The NEW Earth ...

1.)  Today's Angel Message
2.)  SaLuSa: You Are Ascending With The New Earth
3.)  Sananda: Love is the Answer
4.)  Healing Away Negative Patterns with the Angels
5.)  Jeshua - Message of the Day
6.)  One Ray of God's Light
7.)  Archangel Gabriel: Living in Oneness

Isis' Message of the Day -
God is the very Essence of your life force.
God, pure being and consciousness, longed for experience, and this experience (s)he gains through the created universe. Nothing is outside of God. God is in everything. God is present in all created energies as the "Spirit aspect." This aspect is what makes all these energies ONE. That which separates a being from another one, what makes it different and unique is the "Soul aspect." The Soul-aspect covers the individuality of a being.

All created beings that have individuality are truly a coming together of Spirit and Soul, of consciousness (spirit) and experience (soul). Creation is a dance of Spirit and Soul.
I AM ISIS a "Spritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
~ Lady of the Light ~

Today's Angel Message
Dear Ones. Blessings to all. See the beauty of the heart that is before you. See the tarnish from the pain endured. See the strength that emanates from a life truly lived. See the greatness in the quiet strength. You are each Divine. You each have a connection to God/Source/All That Is. Love is one way you connect to Source/Creator. When you disconnect your life becomes full of valleys. We remind you that the choice is yours.
Blessings to all. Open you heart to receive. Feel us near you. Feel yourself surrounded and engulfed in the love we have for you as we enfold you in our "wings." Know that you are cared for as a mother cares for her child. Know that there is magic and wonder in the smallest of things up to the largest; from a flower opening its petals to the sun and stars shining down upon you. All is well. Believe it. Know it. Live it. Bless your hearts.
Cynthia Lee Shelton, LCSW a licensed psychotherapist with 25 years of experience in traditional therapy, psychic intuitive therapy, and healing energy work.
Cynthia has been described this way: "Take the best therapist you have ever experienced along with an amazing healer and psychic - toss in some angels and some pretty interesting guides - and you get Cindy Shelton. Her ability to get right to the essence of you and your problems is awesome. She's one of a kind!"   * 

