The Law Of Attraction {Channeled}

1.)  Today's Angel Message
2.)  The Supreme Irony of Human Nature
3.)  Sanat Kumara: The Law Of Attraction
4.)  Jeshua - Message of the Day
5.)  With New Eyes
6.)  Naeshira: A Pivotal Moment
7.)  Full Moon, Equinox and the Planetary "Emergency"

Isis' Message of the Day -
Lower the stress level in mass-consciousness and increase World Harmony. Devote yourself diligently to unifying "all of humanity." You can create a formidable wave of positive energy in the world if you do not allow fear to drive your thoughts.  Remember, what you fear you draw unto yourself. There is but "One family" on planet Earth and that is the Human Family. Celebrate diversity. Create a powerful new spirit of unity around the world with collective meditation on peace/harmony/unity it will be the key factor to turn the tide.
I AM ISIS a "Spiritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
I wish you Joy, Love & Peace,
~ Lady of the Light ~

Today's Angel Message
Uriel's Message -- From Learning to Creation
The desires of your heart are interwoven with the lessons and soul wounds that are your human experience. Your desire for more fulfillment, love and abundance are born from your knowledge of limitation that arises from being disconnected from your source. It is the way of humanity to know fear before it can embrace love, to know doubt before it can trust, to know sorrow before it can allow joy. But your knowledge of the limitations of human experience can lead you to believe that higher energies are out of your reach. They are because the polarity energy of the earth allows you to experience all aspects and ranges of every energy. 
Each of you lives your life through two stages, learning and creating. When you are learning you are experiencing life through your soul wound, attracting and manifesting from the energies that you have come to heal. These are challenging times for you but through your soul contract you have agreed to understand the source of your disconnection and how your fear has created it. But you become grounded in your fear instead of the light of your truth as creator, you forget that there is always another way, a higher truth, a more fulfilling path and a brighter light that shines even in your darkest moments. These are the lowest aspects of the energies you connect with. 
Once you have completed your learning phase you move into the creating stage, which occurs when you embrace your co-creative power, align yourself with your dreams, and begin to manifest from the energy level above your pain. Each level above pain and fear is a higher aspect of those energies. If you experience continued challenges it is because you have not yet completed forgiveness, which is you move from learning to creation. The energetic vibration of pain is the one the ego is most familiar and comfortable with but it is released once forgiveness, of the self and others, is accomplished. 
Pain is part of the human experience but it a path that you take by choice when you are in the learning phase and being led by the ego or the emotions. Every moment of despair holds a choice for its opposite energy of joy. When you know you can choose a higher aspect of every energy, you have moved from learning into creation. Remember yourselves as creators, as masters of the energy of the earth. You can transform anything because your power is unlimited. Be mindful that with every thought you are learning or creating, in pain or in joy, expressing fear or love and the path you take is always of your choosing.
Article Copyright ©2011 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved.
About the author
Jennifer Hoffman is an intuitive, spiritual healer, mentor, teacher and author. She also channels the energy of the Archangel Uriel.  Jennifer has helped many people through the Shift through her unique insights and counsel, facilitating their healing journey. Jennifer is the founder of, an on-line spiritual healing and growth center and dedicated to the messages and teachings of Archangel Uriel.  Information about Jennifer's books, on-line seminars and services is available at her websites, or email for information.   * Enlightening Life  *  email: *    

The Supreme Irony of Human Nature
by Caroline Myss
March 17, 2011
Catastrophe brings out the most compassionate side of humanity, without a doubt. As all eyes turn to the perfect storm looming over Japan, we cannot help but wonder, "There must be something I can do?" Responding to human beings in need is just instinctual. We simply have to – it's in our nature. The news stories are now focused on the growing threat of a nuclear meltdown, the third and perhaps most devastating of the trilogy of crises that has struck Japan. Following the 9.0 earthquake and tsunami, the subsequent nuclear disaster threatens to do the most destructive damage of all. And thus, the media is highlighting the nuclear issue and the potential crisis that might occur should a full-scale meltdown occur. Already this crisis has been called by some media spokespeople the "worst" one, bypassing Chernobyl and Three-Mile Island. Scores of reports focus on the tragic consequences to the Japanese population, should radiation poisoning occur. What are the symptoms, they ask? And what can be done to treat them? And how long can a person live, if seriously exposed?
