The Bhagavad Gita Simplified

*The Bhagavad Gita Simplified*


-- God is deeply in love with me

--Pain is for your own growth. It is a privilege.
--Desire for objects causes suffering.
--Honor your emotions and attachments and then let them go.
--Why do you worry without cause?
--The longing that we have for objects is but a form of longing for the
divine. Yet this longing can only give us pain.
--Whom do you fear without reason?
--There is no problem that has been persistent in our lives.
--The Divine is the director who has given you a role which is right for
you. But all your life you keep fighting it ; wanting what someone else has.

--Learn to draw on your spirit. The more feverish and worked up we become,
the more knotted our problems are. Whatever is bothering us we have to drop
--If somebody is causing a disturbance in your life, that person is teaching
you something.
--Who can kill you? The soul is neither born, nor does it die.
--When people are jealous of you think, " People can be jealous of only
lucky people." Be compassionate to those with envy.
--Feverishness brings delay.
--When you are uneasy, observe your state.
--Life is a game. Play it fully. God does not give you a problem you cannot

--Whatever happened, happened for the good; whatever is happening, is
happening for the good; whatever will happen, will also happen for the good
--Once we know that this moment is perfect we will have absolutely no fear.
--Every moment we are given opportunities to correct our mistakes.
--Give god some time to work out things.
--The heart conquers everything. Let it. It is the mind we have to work
--During any problem do two things: Forgive everyone. Even if it is just one
person in that situation. 2) you might have hurt others knowingly or
unknowingly. Say sorry, seek their forgiveness.

--You need not have any regrets for the past. You need not worry for the
future. The present is happening...

--Trust the Divine even if it slaps you.
--Dharma is never to be transgressed- when we are feverish, we slip.
--Desire based actions cause sorrow.
--Don't sink with sorrow, or fly high with happiness.
--Whatever you reject and whatever you go after with feverishness is your

--What did you lose that you cry about?
--A true yogi can give up anything at any point of time.
--Yoga is when you are 100% with what you are saying or doing.
--Clean and sharpen the divinity in you.
--Be 100% in what you are doing. Otherwise don't start new Kurukshetra's
till you have sorted those that are already there.
--All is here.
-- We can decide whether we want karma or not - give up all doership.

--What did you bring with you, which you think you have lost?
--So Hum and So what ( to any inevitable negative in life) all you
need in life.

--With knowledge a lot of intellect is enlarged and that causes imbalance in
the seven levels. Live this knowledge and it will bring devotion. Bhakti =
faith in knowledge.
--In the presence of knowledge we must bow down.
--Whatever you need to learn will come before you.
--The scriptures should make you a better person and help you understand
your relationship with the world and with God.

--What did you produce, which you think got destroyed?
--You did not bring anything - whatever you have, you received from here.
Whatever you have given, you have given only here. Whatever you took, you
took from God. Whatever you gave, you gave to Him. You came empty handed,
you will leave empty handed.
--Enjoy and recognize the mundane. In everything that you do, you are with
the Lord.
--God is a very jealous person. He wants you totally, every atom is His.
--Gossip about Knowledge.
--Let us feel humble enough to know what we can and cannot do.
--Virtue cannot be overdone.
--We should not exploit anybody

--What is yours today, belonged to someone else yesterday, and will belong
to someone else the day after tomorrow. You are mistakenly enjoying the
thought that this is yours. It is this false happiness that is the cause of
your sorrows.
--When a child is born it shall be provided for - by the Divine
--Language is not just the words- it is also the tone.
--We should not give up our responsibilities at home. We are chosen to do
--Do not smother others with your attention and care and prevent their
--Don't go shopping when you are hungry!!
--Change is the law of the universe. What you think of as death is indeed
life. In one instance you can be a millionaire, and in the other instance
you can be steeped in poverty. Yours and mine, big and small - erase these
ideas from your mind. Then everything is yours and you belong to everyone.
--Marriage is walking a joint path together.
--Our parents are our root Chakra. Accept them for who they are and try to
maintain good relationship with them.
--The instrument Veena is very soothing to listen to for pregnant women.
--Be economical with your expenses.
--Your diet very much influences the three gunas.
--Satva guna is the high prana state.
--Each of the three gunas- satva, rajas, tamas ...are useful in their
own manner.
--This body is not yours, neither are you of the body. The body is made of
fire, water, air, earth and ether, and will disappear into these elements.
But the soul is permanent - so who are you?