SaLuSa: You Are Ascending With The New Earth
July 16, 2010
You hear from many sources that your reality is an illusion, yet for you it is quite real as you experience the physicality of the 3rd. dimension. Yet it is an illusion inasmuch that it is not your true reality. For that reason it has been correctly referred to as an experiment, which you willingly offered to take part in. The consciousness of All That Is which you refer to as the Creator, desired to know how its godsparks would deal with separation as experienced in duality. Your part in it is drawing to a close as the cycle ends, and unless you wish to continue experiencing in the lower dimensions you will be lifted up again. Subconsciously you have memories of your time in the higher dimensions, and that is why for most of you that idea of Ascension is welcomed. Some souls have become so used to your present dimension, that they cannot imagine anything better and are fearful of change. Problems arise about what will happen to your family and friends, and naturally you have concern for their well-being. Be assured that each soul has its own path to follow, and whilst you may come together in families that is not a permanent arrangement. You attract each other because you have certain experiences you desire, and all of you benefit from the family set up. Of course there are some beautiful loving relationships, and it is most likely you will meet again in subsequent lives. Even in those that prove volatile, there are often souls that already know each other and because of the love they have, will sacrifice it for the purpose of helping each of them to evolve. Believe it or not, once you return to the “other side” your earthly experiences can be put aside, and love returns between those who were at logger-heads on Earth with each other.
What we are trying to do is get you to see how little your time on the Earth resembles your true abode. In duality it is of course a challenge most of the time because of the absence of Light, although that is quickly changing as you create a pathway of Light to Ascension. However, because of the contrast between the dark and Light, you do have some illuminating experiences that can be most ecstatic and uplifting. The Earth is certainly the place to test yourself, and indeed that is the very reason you took the challenge on. If you wish you can sit on a cloud and play your harp for all eternity, but there is so much you can do to bring knowledge and under-standing to yourself. You are naturally always seeking and expanding your Light, as you make your way back to the higher dimensions. As ascended Beings we are also still searching, and we have the Galaxy within which to have new experiences. Join us and we shall travel far and wide, and home will be wherever we station ourselves as we take it with us. We refer of course to the gigantic Mother Ships that are like enormous cities, and provide for your every need.
We want you to be excited at the thought of becoming Galactic Beings, because that will be your future selves when you have become fully conscious Beings. The plan already exists for your growth into such a Being, and you will be overjoyed at the prospect once you know the details. We will participate in your advancement, and Ascension is the first real step towards it. In time your lives in duality will seem so distant, that the memories will soon be forgotten. After all you are ascending with the new Earth in all its beauty and fully restored to its pristine condition, so why indeed would you want to think of her in other way. There is of course beauty on Earth now, but it is a pale reflection of what she will soon be, so you have some idea of what splendors are in store for you.
There seems to be so much aggression on Earth, both of a physical nature and in words and gestures. Some of it arises from people being “disturbed” by the higher energies coming in, as they cannot handle them. They become disorientated and strike out in anger and confusion. In contrast those of the Light become more serene and joyful as they continue to be lifted up. The Light is sorting out the wheat from the chaff, but there is no shame or guilt attached to the slow developers. The sorting out is unavoidable, but it is necessary so that souls finds themselves where they are best served for their evolution. It happens all of the time, as evolution is a progression of steps that take you onto levels that are right for your experience and development.
Now you are seeing out the cycle of duality, and at times there will be mayhem, but it is the end of an era that has taken you to the depths of darkness and you have survived. At last the Light has broken through and there is only one way forward and that is upwards. Leave duality behind and try not to let it influence you, as your sights should be on whatever you need to tread firmly on the path to Ascension. The door to your future is opening wide, and it will accommodate every soul that has ambitions to be part of it.
We of the Galactic Federation are totally ready for action and we have the advantage of knowing exactly what your needs are, through our extensive coverage of you and your planet. We respect your privacy, but if needs required it we could see right into your buildings and focus on whomsoever we wished. We can hear your conversations, or even read your minds, which is useful when dealing with the dark Ones. It is why their plans will never succeed, as we know too much about them. We take preventative action and our allies are very active in these roles. We do not like confrontation or threats, and our approach is diplomatic but firm.
Each day that passes brings you nearer to completion, and nearer to our open contact with you. But first the preliminaries, and although the announcement we seek has not yet been made, there are now many individuals making their voices heard. It is putting pressure on the authorities that cannot hold back for very much longer. We would like to get started before next spring, so we will do all we can to assist our allies to this end. We do still of course have a deadline date by which we should have started, and clearly it is not that far into the future.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and there is a great feeling on our side because we have traveled far with you, and are pleased that you have reached the end times. It was sometimes in doubt but you have rode out the storm, and peaceful times are coming where Love and Light shall reign.
Thank you SaLuSa,
Mike Quinsey

