The Battle Between Dark & Light {Channeled}

1.)  Today's Angel Message
2.)  SaLuSa: The Battle Between the Dark and Light Has Reached Its End
3.)  Universal Mind: The Tests of Time
4.)  Jeshua - Message of the Day
5.)  The Harmonization Wisdom Path Emerges
6.)  God Played a Flute

Isis' Message of the Day -
Never Losses - Only Blessings!
When someone we love leaves this earth instead of grieving and thinking of it as a loss, we should feel blessed for having had them in our lives for the length of time 'they chose' to be with us. We should feel joy that they have moved on to another life, another adventure for their soul growth.
Death is an illusion . . . it does not exist. As all is energy and energy cannot die it just changes form.
I AM ISIS a "Spiritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
I wish you Joy, Love & Peace,
~ Lady of the Light ~

Today's Angel Message
Dear Ones, We know that many of you are concerned about world events. There is much to be concerned about. However, take the time to strengthen your world. Consider positive energy being a force field or shield if you would. Is your shield weak or is it strong? We have given you many tools to make your shield strong. Focusing on the beauty in the world and seeing the light in each other’s eyes, these are more powerful than you can imagine. Do what you need to feel safe in the world. But remember, life is for living. Live it fully. See the beauty that is around you. Be at peace. Bless your hearts.
Cynthia Lee Shelton, LCSW a licensed psychotherapist with 25 years of experience in traditional therapy, psychic intuitive therapy, and healing energy work.
Cynthia has been described this way: "Take the best therapist you have ever experienced along with an amazing healer and psychic - toss in some angels and some pretty interesting guides - and you get Cindy Shelton. Her ability to get right to the essence of you and your problems is awesome. She's one of a kind!"  *   *       

SaLuSa: The Battle Between the Dark and Light Has Reached Its End
August 10, 2011
Some people fear that the Illuminati will take advantage of the problems you are experiencing, to bring in World Government. That has always been their ambition, but they no longer command the power to do so, and it is the Light that will reveal the answers that will restore hope for the future. As most of you can see, all around you the unrest and anger is escalating, and will not subside until the root causes are addressed. Our plan is the only one that will restore people’s faith and show that a quantum leap forward is possible. We ask only that you hold your vision of a new order, and paradigm that will solve the present problems. All that is happening has been foreseen for many years, as the dark Ones planned your demise and the collapse of your society. For karmic reasons it has had to run its course, but now the time has arrived for a stop to be put to the continuing destruction and inevitable demise of your civilization.
The battle between the dark and Light has reached its end, and although the Light has become the dominant force for good, it now needs to be seen to take over responsibility for the Earth. That is in the process of happening and it pushes Disclosure nearer to being announced. It is therefore more important that you hold fast to your focus on the future, and do not weaken in the face of the increasing turmoil and break up of law and order. The cleansing, which is already taking place, does bring to the surface the negative thought forms that have fueled the unrest. This way they can be dissipated and transmuted and allow the Light to come in. For our part we beam the higher vibrations to Earth to strengthen the Light that is now growing faster than ever. So do not be misled by the outer signs of upheaval and change, as you will see that in the long run it is to ensure the right outcome.
We handle the more urgent issues of preventing the final attempts of the dark Ones to take advantage of the world situation. Together we will achieve our goal to bring in stability, and create the conditions that will enable us to go ahead with they next phase of our plan. Once we can do that you will see that events will be speeding ahead, and you will have no doubt that the corner has been turned. An exciting time will commence when all that has been promised to you will manifest. We are more than equal to the task even although the time factor concerns some of you, but you can rest easy as our technological abilities can deal with the demands upon us. No problem is too big, and bear in mind that we have immense resources to call upon.
Everything is in the melting pot at present, and even we are not sure how it will turn out. We do however know where it is leading and that any attempts to support the old monetary system will fail. The opportunity to introduce a new one has been created by the very ones who do not want to see change. It is therefore ironic that they will have to watch the outcome without being able to influence it any longer. Their time to dictate your policies has passed, and they are losing even more power than ever before. As you might say, the writing is on the wall, and the inevitable ending cannot be avoided. There are greater powers at work than the dark ones are aware, and their days are numbered.
