Ready Yourselves 4 Exciting Times Ahead

1.)  Today's Angel Message
2.)  SaLuSa: The future is golden, ready yourselves for the exciting times ahead
3.)  The Pleiadian High Council: We Surround Your Skies
4.)  Jeshua - Message of the Day
5.)  Unbelievable As It May Seem
6.)  Communication with the Federation Of Light

Isis' Message of the Day -
Your experiences are based  upon the choices that you make. Each one of those choices has the potential to take you down a different fork in the path to experience a different level of Soul-growth.  All paths lead back home, some are just longer than others.
I take responsibility for my life choices and I allow others to take responsibility for theirs.
I AM ISIS a "Spritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
~ Lady of the Light ~

Today's Angel Message
Dear Ones. You are a child of God. You are perfect, whole, and complete just the way you are. You do not need to change anything. You may not be the famous artist, but the artist needs people to create for that will appreciate their creation. You may not be the mechanic, but the mechanic needs people who are not gifted in this area so they can excel and share their love and genius in fixing cars. You may be a mother, and that child chose you to be with them on their journey through life. Those who do not share your gift rejoice in the wonder of someone having that ability. You are perfect. You are whole. You are complete. Bless your hearts.
Cynthia Lee Shelton, LCSW a licensed psychotherapist with 25 years of experience in traditional therapy, psychic intuitive therapy, and healing energy work.
Cynthia has been described this way: "Take the best therapist you have ever experienced along with an amazing healer and psychic - toss in some angels and some pretty interesting guides - and you get Cindy Shelton. Her ability to get right to the essence of you and your problems is awesome. She's one of a kind!"  *   * 

SaLuSa: The future is golden, ready yourselves for the exciting times ahead
October 22, 2010
You have great expectations where the next few months are concerned, and rightly so as we have intimated that the time has arrived for action. As we recently mentioned, we are now at a point where certain issues must brought to fruition. Our patience and that of our allies has been commendable, but it wears thin in the face of repeated refusals by the dark Ones to withdraw. We will therefore place them in a position where there is only one way out. It will see the end of their power base, and the loss of their ability to dictate the future to the whole world. The New Year will herald a string of surprising developments, although you do have some basic awareness of what is in store. We desire to give the world back to you, and with it will come the power to make it possible.
There are beautiful souls on Earth simply waiting the opportunity to give of their knowledge, and help establish a new power base that fully represents what the people want. War and Peace are not natural bedfellows, and peace will become the rally call that will draw immense support all over the world. People have had enough of their families and lives being destroyed by the ambition of those who would rule the world. Dictators have no place in the future, and instead sharing will become the way of life. The changes will move mankind onto a new path, and nothing will then be able to delay Ascension. It is important that every soul is aware of the marvelous opportunity to ascend, and we are most anxious that the media is released from controls and censorship. Your news is adulterated and contrived to keep the truth from reaching you, but that will change and journalists given the freedom to report the news as it is. One man controls too many outlets, and that is not going to allow free speech. However, we do note that there is a gradual move towards freer expression, but it is far from satisfactory.
When disclosure is announced we wish for correct and accurate coverage, and that people will understand what we represent and our true reason for making contact with you. There will inevitably be those who hold views that see us some threat to their beliefs, but that is to be expected. The question is whether they can accept that in the past much information and teachings have been based on less than reliable or inaccurate sources. We do not condemn such souls, and simply wish that they carefully consider what we have to say. The truth will bite at many accepted beliefs and practices, and it is intended to allow a great step forward.
With the changes your consciousness levels will increase, and your capacity for understanding greater truths will increase tenfold and more. You will naturally become more discerning, and all of these changes will propel you nearer to becoming a Galactic Being. You will be given every help as you progress towards this time, as our concern is not just for your safety but the successful completion of this cycle. The future is golden and such a comparison to what you have known in the past. You will have freedom of travel, and restraints such as you experience now will disappear. If you so desire you can be totally independent of anyone else, as you will be self-supporting and create all of your needs. The chances are that you will desire to explore the Galaxy, and therefore likely to become a member of one of the Federations that do so. A visit to your Space family would also be appealing, to renew acquaintances with those who had long faded from your memory.
Duality has kept you from knowing the truth about yourself, and you have been led to believe that you were meant to be lesser Beings subservient to those in power. Indeed, if the Illuminati had their way and succeeded in world control, you would not have known any difference. Freeing yourselves from their clutches has opened your eyes as to what has really been going on around you. Now you can re-claim your sovereignty, and begin to assert yourself to regain your full rights. Certainly changes to the Law will be made to remove unjust laws that were intended to place you under draconian controls. We talk of countries all over the world, as none are an exception where unfair laws are concerned. You have been fooled into thinking you were free, but that has been far from the truth.
Young but wise souls have been coming to Earth for quite sometime, and now they shape up to share their knowledge with you. After disclosure they will be ready to share their wisdom with you, helping people to understand what remains to be done to prepare for Ascension. Young they may be, but they are very old souls who have deliberately chosen this time to be of help to those who are awakening. Service is sought to share whatever ones abilities are, to advance those souls also making their way along the pathways to the higher dimensions. Wherever you go in the Galaxy, you will find that all souls are connected through an immutable bond of love. That is perhaps the beauty of discovering other civilizations that are at various stages of advancement, and finding that all come from a common source. The grand design of the Creator is never ending, and life abounds all around you.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and so pleased that we of the Galactic Federation have been assigned the task of guiding you all to Ascension. It is a privilege accorded to us because of our past links with your genetic evolution, and our hand in your growth and awakening. So you will understand that we have been with you for eons of time, and none have been quite as important as the period you are in now. What is happening is known throughout the Universe, and many visitors excitedly draw near to you to witness yours and Mother Earth’s unique Ascension. There is also the spectacle of earth changes that will be quite extensive, and transform your Earth to one of utter beauty. They will be befitting of the higher dimensions that you are entering, where only Love and Light can exist. Where peace and harmony are constant, and where you can fully use your creative powers.
I would ask you to ready yourselves for the exciting times ahead, and focus on the benefits and changes that are to prepare you for upliftment. Keep in your Light at all times, and give of it freely to others. On behalf of the members of the Galactic Federation, I send our Love and Blessings to you.
Thank you SaLuSa,
Mike Quinsey