Sananda: Love is the Answer
Received by Michelle Coutant
July 16, 2010
Beloved Ones,
In the dawn of a new era, there are many challenges facing each one of you. Face these challenges in the Love and joy of your Sacred Heart. We ask you each to remain in the Love of your Sacred Heart. This Love will carry you through all challenges which confront you. This Love will carry you through every Moment in the Now. This Love is the foundation of all Creation and is the key to your New Age and your new life in the fifth dimension. All challenges will be resolved to the highest vibration you are capable of holding when you approach solutions from the vibration of Love. Love is the highest vibration, and the solution to a challenge is always found at a higher vibration than the vibration of the challenge you are facing. Sit quietly and breathe deeply, when you are faced with a challenge, Beloved Ones.
Sit quietly and breathe in the All, breathe in the Elixir of Life. Feel the expansiveness, feel the fullness of the Love of your Sacred Heart. Sit quietly and breathe deeply as you allow the Love to overcome the negativity of the ego and the lower self desires. Creating solutions from the lower self and the ego will only bring imperfect solutions into your conscious awareness and theses solutions will only bring you more pain and suffering. Create from the Sacredness of your Divine God Self and your heart. You have the capability to remain in Love in every Now Moment. Accept this, meditate upon this and allow your solutions to be created within the Love of your Sacred Heart.
Be the vibrations of Love, Dear Ones. Hold your consciousness, your awareness, your Divine God Self and every aspect and facet of you, in the vibration of Love. Your four bodies will come into balance and harmony very quickly, when you hold the vibration of Love. For your physical body, sit in meditation and take your consciousness within your body. Go within each organ and radiate love to the organ. Use your inner guidance to understand what you are holding within each organ, of the lower desire ego. Each organ has a function in regards to your thoughts and emotions and will hold the negativity of your thoughts and emotions. Find the balance within each organ and release all that no longer serves your highest good within each organ and once again radiate love to the organ and thank it for its part in maintaining perfect physical health for your body.
Go within your energetic meridians, your hands, your feet, your arms, your legs, your brain structure. Go within the thymus and ask it to produce the life giving hormone. Go within your brain structure and connect in with your pituitary and pineal glands, as these glands are taking on a more important role in your new crystalline body, as you lift yourselves up to the fifth dimension. Go within your body, and radiate love, and assist your bodies when healing is needed. You may become perfectly attuned to your physical body and you may once again be in perfect harmony with your body elemental. You body elemental has been waiting for you to connect with it and work in harmony for the perfect physical health of your body. The transition to the crystalline light body will become effortless as you fully attune to your body. You will find you experience less dis-ease as you are fully attuned to the physical.
Spend time dear Ones, connecting with your emotional body. Radiate love, and compassion, as you ask your emotional body to work in complete attunement to your highest good. Ask your emotional body to come into balance and harmony within each chakra and within the Seven Rays. Ask your ego to work in tandem under the guidance of your God Self. Your ego desires to be in charge as it has for millennia, as it fears losing its job. With great Love, you may assist the ego to come into balance under the guidance of your Divine God Self.
Your mental body will also respond to the great Love and compassion which you radiate to it. Your mental body has also been overtaken by the demands of the lower desire body and the ego. With great Love, your mental body will respond as you ask it to release all the lower thoughts and to come under the guidance of your God Self. Ask your mental body to come into balance within your chakras and your Seven Rays.
Release, release, and continue to release, Dear Ones, as you connect in with each body and transmute with the Violet Flame all that no longer serves you and all that no longer serves the highest good of all Creation. When you are complete, fill yourselves with the vibration of Love and bring your Self into the Love of your Sacred Heart. Sit quietly, as you make this connection, the spiritual connection associated with your spiritual body. You will have come full circle as you have completed a very powerful healing for your Self.
A healing of this order is not accomplished all at once. It is as if you are peeling back the layers of an onion. Be prepared to do this often, and you will see the results, you will live your lives with ease and grace as you come into balance and harmony within your four bodies.
Remember, each exercise you have been asked to do, is based upon radiating the vibration of Love. Love is the answer in every Now Moment. It is the answer to every challenge, relationship, situation you will ever be a part of. Love is the answer through eternity. It is the answer to the creation of all your heart’s desires. Love is the All, there is nothing else. We ask you to understand this, and turn this understanding into a deep knowingness and “Beingness” within the Love of your Sacred Heart. Love makes all things new, and you will have found the secret to the life you choose to lead, when you are this Love, every Moment in the Now. Once again, we ask you to “Be” Love. Start the day in Love, live the day in Love, and end the day in Love, Make every thought, word, and deed, one of Love.
Call upon the guidance of those of the higher realms, we will surround you in Love and assist you to hold the vibration of Love, but you must ask for our help.
I am with you, to assist you also, to “Be” the love of your Sacred Heart.
I am Sananda.
Michelle began her spiritual practice in 2002. She studied intensively, meditated, and extensively educated herself. She continues this practice each and every day. She fully immersed herself in the wisdom teachings of Archangel Michael, through Ronna Herman. She quickly became so dedicated to the joys of her spiritual journey, that she was ordained in March of 2003 as an honoring of who she is.
Michelle attained certification as a Medical Intuitive and Quantum Practitioner. She became a vibrational healer, practices healing touch, and also works within the human energetic matrix. She is a messenger for Archangel Michael and Jeshua, and also receives wisdom from the Ascended Masters & Teachers through the Akashic Records, and is a disciple of the Kriya Yoga spiritual lineage.  *  3472 S.W. Oar Court, Palm City, FL. 34990, USA *  Email:   *    