Meantime, please take each day as it comes and allow the future to come into your lives, and do not worry as your success is assured. Of course it will be chaotic with rumors flying all over the place, and the fear mongers will have a ball. Just remember what you have been working towards for millennia of time, and you are not going to be disappointed. The plan is far too big to be delayed any longer, and you will benefit from the changes a lot quicker than you may imagine. We are ready to jump into action, and once we do it is going to be something of a helter-skelter ride. For all that it will be fun and enjoyable because you know it is entirely for your benefit, and that of Mother Earth.
Many of you read a number of sources that channel messages from Extraterrestrials, and there has probably never been a time quite like now when there is a general agreement as to what is going to happen. Allow for different interpretations of some events that are coming, because as you are fond of saying, nothing is written in stone. Take what resonates with you and leave the rest to sort itself out with time. However, what will take place regardless of anything else is Ascension, as that has been decreed by the Creator. Many paths lead to it but in the end, you will be there if it is your desire and you are prepared for it.
You are in the thick of it, and we look on from our vantage point high above you. Our view is clear and we can see what is happening from various angles, so please be comforted and calm when we tell you all will be well. Matters are moving quickly and we hope to see a conclusion to those that will directly affect the issues that are most important. Disclosure is still a means to an end, and will open many more doors once it is announced. The truth will astound many people as to the extent to which you have been controlled, and will hardly be believed. However, the time has arrived when you shall begin to find out how it was achieved and who were responsible.
Of course many of you are already knowledgeable and politically aware. Even so the truth of what has been happening behind the scenes will bring many surprises. What will help those with stories to tell will be the changes to the Law, and your release from the oaths that enforce your silence. It is possible because once world peace is declared and an end put to wars, there will no necessity to keep information secret for military purposes. In an uplifted society sharing is quite normal, as the desire exists to help all people to benefit from any discoveries. That way you will always have the most up to date innovations and as a civilization will quickly advance together. You might also note that hoarding also becomes unnecessary, as when you have all you need, there is no incentive to take more than you need.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and enjoy helping you to understand what it is like to live in the higher dimensions. It is a joy and very fulfilling and you can be your true self as a Being of Love and Light.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey
I receive my messages from SaLuSa telepathically, he is speaking for the Galactic Federation. I have never had the advantage of being able to have a relationship where I can ask questions. I sit down at a specific time to make contact and then I get images or what I call 'packages" of images or words which I translate straight away onto the computer. Since March, 2004 I have been in contact with beings from the Galactic Federation.  *            

Universal Mind: The Tests of Time
Channeled by Alec Christos Gabbitas
August 8. 2011
We are joy filled and blessed indeed to be with you this eventide and before you open up with any related questions on 'lack of self worth,' let us assure you that you have weathered  the storms that have battered you all with some consistency and ferocity in these latter days of linear time. No way do you have any need to apologize for your status quo and no need is there for any apology for lack in any shape or form! These tumultuous times that you are all beset with are indeed massive and harassing to each and everyone. There are none that are spared in these times of deeper testing and stretching of ones barriers and limits in perhaps every which / way and direction that you could envisage. Be still and let God!
To give you forewarning of any of these particular times of 'off key energies' would be folly indeed for you would be preparing perhaps in a way that would not alter anything that was to follow. And it would have also taken away the learning and the greater realizations that you have weaned from any experience that was suffered un-warned so to speak. You did face them 'up front' by your very own God selves - which has invariably afforded you the greater lessons to recoup. The true learning is in the walking and in your own moccasins, so to speak. There is nought in truth that we could have pre-armed you with against these unsettling energies that have beset you all in these last few weeks / months of time!
There has been confusion in one's minds; there has been the forlorn feelings of utter loss and feelings of abandonment, as there has also been the same old feelings of Fear and trepidation, for all of your so called weaknesses have been magnified and chalked up in block capitals, for there was to be no escaping them. Full Frontal, fears and anxieties, all inane feelings of lack or self worth, tenseness and irritability, that festers the mind when trying so much to still the mental 'chitter chatter' and to calm one's fevered brow. There has been much clearing of many an issue that has for ages been hiding dormant in your old 'bag of tricks' that were kept so deeply buried, in the hope that they would not have to be faced! They had to, and they have been found, and are right now brimming up to be yet again finally dealt with as another layer of the onion is peeled away and greater clarity after cleansing has again taken its rightful course. Well Done, beloveds. Well done dear ones, indeed!
