Spiritual Life On A Material Planet




Illawarra District, Australia, December 5, 2010. 

Midwayer Chief Bzutu (ABC-22).

Subject: “Serving Two Masters.” 

Received by George Barnard

Bzutu: “We go back a long way, you and I, and now we look back at a relationship that has blossomed.  We understand each others’ quirks, each others’ needs, and humor.  Therefore, I find it difficult to understand why you are reticent to go along with being my mouthpiece in a matter we have previously covered in one of our meetings.  Take heart, my friend, this lecture will do you no harm, and it may well do some good for the growing group of 11:11 Progress subscribers. 

“We speak with you ad infinitum about living a more spiritual life, and that is fine, that is our job, and that is what we are here for.  We do not need to remind you of the mundane, so that you will work, and eat, and sleep, hopefully at the appropriate times.  Our task is to promote a more spiritual life through your gaining the awareness that each and every one of your siblings all over the globe is indwelt by a Fragment of the Creator.  Respect for another is respect for your God. 

“Unlike us, your Midwayer friends, you need to serve two masters much more strenuously than do we.  You need to take care of the physical as well as the spiritual in your short human lives.  Today things are different to what they were 10 or 20 years ago.  Today you are in an economic crisis that is promising to become rather hazardous for you to retain a relatively easy way of life.  In particular I speak about the ever reducing value of your currencies all over the world and the persistent price increases of the goods you need to purchase. 

“There is nothing new about the deterioration of fiat currencies.  There is nothing new about people losing their confidence in such currencies.  There is also nothing new about 99 percent of the people being fast asleep when such crises hit, and they do so suddenly, after the cost of staples like food and energy has crept up marginally month after month.

“Take care of yourselves, you sleepy 11:11’ers, and have some healthy food in store, some real silver currency to barter with, and the energy requirements to get to where you want to go.  This is ABC-22, nick named Bzutu, wishing you well.  Adieu.” 

© The 11:11 Progress Group.

You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire—ABC-22