The Pleiadian High Council: We Surround Your Skies
Telepathic Transmission through Valerie Donner
October 18, 2010

Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council.
I greet you today with the joy of life and with anticipation of positive directions for you and the Earth. Even though it may appear that things are falling apart I assure you it is far from that. The old energies are shifting and no longer work for the Earth. Life as you have known it is changing. In the long run you will be pleased with the results. In the short term you will have to ride the waves of self correction and the implosive energies which you are confronted daily. We know that you would like to have solutions and immediate answers to the uncertainty of change. What you are experiencing is a part of the co-creation of a new Earth and a new way of living life.
We too are going through changes. This applies evenly to all of creation. It is the Force of Creation with which we are all living. Life is a work of art, a masterpiece of the Creator’s genius. It serves us well to remember this truth, for in fact, we will all benefit from knowing this in our hearts.
Your third dimensional reality can make it more challenging to remain faithful to unanticipated outcomes. We remind you that the Creator is all wise in knowing and designing what is best for all of us. How do you think that you were created in the first place?
At this time you are learning to release the human ego. It can be an impediment. Can you understand why this is necessary? You have been living in an illusion of a third dimensional world where you thought that even the chair that you sit upon was real? This is not true. What is real is living organisms.
In the third dimension you learned to focus on something that you are beginning to realize was not real. This is most noticeable in your financial arena. As it continues to burden you there will be much to be learned. In the end, you will discover a new freedom and a pathway to the higher dimensions. The far ranging ramifications of the realignment of your financial systems will lead you back into something satisfying and real. It will allow everyone to have what they need. You will shed the past and transform your lives. It will take a few more years for this to all come into place.
We give you this overview today because we know that many of you are discouraged by the changing financial climate. You are unaccustomed to living with such uncertainty but we assure you that it is necessary right now.  Please be patient and know that the truth will set you free.
As space family we want you to know that we are with you. We surround your skies. We are in your lives far more than you currently know. Some of us are making ourselves known through greater visibility in places where others can see us. We are your friends. We have answers to some of your needs and questions. We are of service. We can transform ourselves where you need us.
Every time someone releases fear about us and our presence we come closer to the time when we can interact with you. Certain forces would like you to continue to be afraid of us because they know that when our presence is truly known that life will also improve for you. The human condition is such that we know that you need us and we need to be a part of the Earth family again.
We know that many of you are ready for war to cease on the Earth and so are we. We want to assure you that this is the destiny for the planet. The days of separation are coming to an end and we will be one family again.
I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council.
Valerie Donner is the founder of The Ground Crew Website. She is a spiritual counselor, intuitive healer/reader, energy worker, teacher and channel. She is available to work with you to help heal the body, mind, heart and soul. She has been meditating twice daily for over 35 years. She works with the Masters and Archangels, her guides and teachers to facilitate quantum healing. She has been doing this work for many people for many years. If you have a need for guidance, a channeling, healing, or understanding, you may reach Valerie at: *  925-287-8976 (In the U.S.)  * P.O. Box 5705 *  Walnut Creek, CA 94596  *  e-mail:  * She does work over the phone as well as in person.  * 925-287-8976, or toll free in the U.S. 866-281-2402  *

