The Dimension Of Truth

1.)  Today's Angel Message
2.)  Pleiadian Elders: The Heat of Transmutation
3.)  Metatron: Alpha & Omega: The Dimension of Truth
4.)  Jeshua - Message of the Day
5.)  The King's Love

Isis' Message of the Day -
“The ancient pyramidal energy vortex at Giza was given to Third Dimension at a time when darkness reigned upon the Earth. Darkness had grown to such an extent that the Councils of the Hierarchical Government sent forth emissaries from Higher Frequencies of existence into third density. Those representatives from the Brotherhood of Light established upon the precise centre of Earth a gravitational force combined with the cosmic beam of Source Energies, which merged in a synchronicity of monotheistic understanding of attunement to Creative Force. Today in Earth time the physical form you know at Giza has been transmuted from its original pristine beauty of synchronistic harmonious attunement to Source. However, the etheric vortex still remains a constant source of energy for Earth's planetary body and the Life support systems it nurtures. From its inception into Being, the Giza vortex has maintained a focal point to which all other eleven-energy points upon Earth's grid system attune or connect. That connection can be likened unto the umbilical cord of the embryo, which carries Life-giving nutrients from the mother to the forming physical vehicle until it, can support its own Life outside of the womb. The Giza energy vortex carries the physical records of Human's evolution in time stored beneath the structure, and cut into the stone itself. The numerical numbering system of the physical stone structure carries the same vibration as the etheric numbers, which equal One.”
I AM ISIS a "Spritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
~ Lady of the Light ~

Today's Angel Message
Dear Ones. Blessings to all. It is good to converse with you again. We are pleased to see the shine that emanates from each of you. You are a shining jewel in the tapestry of humanity. The stronger your connection to You, the brighter your jewel shines. We love you. We bless you.  Blessed are you who walk in light. Blessed are you who walk in love. Blessed are you who walk in truth. Blessed are you who walk in trust. We love you. We bless you.
Dear Ones. All is well. Everything is unfolding according to the Divine Plan. Be at peace. Bless your hearts.
Cynthia Lee Shelton, LCSW a licensed psychotherapist with 25 years of experience in traditional therapy, psychic intuitive therapy, and healing energy work.
Cynthia has been described this way: "Take the best therapist you have ever experienced along with an amazing healer and psychic - toss in some angels and some pretty interesting guides - and you get Cindy Shelton. Her ability to get right to the essence of you and your problems is awesome. She's one of a kind!"   * 

