The New Earth {Channeled}

1.)  Today's Angel Message
2.)  The Blue Ray: 2012 Ascension Acceleration Signs
       of the New Earth and Angelic Human
3.)  Hilarion's Weekly Message: June 5-12, 2011
4.)  Patterns in Your Life
5.)  Jeshua - Message of the Day
6.)  Mother Earth/Gaia: Prophecies and Predictions

Isis' Message of the Day -
Today is the first day of the rest of your life . . . what will you do with it?
I AM ISIS a "Spiritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
I wish you Joy, Love & Peace,
~ Lady of the Light ~

Today's Angel Message
Dear ones! How do we assist you in taking better care of your selves. We mean this on so many levels. You should hear the number of negative thoughts people have about themselves. They only see this tiny aspect of themselves. They go around not realizing their magnificence. Smell the beauty of the flowers and you begin to get an infinitesimal idea of the essence of yourselves. We await your coming into “full bloom.” Use the flowers to remind yourselves of your magnificent beauty. And if you are unable to do that, just marvel at the beauty of a flower. It is amazing that it was even created in the first place. Notice the beauty being reflected around you and in the noticing, bring that feeling into your heart. Then let it expand inwards and outwards. Then go take on the day. Blessings to all!
Cynthia Lee Shelton, LCSW a licensed psychotherapist with 25 years of experience in traditional therapy, psychic intuitive therapy, and healing energy work.
Cynthia has been described this way: "Take the best therapist you have ever experienced along with an amazing healer and psychic - toss in some angels and some pretty interesting guides - and you get Cindy Shelton. Her ability to get right to the essence of you and your problems is awesome. She's one of a kind!"  *   *       

The Blue Ray: 2012 Ascension Acceleration Signs
of the New Earth and Angelic Human
Channeled by Shekina Rose/Blue Ray
May 30, 2011
You are leaving 3rd dimensional reality and existence which limited your divine expression and holy sovereignty, to be in complete sacred union with the Universe. Master Light Bearers of Creation, Blue Rays, you are in the process of bringing into complete alignment all your ascended selves from the many places of enlightened dimensions, realms and planetary systems to create wholeness and divine power in your life and world. The time of miracles is upon you!
The codes of light within you are being accelerated by a cosmic alignment activating the ancient sacred technologies, placing you in an energetic space for your evolutionary spiritual Initiation of 2012 and 2013. You are being supported by a profound Universal planetary alignment that no one currently alive on earth has ever experienced before.13
The pathway is through the Sacred Heart and Shekinah frequency of the Divine Mother, resonating through the Crystalline Earth Christ Grid. You, in Cosmic unison of the Light of Creation, have already created this Christ Heart Gird with Gaia for the new earth and Angelic Human. 11:11 12:12 = 13- 33 333
Leaving the Old World ~ the End of 3D

Not all beings will be choosing to be in the higher frequency dimension bringing forth the new earth. What is important to know is that each being has a right and will be honored for what they choose. Your ascension process of purging and clearing the energetic bodies has activated a higher embodiment of your core essence of your Divine Original Blue Print God DNA. You are now resonating at a higher vibrational frequency that may not be compatible with your current occupation, partners, family, friends, groups, location and institutions. 444
You will be leaving the old world, and sometimes it will not always be subtle as you may be instantly cut off from circumstances you once were a part of. Family and friends can become angry and, mostly, it is that they feel threatened by the higher energy that they cannot articulate. A surge of divinity coming from your sovereign self will emerge that will support you, where your body and being will not be able to tolerate lower energies and negative behavior or treatment.
Your Body Cannot Tolerate Lower Energies and Negative Behavior 55

Your body may protest, where before you were able to act like everything was okay, now it will be screaming “no more” and you will speak and react from a higher truth and not be part of situations that take away your power. You are seeing this occurring more in your world and in your close relationships.
A special note for The Blue Ray and ultra sensitive empathic Light Bearers:  your tendency had been to shut down energetically when you felt threatened or overwhelmed by energy. This can have a direct effect on your immune system and may appear as a drop in your energy, fatigue, anxiety or brain fog. This tendency is changing, as you are now experiencing the realignment to the cosmos and your sacred lineage and higher immunity. Where you were once without a voice quietly in your inner worlds doing the holy work of creation, you are now stepping into a sacred sovereign power. Your light is becoming brighter, stronger and more noticeable, your God alignment frequency resonance more in tune with the cosmic support of Creation.
Misconceptions of Ascension and 2012 ~ “Did I Make a Wrong Turn?”

