The Law of 1

1.)  Today's Angel Message
2.)  Hilarion's Weekly Message: February 27-March 5, 2011
3.)  Universal Mind: The Law Of One
4.)  In Love with Illusion
5.)  Jeshua - Message of the Day
6.)  Are There 'Bad' Indigos?

Isis' Message of the Day -
We ask you to remember that the energy you call God, or whatever name you give it, is the One that you collectively pray to and embraces all life forms. God is not one or the other, but Is All That Is. Ask your selves if God is All That Is, then God must be a part of All That Is including each and every one of you. God is within you all and you can find God anytime you so wish. God’s Love and Light will be your comfort and protection in times of difficulty, seek it and it will be found. 
I AM ISIS a "Spiritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
I wish you Joy, Love & Peace,
~ Lady of the Light ~

Today's Angel Message
Archangel Gabriel: Signs and Synchronicity
Finding Your Way through the Mayhem of Life
Dear Ones,
As the time approaches for mastery of the physical plane, there is confusion in the minds of those who work to bring more clarity to their life path. Extreme measures are often necessary as life’s twists and turns become ever more frequent.
A daily check in for energy flow would be very helpful if it became the norm for you. Often it is necessary to ask for more obvious guidance when life is moving at such a fast pace. The request for physical signs has been one of the ways people have tracked their progress for millennia. Requesting a sign can provide an obvious designation in moments when extreme clarity is paramount.
There are moments when there is an impulse from within to take certain steps in life. Often there is a message that repeats in the mind. If you feel you need more clarity, a physical sign can be requested. When this request is sent into the Universe, there needs to be a framework – asking for it to be obvious, as well as a prayer for alignment with your Higher Self, Divine Wisdom, Guardian Angels and Masters. After you have called forth your highest guidance, you know that the demonstration must be trusted.
The signs you receive become Relevancy Markers on your path.
It takes great faith and courage to follow your inner guidance in the face of logic, the need for security and unknown outcomes. But what other way does your Higher Self have to get your attention, except through signs, signals and synchronicity?
Be at peace, and know that all is truly well.
Shanta Gabriel

for Archangel Gabriel
(c)2011 Shanta Gabriel is an inspired teacher, healer and the author of "The Gabriel Messages." This volume of compassionate wisdom for the 21st Century from Archangel Gabriel, is personal as well as practical, and provides clear suggestions for emotional and spiritual balance. Shanta's new book, Messages from Archangel Gabriel on Divine Light is now being offered as a free E-Book download on her website. *  Shanta posts regular messages on her blog, * Shanta also leads an experiential seven month Archangel Study Program. For more information about this powerful soul's journey, her private sessions or workshops, visit   *   

Hilarion's Weekly Message: February 27-March 5, 2011
Received by Marlene Swetlishoff
Beloved Lightworkers, 
This new week will be seeing each of you completing many projects and issues that have kept you engrossed for many months. You have been passing through many challenging situations that have brought out the very best within yourselves and those with whom you have been working with on these issues. Each challenge between people is bringing forth the higher outcomes that you have all desired, rather than a breaking away from each other. This is a very encouraging sign of the greater good to come.
There will be a greater outpouring of intense energies towards the end of the week and these will express as frequent emotional expressions as their impact reaches the Earth. For those who have done the internal work, these will probably translate into strong creative impulses that will see you working on your innate talents such as art, writing, sculpting, cooking, knitting and so on, whatever gives you joy. For those who are just Awakening or who have not, it will be more challenging in terms of maintaining emotional calm and poise. 
Most of you are intensely aligning vertically in terms of spiritual growth by focusing on the present moment, acknowledging that now is the only moment there is, and that here where you are, is the only space. This has been a somewhat difficult concept to wrap your thoughts around as most of you have been used to thinking in terms of past, present and future and to narrow your perceptions to the now moment is proving to be a hard concept to focus upon. As with anything else that is new, it will require a further expansion before a level of comfort with it will be manifest.
Everywhere you look, people and groups of people in communities are all beginning to look at the concepts of uniting in love, in cooperation with each other, in finding a peaceful solution to the challenges that are before them and making a clear choice for peace, for working together in common purpose and for the higher good of all. This is a movement that is just starting to manifest but will grow stronger and more pronounced as this year progresses.
The Earth and everyone and everything upon Her is in a state of transition from one level of being to another and you have been traveling backwards and forwards on your Paths as you traverse the energetic impulses as they travel in waves upon your Planet, shifting many old paradigms as they pass in a way that leaves the old way of doing things firmly behind as a new way is embraced and accepted. The old simply falls away with barely any notice and those who cling to these former ways of being and doing will find it hard to adapt to all the changes that are taking place moment by moment. 
And so Beloved Ones, we advise that you do what you love and keep in the higher state of joy as much as possible during these coming months, for in holding the frequency of joy, you hold the higher energies in place upon the Earth. Be ever the observer of yourselves in order to grasp each lesson that comes to you and keep on climbing each rung of the ladder vertically as you reach for the highest outcomes in all things. 
Until next week…. 
I AM Hilarion
©2011 Marlene Swetlishoff
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Much Light, Love and Rainbow Blessings,