Pleiadian Elders: The Heat of Transmutation
As received by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan
August 2010
Welcome.  We are the Pleiadian energies.   We come to fill in the spaces in your life, in you heart, in your thinking, and even in-between the letters and energies of your names.  All of you have shown great potential.  You show signs of not being consumed with the stoppages and the startings of life. 
As the summer fans herself in the heat of transmutation, you will all begin the arduous task of casting away parts of yourself that you still hold onto, parts of yourself you once identified with. As you cast these very heavy nets of self, you may start “throwing stones in the direction of others’ blaming them for all of your choices, beginnings and endings.” 
Pointing fingers at parents and siblings aunts and uncles. Hosting the blame game on your very own network of ‘poor me’. As you begin this dialogue with cells and universe and memory, you will push and alienate those who once had a place in your heart, throwing out the baby with the bath water. You will find yourself emotionally stranded upon an island of self, creating from empty spaces in your heart. 
The haze from your eyes will be lifted so that you will be able to see the past potential within every ingredient and choice of your life.  Every failure, every success, every loss, and every gain will fuel the fires of transmutation.  Finally opening your eyes to fully understand what the word 'Creation' means and how it takes all elements and all choices to fully create as a God-in training- without fear.  Your choices that seem so limited today are vast future potentials disguised with a veil of invisibility, a sub-atomic membrane that surrounds what is not yet birthed. 
It is said by many that there are secret chambers within the Great Pyramid and within many sacred sites.  Yet using all scientific instruments of the day, nothing can be found. Yet millions of people continue to search because innately they know it is true.  It is hidden from the eye of the beholder,  but it is not hidden from the eye of the future and the eyes of the past. 
It is the same with you dear ones. You feel every thing around you beginning to take form, offering you new opportunities, new understandings, and yet, you see it not with the eyes of your humanness.  You know it is there because you can feel it.  It silently breathes upon you; it fogs up the lenses of your eyes.  Nevertheless, it avoids your touch.  You look deeply at your world and you see nothing.  Yet, you feel it with every inch of your body.  The invisible is alive and kicking, but it cannot be seen as with all the great secrets of life. 
You are straddling the boundaries of the formed and the unformed.  You visit the land of the void and you bring back creations from that land, but they are invisible in the now, the present.  Yet you know you held them in your hand as you came across the boundaries of the formed and the UN-formed.  In the present vibration of earth they cannot be seen.  You wait with bated breath for the next level of energy so that you can see all that you have not seen, all that you have not dreamed, and all that you cannot capture in a picture, in a thought, in a hand-full. 
Your sensories are being unveiled, but you trust them not.  You trust not what you see internally because you do not see it externally.  You trust not what the heart tells you for the mind is in command and the brain is captain of your ship, or so it seems.  You trust not the feelings that come to you, that wrap around you, and slink by you.  You trust not the touchings, the promptings, and the yearnings of your sensories because they cannot be depicted as tangible, as material, as 3rd dimensional. 
You all enter a doorway that is so much more than you can understand.  As a castaway on your island of light, reformat what is tangible, re-examine what you 'can' see.  Look in-between the letters of your name.  Look in-between the vowels of your life.  And look in-between the consonants of your expectations.  Just for a moment, focus upon your name; see it etched in the mind.  Now in-between every letter, there is another letter, a vibration, a sound.  It is the name of your soul that is etched in-between your human name.  Look for it.  It will explain much to you.  In-between is where you are right now. 
You are not formulated.  You are not your past.  You are not future.  And in truth, you are not your NOW.  Because there is no 'now'.  This metaphysical rhetoric of 'now' does not exist in the higher planes of energy.  Everything that you see has already passed.  The images your eyes give you are of the past.  The thoughts your mind gives you are of the past.   So there is no present, as you know it.  As you grasp for the present, it immediately becomes obsolete and the past. 
You are moving quickly through time gates of self.  You are at the octave in-between these next levels of self, of soul, and of expansion.  You are the unformed clay upon the potter of life’s wheel.  You are the chrysalis, you are the cocoon, and you are all that is not formed.  And we ask you to become comfortable in this.  For this will be the place of your future.  Do not expect to go back and have your world solidified as it always has been for most of your earthen existence.  You now enter a time of vaporous energy.  A time where the ether, the ethereal is the doorway you enter day by day, minute by minute, and experience by experience.  Do not bet upon the horse that you can see, but bet upon the horse that is about to run the next race. What is in front of your eyes is not as solid as it appears.  Do not place all of your provisions upon the solidness that you see.  You are all building rafts to escape what seems to own you. 
You are building rafts out of parcels of thinking of the past, placing your future self upon a raft venturing into unknown seas.  Venturing onto unknown platforms.  Do not tie yourself to a raft of expectations that cannot assist you into the higher realms of light.  Do not tie yourself to your life as you have known it up until now, but allow it to be birthed free of form, something that was impossible to accomplish in the past. Throw out the expectations through the window of the old self, let them go.  Allow yourself to ride the winds of change into a newer shinier, less solid future. 
The human body will do much to confuse you as you make choices that you feel are necessary for its survival.  The human body can only re-live what has passed.  There is nothing within the human physical continent that in actuality is futuristic. Visualize yourself in a fog so thick you cannot see your hand.  See your human body within that fog. The human body cannot see the past, it cannot see what is behind it, and it cannot see the future and so it panics.  As it panics, memories that are held within the cell structure of the body come forth to draw your attention away from what your original intent was.  Expect your humanness, to kick, to scream, and to sidetrack you, as you become more comfortable with the unknown. 
Know dear children that you are of the flesh of light and you place the light into flesh.  You are of the flesh of God and the flesh of the angels and the flesh of all that have ever existed.  When one leaves their body on Earth, it is then poured back into the reservoir of where all bodies are formed. 
When the body begins to hurt for no apparent reason, understand that in that moment of time, that you have entered a portal of dimensional flux.  Every time the body pains and hurts and suggests other actions, you are on the threshold of a breakthrough.  Do not allow it to sidetrack you. Do not allow it to push you backwards, paddling back to the island of thought that you so yearned to leave.  You are paddling out to sea as Christopher Columbus, not knowing what lies in the fog, but moving forward regardless. 
You wear the fabric of the skin of your ancestors, of Christ, of the good and the bad and the ugly that have walked the Earth. Your flesh holds that memory.  You are the flesh of all the angels that have walked the Earth.  You wear it within and throughout your body.  Call upon the ascension particles of your body to help you remember that it is capable of ascending into higher light.  Before every individual left there was an energy signature that was encoded upon earth that this can be done, that this was accomplished.  Remember that anything that is accomplished by another can also be accomplished by you.  Do not give up in your life.  Do not give up in what you perceive to be the wantings and the needings of your existence.  You have the capability to move past these perimeters of limitation if you choose.  We are the Pleiadian Elders.  We leave.
Gillian MacBeth-Louthan | PO box 217 | Dandridge, Tennessee 37725-0217 | Spiritual Tools for Accelerated Transformation |  | | Quantum Newsletters are lovingly translated into ‘Spanish’ by Margarita Lopez and Suzy Peralta, thank you dear hearts. Click here   *     

