The Illusion Is Falling Away {Channeled}

Isis' Message of the Day -
There are no strangers on this planet only family we have yet to meet. We are ALL children of God! Brothers and sisters experiencing being in the human family. Are you your brothers keeper? Yes, for you are your brother. Just as you cannot be separate yourself from your Creator you cannot separate yourself from each other. It matters not what color your skin or what part of Mother Earth you come from you are part of One family . . . the Human family of God.
I AM ISIS a "Spiritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
I wish you Joy, Love & Peace,
~ Lady of the Light ~

The Beloved: The Illusion is Falling Away
Received by Kenton David Bell
For what is beginning to fall away is the illusion of what you are not.  And as this illusion begins to fall away, you see, as this illusion begins to just disappear, you begin to notice other things begin to fall away.  Things such as judgment begin to dissipate.  Things like seeing separation and that others are a very separate thing than you, begins to fall away.  You begin to see the unity in all of it.  You begin to see that your priorities are perhaps shifting.  The things that seemed important and brought security are no longer the things that are important and bring security.
You begin to find truth and security and love and comfort in the knowing that others are the same as you; that others and you share a common bond, a deep connection that was always there.  That will always be there.  It's because you are the same.  Because you are all God Source Love.
And any time that you see something other than God Source Love in another, we promise you, this is just the illusion.  It's not something that they're doing or not doing, it's your perception, you see.  And as you begin to shift out of this old illusion and into the remembrance, the Great Remembrance of who you are, you begin to see that there is no separation.  You begin to have the direct experience that there is only God Source Love.
And it is in this space that you begin to truly access your magnificence.  And it is from this space that you can truly begin to consciously create the way you're intended to, begin to consciously create from an awareness that you are Creator.  And then what happens when you begin to have this experience?  Creator also begins to become more aware, you see.  Because you are Creator and part of your process is the process of Creator.  There is no separation.
We are the Beloved. And so are you.
Our outer world is a direct result of our inner world.  If you are trying to "fix" something in your outer world, go inside.  The biggest illusion here on the planet at this time is that our power is something that we exercise outside of ourselves.  The only true power is within.  The only true power is our connection to Source.
You are made in the eyes of Creator.  Just like Creator.  You have the ability to create the way Creator does.  You have the building blocks of the Universe at your fingertips!  If Creator built this world in just seven days, what can you do today?

Today's mantra: I live by the truth of my own power, my connection to Source. I create my day knowing and behaving like the powerful Creator that I Am.

PO Box 3820 * Sedona, AZ 86340 * Phone: (928) 274-2026 Email: * Follow The Beloved on FaceBook:  *   Coming soon (expected publication in October, 2010).  The Beloved, Book One Remembrance:  The Keys to Creating and Experiencing Heaven on Earth * Channeled by Kenton David Bell; Transcribed and edited by Gaile Burchill. *