There is ever an inner or outer expansion and it is incredible just how strong and truly 'in depth' you all truly are. All that you have been knowingly or unwittingly discharging over these last few months is huge or 'ginormous.' So you must realize now that if you have all that debris to transform into more positive attributes of your growth, then surely it follows you are a pretty great guy in reality and in highest truth! There is nought from any one of you to feel ashamed or concerned about, for that is just the 'old ego mind' trying to make you to feel sorry for oneself - toss it to one side and stand tall in your might and sacred light. There will come a time when you shall choose to review these testing times that you are moving so fluently through in these now times. There will come a time when you will flick through the pages of the Akashic to ponder or (a)muse yourself with certain aspects and of the manner in which you had successfully dealt with them and paved the way for the much abundant future you will have co-created for yourselves.
There will coma a time when you read out and postmark certain experiences as rightful and correct to pass down to your own 'children' or fellows, sharing the knowledge and the pathway that might help another to tread the self same path in times to come, when you are teaching and sharing with those whom ask of these special times that are at this 'now moment of time,' working so diligently through. There will come a time that your sharing, your guidance, shall be affording others of like blossoming minds, to greater understand those precious days that You were part of and working with, whose energies and truths can be passed on to they who seek -.even as you sought in days gone by - these very days that are here this eventide enjoying in holy and so sacred reverie, together, in a Oneness, participating in the energies of All That Truly Is!'
So, how then would you have linked these 'roller coaster' energies which have been and indeed still are as demanding or as testing, or so tiring? How would you have linked them with the future magnificence of All That Is? You are an army of Light Beings that have so much beauty, co-creative power and design, an abundance of gifts and bejewelled with the crystal fruits or gems that adorn so beautifully the magnificent crystalline Tree Of Life. It is soon to be blessed with ever greater fruits, those of rebirth and regrowth, spilling out into the universal tapestry of life in its magnificent and all encompassing measures of balance, bliss and harmony. You have a history that you are remembering indeed, piece by piece, and you are awakening into your 'future self' that you begin to remember now as all the dross is being cleared away, and you are to be revealed as the human angel that you truly are.
So again we say unto you dear fellow travelers, beloved light bearers on planet Earth, go forth with pride, not pride of ego self, but recognition of whom you all together represent and truly are!  Accept and honor that these times are trying, are tearful and are testing - but remember that you must allow and accept that you have 'starred' and passed each test and that you step forward with grace and favor. Each star or recognition are of greater or lesser quotient yet with surely an overall 'star of recognition' for having passed overall these tests with honor, and that you step forward as ever always, battle weary maybe, but ever in the Oneness of The Greatest Army of Light that has graced the beloved planet earth for many an age of ages... for so it is!
With each and every day do we, on this side of this flimsy illusory divide, recognize and perceive the doors of heaven, so to speak, opening wider and clearer than at any stage in this ascension processing, and it is universally accepted that you are indeed the 'trail blazers' of this continuing and ever expanding life's dream. Remember again that there is no 'thing' that you cannot do, you have proven this to be so over these past decades of memorable endeavor and positive action. Discard those moments when the 'ego' mind taunts and tempts you to lessen your drive and ambitious actions in the light of all that is.
Let go those wan old ghosts that you have now 'shooed' out of the proverbial cupboard, and which you have chosen and allowed to totally fall away, to dissipate, finito! Allow yourself to recognize the human side that is a part of your makeup; along with planet earth as the physical body of the Lady Gaia, in all her grace and beauty. Allow yourselves the right to recognize the human-ness that begat you often times, but accept those human traits, not as a badness or a wrongness, but merely as the clay that the potter has moulded in his loving caring hands to prepare for you that which is from the earth. Honor that part of your self as never before. Accept the 'rightness' of the human body in all it's intricate perfection and poetry of creation, of being! Honor and thank your body Devas for their constant attention and ever loving body maintenance. And thank the multitudes of elementals also for their inputs on that sphere of being, of life. Accept your guardian angels whose presence is ever there for the earnest asking. Honor your doorkeeper whose keen and worthy 'doorman-ship' is essential for these times of greatly increasing movements and close connections. Honor and thank Mother Earth as Lady Gaia invites you all so to do, for it is on that special 'world stage' that these important and precious scenes will be played out upon and within.