On your ascension path there may be times that you wonder if you did something wrong, and how you arrived at certain places of your journey. You may have had perceptions and thoughts that your life would look physically perfect. From the white picket fence of your home and your completely stable and secure life, you would look out from your curtains as all the upheaval settled and never touched you as you only had felt love and light.
If you have dedicated your life to the light, are a Blue Ray, a transformer through the Goddess Gaia, most likely ascension will bring you to the depths of the dark night of your soul. This may also occur a couple of times, as you reach a deep soul core purging that touches most all aspects of your being. From the true essence of your soul, a profound transformation of your reality brings an awakening of holiness and compassion for all life, and clarity like never before.  You are on a path of divine love and light that transforms negativity from the cells of your body. This innate mission of purpose within you has been guiding your emergence as an angelic human for the unveiling of the new earth. 333.
The old world perceptions of staying in one place and accumulating material possession were thought to be the ultimate wealth and stability. As you may have material possessions and comforts on your path of ascension, this will not be wealth or stability, as you are seeing this occur in your world. In the new earth, you will anchor your sovereign self, a sacred communion with creation of divine love, light, power and glory. This will surpass any perceptions you have had, where you can rise above and see beyond any chaos or confusion; the Universe will be at your command.
2012 Ascension Acceleration Signs of the New Humanity

Life Review in the Living
Life review in the living comes when you have reached a significant level of consciousness to experience a higher infusion of your core soul essence. This is the activation of your star essence, your ascended selves, God DNA in human form. It’s as if you are living many lives in the current one you now reside and do not need to die and be reborn, as you are doing it continuously and at accelerated speeds that are beyond time and space.
Your life review comes to show you that perhaps you have been accelerating at such great speeds that you may not have noticed your grand progress and who you are now. Past events and memories are brought to you but no longer trigger you – the trauma fields have been healed. It is to show you are ascending and evolving to a higher divine state of being.
Walk-ins and Re-Star Born

On your ascension you can experience such immense downloads of your higher dimensional fields from your soul matrix that you feel like a new being or walk-in. A soul braiding of your ascended selves is now able to merge with you, forming an expanded consciousness and higher embodied frequency to maintain a divine expression of your God Self.
Your expanded ascended selves bring higher knowledge, wisdom, soul and spiritual gifts, an enhanced expansion of your already healing and psychic abilities, and activate energy centers in your body and energy fields giving you support.
Planetary Alignments and Living in a Dream State

At times of planetary alignments, new and full moons, the Solstices and Equinoxes, you may feel you are in a dream state for a day or two. You may also feel sluggish, have difficulty in moving, as if through density, and you can’t wake up. These are transitional periods of being put in sort of a void dimensional time-space, still living your life and very much having a powerful connection with Source. Go with the energetic flow and rhythms the best you can, slow down and enjoy being in an awakened dream.
The Ascended Life of Divine Love

You will come to know that what you wish for more than anything is the clarity of your soul, your true full expression that is Divine Love, and all has been a ploy from your higher heart to get you there, to the ultimate divine power and glory of the Universe. All of God and life have been serving you to bring what you truly wished for. From this place that many are already experiencing, you will enjoy a higher experience of life and spirit. Wherever you go and wherever you are, a divine harmony of Peace will meet and greet you and say this is who you are. This peace we speak of is the truth of your soul and spirit; it is beyond peace; it is the Divine love of joy that holds all of life, the Universe and Cosmos together and this is who you are! 333
The Blue Ray Beings are an ultra-sensitive, empathic soul group like the Indigos that came from many different ascended planets and light realms to enlighten the genetic code of humanity and raise the God consciousness on Gaia. They are the lost ray of the Light Worker.
“Shekinah,” a Hebrew word in the "Language of Light," is a mentor of the Blue Ray. Shekinah is the lost aspect of the sacred Divine Feminine of Creation that is the embodiment of God, the ascension process. Blue Ray is the soul group consciousness of the highest aspect of all Blue Rays. Together we give you these transmissions.
Copyright © Language of Light vocal sound transmissions by Shekina Rose - Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this article and videos on the condition that the URL is included as the resource and that it is distributed freely and on a non-commercial basis. E-mail:  *      