Metatron: Alpha & Omega: The Dimension of Truth
Recieved by Tyberonn
August 2010
Greetings Masters ! We greet each of you in this moment with Unconditional Love.
Masters,  the Cardinal Grand Cross is is a time of great awakening and transformation on the Earth plane. The Earth and all of her kingdoms are transitioning to great and greater consciousness. Life is protracting in aggregate.
Indeed we say to you that there is even greater life that circles about and above your planet now in this phase. It is beyond and because of the intensity of the Grand Cross. It is an energy consciousness that wishes to enter your mass field of awareness. It is light of a sublime nature. It does not hold logic, it does not hold vision, it is not the light of promise but it is the light of wellness and we will say to you that if you will allow this light to enter your sphere of influence, your field of awareness, you would find yourself lighter in spirit almost immediately and this is only achieved by intent.
Humanity seeks promise, and endeavors for light, and this is requisite. Yet few on the path work to bring in wellness, and we tell you it would compliment your path, soften your journey. 
For hidden in the waves of the Grand Cross is a subtle brilliance of wellness that is now more available to humankind. You can apply and avail yourself of it but YOU must call it forward, and become it. Seek and ye shall find. You must engage the light of the truth of wellness within yourself. Because in seeking greater knowledge one does not always seek or choose to include wellness, self love, but they are synergistically required to do so in achieving the crystalline vibration. They are complimentary and each would benefit by it.
And so we begin our topic...
Conscious  Kingdoms of Earth

The Human kingdom on Earth is the most conscious of all Earthen Kingdoms. Yet humanity at this time is still somewhat unaware of much of its consciousness.
The Earth itself is a celestial Consciousness and supports many forms of sentient awareness within and with-out.  Even without the consciousness of humanity, the Sentient Earth is a growing conscious being, that in many aspects is more fully aware of mankind and the Cosmos, than mankind is at this time.  Because the Earth nurtures and provides the matrix of mankind's linear and nonlinear Earthen experience, humanity  tends to think of the earth as a Feminine Energy. In truth the Earth is neither and both, as in truth are YOU.
The Earth homes many Kingdoms and Sub-Kingdoms that have symbiotic relationships with one another and indeed with Mankind and the Unified Earth. Among these are the Mineral Kingdom, the Plant Kingdom and Animal Kingdom. Each of these are also sentient, but humanity has forgotten  much of its ability to communicate and receive the wisdoms and true support that each of these offer.
Plant Wisdom

And so we are asked to speak of sacred plant teachers, for indeed within these are a unique lens that is offered to those who wish to experience a wisdom that existed prevalently in the Alchemy Schools of ancient days.
It is but one modality of intense introspection. And without endorsement or condemnation, we tell you that It is one of many individually discerned choices that can lead to  greater awareness. But indeed a path that is available to the few who truly desire to enter its dimension of truth. It is a crucible of amplification within a juxtaposition of that termed Alpha & Omega. 
Dear Ones, the plant kingdom has a unique ability to interact with humanity that is quite specialized, because it has the ability to work directly in the mental field, in a way quite different from the mineral  kingdoms.
The mineral and plant kingdom can  interact in myriad ways, opening auric energies, holding space for communication and multidimensionality, yet only the sacred plant kingdom has the ability to enter the body physical via the bloodstream. This alters brainwave frequency in a manner that allows primary consciousness to enter the ultraviolet of the subconscious dream-scape in lucid state, devoid of frontal ego-personality narrative.
Medicinal Plant Affect