One cannot help but recall that Japan was the only nation to suffer an actual nuclear attack, which ended World War II and now it is the nation that is facing the worse nuclear accident – an extraordinary irony. But that's not the supreme irony. The real irony, as I see it, is how the media and the world is responding to the threat of a nuclear meltdown and all the damage and destruction that it will bring, not to mention the length of time that damage will last (well over a century or longer).
Rather, I marvel at the outpouring of compassion for people facing the possibility of a nuclear hell while at the same time, we live in a world that treasures its nuclear weapons – each one of which would do countless more damage than one nuclear reactor going down. I wonder, "What would our media say if we let one of our weapons fly at people we declared to be an enemy?" Would they – and others – then say, "How soon can we expect our enemy to die?" Would we then be okay with the destruction because all those people are on the "enemy" list? How INSANE is this human race? Is nuclear destruction tragic ONLY when it's an accident but NOT when we DELIBERATELY use nuclear weapons? Are we that insane? All we have to do is look at the madness and chaos set into motion by the explosions at this Japanese nuclear energy site and then imagine – just imagine – what kind of hell we would unleash if we ever used all these horrible nuclear weapons that we insist on having as a result of not being able to achieve peace.
So here we are – compassionate in the face of a nuclear accident, but we have what it takes to use this stuff should we get provoked enough at an enemy. There is something fundamentally flawed deep within our humanity that we would even create such weapons, much less actually use them. Who in the world would nuke their own planet? What type of species is that insane? Only human beings.
We must make good come out of the tragic nuclear experience that is once again hitting the nation of Japan. If we ever needed a reason to join forces and scream in one loud force, "NO NUCLEAR WEAPONS ON THIS PLANET NOW OR EVER AGAIN," it is now. Nature has but to rock this planet just a bit, or send one wave and She can bring an entire nation to its knees. The earth we stand upon is not steady ground – it is a moving, breathing, living Being that can erupt as easily under a nuclear power plant as it can under a major city. Are we that blind – or arrogant – to miss the message that Mother Nature has what it takes to significantly alter the economics of an entire nation in less than 15 minutes?
Human beings need to rethink their notion of power and most important of all, what type of power they are truly qualified to deal with, given that they have no concept of involving the Sacred in their work. If one were to truly reflect deeply upon matters of life and death, of power and ritual, one would realize that only a fool would tamper with nuclear power without the assistance of a holy guardian, shaman, or priest. I wonder how many of these "scientists" had the "presence of soul" to ask for blessings and the grace of protection around these power plants? Or how many of them can even conceive of their work within the template of acts that require partnership with the Sacred? But people who are working in the realm of "energy" are doing just that – they are working in the domain of the sacred, in the domain of the invisible … the realm of energy, thought, ideas.
We are a species filled with endless paradoxes, to be sure, and one of them is that large-scale tragedies draw out the best of us. The greater the tragedy, the more we relate to the humanness in other people. Again, the paradox is that it may well be that this perfect storm of a tragedy in Japan, brought upon by the forces of nature, may ultimately inspire humanity to realize the harm nuclear power can do. Once again, the message is coming from the Japanese people, who have carried that message since 1945, but perhaps in union with the voice of Mother Nature – we must receive it again. And only Mother Nature could deliver a warning such as this. No human being could ever carry a message of this magnitude to the earth.
© 2011 - Caroline Myss is a New York Times best-selling author whose books include Anatomy of the Spirit, Why People Don’t Heal and How They Can, Sacred Contacts, and Entering the Castle. Defy Gravity: Healing Beyond the Bounds of Reason, will be published by Hay House in October 2009. Listen to Caroline every week on    *      

Sanat Kumara: The Law Of Attraction
Received by Alec Christos Gabbitas
March 13. 2011
speaking on behalf of the Kumara's with a wish to assist and uplift all they whom so choose to read these words, written ever with love and sent ever in the light, to one and all. I am he whom is labelled the overseer or Logos of the star Venus and also as a Solar Logos. My intent as always is to serve you, my brothers and sisters, whose immediate domain is that as the wayshowers and light-beings that engrace the beloved Mother Earth in these so special times of continual shifting and of ascension. Much is indeed to be witnessed, realised and experienced in these days of extreme change, and is to be accepted in such historic times as these, that we do together now enjoy.