Healing Away Negative Patterns with the Angels
by Doreen Virtue
July 8, 2010
This week, in response to my prayers, I received visions and messages about the mechanics of how our reoccurring thoughts manifest into reality. This is so exciting, because the angels showed both the energetic basis AND the solution for reoccurring negative patterns!
Any negative pattern that you’ve experienced consists of Individual thoughts that look like little vibrating microscopic globes, like the nuclei of atoms. These atoms are right next to your body, each connected by a magnetic bond to you. The bond is your attachment to the ideas you hold about yourself, your life, and your patterns. ANY reoccurring pattern you've experienced in your life is a result of these atom-like globes around your body.
The angels showed me that the universal energies are like a blanket of pure clean snow. Snow falls equally everywhere that it lands, yet it takes on shape and form based upon the landscape upon which it falls. So if snow falls upon a rocky terrain, then that's the shape that the snow will appear if snow falls upon a smooth landscape, then the blanket of snow will appear smooth. In other words, the universal energies are neutral, and they only take on form according to the energy which surrounds YOU. And the great news is that you get to decide which energy surrounds you.
So it's important for us to have a smooth surface upon which the universal energies can land. The angels showed me how they can help to remove rocky patterns from your life's landscape!
The healing Archangel Raphael's emerald green healing energy can dissolve and loosen the bonds of the negative patterns' atoms. Please take a moment to center yourself with breath, and then say this aloud or silently:
"Archangel Raphael, please surround me with your healing light, dissolving all bonds to fear-based thought patterns. Please wash all of my former fears away."
You'll likely feel sensations as the green light dissolves and washes away the old thought forms from your body. Afterward, you'll feel lighter and freer, which is the basis of inner peace and health.
Doreen Virtue holds B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. degrees in counseling psychology, and is a lifelong clairvoyant who works with the angelic realm. She is the author of more than 20 books about angels, chakras, Crystal Children, Indigo Children, health and diet, and other mind-body-spirit issues, including the best-selling Healing with the Angels, Messages from Your Angels and Angel Numbers 101.
For more information please visit her Website: You can also listen to Doreen’s live weekly radio show, and call her for a reading, by visiting - © 2009 Angel Therapy, Inc. All Rights Reserved. *   

Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Beloved one, you are the master who has had the courage to say, “Okay, Father, I’ll go. One more time, send me into the world. I will go as the Light that I am. I will live a life that perhaps doesn’t look very easy, but it is because I have courage. It is because I have agreed that I will come and be a Light unto many.”
Visit our website:  *  