--If you feel lazy- tamasic- go on a fruit diet, do kriya, take cold water (
as cold as you can tolerate) showers, do not eat greasy food like pizza.
Light a lamp and offer special pranam ( Prayers).
--Your ultimate goal should be to rise beyond the three gunas, but right now
try to balance all three of them.
--The 4th source of energy is knowledge of the self...when you know more
about yourself the energy will rise.
-- Save so that you can give it to someone who needs it more.
-- When you live on your needs, you will not feel any guilt.

--Dedicate your being to God. He is the one to be ultimately relied upon.
Those ho know of His support are forever free from fear, worry and sorrow.

--Healing happens from within- you can only give medicine, the healing has
to happen by itself.
--You must especailly play the game if you have called for it. We all have
our fields drawn in life (our kurukshetra's ) and must not run away from
--When the divinity in someone touches your divinity, we form a connection.
--Take what comes in life and do only need based actions.
-- Clear the clutter in your homes.

--Whatever you do, do it as a dedication to God. This will bring you the
tremendous experience of joy and life - freedom forever.
--Decisions which affect others should be made for the greatest good.
-- Start your nourishment from the self. From the home.
--If you are happy and harmonious, you are the best asset to society.
--Every moment is a holiday.
--Holidays should be restful so that we come back recharged.
--Honor your body.
--Don't break your mental health and spirit.
-- Keep your knowledge to yourself. It will disturb those who are not ready

Having desire means you don’t trust God. It means you think you know better
than HIM. If it is best for you, it’ll come to you, provided you have
surrendered it.
Regular Sadhna
Kriya once a day
Padmasadhna once a day
Meditation twice a day

Be thankful for what you have and what you don’t have. When a desire comes
just switch it around to gratitude by saying “I already have so much still I
am being so greedy. Thank you for what all YOU have given me and what YOU
have not given me”.
Desires and botherations are a result of not having gratitude.
You cannot feel contented without gratitude.

100% in the present moment
Do your duties 100%. Make immense effort to do this.
You can start with eating and bathing and move on to other things.

Being 100% in present moment automatically leads to reverence.

Be Authentic to yourself
You can only be Authentic, when you are ready to see the rubbish (hypocrisy)
in you. People may not support you but if you are authentic, they’ll value

You must hold the torch of Dharma firmly. No concession for even 1% even if
you have to die for it.

Be sincere to yourself.

Become mother to the whole world. Don’t judge anyone but be firm.

Discipline is like two banks of river which helps the river to finds its

When you are in gratitude (and hence happy with your life), you’ll
automatically be enthusiastic.

Eye Contact
Look in the eyes of the person you are talking to.

Take responsibility for not only what you have done but also what happens to

To take responsibility requires lots of courage.

Cure for depression is Sewa. Reach out to everybody and anybody.

Your questions.. Sri Sri answers..


Your questions.. Sri Sri answers..

Q. In the Bhagwad
Geeta, there are two ways described for liberation. Bhakti Marg- the
way of devotion and Gyan Marg- the way of knowledge. Which one is

Sri Sri: They are not two different paths. Suppose, you
like rice pudding. How do you like rice pudding without knowing what is
rice pudding. The knowledge of it will kindle a liking for it. Love and
knowledge go hand in hand. Once you know about something, you go and
buy it. Bhakti, Gyan and Karma are three legs of the same table.

tells Arjuna all those steps and finally says drop all and just relax.
For you everything is done. Shama jali hai tere liye tujhko kuch nahi
karna hai, the lamp is lit for you, you don’t have to do anything.

NOTE: Do YOU have any questions? Now you can get your Spiritual Quest quenched from where ever you are by sending the queries to

These questions will be read out in the satsangs wherever Guruji is. You can find the transcription of answers on

Keep smiling... Jai Gurudev


Guruji's Knowledge Sheet: Your Smile & Your Anger

Mahesh: Do you get angry? If so, how often?

Guruji: I can but it's very expensive.

Usually, you give your anger freely and smile rarely as though a smile is costly. In ignorance, anger is cheaper and a smile is costly. In Knowledge, a smile is free like sun, air, and water and anger is extremely expensive like a diamond.

Conclusion: Make your Smile cheaper and anger expensive.

|| Jai Guru Dev ||