I speak as ever in Oneness and I speak as ever from the heart for that is the only faculty that has the power and intensity to convey exactly with truth that which is in need of saying and sharing. Times of imminent shifting and of exemplary natural transmutation as the old systems and thought patternings are gradually being dismantled, dislodged and decommissioned from out the main stream, allowing and affording space for the new systems of patterning that are waiting to come in to replace. Rome indeed was not buit in a day as time indeed awaits for no man, and these two simile will indicate this period of application and all rightful caution and care as the building blocks are laid.
There are numerous outpourings of emotion and enaction as the people are registering their resentments and are unearthing their down trodden lives to date, seeking for a realignment with their freedom that is the divine right of every man, woman,and child upon this planet, and within this universal vista. Nought can be done to quell the animation that rebirths so obviously from the hearts and souls of the many, for a fever of change or imminent realisation is high in the heavens and amid the beloved Earth's arena of enactment. Mother Gaia also is resplendent in her mighty role, as she provides this world stage  for life to be acted out on her ever supporting physical body, that has been the playing ground of ageless enactments over the many era's and millennia of being. She is a hostess who has supported the many and greatly tolerated the 'lesser lights' who have debauched her sacred soil that she affords to one and all, for she has no favourites and opens her heart and her charm to all!
There behoves as ever the ways ahead to be harnessed with definitive energy of those whose hearts do sing in harmony with the heavenly hosts, that pulse within each searching soul; resounding further the desire and zest to reclaim all that is theirs; with love and recognition of self into the oneness of equality and being, enjoying the rights as 'freedom of the people' that can only ever be found in the wholeness of the One!
It resounds upon the inner child whose internal barometer is torn asunder in light of all such planetary upheavals that are reverberating in each contintent near and far, where quakes, tsunami and floods succomb all to witness sad the power of change and preparation, that nature was invited in as the only source of play.The greater reaction that God perceives are the now forceful acts of mother nature who brings all back to a virginal place as some old and discordant 'power plays' are now removed, yet to be reborn anew. It behoves the ways of recreation as these so mighty cleansings continue, bereft of all emotion, yet with a feeling of awesome abundance with the levelling of the old and a rebirthing of the new.
It is for man to realise his passion through the eyes and ears of God, as these times of reparation have a need so to be, for the healings and the cleansing at times are much apparent, for the old that has no future fails to be. Everything is born of rightfulness and is surely suggested that all is of a 'perfection,' so these words and current actions have rightful place to be.That which cannot by man be healed is not deemed to be wrong or of a failing, not at all. But the volume of  change sometimes suggests that nature herself has needs to cast her most wondrous impartial powers, bringing level yet again the 'Walls of Jericho.' for so it surely appears to be."
Beloved Masters, it behoves us grandly to be here with you all in these times of ascending realities, and we would take this opportunity to personally thank you, each and everyone, for that which you have undertaken and that which you are so ably fulfilling in the name of All That Is. We salute each and every one that walks this beloved and sacred planet, Mother Earth, and we do on behalf of Lady Gaia honour you with esteem and sincere salutations. We are at peace in the knowing that you are the Light Beings, the Christed Ones, that walk deftly and daily upon her fair soil as she readies herself for the fast approaching 'shift of the ages,' which will be the bookmark for a time that will continue ever forwards with greater expansion and expression.
I Am Sanat Kumara and with the Lady Gaia, bid you ever peace in love!
Selemat ja, Namaste...
Alec Christos Gabbitas
(c)Alec Christos Gabbitas for Sanat Kumara and the Universal Mind and an ever United Kingdom. 'I Am One With All That Is'  (Please copy and share) *  *    

Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Within your country there is a feeling that there has to be defense. The holy Child does not need defense. The holy Child is not vulnerable to any threat. But as you live the human life, the separated ego is going to speak to you that you maybe need to defend yourself, and that is the time that you are going to then take a deep breath and say, “How can I see this differently?”
Visit our website:  *    

HEAVEN #3770
With New Eyes
March 22, 2011
God said:
When you think about it, what is anything? What is the worth of a piece of paper with a money amount and your name on it? It is worth to you the number put on it, and yet it is only a piece of paper. Everything and anything is worth to you the price you set on it. This applies to checks, items, furniture, and people.
