Some Wisdom From Sri Sri {2}

Sri Sri

Q. There is            insecurity at the workplace and a lot of tension about            office            assignments. Even when I am at the satsang, I am thinking            about office.            Why is it so?
            Sri Sri: Ok, tell me have you been stressed before- were you            stressed            last year? You have lived through it, you didn’t die! Look            back at your            life- so many times you have gone through stress. Remember            all that you            have gone through and this will seem small in comparison.            Have a look            at yourself, you will understand that you have experienced            this before.            Don’t fear.
            Q. In the Ashtavakra Geeta (an ancient scripture which            documents the            dialogue between Sage Ashtavakra and King Janaka), Sage            Ashtavakra            gives a lot of knowledge to Janaka but doesn’t clearly            answer his            question about what is real and unreal. Please explain.
            Sri Sri : There are some questions that cannot be answered            in words.            Ashtavakra answered Janaka in silence.

    Q. I am not in control of my mind.    I am afraid becoming a teacher is taking me away from naturalness,    humbleness. What should I do?
    Sri Sri: That is a prayer more than a question. Prayers will always    be    answered but not in words.
    Q. Despite awareness I am not being able to do whats right because I    lack will power. What must I do?
    Sri Sri: If you think I have no will power, you will never have it.    You    have locked your own hands, put a label on your forehead that you    are    weak.
    Invoke the valour in you, take a pledge. You have all the force    available for you when you need it. You have all the strength and    energy.
    If someone were to tell you that if you do pranayama for thirty days    you would get one million dollars. You will not miss a single day.    You    may forego sleep, food but not the pranayama. Greed can bring in    that    power within. Similarly fear- if someone says you would fall sick if    you don't do pranayama, you would not miss it.
    Love, fear, greed- any one is good to increase will power.
    To know intellectually what is good and should be done, you may take    it    easily and remain in your comfort zone.
    Then will power goes down. So enhance your valour or love something    with all your heart. Dedication to the cause, fear or greed- these    can    increase your will power.
    Egoistic people are much better than other people because egoistic    people have a sense of valour. It is easy to make them commit, get    out    of lethargy.
    People with no ego have lot of love, surrender, its easy for them.    Someone who has neither ego, nor valour, nor love, nor devotion, nor    greed has no will power. Either become greedy or fearful. But these    are    very low category. Other one is enhance the love, surrender, true    knowledge and enhance your valour.
    Q. What is it about praise that even if it is false it makes us    elated    and happy and criticism even if real, pulls us down? Is it vanity?
    Sri Sri: This much realisation, you are already out of it!
    Q When I get angry, I feel lot of energy and burnt inside. If I let    it    out I loose complete balance. What can I do?
    Sri Sri: Do bhastrika that time.
    Q. When I am in silence or otherwise, a voice in my head keeps    talking.    The more I ignore it, the more it stays. Is it a normal phenomena?
    Sri Sri: Talk to your teacher and ayurveda doctor. If too much words    going in the head, there is pitta imbalance, vata derangement. When    there is too much impurity in the system then such things happen.    You    can go for panchkarma
    Q. What is character?
    Sri Sri: Character is that which you expect from others - faithful,    loyal, integrated. Do you want others to keep their word? How do you    feel if they don't? Character is that, 'do not do unto others what    you    would not want others to do unto you'. Character is that which is    solid, strong, stable and makes you and other happy.
    Q. I have feelings of absolute isolation and find myself alone among    friends. There is no feeling of belongingness.
    Sri Sri : Do not sit and worry about feelings. They keep changing.    Who    cares? Why bother? One minute you feel very good, the other moment    you    feel bad. Put your life energy into some useful, social work,    commitment, some direction. Bring some result in the world. You may    suddenly feel good, suddenly very bad. The world doesn't care for    your    feelings nor does God. The Nature, world will ask you what have you    done?
    Q. There are problems in my life, to which I know the solution. How    to    apply that knowledge with a smile?
    Sri Sri: Keep immersing in knowledge, you don't have to apply it, it    applies itself. Remind yourself of the knowledge. Focus on the    knowlede, don't get entangled in the people around you. Satsang is    to    be in touch with the inner being. Instead you start judging, having    different types of interaction with people, this is not satsang.
    Q. Why are there so many hurdles at every stage on the spiritual    path.
    Sri Sri: No, No. No its not hurdles, it is making your path more    interesting. Its like flowing water, little pebbles create beautiful    sound and sight, making it all the more beautiful. There are no    obstacles in this path, just a fun in the path. Move over it, don't    get    stuck.
    Q. What is the difference between knowledge and love? Should I be a    Gyani( Wise) or Premi(Lover)
    Sri Sri: What is the difference between head and the heart? Should a    person be heady or hearty? Do you watch television or listen to it    first. Mind and heart both together make a human being. Mind looks    for    new, fresh and latest. Heart wants old- Preet Puraani (Ancient    love).    Life is a combination of the two. Science and knowledge, love and    devotion- all are required. And you have all of these. Now you are    asking as a jigyasu(curious for knowledge). You have love that is    why    you are accepting the answer. If there was no love for knowledge you    wouldn't ask or won't accept the answer. These are like four legs of    a    chair- pull one and all three come along. Similary, Yog, Karma,    Gyan,    Bhakti, Dhyan - all are legs of a table.
    When Arjuna was confused, he asked Krishna “sometimes you praise the    path of Karma, sometimes gyan, sometimes bhakti- tell me one I am    confused.” Krishna says those who are unwise think of the paths as    different, the wise know it is One. Just practice one, others come    along. If you do seva(service) very well, you get the same merit as    from dhyaan(meditation) or gyaan(knowledge)
    Q. How can one balance between, household duties, business and    seva(service)
    Sri Sri: How do you balance a bike? When you fall more to the left    you    bend right and when you are falling more to the right, you bend    left.There is no theory, you just do it. It automatically balances.    It    pinches one if he doesn't do seva at all and is always bothered    about    himself. If you are in your senses it will pinch you otherwise one    is    not human. If you are not touched by others' misery then you are not    human but stone. Similarly, if one is only into social service, then    also it bothers.
    Q. It is said that everyone's future is already decided. It is    planned    by the Divine. If this is true, then what is the need of    Karma(action)
    Sri Sri: Everything is happening, your karma too is happening, what    is    the need of an answer. Suppose I don't give an answer. When you are    hungry, what is the need of Karma, sit, let it happen. Everyday    hunger    comes up , so whats the point! Sit quietly. Can you? This is useless    brooding. Man cannot live without work- either a good deed or    misdeed.    If God doesit, then God is suffering, where do you come in between?
    If God made you steal, then God came as police - what is the    complaint?    God told you to eat twenty rasgulla(a sweet), then God will have the    pain and God will come as doctor.
    Where are you different from God. The understanding that everything    is    God's is a very big thing. Then the mind silences and such nonsense    questions don't arise. Till then, they will arise.
    Q. Guruji, you said tear is ego. In front of you- uncontrollable    tears    come up. What to do?
    Sri Sri: No, No, this is different tears. There are many types of    tears- like crocodile, then salty, sweet ones are of gratitude,    love.    Angels long for it. It is very good- the mind is healed and    purified.
    Q There are dilemmas in life and I lack decision making power. What    should be done?
    Sri Sri: Wherever there is duality(Dvet), there will be a dilemma .    Whenever you are in daily activities(vyavahar), there will be    dilemma.    There is no choice, accept it.
    Q. Can the liver, eyes be donated after death?
    Sr Sri: Yes, you can donate them, there is no sin in this, neither    will    you face any problem in heaven. Instead it will increase you    prospects    in heaven. You can definitely donate them.