The information on this website is presented for the benefit of humanity. All of this information is copyrighted by The Ground Crew and must not be used for any other proprietary purposes. Permission is granted for personal use only.
©2010 The Ground Crew  * Permission must be granted for any use other than personal. *  *  

Ships Around
by Dr. Richard Boylan
In the past few weeks we have had the presence of space ships in the area where I live (the San Francisco bay area). They have been visible during the day time. According to Dr. Richard Boylan (, on “October 13, 2010 three Zeta craft flew low (4,000-5,000 feet altitude) leisurely over Manhattan (NYC)’s West Side. There have been other sightings of ships over the airports in China and other places. These reports are increasing.
We heard reports last year that our government (President Obama) was to have provided the American people information about what is known about UFO’s/Star Visitors. Dr. Boylan explains “There is a plan to orderly release information about this and that the Star Visitors would begin a series of highly visible, increasingly –dramatic displays of presence over major U.S. population centers until the U.S. government simply can’t avoid any longer admitting to its people that UFO's are real and that Star Visitors are in contact with the U.S. and (other) governments.”
“And now today (October 13), as CBS News has reported three Zeta craft flew low and slow over Manhattan (NYC), New York in a highly-visible, televised display of presence. This will keep up until President Obama gets his staff to stop stalling and begin cooperative planning with the Star Nations’ designate to develop a series of Public Acknowledgements of UFO reality and the history of the U.S. government contacts with Star Visitors,” claims Dr. Boylan.

Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Beloved one, you have a saying in your world, “What would Jesus do?” Well, I say unto you, “What would you do?” Love, serve, remember. Remember who you are. Remember who the others are. Love and serve them in whatever way the guidance comes to you, and know that the state of the world is truly in much better health than what your news media tells you.
Visit our website:  *  