Honor then your selves, for you are the light within the candle, a tool of loving care that has been blessed and gifted to you and yours, to fulfill your missions within, and to be ready and seeking ever that upward shift of a lifetime that is on offer for one and all! The throngs of beings around you are there for you to ask, they walk in many different castles in the sky...yet come to you as soon as they do hear your softly, silent prayer. Be ever up and ready for there's more to come to light, as you roll your sleeves up higher so that all you create is right! Remember well your Father, and yes your Mother too, for you'll be as One together as you invite them into you. You're like stardust on the petals of a brightly shining rose, as your hearts and souls entwine and with you love/light ever flows. You are a light within the heavens and a soul with heavenly glow, as you walk this earth together and your inner hearts do know! Honor your Mother Father God - and find that within!
So - with these passing 'tests and trials' being hereby placed are surely landmarks that will help us all to find our way 'home', for home is surely where the heart is, yet can we not find it here and now? As we move through these troughs of despair and times of tiredness and lack of self esteem, do we begin to remember - as if the self sacrifice is surely sifting though all this debris and combing out the good bits, the golden eggs of abundance, and allowing our newer 'old selves' to re-emerge smelling of roses and tasting of nectar/honey. We have re-found the way to go..had we ever really lost it? It just takes quite some effort as we rebuild our mind-set to fully remember whom we are, as we move with a confidence, yet still with some element of doubt and lack, but with a knowing that as we move through these pain barriers, we are revealing ever more of the love and light that we all truly are!
We have had much joy and pleasure sharing our energies with you all and we see these times as grand opportunities, linking together the lighter realms of light, so that all becomes nearer to the Oneness of All That Is. We bid you Gods Speed.

Namaste. Selemat Ja
(c)2011by Alec Christos Gabbitas for the Universal Mind and an ever United Kingdom. Please copy and share, giving full credit to the source of these messages *  * Also to Lady Isis and The Light Circle Ezine)  *                  

Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Beloved one, there will come a time when you will know the holy Self of you, and there will not be what you see to be a problem with that or a conflict with that or an overload, but it will be like walking into a most wondrous garden where you realize—you make real in your consciousness—that you are all of the flowers in that garden, and not only that, but you are the gardener, you are the rain that nourishes the flowers, you are the sunlight that allows the flowers to grow; you are All; truly you are One, the extension of the Father, the One Creator, come forth into this reality to show forth the magnificence of your divinity.
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Archangel Michael & Almeida, Dolphin Guardian
The Harmonization Wisdom Path Emerges
Transmitted Through Elanthra
August 3 – 8 ~ 2011
Archangel Michael: 
Greetings Divine Vessels of Light ~
It is I, Archangel Michael, come to greet you today on this divine momentous occasion.  Many of you have diligently been applying the task of healing yourselves and rediscovering the hidden parts of yourselves that have been oftentimes hard to look at, in the last while.
You have also been merging with your Divine Feminine aspects, and delving into your unique expressions of the same.  In continuance of this, I would remind you that deep meditation and reflection often coincide with healing.
In the last little while, the Dolphin Guardian, Almeida has come forth with the energies of ‘The Dolphin Wisdom,’ as well as Crystallined Water For The Planet.  This energy has been anchored onto the Planet, and we invite you all to Rise Up In Courage And Peer Into The Crystalline Reflections and Wisdom That Will Manifest Your Way.  Wisdom can be stored in a Pool or Storage Bank and plucked and gleaned when needed.  Let not wisdom fall by the wayside, but rather sway into emergence and Open~hearted Transcendence.
We Are well on our way into Ascension now, and many of you are re-acquainting yourselves with the energies of the 5th Dimension that is here on the New Crystalline Earth.  I would like to re~mind you to have fun with it, expect much, and play like you’ve never done before.  As always, this is an occasion for much celebration as we rise and progress quickly, as much of the energies on your Planet have sped up.
You may experience water retention, puffiness, swelling and/or bloating in the next little while, but know that these ascension symptoms too will pass in a short period of time.  Re ~ member You Are all open-hearted shining Vessels of Light, reflecting back the Light out of The Diamond Heart of God in the world.  You Are doing a magnificent job, and I urge you to carry on in this vein.
As ever ~ My Crystalline Light beams brightly, my undying love encompasses and protects you, and I Am forever with you.  I take my leave and will allow Almeida, The Dolphin Guardian to speak.
