The Great New Power 'U Have

Dear Ones,

The next few days will be noteworthy for many. For those of you who have tapped into your biggest fears or regrets will sense a shift in your being and outcomes you did not anticipate even a few days ago.

You are learning to direct your being to continue or create your path.

So it is pieces you do not remember or imagine were holding you to your present life will present themselves for review. Do you wish to berate yourself for that piece or do you wish to move beyond? That will be your decision for you have held yourself responsible for that "mistake" for years, maybe eons.

You might have already noted the whispers of that deeply hidden secret holding you in a place you no longer wish to be. The question is what do you do with that memory? The answer is whatever you want.

For if you wish to continue your penance, you can. Or you can move beyond that piece. You merely need to allow yourself to KNOW you no longer are that entity whether of the past, present, or future life.

If you are of a religious nature, you learned from early childhood that Jesus entered 3D earth to forgive your sins. In truth, you forgive yourself for you are part of all God interpretations.

It is time for you to truly understand one of your recently accepted powers. The power to forgive yourself the same way you once hoped someone outside of your being would.

Such a thought will make some angry. For you accept you are part of God, the Universes, or any entity you believe more powerful than you, but you cannot yet accept that you are equal.

So those of you who refuse to fully accept your new totality will continue to mire yourselves in self-blame waiting forever for someone outside of you to forgive and tell you that you are a good boy or girl.

You have always had the power to forgive yourself. You merely negated that power to fit within the confines of the 3D world that depended on any and all outside forces to teach you how to live, pray, forgive - how to be.

Once you declare yourself free from those self-made and self-accepted obstacles, you will allow yourself to grow into the powerful being you are. For those pieces that hold you in fear, those deepest secrets are yours to expose and clear - not God, your partner, friends, community, or family.

You also believe you have the power to shame or blame others as well as yourself. Such is not true and never was. You hold people like Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin in contempt, telling yourself that you are better than them. Not because you necessarily are, but because you need to blame someone for your discomfort.

You believe you are not as "bad" as they are so you can accept your fears. Whether that be a mass murderer, a financial or political thief, an abuser or on and on. Not because you accept their actions, but because you need them to prove to yourself that you are not as bad.

In truth, all of you have backgrounds with multiple occasions for shame. Most of which you have dissected and removed. But for many, there is that one deep shame that you have been afraid to explore for you believe that one shame is too terrible to expose or express.

That shame might be what you review the next few days. Not in the pain and remorse you have had about that issue, but in the sense of forgiving yourself. Knowing that forgiveness is your right and responsibility, and not that of any other person or entity. An understanding of who you were and what you felt you needed to explore at that time.

The following few days will be about self-forgiveness. A trait or skill you always had but did not use when you were a 3D entity believing that there was someone bigger or better than you.

Now you are concerned that this self-forgiveness, this rehash of something you are afraid or ashamed of will be too painful to contemplate.

Contrary to your fears, you merely have to expose the fear and then forgive yourself. Some of you might not even know what that fear is for it might have occurred in a different 3D life. You just need to allow yourself the power to know you are the one to forgive you.

You no longer need to rely on someone in the heavens to forgive you for that entity has always been you. Your 3D God concept was first experienced through religious stories you heard as a child encouraging you to believe someone had the power to forgive you.

Now that you are learning to accept your power in this lifetime, it is time to quash another 3D myth. You are the only entity who can forgive you. For your life is yours. It does not belong to another and never has even though you, en masse, created that myth to allow yourself to be of 3D.

Why do you suppose karma was created and that, according to your myths, once you transitioned beyond earth, you reviewed your 3D life and then re-entered to play out the karma you created? Do you see the difference in belief patterns? At one end, you must plead with God to forgive you. And at the other, you must leave earth to forgive yourself only to replay a similar role in reverse before you can forgive yourself and allow others to exit that storyline.

In a sense, the two forgiveness concepts are not compatible, and in another, they are completely compatible. For indeed, in both scenarios, you are not strong enough to forgive yourself while of the earth. Such has never been true.

Allow that deep shame to expose itself and know that you are the only entity who can clear that pain and always have been. The difference is you are starting to believe you can do so while of the earth. A large step forward indeed. So be it. Amen. - Channeled by Brenda Hoffman


Contact: A Departed (passed-on) Human Friend. 
Subject: “What You Call Perfection.” 

Message received by George Barnard. 

The Friend: “We are on these mansion worlds supposedly to become more perfect as we go along. We don’t see it that way. What you call perfection, we see as a process of maturation. We don’t have perfection in mind, no, not yet. We take it a step at a time to become more sociable, to become more helpful, to learn, to prepare ourselves for tasks we will be given from now until eternity and that is really something we look forward to — to co-create with our beloved Father-Creator. 