The plant kingdom offers medicinal qualities that no other kingdom on earth can do in the same way. Plants are able to affect the pressure of your bloodstream, both upward and downward. Certain herbal plants are able to elevate your emotions and moods. Others are  capable of regulating the hemispheres of the human brain, and in so doing are capable of modulating how you relate to your greater essence, the unconscious aspects of multi-dimensional mind.
Campestral societies of the indigenous have known of this for millennia, as did the ancient Mystical Societies of the Egyptians, LeMurians and Atlanteans.
They knew through direct communication, that certain plants were capable of altering thought waves, the very resonate patterns of the brain. And as such gateways that were otherwise difficult to enter, were opened through the alliance of that termed the sacred plant medicine.
So they learned that as brain waves were altered so were thoughts, and as thoughts were altered consciousness could either expand or contract its perception of realities. It was as if the hemispheres of the brain could be turned on their side and viewed from a different lens of perception.
And so in this unique lens, the contents of the human brain are shifted and can be viewed in perceptions that are expanded in means that are above the linear alignment of space and time. Acute awareness well beyond the norm becomes both possible and probable within this effect.
Doors of Perception

Doors are thus opened to another dimension of perception, to other realities, unique aspects of the mind, and can allow for great transitional visions and breakthroughs of creativity and understanding, often allowing for deeply embedded 'energy blockages' to be confronted and released.
We will say then that psychoactive plants to varying degrees can be of great assistance, varying according to the energy and light quotient of the individual. To some it is of immeasurable value and to others less so. It is a question of readiness, of system of belief, and of individual choice and discernment.
Question to Metatron: A few years ago I took ayahuasca, and I seemed to go through many dimensions. I felt is if i was in this place for years, yet it was only 5-6 hours in linear-time. Can you expand on what occurred. Was it an experience only of the mind ?
AAMetatron: It is both. This most sacred of herbs allows entrance to one focal dimensional overlay, and that is the dimension of Truth. The essence and experience is one of travel thru many dimensions but it is indeed the mind that travels , and travels far. The Beingness moves, but only slightly. Just as the heavens seem to shift each night bit by bit, degree by degree yet bring great change to the plane of earth, the dimension of ayahuasca  brings a vast perception expansion, but it does so in one dimensional overlay, and that is the sacred  dimension of Truth.
Dear One, you were indeed in a place above linear time, and the life review you relived truly passed through 40 years of experience. This you were keenly aware of, and was part of the great joy you realized in re-entering your physical body. The knowledge that you could carry the deeply fire-scripted understandings and lessons into your present unfinished experience in this lifetime. That is the gift of this plant journey.   It takes one to the dimension of their consolidated individual Truth in association with  their lifetime and all that relates to it, you see. In other words, all that one can hope to gain, discover, enlighten and learn are held in the fulcrum of one single point within this unique coagulated vision. It is both the Alpha & Omega uniquely conjoined in one complex dimension of Truth as aligned to one's own frequency. This is where you traveled to and what one experiences in this profound journey.   It is a meeting of the self, yet the whole self as related to this lifetime, you see.  What is encountered then is the complete result of  who you are and who you can be. All that is untrue, all that does not serve you, all that is in imperfection is fully and painstakingly revealed. All that separates you from perfection, from worlds and realities is what you must encounter. That is why this most noble of herbs is so sacred.One confronts the self in a crucible of reality.  It is exemplified by the serpent consuming its own tail, and by that we mean the entirety of one's experience is revealed in one purifying vision, one crucible setting.

Question to Metatron: In my first experience, I had a life review, and in the second I was met with Teachers. Can you explain the uniquely different experiences?
AAMetatron: Dear One, as we have said, in truth you had in the initial journey what the Christians refer to as the 'afterlife judgment.' You reviewed your life, as if in real time, and where you had hurt another, you felt that hurt from their perspective, sought and obtained release of the energy. You did likewise for those that had hurt you, the energy was purged, cleansed. You experienced a great opportunity to experience what most of humanity experience after physical death, an intensive review of your lifetime. 
The immeasurable gift is that you were given the opportunity through this experience  to come back into the linear and make adjustments.
Accordingly the first experience enabled the second. And we will say doors were opened that remain open, and your Beingness is in much greater clarity. For what did not serve you, that you may term negative experience was released in one night which otherwise could have taken several lifetimes.
The purging was appropriate in the first experience, it was what was required in your frequencial truth, likewise in the second, it was teachers that you sought, and teachers that were appropriate in your expansion. Does that answer your query?    
JT: Yes, thank you. 
AAMetatron:  And so we continue in this most interesting discussion.
We will tell you that the human experience is often riddled with adverse emotional reactions to life interactions, and certain restrictive energy obstacles occur in the emotional and mental bodies that close windows of the mind.
Certain sacred plants of the psycho-active genre, when taken in ceremonial manner by a learned facilitator can assist in re-opening these doors and windows. Once opened they rarely close again, or remain open for a long time and so quantum leaps in awareness and parity are enabled.
Gateways of Mind

