else sees as smart. And so on.
Where am I going with this? Attend to yourself more than to others. Others are not obliged to meet your standards. Nor do you have to meet theirs. Sometimes you have to leave well enough alone. If someone is happy, let them be.
You are to be the teacher of life to your own self. If you have to teach, teach yourself. Hold back on trying to improve others. No one thanks you. In fact, you have gotten in their way. Move the chess pieces on your side of the board, and allow others to move theirs.
It is hard sometimes to know when you are helping or when you are meddling. Of course, you always mean to help when it may be only yourself that you make to feel good.
Do good, but be not a do-gooder.
There is such a fine line. You want to serve, and yet you may go overboard.
Pay attention to what you are doing. Do not take over someone else’s path. They have their path, and you have yours.
If someone is hungry, feed them. You don’t force-feed them. You offer. You leave the tray of food. You leave eating to their will.
It is not always easy for you to know when it is hands on or hands off.
Remodel yourself, and you remodel the world.
Remodel someone else, and you interfere.
Let someone ask you for advice before you give it. This is a rule of thumb.
Heavenletters™ Copyright1999-2011 -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts * In these times when the whole  world needs nourishing, Heavenletters is already proven to stir the hearts and souls of people of all ages all around the world and from  all walks of life. * Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter™, Teacher, Speaker * The Godwriting™ International Society of Heaven Ministries * 703 E. Burlington Avenue, Fairfield, IA 52556  *  * *          

Never Cast A Doubt!
by Alec Christos Gabbitas
June 10, 2011
Where there is no doubt there is no doubt! These words were once given to me so many years ago by a light being in the lighter realms called Red Cloud. And in all simplicity that is a simple truth for all, who are in their own unique  ways, channeling spirit from the lighter and higher realms. For many months did I drive the two hundred mile round trip to and fro' London from Broadstairs, eagerly awaiting the ever uplifting sessions with this wise and quite renowned American Indian Chief through his then trance medium, Margaret Sharland. A journey that was well worth the effort and input for it was the grounding for all that I have been fortunate enough to experience during this most exhilarating lifetime on this beloved planet with lady Gaia and sweet Mother Earth.
The intense yet variable trance teaching/training with meditation techniques inspired one to open up safely to the 'heavens,' invoking those energies that are indeed a gift to one and all. The intense and safety first inspirations were a blessing indeed and it spelled out the importance of finding the right 'teacher' at the right time. Greater carefulness, trust, inner dedication and conviction were and are ever the rule of thumb, for those early years of introduction for a promising and purposeful journey are truly paramount. Many pitfalls there can be for the one who is not so wary or respectful to the powers of spirit, for the true goal is to dissect through the lower astral energetic inputs to then accept a higher energy level input from the fifth dimensional realms and onwards.
The fun and games begin when a lower maybe mischievous being tries to fob itself off to you as a 'master' or higher vibrational being, and it is here where the training and dedication comes in, assisting you to sort out the wheat from the proverbial chaff. There are many supposed Archangel Michaels dashing around seeking the open channel who has not protected or opened up wisely and is waiting for an invitation to move in and create havoc and despair.  It is so important to go to the teacher who resonates within your heart so to speak. Accepting second best is perhaps a mistake for there are some wonderful and strong mediums that will only take you to those spaces where it is safe for you to be. Be happy and feel assured of the teacher you choose, for it is for your highest good and safety, within this truly wonderful world of inspirational and controlled mediumship.
These now times are quite momentous and life changing, and this is said with tongue in cheek for these years are the greatest opportunity that you will ever have to harness your gifts and utilize them wisely. These are the 'end times' as it was called in your Bible, but do be assured that they are the end only of the world that we know with greed, control and corruption, with false leaders in many places, with many disclosures and toppling of dictators, with no respect for humanity and interested only in feathering their own nests to the acute detriment of millions of suffering souls world wide. These times are now for all of us to look at ourselves, go deep into our precious hearts, and feel the love and the truth that we hold within. Polish your gifts, polish your pure intent and be assured that the light is ever victorious over all else, and love is ever the only answer. Remember, where there is not doubt, there is no doubt.
in love, in peace and in harmony are the well wishes of the Universal Mind.

Be still and know that I Am God....Be God and know that I Am still!  Alec.
(c)2011 Channeled by Alec Christos Gabbitas for the Universal Mind and an ever United Kingdom. Please copy and share, giving full credit to the source of these messages * Email:  * Also to Lady Isisand The Light Circle Ezine)  *  "Be Still and Know that I Am God and Know That I Am Still!" *           

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