HEAVEN #3619
Unbelievable As It May Seem
October 22, 2010
God said:
Everything in life falls into place. Even if the place is not what you want, life settles there. Life finds its place. Threads are tied, and tied neatly. One aspect of life meets another. Even threads from years ago find their rightful place, yet, later again, they may switch places. When events and people in life are no longer in their rightful places, they change, and may turn up in unlikely places. Objects, the same. They go from one treasure chest to another, and your telescope may no longer reach them.
Houses the same. One day it’s your house. The next day someone else lives there. Life is like a song. It is choreographed. The dancers surely do not stay in one place. And, yet, even when you seek adventure, a part of you would like to hold things where they are now. If not hold, at least be able to reach out to at will.
You want things to be as they were in an old photograph. Your parents live in your heart forever, and yet they have absented themselves as if they drifted away from you. Of course, they have not. They are no longer in the fore of the photo, and yet their picture was taken and hung in your heart. Those who have died, as the world speaks of death, cannot be resurrected, for there is no death. The surface of life is not everything. It is nowhere near the whole story of life. It is only the surface.
All the wailing you choose to do does not change the surface, or, if somehow it does, that also was a knot of thread tied. And yet knots do not stay tied forever. Slipknots are part of life.
At the same time, nothing in life is broken. It reconstructs. Nothing is out of place. Whatever you think of it, whatever the world thinks of it, whatever holy texts think of it, it is okay. The cards stand where they stand. They have simply gone in an order that is just right. And if the cards had fallen in a different order, that would have been just fine as well. The orchestration is perfect. How could that be? And yet it is. Unbelievable as it may seem, whatever song is sung, why, that is the one that was supposed to be sung. In some roundabout way, you chose it. You did not cause it, and yet it was a choice. Perhaps you chose it a thousand years ago. You would not choose it now, or, perhaps, you would depending. In any case, a song visits you now.
Life is unpredictable, and yet, even so, an aspect of you may have predicted it. You may have forgotten, and, yet, you may have written it down. “This is the way to go,” you may have thought in the recesses of your mind at a long-forgotten time, or you may not have thought so, and yet you had the thought of it. Thoughts, as you already know, are powerful. They are real. Sometimes they come true in one way or another. Thoughts know not time, you understand. They swim around like fish. They leap. They leap into the air. They dive below the surface. Hallowed be thoughts. And where they land, whose hand catches them, nobody knows. And even when caught and where they are is known, suddenly they may flip, a new configuration gets into place, like one chorus going off stage and another chorus coming on. Is not life in the world like that?
The known certainty is Heaven. So powerful are your thoughts that Heaven is not always known or acknowledged, including powerful thoughts that on certain days and nights could be called mistaken, or could be called into question, or not even thought of at all.
Dear Lady of the Light,
Your beautiful writing about the Statue of Liberty  *  * Thank you so much, dear friend. Gloria *
Have you tried the Heavenletter Cosmic Generator yet? What Heavenletter comes up for you today? It’s kind of like I Ching! If you haven’t tried this yet, click:   * What message was yours today?  *
Heavenletters™ Copyright1999-2010 -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts * In these times when the whole  world needs nourishing, Heavenletters is already proven to stir the hearts and souls of people of all ages all around the world and from  all walks of life. * Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter™, Teacher, Speaker * The Godwriting™ International Society of Heaven Ministries * 703 E. Burlington Avenue, Fairfield, IA 52556  *  * *   

Communication with the Federation Of Light
Received by Blossom Goodchild
October 22, 2010
A very good morning to you up there. Well, it was certainly good to see a display from your ‘patrol’ in New York. It set many minds buzzing. Do you have anything to say about this?