Universal Mind: The Law Of One
Channeled by Alec Christos Gabbitas
February 23, 2011
Leaving behind memories of yesteryear is perhaps an acceptable attitude in these times of very rapid change. There is a necessity to turn over the page and start on a clean sheet and write only that which is affordable to your heart and soul. Words are not there to confuse but to defuse any old patterning that is still hanging on to 'a life' as it were, and playing hard to get back into the present day picture or frame. All souls are moving on in rapid strides and spaces are appearing where the old patterning lay snug and now have a need to be filled with only that which is of now time and looking ahead to it's future. Old habits die hard and now is a time to be letting go of so much residual junk once and for all, filling those spaces with vibrant white light as all else is now obsolete, dead and buried!
Focussing on the now and allowing the future to present itself as the time is exactly right, and not expecting it to be a moment before, is the only method that is destined to be successful and of divinity, so to speak. There are no shortcuts in life and there are also only positive moves now to be made as the going starts to speed up and gets quite a 'pace on!' Keeping abreast with the ever fluctuating inputs is a job in itself and you are applauded by those on the lighter side of the veil as your efforts are seen to be so effective and bravely undertaken. This is a time of quiet assimilation of all that you are processing as the energies begin to hasten and gallop into a future that becomes nearer and faster being cocreated by you and all upon the beloved Mother Earth.
Many a tear has to fall as the cleansing continues and the obstacles are to be surpassed in rightful divine order and sequencial patterning. All is likened to a giant crossword that is in process of rebuilding so that the imminent and ever ready future grows clearer on the horizon of life. There is a need for the path to be walked in a rhythmic balance so that all can be liased with positive and purposeful manner, ensuring the greater result and not a secondary one. Chaotic as the world events might appear to you dear ones, bravely donning your missions and destinies with strength and astuteness, there is a greater underlying patterning as the energies swirl and spiral throughout a geometric configuring, which adds to and enhances the flow or pattern, so that the finest or greatest effect and success are realised within each scenario or event.
Nothing is left to chance as it were and the energy spirals animate and entice the oncoming uprising of the Peoples Power and is navigated wisely and surely within a pre-proposed math plan so to speak. There is indeed a rhythm and an energy field  that guides and coerces the motivation of those that stand tall in their power and whose hearts are open wide to the insurging spasms of power which guide and bias the directions taken. Poetry in motion would be a simile to that which is implied and the tune is outplayed more so with an ever attuned accomplishment. Energy is the powerful purposeful commodity and all eyes are averted to this fulcrum of events being played out in the Middle Eastern countries, which one might term the epi-centre of current uprisings.
There is much to be acknowledged and appraised for the multitudes of dear hearts in this epi-centre of the current energy fields are impassioned with a truth and a knowing that belies any questioning, and divine will and intent are openly displayed as courageous and brave hearts are to be seen in numbers. Power to the People is the love cry that harkens from those searching hearts for simple truths and simply a Hu-man divine right to be counted and cared for. Their's is the right and the might that will open all doors to a future that is not only written in blood but in all hearts and annuls of time as the chosen ones following their deep inner resolve and deep inner knowing from the very purest of souls, claim their God given and blessed rights!
Now is a time of embracing the 'Law of One' where all stand together and the winds of change begin to gather in pace and rapid momentum. These are the days that all have been awaiting for, now is the time when 'all that is to be' will be sought after, fought for, and reclaimed by untold armies of the light. They are remembering, they are growing, they are daily dawning around this most beautuful planet, becoming as One for the grandest display of courage and self recognition that can be recalled by any seer, prophet or saint, for so it is! There is something here that was untouchable yet embraced by them; there is  something here that's unthinkable, yet well remembered by them; there's also something here that was unheard of but clearly recognised and seen by them, this growing  army of light warriors in full flow with the universal heart beat, in tune with the hearts of Hu-man kind, with Love emblazened on their billowing banner.
The time is now and the time is right; now is the time and the way for the swift momentum of unfolding events that will embrace and ignite all people around the beloved planet, as Mother Earth provides the stage for now the greatest show ever, by a cast that is self realised and self worthy to stand shoulder to shoulder in the light of love, and in the love and an ever enlightening power of the people, whose call is one of purely 'Coming Home' in their heart of hearts. Hold hard to your thoughts of loving persuasion, honour those who have given their ultimate gifts, be assured of the future for although it appears cloudy, be sure that there is truly a silver lining, and that the pathway is opening up into a roadway of success.
There is no turning back, there is only and ever a future that is written in Gold, which is for each and everyone whose hearts are open and whose souls are ignited with the passion of life over death, love over fear, and joy out of chaos. Be still and know that You Are God. Be sure and know that now are all things to be realised as heaven on earth are beginning to be blue-printed and that you are the divine achitects and You Are The Ones You Have Been Waiting For. In love is there only joyous release, in fear is there only one way out, and that is through love. Be assured that you are as ever holding the light of the beloved planet as you start each day with a knowing, with an assurance that only you - the collective you - can offer  what you have to offer. You are unique, you are chosen, you are hand picked and you are so worthy so to be...
You attract to you veritable armies and host's of radiant light beings, in many guises and many persuasions, whose presences add to yours such sublime energies of loving light, that powers all things forward to a conclusion that is already etched into the ethers of time, and into the Akashic memoirs of life. Go forth and multiply and hold faith and power in your inner resolve. Know that The Light is Ever Victorious, when love is the driving motivation there is nought that holds sway. Gods Speed...
(c)2011 Channeled by Alec Christos Gabbitas for the Universal Mind and an ever United Kingdom. Please copy and share, giving full credit to the source of these messages * Email:  * Also to Lady Isis and The Light Circle Ezine)  *  "Be Still and Know that I Am God and Know That I Am Still!" *    