“At one stage being of the lowest of his creatures, it is suggested that in the end analysis we will be among the highest of His appointed helpers. For all of us in my morontia home-group, life on the planet has been tough even though for me it was only a relatively short time. However, it gives us the impetus to succeed and do well. It gives us the raw courage to make a success of our lives, many lives, many different morontia lives, and more, that we need to lead to get to Paradise. One thing that I must express, my brother in Christ, there are certainly no deadlines here. 

“You can quite do what you want to do, although it is wise to confer with your elders, your brothers and sisters, yes, I mean Angels and Melchizedecs and others. Take your time for any task, any lesson to be learned and any project. There is not that urgency that by sunset, or week’s end you must have certain things completed. I like that. Pressure is gone of having clothes ironed and food cooked in time. There is little pressure here and you will find that you will be equipped with a mind that just won’t let you forget. 

“You will learn how to register and compartmentalize the information that you acquire and you won’t have to search for it. It will be there right on the tip of your tongue whenever you require it. That is about all I am allowed to say to you two. I thank you kindly for your invitation to visit you on this important day. We all love you. Goodbye.” 

Receiver’s notes: My departed friend was a wife and mother. She was busily cooking an evening meal and laughing at her husband’s jokes. She suffered a massive stroke and fell on her tiled kitchen floor. Moments later she was dead. She left behind two young children and a husband who has never yet gotten over the shock of losing her almost 30 years ago. 

The day, October 31, was special to all.

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
My Gift to you is for you to be of service to Me — Christ Michael.


You are never alone, for I Am ever here to hold you and to support you, to fill you with endless peace and to bring you joy that you might recognize the power and the purpose of this life I Am, finding its fulfillment and its outreach through your hearts.
You are never, ever alone, for I Am with you in a million ways. I Am the life that brings to your eyes vistas of great possibilities. I Am the sense in your heart of endless beauty. I Am that which turns you again and again to Love and lets you know that there is always good, ever overflowing from the Source.
You are never alone, for I Am alive in your heart and you are with Me through all eternity. We have a connection that is indescribable because I Am the fullness of Love in you and you are the heart in Me. Yet we are One Life ever expanding, and this, beloved ones, is the mystery. It is the joy of the opening of All That I Am in this moment, in your heart, that we might be the discovery of the whole of life becoming aware of each glorious part. This is the truth that is ever present and speaks to your heart.


The Power of Love ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

It is the most beautiful experience that you can have to love another person, to find the love that exists within all of you and to feel and project it out. This is the best of the experiences that you have available to you. We don’t think it matters whether the person that you love reciprocates that love. It’s not what you want – to be unrequited in that love that you feel – but whether someone loves you back or not, you still get to decide to be the love that you are.

You can be in love with another person and feel completely fulfilled. And again, whether that person loves you back is irrelevant when you are truly in love. Being in love means holding that vibration. It means that you are in that love state of being, and there is so much joy, excitement, and freedom all tied together with that feeling of love.

Being in love with someone who does not love you back is one of the ways that you get to experience unconditional love. Now, many of you feel that it is one of the worst experiences that you can have to be unrequited in your love, but that’s your ego talking.

We also understand why you would want to have the other person fall in love with you, because then you get to do lots of things together. And let’s face it, it’s easier to love someone when they’re being nice to you, when they’re doting over you, when they’re touching you, kissing you, and praising you.

But you didn’t come here for the experience of what is easy. You came to planet Earth because you were up for the challenge. If you can allow yourself to love someone who you may never even meet, we think you have allowed yourself an experience that is a beautiful reminder of what Source experiences. And when you can align yourself with Source, you can tune in to the power of love.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

The Next 5-10 Years ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

It is the perfect time for all of you to consider how you would like to be moving forward in this next phase of your evolution. You are getting to decide how you move forward, in spite of what you might be told from others, others who make it seem as though the next five to ten years are set in stone for all of you. Nothing could be further from the truth.

You are the pioneers here. You are the creators and co-creators, and it is your time to be the deciders, the ones who actualize your own evolution. You can, of course, just wait and see what happens. You can look for new predictions to tell you what’s going to happen next, or you can take the wheel and decide for yourselves what it’s going to take for you as individuals to evolve.

Do you need drama and trauma in your life to be inspired, to feel your emotions? Do you need hardship in order to create? Do you need to see evidence of the rest of humanity lagging behind in order to do something about the evolution of your consciousness? When we talk about the evolution of your consciousness, we want you to know that it is something that happens automatically, but it is also something that you can facilitate.

You can put your foot on the gas pedal and bring yourselves to a heightened sense of awareness. You can choose to love more, to meditate more, to connect more with nature and Mother Earth. You can reach out to other aspects of yourself. You can reach out to higher dimensional beings. You can be an active participant in the evolution of your consciousness, and you can steer the rest of humanity in that direction as well.

You don’t have to sit around and wait for something to happen. You don’t even have to wait for some grand, inspired idea. Just stop what you’re doing from time to time and check in with how you’re feeling, how you’re vibrating. Do some conscious breathing. Meditate if you have to. But just be sure you’re taking care of the evolution of your consciousness.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.” - via Daniel Scranton

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