Blessed be.
I AM, Archangel Michael
Almeida, The Dolphin Guardian Speaks
Greetings Beloveds ~
It is Almeida here, and I Am a Guardian of the Dolphin and Cetacean Kingdoms.  We wanted to come forth in a little more definitive detail at this point in time, so as to serve the purpose of bringing through the opportunity for wisdom, as well as Divine Individual Reflection For One And All.
Dolphins have existed since ancient times, and our energy originates from the Star Sirius.  We Are an evolved, peaceful and technologically and enlightened species, and have oft ‘shone the light’ per se and inspired many an invention and quote.  We emit unique Light Codes, and actually have a language that has higher vibrational frequencies that Awaken, Heal and Sooth.  We have been known to be playful, and through years and years of innate wisdom, we have found that this is the best way to ‘stay in the flow.’  Thus, we do not take anything too seriously.
Now that you have Ascension upon you, we would like to advise that, though wisdom is important, we urge you to Incorporate It With The Free~flowing Love Of Your Open Golden Hearts.  Knowledge is information gleaned cerebrally or intellectually over time, whereas wisdom requires no education; it is ‘A Knowing’ that stems from connection to Source or your Highest Self.  A wise man is often silent, and watches and discerns.
We would have you know that The Dolphin Consciousness is very apparent on your new Crystalline Earth, even as we speak, and many of your new Crystalline Children have come in with this energy, as well as a mish-mash of other energies.
Furthermore ~ in conjunction with the needs of all, we have come with a fun exercise for you today.  Feel free to call on myself, Almeida, or any of the other cetaceans you so desire.  And with this, I will pre ~ sent to you the Progressional Reflective Exercise for all.
In this moment, I invite One and All to merge with your Highest Selves.  If you so desire, please join us as ‘The Harmonization Wisdom Path’ manifests before us now.  Can you see or experience the ‘Swaying, Warm, Sparkling Kundalini Waters’ that beckon as they wind and meander in on The Path?  Teeming blissfully with promise, the waters lead the way, and I ask you now to get on board of myself, Almeida as we follow the course to the ‘Golden Crystalline Cavern.’
Now, look around you at the warm Crystalline Waters that have settled, displaying ‘Reflective Life,’ and look over yonder at the splendid, magnanimous Shimmering Crystals gleaming forth, with their tips pointed upwards. 
Baby Carriage #1 
Manifesting as we speak, up from beyond the waters, is a ‘Baby Carriage,’ and we will call this Baby Carriage #1.  In this instance, I will go ahead and relay that the Baby Carriages brought forth in this transmission symbolize ‘Unique pathways of new beginnings and emergences.’ 
‘Clear Crystalline Sprouted Roots’ also venture forth from beneath the waters, glistening with the waters of kundalini, peacefully flowing, and wrap around myself, Almeida in a counterclockwise swirl as I swim upwards above the surface.  And the Sprouts continue an Upwards Emergence, and have successfully been anchored into The Great Central Sun.  Thus, a New Beginning has officially been borne and made manifest by All of One. 
Baby Carriage #2 
This is Archangel Michael here with Almeida, the Dolphin Guardian, and together we shall experience the ‘Hourglass-shaped Portal.’  It has now opened, and the calm waters meander in, with ‘The Golden Ark of One’ lightly swaying upon them.  Contained on The Ark of One are many ‘Treasures’ that befit One and All ~ individually ~ uniquely.
‘Ascension Treasures’ from The Future come full circle to meet One and All in the Here And Now.  And in this moment One and All are invited to come hither, board The Golden Ark of One and receive your treasures that await you.  Come greet and meet the Guardian of The Golden Ark in this Higher Dimensional Reality.  We invite you to Board With An Open Mind, knowing that all you experience already is.  Do you believe in the powers of Magical Co-Creation and Manifestation of Ascension?  Go ahead and enjoy your particular ‘Emergence Gifts.’ 
Baby Carriage #3 
Last, but certainly not least, A luminescent ‘Crystalline Unicorn’ arrives gracefully overhead, and it’s under-belly is seen to open and release a ‘Clear Crystalline Sprouting Vine’ that coils into circles as it progresses down ‘The Transcendental Path.’  As the vine continues to gently sway, it coils into ‘Individual Reflective Circles,’ one of which we invite One and All to peer through.  Know that this is a ‘Reflective Circle’ divinely manifested to meet and greet you in this moment.