We have to say quite a lot. We endeavour to assist your world in all that is to come about in future days and may we say that what was seen around those days was in fact a minute occurrence to that which WILL take place. You sense correctly that it has been disputed upon that we shall begin our introduction in a more conducive manner.
Conducive to what?
To the ease in which we allow souls of your planet that are not aware of our existence to be able to feel content when they see us within your skies.
From what I saw on videos it didn’t seem like anyone was afraid, more so excited.
And this is also our intent. Rapidly the visions that are ‘caught on camera’ shall increase to a degree that everyone shall be discussing their own point of view on the matter. They are readily able to bring such a discussion out into the open these days because of many factors that have led up to this position.
I, as I am sure many like me, have been thinking about all of this phenomena, and what it means. I’ve been trying to imagine a world past the initial upheaval and a time when we are all ‘in Love’. Sometimes it really does feel like a fantasy, and yet our hearts seem to know it is a Truth.
How is it that our communications with you and through you are able to reach so many? Is it that so many choose to cling on to a fairy story … through desperation because of the world they find themselves living within? Or is it perhaps more likely that their souls have found a way to our words, their hearts have literally led them to their Truth? All that we have spoken of is merely reminding you of what you already know. That is why so many feel AT ONE when they are connected up with us through the pages that you send out. That is all we are doing … sending you memos. Keeping you in touch with home.
Sort of like postcards …. If I was sending one back to you it would definitely say ‘weather good, wish you were here!’
Let it integrate with you more deeply. There are many that are in communication with those from outer worlds. There are many who think they are and are not. There are many who are knowingly ‘pretending’ to be from sources not of earth. These transitions are put there purposefully to confuse and bring fear. This is why we STRESS to you in these times a most prominent point.
Much in the coming days will concern you to a vast degree if you do not choose to do so. Yet we say to you that if you stand strong in the KNOWING OF YOUR TRUTH you will not fall for such scares of the head and heart, neither shall it allow your vibration to shatter. Do you see? This fearsome banter is designed to do exactly that … to keep the vibration down. You are all working so diligently to raise your own vibration and yet so easily do you allow yourselves to fall into the pit of despair because of something you have heard or read, something that until you received it, had found you in a very LIGHT mood. Do you see how it is designed? Do you understand our friends of earth what we are trying to relate?
This is the most pivotal time. This is the time when you KNEW that there would be ‘waverings.’ You have prepared your souls for these happenings. Yet so many of you … with all respect from our souls, are forgetting this. YOU KNOW OF THESE TIMES. THROUGH AND THROUGH were you made aware that this fear would take hold upon many. Yet … REMEMBER … you KNEW that YOU would recognise it and you made a pact with yourselves as ONE that you would hold strongly in YOUR LIGHT so as not to let such a low energy become master to many.
Think of yourselves as columns of the Brightest Light. See the LIGHT BEING YOU and extending upwards into infinity. See the LIGHT anchoring into your beloved Earth and implanting itself into her roots. Firmly stand in that LIGHT that you are and KNOWINGLY shine it out as far as you can see. Knowing it reaches beyond the human visual capacity and touches that which you do not even need to be aware of, you just need to KNOW that it is so.
Practise this whenever the thought occurs to you. Say to yourselves; ‘ I AM AN ANCHOR OF THE LIGHT OF CHRIST.’
Have to butt in there as beautifully as it was flowing … but never before have you mentioned ‘Christ’ and that took me completely by surprise.
And yet do you not know us to be of Love?
Sure … nothing but.
Then we would say it is one and the same. We are smiling at your energy at this point.
Well, it’s just that is entering into a whole new ball game is it not? Many ask me to ask you your thoughts on God. Guess now is a good time.
Brace yourself for the energy that is to occur. When a soul of earth no longer resides upon that particular planet, there are a billion different scenarios that may occur due to the different position each soul has allowed themselves to be in. However, without doubt and without exception, when a soul leaves the human embodiment it is made aware of THE DIVINE. This too may occur in many forms, yet there can be no denial to that soul of the FEELING of the ultimate LOVE OF ALL. The ultimate LIGHT OF ALL. This DIVINITY … This Compassion … This Understanding … This LOVE … is what many of you call Christ.
We wish you to understand that it is understood by us that the naming of THIS LIGHT is not what is of importance. What IS of importance is the absolute reverence and respect of this supreme deity.
Indeed , and yet for me … and this of course is simply MY TRUTH , cutting it short as how I got to this KNOWING or we could be here all day … MY GOD … in MY EYES … is THE DIVINIST PUREST ENERGY OF LOVE. Somehow when one mentions ‘Christ’ I think of a person.
THE CHRIST LIGHT … THE LIGHT OF CHRIST is not a person. It is a LIGHT. That is not to say that many souls have descended from shall we say … extremely Higher realms at given points in your history … that indeed are directly from that DIVINE CHRIST LIGHT.
Are not we all from it?
Each and everyone of us ARE it.
So with all respect what is the difference between those directly from it and say … me, you know , those of us that are just your average Joe’s?
Life times! And there is much to say on that matter. For you see there are chosen positions. It is all to do with energy. And when we say ‘all’. . . we mean ‘ALL.’ For as you quite rightly have come to understand … GOD … for way of expression … is PURE LOVE ENERGY. And this PURE LOVE ENERGY IS DIVINE. YOU ARE OF IT. YOU ARE FROM IT. Yet, it is complicated! For when in different levels or vibrations of it, you are not of it’s fullest strength.
That’s a fact!
How we desire to be able to let you understand in a blink of an eye that which this PUREST LOVE is all about. And yet, from where you are stationed at this time you are at this moment hidden from so many Truths. Yet we say to you … in all our KNOWING … this will not be so in days ahead. That is why we ‘implore’ you to not believe … but KNOW that you are BEAUTIFUL DIVINE BEINGS. That which you are residing in, the human shell, as you are aware, is just a convenient vessel which accompanies and houses your soul for this very much needed earthly journey. When not restrained with in it you are a free spirit. There is no mind to confuse, there is only your spirit … your soul … the YOU that is only LOVE and all is accepted and understood.
There are vast quantities on these matters that we can share and yet you already KNOW. YOU … who have so courageously volunteered to conduct this experiment. YOU who have put yourselves forward to be the way showers. Lead on. Walk bravely in your Light and your Love. For it is not long now before you turn that corner and all changes perspective.
I know that is the signal to call it a day. Thank you. From all of us to all of you. Talk soon! In Love and Light. xx
Blossom Goodchild is a professional ‘direct voice’ channeling medium working with spirit and cosmic energies.  

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