Yet the plants that enable the hallucination of the mind can be most beneficial to some and less so to others.  It is therefore imperative that one be able to navigate within perspective of the experience. That you term illusion is in truth a corridor, a gateway of the mind that leads to other realities and dimensions.
 For  example, as we have said,  the corridors opened by the medicine plant termed ayahuasca, can lead one into unresolved embedded energies from traumas in the present and other lifetimes by offering the path to the experience. In this way the present or past life issue comes into clear focus and the energies associated with it are re-lived  in actual reality aspect with opportunity to release what need be liberated to remove the trapped obstruction. One may also change the outcome or finish an uncompleted mission  that was not completed in the previous experience.
The Cumulative Focus 

Accordingly the mind is expanded to an array of multidimensional time hologram realities and is not locked into one perception. Many become available within what we call the focal dimension, the one dimension of Truth as it relates to the individual.
Yet be aware that strength and especially wisdom are necessary to accomplish these releases and completions. Simply having access to  the doorway of expansion does not necessarily mean one will have the key to open it or the ability to navigate within its offered realities. A certain level of intent, will, fortitude and  light quotient  are requisite to establish the conscious wisdom  and ballast to navigate and manifest these benevolent outcomes.
The Requite of Preparation 

Strength begets strength and wisdom initiates even greater wisdom, but both require effort and preparation, you see. And it is essential to understand that one must enter these realms in a state of preparation, and devoid of fear.  For if one enters in a haphazard fashion, if one enters expanded reality state  in fear, that fear must be overcome or one will experience an amplification of that fear. Indeed it is not an experience of frivolous pursuit and requires strength, preparation and courage.
Without these attributes, one merely hallucinates or one only experiences dreams or nightmares. In some cases nothing occurs.  And accordingly one returns from whence they came without the rewards that were available.  The key is that the vibration of the seeker must then match the highest purpose of the journey. Such plants were never intended for recreation for entertainment you see. One is meant to enter as if entering the holiest of Cathedrals, in reverence, respect and with great considered purpose.
If one enters the expanded reality realm without preparation, one will encounter an experience that has no redeeming merit. What one puts in, one will harvest. If nothing is sewn in sacred intent, nothing of value will be reaped. That is so in all endeavors of growth and of spirit.  And with the highest intent, the ability to enter without fear is tantamount. That is among the preparation attributes required, for fear is ever the vibrational static of disruption, a frequency that is not harmonic to the experience, you see.
So let it be understood that there is indeed a sentient consciousness of the highest order available within the experience of ayahuasca, which is presently by far the most profound of all the sacred plant medicines.  It is the one then that offers the most gain and provides the highest frequency for wisdom.
Process:  The ingestation connects the seeker to the ultraviolet area of the subconscious mind. It is akin in process to what may be termed the 'near death' experience. The ego consciousness must 'go to sleep' and the sub conscious opens into lucid dreamscape taking one into the dimension of Truth. In effect a rewiring occurs that benevolently opens corridors into the greater state of consciousness.   It is a process that enables the advanced seeker to deal with imperfection, review perfection and confront the full experience from birth to present, and reboot. It is in essence a rebirth.   The ancient Mystery Schools used this process for the advanced student . It is similar in effect to the 5 day fasting process, but occurs in much faster timing and often in greater detail.

Now, if one misunderstands the purpose or misapplies the experience, and enters haphazardly out of mere curiosity, the sentient frequency is not matched and the greater experience simply cannot vibrationally occur. And for that reason, masters, they are NOT for everyone. We will also add that while these plants offer an incredible opportunity for clearing and truth, they are certainly not the only method of obtaining such clarity.
The plant carries an extremely high frequency and a great degree of the consciousness of the Earth itself, and accordingly offers incredible transformation for those that choose this lens, and for those that are ready. The plant kingdom offers gateways, but the most important gateway is entered and directed from within.