You’re pretty good at estimating the worth of items. When it comes to people, you often fall short. How many people have you dismissed for no reason at all. You tossed their merit aside for an assumed reason, perhaps for the looks of the coat they wore. In your estimation, you somehow devalued people that, if you had seen through whatever blocked you, you might have found inestimable.
Don’t dismiss anyone so that you are not dismissed, for when you dismiss someone, you dismiss yourself.
There is no one who is irrelevant. Everyone is relevant. If someone comes before you or is even seen out of the corner of your eye, he or she came before you. Everyone comes for a reason. You don’t have to know the reason. You just have to acknowledge their presence. They may be tarnished like good silver. You are meant to see beneath outer appearances. Your inner blindness is often someone else’s outer appearance. You are the determinant of someone’s presumed value or lack of.
Sometimes whole peoples are undervalued because of superficialities. Until you know a person, or a nation, your under-evaluation is based on a supposition. Of course, you may attribute value to someone or a nation by the same premise. What do you value? Fame, fortune? Good looks, age, condition of skin? How many superficialities can you think of that decide the course of your life and what people you take into your heart and which people you do not.
Thankfully, you are not that way with dogs. You know that a scruffy dog may be a prince. You know that size isn’t the making or unmaking of a dog. A dog has no pretense. You give dogs a chance.
Sometimes in a fairy tale, it is said that the next person you see will be instrumental in your life. If you were told that and believed it, you would really look. You would really pay attention. All kinds of wonderful things could come from meeting someone. All you have to do is to keep your eyes and mind open.
I am saying to you that the next person you see may be instrumental in your life. He or she may be instrumental in opening your eyes, mind, and heart.
You have thrown away so many opportunities, and now I ask you to consider in equanimity all that comes before you. Give everything an even chance.
See what is. Do not see ahead of time or see later with regret.
Even if everyone before you is not delightful to you, you can still take delight.
Consider that all you meet have unexpected favors to give you. Suspect favors rather than anything else. Even someone who displeases you may be doing you a favor. Beloveds, you can even turn over a stone and find something of value. Unexpected delight is waiting for you. It is running after you.
It is better to go by present experience rather than past.
It is better to greet everyone as new. Give even someone you have seen every day for years a chance to be new. It is for you to see with new eyes. See the whole world with new eyes. See what happens.
Dear Lady of the Light,
Your beautiful writing about the Statue of Liberty  *  * Thank you so much, dear friend. Gloria *
Have you tried the Heavenletter Cosmic Generator yet? What Heavenletter comes up for you today? It’s kind of like I Ching! If you haven’t tried this yet, click:   * What message was yours today?  *
Heavenletters™ Copyright1999-2011 -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts * In these times when the whole  world needs nourishing, Heavenletters is already proven to stir the hearts and souls of people of all ages all around the world and from  all walks of life. * Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter™, Teacher, Speaker * The Godwriting™ International Society of Heaven Ministries * 703 E. Burlington Avenue, Fairfield, IA 52556  *  * *   

Naeshira: A Pivotal Moment
channeled by Meredith Murphy
March 16, 2011
This week you are being informed genetically that the time has come for your codes to fire; those which link you fully with the larger tides of the ascending energy of Gaia.  As this information is released within your body, openings to newness will emerge and unfold which help you to shape your future life unfolding with greater clarity and ease.  That which is not harmonious will simply fall away from your focus and the letting go will have a different quality than that of the past--more like quantum shifts--immediate and complete.  This will give you a resiliency you have not had up until now and will be a great relief to many of you who have felt the waves of endless clearing to be challenging and exhausting--physically, emotionally and mentally.
The new you which is actualized as these codes are fired is really an old you, so to speak!  It is the cosmic you coming forth into greater freedom within the local focus of your physical body and in the domain where you find yourself.  You will note a greater ease in being yourself, speaking your truth and honoring your heart as a result of these upgrades, or gifts, the liberation, really, of this weekend's full moon and Equinox energies.
Transforming your relationship to the Earth will also give you greater access to tuning into ascension pathway information and updates on your own!  Increasingly you will trust your own sense of what is taking place, what you need, what to expect and find yourself far better prepared for the highs and lows of the intensifying energy cycles throughout this year and able to trust the signs and ideas which pop into your experience that alert you to adjust in preparation.