Hilarion's Weekly Message: June 5-12, 2011
Received by Marlene Swetlishoff
Beloved Lightworkers,
The energies of these times are very intense and are galvanizing many of you to get deep within yourselves and seek a more conscious connection with your True Selves. There have been many layers and masks that you have donned during your current lifetime and from some previous lifetimes that are at this opportune time, coming up for acknowledgment and release. Many of these masks you have worn have been put on in self defense, as you learned early in your lives, that it was necessary in order that you live your lives in relative peace, turning the other cheek, so to speak, in order to gain approval from your family and loved ones.
Now, during these intense energies, these masks and layers are being dropped away as quickly as you are able to discern them for what they are and be willing to have them leave. All is about discernment of who your True Self is and this will be an ongoing process in the times that are before you. You are reconnecting with your Higher Selves and as you let go of the person you were yesterday there will be a transient sense of loss and sadness. Do not stay too caught up in this process, for all that is necessary is to recognize what comes up for what it represents to you, bless it for the lessons and expansion it has brought and watch it leave.
Those of you who got caught up in reliving your past experiences will have a harder time of letting it release but know that you have the tools within you to make it so. Determination and persistence is the key and the ability to detach from all emotional charge and recurring mental patterns within the situation you are currently working through. It is a time of self reflection and introversion, for as these layers and masks drop away, more of your True Being shines forth and more of your own personal power and sovereignty is returned to you to acknowledge and be grateful for.
Each of you is a Divine Child of the most High Father/Mother God. Your presence here on this Earth as you reconnect with your Divine Essence is helping to create and maintain the critical mass needed for the Light to continue to grow and expand through everyone and everything upon, within and around the Earth. This was and is your primary function and you have done this with great dedication and persistence to the point that success is at hand on the road to Ascension of your Planet and every man, woman and child who inhabit Her. 
As you continue to work your way through feelings of inertia, lethargy, tiredness, irritation, listnessness, aches and pains in various points of your body that differ each day, remember to nurture yourselves and each other, for you are all in this together and keeping together is of mutual benefit and for the highest good of all. There is power in groups, whether a family unit or whether you join in worldwide meditational efforts to anchor more Cosmic Light and Love energies into the core of the Earth. Finding the energy each day to repeat your daily decrees or affirmations will help you re-energize. 
You are all in the thick of the Ascension process and this is a very exciting development for it means that you are succeeding in the work you have come to do. Despite all current appearances in the way you might be feeling, you Are moving forward and are on the right Path.
Until next week…
I AM Hilarion
©2011 Marlene Swetlishoff
Distributing this message in other forums, etc. is encouraged, please do so with the following guidelines: Include author's credit, copyright and website: Weekly Messages from Hilarion  *  Angelic Gems of Light Messages * To Subscribe Details at:  *    
Much Light, Love and Rainbow Blessings,


HEAVEN #3845
Patterns in Your Life
June 5, 2011
God said:
When you sacrifice your peace for the presumed benefit of another, perhaps you are also sacrificing someone else’s peace as well.
Sacrifice is not sacred.
You may wholeheartedly desire to love others so much that you would do anything for them, and yet you are not able to carry through on your desire. Some people can. They can do it lovingly, and you may find you are not able to. It is not wise to let situations go on that, let’s face it, are intolerable to you. You may have had good intentions, yet you are just not able to live up to your good intentions. When you do not have peace in your home, for example, who does then? When will you? How will you restore peace when your peace is broken? Resentment does not restore peace.
Of course, you want to be an all-loving person. You aspire. And then you perhaps take on more than you can chew. The basis of your choice may well be that you are avoiding your own issues. You stir the pot, and then you can’t see what’s in it. It is so easy to blame your discomfort on others around you and on situations you are in the midst of.
You had a choice, and you made a choice that disturbs your life. Begin with the acknowledgment that you are responsible. Your woes are not the responsibility of anyone else.
Some people fear discovering themselves and so bring situations to themselves that keep them upset with others. They foist situations upon themselves. They do not seem to be able to get on without difficulties to solve. They may think they are acting for the highest good, and yet they may be acting from a level of fomenting disturbance. Some people deal with problems by incurring problems. From a place of seeming open-heartedness, they may make sure there is turmoil in their lives.
I ask My children to be unselfish. I do not ask My children to sacrifice. I certainly do not ask My children to sacrifice their good will. I do not ask you to draw difficult situations into your life. I do not ask you to draw drama into your life.
You may be the most well-meaning person in the world, and yet you may repeatedly set up situations that are not wholesome. When there are patterns in your life, notice them. Notice what patterns repeat themselves. Understand that you are not an innocent bystander. You are not an innocent victim. In a sense, you are the perpetrator.
You may be so accustomed to discomfort that you advertise for it. You may well have convinced yourself of your good motives, and your good motives may well exist, and yet they are a front. If you attract situations that do not bring out the best in you, your motives are a front.
If you are finding certain difficulties over and over again, you, My dear child, are the culprit. You are bringing the difficulties to you. It is not someone else’s doing. It is your own doing.
Find another way.
If you repeatedly move to a city where you find the people difficult, then consider that it is you who is difficult. For an unknown reason, you may want to prove that other people are imperfect or too hard to please. You may be the one too hard to please.
You are living with yourself, beloved. Wherever you go, you are living with yourself. If you do not like living with yourself, then there is something in your perspective that needs to change, and you have to change it.
Have you tried the Heavenletter Cosmic Generator yet? What Heavenletter comes up for you today? It’s kind of like I Ching! If you haven’t tried this yet, click:   * What message was yours today?  *
Heavenletters™ Copyright1999-2011 -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts * In these times when the whole  world needs nourishing, Heavenletters is already proven to stir the hearts and souls of people of all ages all around the world and from  all walks of life. * Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter™, Teacher, Speaker * The Godwriting™ International Society of Heaven Ministries * 703 E. Burlington Avenue, Fairfield, IA 52556  *  * *          

Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Beloved one, the world judges. The world says that you are wrong, that you have made poor choices, but you have not made a poor choice. You have made a choice. You have made a choice to know life in that expression, in that way.
Visit our website:  *    

Mother Earth/Gaia: Prophecies and Predictions
Channeled by Pepper Lewis
June1, 2011
There are those upon the Earth today who in silence wonder why their God did not move them closer to His heart as promised for May 21st - or so they thought. Others cry out for the same reason, as silence is not their way. Yet in the face of this perceived desertion, others scoff and laugh and even ridicule. I would invite you to do otherwise and remind you that compassion offers many rewards.
It is humanity’s way to mark light and dark moments and to measure these as holy-days pinned to contemporary calendars. Dates are way showers - they are markers of man-made, or artificial time. They aid the progress of events on earth, but the realms beyond earth are guided by a difference landscape where natural time is more expressive and less arbitrary.
Your present calendar was inspired and created long ago by men of reason, philosophy and science. It is one of many ways to measure the passage of time. It will be replaced by other calendars as cycles within cycles continue to refine time and reveal a need for a revision.
Presently, every religion, organized and not, is at work studying books of origination and verse, hoping to find in them prophetic messages of distinction and honor for one people over another, or at least that a people or a religion should be recognized as guests of God before others could claim the same prize, as if arriving in second or third place corresponds with being less beloved. Science also studies the same books and different ones as well, looking for clues by which a race might advance or postpone its evolution.
Heaven and Earth and all they contain are indeed moved by great cycles of progression, yet these yield only to the great arc that moves across the dark sea and the light sky, an honor and privilege that belongs to the One and Oneness. No man, religion or idea is above thisUniversal Law as all are contained within its exclusivity already.
Know this: Arbitrary dates invented by man for man will ultimately remain in moments that time will forget – lost to the smaller currents that are easily absorbed by the larger landscapes of time that expanded minds and hearts will ever aspire to. A date that is derived, extrapolated or imagined, based upon the writings of men who think as gods or gods who are men in thought are guesswork. Then as now, these are fancy findings and artful blends of culture and myth.
The wisdom of the ages is elective but not selective, it does not omit or shun those of another teacher or teaching. Time does not bind together dates of ascension for one people. This is true regardless of structure or thought. In other words, the slowest mind and the quickest wit are equal in this endeavor, as are those whom style and substance has graced with more and plenty than others who may still suffer in servitude or lack.
Know that prophets are but simple messengers; shuttles designed to go before, between and beyond the loom of time that was left behind by the weavers of experience. Their message may or may not be timely and it may or may not apply to you. Be at peace in that.
Do not turn a blind eye to the investigations and beliefs of others. If, however, you choose to be blind to what others see or believe, then make your blindfold out of the fabric of non-judgment and see only this.
Do not raise an eyebrow at the beliefs or choices of others, even if you do not find reason or merit in them. Be impeccable in your own thoughts and deeds so that your subsequent actions will bear both fruit and wisdom.
Study well the calendars of the ancients and the visionaries, and follow them across time and tide. Find the markers they have left for you and cross the thresholds that are still in place. Yet know that these will only advance you to the next step, after which you will begin again, for dates with destiny are few and far between and not nearly as exciting as they may seem from this vantage point.
In closing, remember that the architects of this world were and are wise and original in their thinking. They have designed the grand cycles of emergence and advancement to be within your reach at all times. The smaller gears and cogs within the Great Wheel act upon the larger ones, and these, again, are within your reach.
Pepper Lewis is a natural intuitive, a gifted channel and a recognized writer, speaker and teacher of metaphysics. The unique and distinctive channeled messages brought forth by Pepper have become favorites of readers all over the world. Most popular are the featured articles authored by the sentience of our planet, Mother Earth, affectionately known as Gaia.
Pepper is also the founder of The Peaceful Planet, an organization dedicated to relating to our environment and the world around us in a way that embraces and projects balance, integrity, peace and harmony. The Peaceful Planet offers spiritually grounded and inspirational products and services designed to empower and assist us in moving through these critical times with grace rather than confusion. Correspondence should be directed to Pepper Lewis by email  *
Pepper can be reached via her website at and for a schedule of her events see:  * The Peaceful Planet | 2305-C Ashland St. | Suite 320 | Ashland | OR | 97520 |  541-488-1502  *       

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