As you peer through the Circle at your will, what reflection greets you today?  What message for you is contained in the Crystalline Reflection beaming back at you?  Can you feel it, experience it, see it?  We invite you to sit with this reflection as long as you like, and know that it is unique to you, and will express itself as animated, in depth, and creatively as you allow and are comfortable with on your individual Path of Ascension.  Know that what you most need, need to know or see will emerge at this sector of your Ascension Sojourn.
When you feel that you have gleaned what you need to on The Harmonization Path, feel free to ground back into your body in this room.  You may connect with this path and come here as often as you feel, and call on myself, Almeida, Archangel Michael and your Highest Self.
Namaste, bidding you all playful and peaceful co-existences rich with much wisdom, love for yourselves, each other, and light.  May all my Golden Love flow out to you, and I look forward to journeying with you.  
As above, so below, and so it is. 
I AM, Almeida, Dolphin Guardian
Universal Copyright ©2011 – Elanthra, Live with Light – Please feel free to duplicate and distribute, provided that this channeling is duplicated in it’s entirety, nothing is altered in any way, all links are included, and no money is exchanged.
Elanthra is an Indigo, Crystalline Walk-In Healer and Energy Anchorer from the Omniverse, dedicated to service in a creative and playful manner.  She is especially passionate about all the "New Children." *
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HEAVEN #3911
God Played a Flute
August 10, 2011
God said:
I drew a sketch of you. It wasn't doodling. It was My conception of you. And then I sculpted you of the clay of the Earth, and so you arose as a citizen of the world. You stretched yourself and covered and embraced the whole Earth. You encircled it. You strewed yourself upon it, and you reached around the globe, and, yet, the world is within you. You enclose the world within you. You swallow it up.
You are the holder and beholder of the world. In a sense, the world is your plaything. You thought otherwise.
The world is your toy top. It is your yo-yo on a string. How you revolve the world. How you play upon it. How you twirl the world even as you are flung across it. You do not know all that you are involved in. How mighty you are. Even unaware, you are mighty. There is no least of you. There is no most of you. All of you are equal human beings playing out different fantasies. Some fantasies are honored more than others.
And yet souls are to be honored equally.
Everyone is your soul mate. You are beholden to every soul. You are a conglomerate. There are no weak links. All are integral, and all pull the weight of all and are pulled by all.
What a world I created. I created it alone and yet by consensus.
The world was not a pig in a poke. It definitely was not. The world was a beautiful meeting of exquisite rhapsody.
I played you as a tune on My flute. The notes flew out and became you in all your radiant light. There is no difference between sound and light or vision or anything. They are just one side of the coin, and yet the coin just the same.
You are not really an experiment. You have been time-tested. You have been forged on the anvil of Eternity, or is it Infinity. It doesn't matter. You have been forged. You have been forged by My hands or the beat of My heart. The thing is that you have been forged. You have been fortuitously forged and sent out to the world to make it wonderful.
There is a purpose in everyone and everything. No one is without purpose, specific and general. No one is without wings. Everyone can fly, and fly high and encircle the world and the galaxies beyond. Everyone is much more than he knows. You are much more than you know. There is a grand picture, and you see a thumbprint only. You see a print-out, and you cannot see under it.
To you, the world is flat. And you, who came from the Ocean, swim in it now. You are a fish of the sea of thought and manifestation. You blow bubbles.
You are the pulse of Earth, and yet you cannot feel the pulse. You have to take My word for it. So long as your vision is impaired, you see limited editions of the world. The world is unlimited, and you are unlimited. Limitation does not exist except as you think it is. You set the limits where there are no limits, yet you set them. You go by them. You hold fast to them.
You are My dream, and you are going to come true just as I envisioned you. You are going to rise like the sun and claim the day. You are going to paint the picture I dreamed you would. All My dreams come true. My vision is unlimited, and so are you.
Heavenletters™ Copyright1999-2011 -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts * In these times when the whole  world needs nourishing, Heavenletters is already proven to stir the hearts and souls of people of all ages all around the world and from  all walks of life. * Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter™, Teacher, Speaker * The Godwriting™ International Society of Heaven Ministries *  P.O. Box 2064, Fairfield, Iowa 52556  * *  *          

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