As you begin to experience the ascending frequency waves with greater confidence and alignment you will begin to light up others pathways in a profound way.  This was, after all, your intention; to awaken and then to inspire and pave the way for the next group to follow.  These initiations are taking place in increasingly closer time frames as the energy of the Earth heats up and the timelines converge, the veils between dimensions thin and you are increasingly metamorphosizing into an entirely new species.
You may not always realize the significance of the enormous changes in your body for they are happening slowly, rather then all at once.  Or perhaps it does not feel slow to you, but we say, they are happening in stages and you can only sense the wholeness from a perspective that reflects this back to you in the present.  Time-jumping and reflection from others, re-reading your journals and tracking the changes in your life are all ways to realize your amazing accomplishments.  It is good to do this now and then; it buoys your spirits and gives you a jolt of recognition as the realization of the enormity of the changes which have already happened emerges into greater clarity.
It is hard to hold this perspective for too long for you are once more "on the ride."  Worry not; it is good to be wherever you are and perfect, as all unfolds in quantum correspondence with the larger cycles created by your planet which has committed fully to enter emerge from the photon band and align with her new location in time/space.  The resolve is complete, you may trust in this.  As part of the energetic system of Gaia, you are informed moment to moment of all that you need to do to stay in harmony with this trajectory.  It is literally an energetic vector created by intention and focus which has converged into a timeline as it materialized into form and now the process of metamorphosis is entirely underway.  You are all within this process and participating in your own perfect way.
You are each different; none the same.  This is as it ought to be to preserve the glorious diversity of the Earth and bring forth the creative qualities of contrast into the newness.  You will find that there are many layers of shifting taking place--it is important to remember that none of you is in exactly the same place, although you reside for periods of time in shared bands of frequency.  Some who are following are not that attuned yet to perspectives which are already natural for you.  Some who have paved the way for you, see that you still carry emotional qualities of duality which are rooted in limiting one another.  These will dissolve if you allow them to.  Realize that any way in which you think one of you is not fully capable is a landmark of where you are still enmeshed in limitations.  Anyway in which you do not love you, or one of you, impacts your experience and ability to live fully in the bands of frequency that the New Earth will radiate and unfold.
In this newness which emerges this weekend, take the time to get your bearings and consider that come the start of the new day following these intense alignments, the effects of the energetic upgrades will still be integrating and may still be felt (you do not all approach or experience a time/space location entirely at the same point).
It is increasingly important that you learn to live within your own experience.  To know and understand the energy that is within you--in your own words in your own way.  It does not matter if this is not resonant or the same as another's version of reality.  In fact, how beautiful that there is this plurality of experience.  Begin to relate to life from your own seat.  Know the view from YOU. Qualify your focus with the standards that are truly your heart's desires and ideals.  To live from any other place is to abdicate the responsibility, freedom and power which is yours.  Harmony is created by the informed balance of each of your perspectives.
All around you the Earth and your civilization are dealing with the understandings of power.  Old ideas of the meaning of power are being revealed and the true identity of each of you--empowered and divine--comes forth as you allow.  Begin to create a coherent solidarity with mother Gaia within yourself; own your power, own your love, own your beauty.  Be you.  Navigate from within.  Traipse not into another's landscape saying you know what's going on.  Listen and share when invited or when you desire to connect.  Be the one person you are meant to be: be you.
I offer to you these ideas in celebration of your endless new beginnings and our shared focus of love.
I AM Naeshira.
Meredith Murphy
Naeshira is a consciousness that is aware of the impulses of source energy to create and is an ambassador to the Great Central Sun, a keeper of the Records of Creation and attuned to the Soul of Creation. Channeling Naeshira is opening up to a direct connection with Source energy, through a field supported and protected by Archangel Michael. Naeshira is a higher dimensional version of myself.
*The Terra Nova Transmissions: a specific focus within Expect Wonderful providing messages, emergent themes, updates and communication from the Archangel Michael and the Terra Nova (new land) Council.  Telepathic transmission through Meredith Murphy. *  © 2009-2011, Meredith Murphy, Expect Wonderful | Modern Paradise Publications – You are free to share, copy, distribute and display the work under the following conditions: You must give author credit, you may not use this for commercial purposes, and you may not alter, transform or build upon this work.  For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work. Any of these conditions can be waived if you get the permission of the copyright holder.  Any other purpose of use must be granted permission by the author.  email:   *   

Full Moon, Equinox and the Planetary "Emergency"
by Celia Fenn
March 20, 2011
Last night we experienced one of the "largest" Full Moons for years, as the Moon was very close to the Earth, creating increased magnetic energy as we move towards the Equinox. And of course, we continue to experience a very active Solar Cycle with multiple sunspots and solar flares.