Divine dimensional light for each human is transmitted from within your own being, not from without. It is based upon the energy of one's own truth, the confirmations that are the Cosmos and from the place they are aggregated. They are expanded within you as only light frequencies can be and then vibrate themselves into the mind and heart where by the magic of your intent they are converted to wisdom. But it is important that you will know that it is energy that you send, energy that you receive, energy that you speak, and that you guide, and that you call upon that reveals to you your true divine self. There are many paths to enlightenment, but all must contain the one Truth from within.
Points of light and infinity dot your planet, and  indeed  they can offer great acceleration, Lake Titicaca is among the most pristine of these. But the most important portal, you see, is within your heart, and you ever carry it with you. Such is the gift of the human kingdom on Earth. I am Metatron, and I share with you these Truths. You are Beloved ! 
..And so it is.
James writes under the penname of Tyberonn. A name suited to the work.

Though gentle in his demeanor, he is a complex visionary with an intense interest and communication with earth energies and metaphysics.There is more to him than meets they eye, and with a 6'5", 275 pound frame, a lot meets the eye! He is a conser-vationist and humanist. He is employed in management of a global energy corporation,collects mineral specimens and travels extensively.
Tyb has lived and worked overseas for more than 23 years in various capacities including stints as a field geologist and engineer. An ex-military officer and business major, his training in geology came with his employment in the petroleum sector in the mid 1970's. He became an expatriate in 1977. He describes himself as a " citizen of the world, whose nationality is goodwill". He is a conservationist, a member of the Sierra Club and supporter of Green Peace . Jim is devoted to changing the energy industry from the inside, and is involved in all aspects of environmental protection, waste reduction, and supports sourcing of solar and renewable energies. He has lived in Canada, Brasil, Gabon West Africa, Congo, Venezuela, France, Scotland, England, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Oman and India.
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Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Now, the catch to receiving is awareness. In other words, as you will envision for another one the wholeness that perhaps you are wanting for yourself, you then want to be in a place of receiving consciously, acknowledging consciously that you are receiving the healing that you are giving to another person. After all, there is no separation. So as you give to another one, you are giving to yourself and it has to come back to you.
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HEAVEN #3555
The King's Love
August 19, 2010
God said:
When will you recognize that I, God, love you and love you with all the love in My heart, and My heart is great, and so then, right now, know that you have all the love in the world of Mine right in your heart.
As it is, you crave more, or proof of more, or a huge daily shipment of more world love, as if you have never known love, as if My love has to be substantiated by evidence of love in the world. You gobble love up as if you have been starving all your life, for you are insatiable for love. You are at a great feast and have always been at this table, and, yet you feel starved, as if only love from another table can satisfy you, even though, time and time again, another does not.
You have been eating a feast of love, and still you lick up the crumbs from the table, sometimes any table, as if you had never known love your whole life, as if you were an orphan of love, as if you were not a child of God, or, as if you had been left in a closet forgotten somewhere and not been given love.
What am I to do with you?
What can I do but send you more love?
Yet, how do I shake you from your entrenched belief that you are not loved, not even loved by the Greatest Giver of Love in the World Who loves all. No matter that I am the One Who enters all hearts, fills them up, and leaves an Eternal Flame, you may not feel aware of Our Great Love, and, if you are aware, it still does not seem like enough.
I understand your hunger for love in the world. I understand how you may forage for love. I understand how sometimes, you are impelled to accept any show of love, even when it isn’t love and even when you know it isn’t. You may hold yourself in the thrall of love for the sake of a mask of love.
You may give away your birthright of entitlement to My love. You cannot give away your inheritance, you understand, yet you may give away your right to it. You may deny your worthiness.
And, so, you may throw yourself away on what may be token love or not love at all. You may accept tin instead of gold. You may see yourself as so starving for world love that you will pick up litter from the street and call it love when it is only litter. You take a few scraps of what is not love so that, for a few moments, you can close your eyes and feel you are in a play of love. You will give yourself for a few kind words, an apple there, a pear there, a glance into someone’s eyes, all so that you can have some trimmings of love for a while.
Meanwhile, you have the King’s love, and you rummage in the streets for handouts.
The world of itself does not always reveal its love. Even if My love did not exist, it is not true that any love is better than no love. Remember My love. My love is true.
I would wish that you would have all the love in the world as you do have all of My love. I do not ask you to have My love alone and give up world love. I am saying that you who are gold are not dross.
Dear Lady of the Light,
Your beautiful writing about the Statue of Liberty  *  * Thank you so much, dear friend. Gloria *
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