HEAVEN #3747
In Love with Illusion
February 27, 2011
God said:
Let’s face it. You are in love with illusion. You love illusion more than anything. You who would deny that you love pomp and circumstance love illusion. You love a parade. You hardly love the deeper significance of life. In fact, you do not love it at all. The deeper significance of life seems like a wayward thing, a miscreant perhaps. You don’t consider the carrot of everlasting life to be so desirable as it is.
What do you really care about what is behind the veil when you are happy or when you are suffering? You tell yourself that you live in the here and now, and you don’t want later or what’s secretly going on at this supposed time to confuse you. You want that which you like to see, and you want it now, and you want it to stay, and you want that to be the truth of existence whether it is or not. Existence has been enough for you, and sometimes too much for you.
Nevertheless, you want the surface to be permanent when you want it to be, and you want the surface to be temporary when you want it to be, and sometimes you want all or nothing.
You do not want to be adrift in the ocean of life, and yet you want its highlights. You want that which you want, and you want it now, for you mean to live in the present. All the while, you are living in illusion. You want to be at a party that never ends. You do not want the clock to toll midnight. You do not want Cinderella to look like a motherless scullery maid again. Beloveds, you are caught up in appearances. What are princess and scullery maid but appearances? Call them reality, if you like, yet they are still appearances. Call them real life, if you like, for that makes them true for you whether they are true or not.
You never want any color to fade. You want all colors to be bright and flattering to you and your living quarters. You want the sun to shine every day, unless you happen to want snow to ski on.
Illusion captivates you very much. Alas, illusion is illusion and cannot be anything else.
It so happens that the real action is subterranean. It is like a poem that is not quite clear. It may have a great affect on you, and yet you don’t understand it. Understandably, you don’t want to deal with anything you don’t understand. You like to deal with what you do understand, although you do understand very little of it, of life, of yourself, and what you are doing on this illusive Earth.
Yet there is comfort in turning the key of your car, and it starts. There is even comfort in getting on the bus and showing your bus pass. Life is made up of so much of these little acts that give a continuity to life. All this is enough for you. You have to manage these steps of life anyway. How can you deal with this underlying Silence when you have all you can do to deal with the noise? What do I, God, think you are anyway, you ask.
You know by now what I think. I think you are beautiful and true. I think your veering away from the validity and solidity of the Silence is a mask. You hold a mask before your face and attend the masquerade ball. And, so, you while away your time, your illusory time, and you like to think that you make hay while the sun shines.
Whereof I speak, the sun shines all the time, and you are on favored ground. You don’t have to leave the surface of life in order to enjoy the underlying Silence. You keep your eye on the day-to-day life, and yet you keep an ear to the deeper foundation of life from which, when all is said and done, you cannot flee. And I have to ask you, why would you want to flee from that which gives real meaning to your life? You cannot escape anyway. You cannot escape the joy I have made ready for you. You are already here with Me, and that’s how it is, and that’s how you are.
Have you tried the Heavenletter Cosmic Generator yet? What Heavenletter comes up for you today? It’s kind of like I Ching! If you haven’t tried this yet, click:   * What message was yours today?  *
Heavenletters™ Copyright1999-2011 -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts * In these times when the whole  world needs nourishing, Heavenletters is already proven to stir the hearts and souls of people of all ages all around the world and from  all walks of life. * Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter™, Teacher, Speaker * The Godwriting™ International Society of Heaven Ministries * 703 E. Burlington Avenue, Fairfield, IA 52556  *  * *   

Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Beloved one, do not take everything personally. Sometimes you feel, "I am responsible for this mess; somehow I must have caused this and there is something wrong with me." There is nothing wrong wtih you. If a relationship changes, allow that other one to go their way, knowing that it takes nothing away from you.
Visit our website:  *    

Are There 'Bad' Indigos?
by Jennifer Hoffman
With the increased attention on Indigos and Crystals, we tend to think of Indigos as the overlooked, victimized aspect of a generation, that they are good and everyone else is not Indigo and they are 'bad'. That's over-generalizing a bit but we know what Indigos are and that they have an enormous task ahead of them, and that sometimes they struggle with their energy. But what about the others, the other kids who struggle and who do really awful things, like the increase in child murderers, gang activity, drugs and crime? Are they not Indigos and if not, what are they?
There are many expressions of Indigo energy and while they can become the successful people we know they can be, they came to help with all kinds of lessons. Some Indigos are here to work through some very hard karmic issues and they use their energy as a form of retribution, to teach others by connecting to them at the lowest energy level instead of raising the level of that interaction. This is the ancient 'eye for an eye' energy and it is very powerful and not the best use of Indigo energy, but it is one way it is used. 
Indigo energy is about revolution and transformation and they do not always express that energy in its highest form. There are Indigos who point out the darkest energies, and whose mission is to remind us of what has to be changed, and they do that by calling our attention to it. So they engage in activities that bring those energies to the forefront, either as victim or abuser. It's no wonder, then, that drugs, gangs, child pornography, abuse, sexual slavery and other crimes are daily headlines. Does this make them any less than other Indigos, no. But they do use all of the Indigos' aspects to make their actions effective. 
It is when we judge energies as good or bad that we limit their expression and effectiveness. Instead of focusing on what appears to be happening, we need to look at what is being exposed. What pain is being expressed, what is awaiting transformation and what can we do to help? The dark side of Indigo energy can be very dark, but that may be their purpose. Rather than judge this, we need to focus on what is being brought to light through their efforts because above all, this is what Indigos do.  I believe that Indigos are the last generation who will be able to use the dark energies as a way to create change. Our willingness to act on what they show us will help them get closure with these aspects and allow future generations to be in the light to create change, instead of the dark.
Article Copyright ©2011 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved.
About the author
Jennifer Hoffman is an intuitive, spiritual healer, mentor, teacher and author. She also channels the energy of the Archangel Uriel.  Jennifer has helped many people through the Shift through her unique insights and counsel, facilitating their healing journey. Jennifer is the founder of, an on-line spiritual healing and growth center and dedicated to the messages and teachings of Archangel Uriel.  Information about Jennifer's books, on-line seminars and services is available at her websites, or email for information.   * Enlightening Life  *  email: *    

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