Indeed, there is no doubt that something major is occuring on our Beloved Planet, in this time of Transformation as we move into the New Reality of the Fifth Dimensions. No, it is not easy....we are being challenged to the very core of our Being. In the aftermath of the Earthquakes in Chile, New Zealand and Japan, and after the Gulf Disaster and continued economic stress, many of us are beginning to feel weary and to feel that we are not being supported in the way we would like.
Yes...I think that is the issue. It is not happening as we would like, and so on many levels we may be angry or depressed, or we may just be in happy denial imagining that because everything is OK in our little patch, that everything is ok.
My own perception of this Transformation and the current energies is that we are being shifted, no shunted would be a better word, into our Heart Space at a rapid pace. We are learning how to move out of our narrow concern with ourselves and our own wellbeing and into a more global concern with the greater community, whether local of global. It cannot be "well" with us if it is not "well" with the rest of the Planet. This is the essence of the New Reality and the Fifth Dimension. Whether we like it or not, we have arrived in a Reality where what happens in Japan is going to affect each one one of us in some way. It is how we respond that allows us to consider where we are on our Journey of Transformation.
If we have moved into Love and Compassion, and if we have responded by joining efforts to hold Love and Send Love to the affected areas on the Earth, then we can be pretty certain that we are opening the Heart Center and moving into the Fifth Dimension of Compassionate consciousness. At this point, we become aware that we are one family and we do what we can to support and nurture our family from what we have and what we can do. Lighting a candle and saying a prayer may be all we can do, but it adds to the wave of Compassionate Love and Support that is received by those in places of need.
Now, in the title I used the word "Planetary Emergency", and I use this term in both senses of the word. We are indeed at a time when we are "emerging" into a New Reality and a New form of our Planet. It is not easy at this time, for we do not know what will is a birth and we are waiting to see what will be born!
But, it is also an "emergency" in that in these deep shifts and changes, the Earth herself and her new grid system is under pressure. I have been told very gently by Archangel Michael that the Earth's "core" is being heated by the extreme activity of the Sun, and that the rising inner temperatures deep in the Earth are also contributing to the Seismic instability. This is in Divine Order, as the rising temperatures are merely a reflection of the rising Light Quotient in the Solar System as the Cosmic Light becomes more intense. But, it does mean that the Earth herself needs to shift and move to adapt to the inner pressures, and the Light Grid System is being put under stress in many places. Again this is not a major problem, but it does mean that there is a need for Angelic Emergency Teams to assist in the work of what I can only call "patching" the Grid in places where it is stressed in order to maintain the integrity of the Grids as the Earth and her beings make the Shift.
Now, for the first time, Lightworkers are being called to assist in these teams, and to work with this process from the "inside". This involves Lightworkers who have been assigned to these teams being ready to hold immense amounts of Light Energy, and to receive huge downloads of Light and then transmit these downloads into the Grids in places where they are or to people in their area.
So, many of you might be feeling huge surges of energy, you may be feeling very hot, you may feel depressed or panicky or very tired as you work with this new form of energy. What is happening is that you are being a "transmitter" for the Light Codes that will strengthen and repair the Grids in the area where you are, or in any area of the Planet that needs this energy and work.
If you are feeling this energy moving through you, then you will need to respect the process and rest your body as much as you can. Know that your Higher Self will not allow your body to be stressed more than it can manage. It is a great privilege to be able to work on these Angel Teams right now to assist in the work of Planetary balancing that is taking place as the Earth moves into the Equinox process of Balancing herself in preparation for the Shift of the Seasons.
No, this is not an easy time. We are moving into new spiritual work and new perceptions of who we are and our roles on the Planet. is worth it!
Welcome to the Fifth Dimension of Love!
© 2006-11 Celia Fenn and Starchild Global - You are free to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work under the following conditions: You must give the author credit, you may not use this for commercial purposes, and you may not alter, transform or build upon this work. For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work. Any of these conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder. Any other purpose of use must be granted permission by author.   *    

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