The Creator Imagined U {Channeled}

Isis' Message of the Day -
"You can fill your life with many, many people, many kinds of relationships.  Do not think that you will be fulfilled and completed by one other person in this world.  That is only true if that one other person is you. 
"You are the only person who can make you complete for the rest of your life.  You are the only person who can truly fulfill you.  Work on this.  Work on finding your own center and building up your own core through meditation and quiet contemplation.   Work on becoming the very best and fullest expression of yourself that you can.  Make this your goal.  And then, when you meet other people, accept them for who they are.  Encourage them to be full expressions of who they are, not expressions of who you want them to be."
~ Quado ~
I AM ISIS a "Spiritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
I wish you Joy, Love & Peace,
~ Lady of the Light ~

The Creator Imagined You!
Received by Kenton David Bell
You are awakening from a time of great sleep, of choice of being asleep. And you're awakening to your true nature. That soon you will not need, like our Channel, to go into this state to experience fully what it is to remember who you are; in your totality; in your magnificence.
You are made in the image of Creator! Creator Imagined You! What can you possibly imagine into being? Imagination IS more important than knowledge! One is based on what is, the other on what can be... The choice is yours! Imagination is not what you were taught it was, it is one of the "cogs" in the "mechanism" of Creation.
When you begin to live from a place of fulfilling your "Destiny" you begin to access the full spectrum of your Essence. You will know this through the feeling of potential that begins to embody your every moment. You'll be living on your growing edge.  Some of the signs that you are on your growing edge are excitement, anxiety, and fun, expansion, living in the unknown, knowing that all your dreams and desires will come true!
No matter what has happened in the past, no matter what is happening "Now." You have the ability to create and sculpt your future in all ways, shapes, sizes, colors, smells, tastes and feelings you want to experience. You have the power of choice! Choose wisely!
All you need to do is decide the shapes, sizes, colors, smells and feelings. Source will take care of the rest.
 ~ Team Beloved