HEAVEN #3521
One Ray of God's Light
July 16, 2010
God said:
Come out of your shell. You have been hiding there. You have not yet let the power of My light within you come out. You have dimmed My light that is meant to shine from you. You may feel you have to shelter your light, but from what, beloveds? You are meant to shine My light that fills you. You certainly aren't meant to keep it to yourself. Nor have you been meant to keep awareness of My light within you from yourself.
Know it now. You are My light, and you are to radiate My light. Beams of My light are to beam for all to see and for you to see. How will you see My light until you radiate it? Beloved Rays of My Light, makes yourselves known. Makes yourselves known by My light radiating from you.
Wherever you may be, on land or on sea, shine My light far and wide. You are a light beam beaming from Heaven. What else is there for you to do? This is My Will. You are My Will. You are a spark of My light and My love come to Earth in order to spread My light.
Birds come to Earth to sing. Squirrels come to Earth to play. Trees come to grow and provide fruit and berries and shade. Fireflies come to Earth to sparkle light. And so do you.
Every growing thing on Earth is timely. And you are timely. Every growing thing is valuable, and you are valuable. Every growing thing serves a purpose, and you serve a purpose. Your purpose is to reveal My light and send it out so that all may know My light.
My light is love, and you are My love, and you are My light. There is not much you have to do to reveal My light. You just have to stop keeping it out of sight. Why would anyone hide My light? Even if you can only manage a glimmer, shine My light. One ray of My light is enough for it to be seen.
As you shine My light, your sense of self-importance recedes. Shining My light is to My benefit, and it is to your benefit as well. There is no one's benefit that it is not. One ray of My light through you lights up the whole world. You are the light of the world.
You are My torch-bearer. There is no way you can drop My torch. Now I ask you to hold it high. Hold My light so high that it can be seen, so high that you can see it, and so you can know the light you are made of. What kind of light are you made of? Why, the pure light of God, beloveds. There is no other light, only Mine given to you to shine for all the world to see.
You can take a bow to the glory of God within you. You can introduce My light to the world. If there is a must, then this is your must. You shine Our light, and so you light up the world on My behalf and on behalf of you and the Universe.
Even a dot of light lights up the path for others to walk on. Many amble along. Now you are to light up hearts and make them soar. You do this by giving the joy of My light.
Walk out from the shell you have wrapped around yourself. Be seen. Let your light shine. Be known. Let your light be known the way the sun knows the day.
Heavenletters™ Copyright1999-2010 -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts * In these times when the whole  world needs nourishing, Heavenletters is already proven to stir the hearts and souls of people of all ages all around the world and from  all walks of life. * Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter™, Teacher, Speaker * The Godwriting™ International Society of Heaven Ministries * 703 E. Burlington Avenue, Fairfield, IA 52556  *  *    

Archangel Gabriel: Living in Oneness
Received by Shanta Gabriel
July 15, 2010
Dear Ones,
Your message today is that of Oneness. Impressed upon your DNA is the imprint of the Divine. All the cells in your being vibrate at a higher frequency when even the idea of Oneness is introduced.
It is your Birthright to exist in Oneness with All That Is, Was and Ever Shall Be. From that state of Being, you enter into the exalted realms of Possibility and Creative Solutions along with the Empowered Presence of Divine Love. When you allow Divine Love to flow through your being; when you invite Divine Love to act within your life, all of the forces of Heaven rejoice. You can feel the quickening within your heart when you empower this Light of Divine Love to sparkle and flame within you. Your flame becomes one with the Divine Flame and your life begins anew.
With the newness of your Divine Birth into the Light of Oneness, you have entered into the realm of selection for each area of your life. The question becomes, how do you most want to feel? Focus on that place of Divine Love within you, for it is your radiant connection to the feelings bubbling within your being that allows you to attract your reality.
Know that new realities appear daily, even hourly, and often by the minute. You must stay very present and know that you are making a choice for how you will dwell in your life. Choose consciously from among the opportunities presented and use the empowerment of your connection, your Oneness with Divine Love, to create new life where none was apparent. This is expanding consciousness into the realms of possibilities and empowering your physical, mental, and spiritual being to have a peek at inter-dimensional living where all is well.
And so it is.
Shanta Gabriel

for Archangel Gabriel
(c)2010 Shanta Gabriel is an inspired teacher, healer and the author of "The Gabriel Messages." This volume of compassionate wisdom for the 21st Century from Archangel Gabriel, is personal as well as practical, and provides clear suggestions for emotional and spiritual balance. Shanta's new book, Messages from Archangel Gabriel on Divine Light is now being offered as a free E-Book download on her website. *  Shanta posts regular messages on her blog, * Shanta also leads an experiential seven month Archangel Study Program. For more information about this powerful soul's journey, her private sessions or workshops, visit   *  

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