
1.)  Today's Angel Message
2.)  Are we ready to Rock and Roll?
3.)  Words from Simeon
4.)  SaLuSa: The Gulf Oil Spill Has Awakened People
5.)  Jeshua - Message of the Day
6.)  Floating or Swimming Against the Tide?
7.)  Wynken, Blynken, and Nod

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Isis' Message of the Day -
All souls are a matrix of energy, you call Spirit ... a very complex intricate weaving of energy, containing all probable, as well as created experiences in many parallel dimensions. Some of which those upon your earth tap into and predict as future happenings. However, these predictions do not need to be in your reality as they exist in others. . . and will not be your reality unless you choose it. Whatever reality you so choose will be the dimension/parallel world you will move to.
I AM ISIS a "Spritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
~ Lady of the Light ~

Today's Angel Message
Dear Ones. Blessing to you all. We wish to shower you with the gift of blessings. A blessing has a deeper impact on one than you know. You have seen from the experiments done with water, the impact of words on the actual structure of the water. A blessing does the same thing. Take time each day to bless your self, and your body. Direct the blessings to your organs, muscles, blood, skin, etc. See the blessing going down to the cells in your body. Fill your self with blessings and love. Bless your hearts.
Cynthia Lee Shelton, LCSW a licensed psychotherapist with 25 years of experience in traditional therapy, psychic intuitive therapy, and healing energy work.
Cynthia has been described this way: "Take the best therapist you have ever experienced along with an amazing healer and psychic - toss in some angels and some pretty interesting guides - and you get Cindy Shelton. Her ability to get right to the essence of you and your problems is awesome. She's one of a kind!"   * 

Are we ready to Rock and Roll?
Conversation with the Federation Of Light
Received by Blossom Goodchild
June 9, 2010
Let us begin our discourse with you this day by stating some facts which may be of interest to those of you interested in certain matters at this time.
First of all we wish to dispel all rumours of what may or may not be configurations in your skyline … which at this time are causing quite a stir.
You are speaking of the spirals?
Indeed. And yet we would be so bold as to share with you that what you are seeing now is but a mere dot compared to that which is to come.'  We would call them energy ‘bubbles’. That which you are able to see is minimal compared to what is actually there. The vibration of these ‘bubbles’ is of a frequency that is condensed so as to be able to ‘work’ in your atmosphere. What you see are the end trails of an energy that is literally ‘Lighting up your world.’ That which you cannot see is doing what it must do on a scale whose accuracy is something that you are as yet unable to comprehend. It is recalibrating the new energy that has entered your world and merging the old energy within it in order for it to blend and ‘mature.’
Sounds like an old cheese!!!
And yet we would make similar comparison. For you see, it is when one is left to ripen with age that the most succulent flavour is received by the taste buds. Although you are letting go of that which no longer serves you must understand too that much of you … the Truth of who you are … will always be with you. It will BE with you for it is you. Therefore although you are letting go of the old and allowing the new to enter in, you are also blending the ‘age of your TRUTH’ with the new energy which in its Truth is a certain fraction of that which you were to begin with.
These spirals are not only for you to wonder at … that is not their purpose, although it is pleasurable … they are brought forth to assist the changes in your earthly vibration. What you appear to see is nothing compared to that which it is actually accomplishing. They are changing the energy within and around you on a level that is not measurable, yet think of these swirling energy bubbles for a moment and would you not say they make you take a deeper breath? Would you not say you can FEEL the energy contained if you take a moment to connect?
These spiral Lights shall begin to appear throughout your world … in places that may seem most unlikely. They are placed at certain points on the grid and within these energy points, are able to magnify that which they are .
Who ‘sends’ them?
We do.
It is not of great difficulty. This is not our way. The intense energy contained therein is what we would say … pressurised. It is nurtured and concentrated upon. We also use the word ‘concentrated’ in both its terms. We concentrate upon it to build up the energy and we then concentrate the energy in order for it to be released when it merges within your atmosphere. We send it through thought form. We transport it from the chamber in which we have energised it, by thought … and then release it into the exact spot that is intended for it/them.
You know … not only do they contain the coordinates for their position and their journey (for as we have said, much of it … as it travels … is unseen) but it also contains OUR LOVE. A degree of LOVE that is now Higher than before. When we began communication with you , we let you know of the Love that was penetrating into your atmosphere …as it has been doing for eons of time. And yet NOW… as we draw closer to the New World we are able to filter through to you at a purer strength … LOVE that is US … LOVE that is YOU … yet you have not been able to FEEL this level of yourselves for such a long time. You can feel it happenning within yourselves can you not?
Yes, I can. I can FEEL how I have moved on/up within myself. It is not easy to explain, and yet my FEELING knows the difference.
Could I move on to a different subject which so many are concerned about at this time, and this is regarding the oil spill? The devastating effect it is having on our wildlife and our oceans … could you talk to us about that ... If it is appropriate for you please?
First we would say to you regarding the feathered friends and all other life form that regard your oceans as part of their home … for those who have seemingly been smothered and all breath been taken from them … it is for you to know that their energy is now transformed into Light and they are free.
There is a change to come within these circumstances that will be of shock value, for no-one could have for seen the outcome. And yet we say to you , that your prayers , your offerings of LOVE to this matter are far more valuable than any discussions that are taking place. Discussions can be discussed and often taken no further. They are not always utilised, for no agreement can be mastered. BUT PRAYER, BLESSINGS, LOVE … in the knowledge of the TRUTH of what YOU ARE and what LOVE IS can go straight to the heart of the matter. INSTANTLY. Remember too, that ALL IS AS SHOULD BE. There are no mistakes. No accidents. Life is unfolding down its pathway.
I FEEL some may find that this particular event cannot be termed as ‘meant to be?'
And yet … we would dispute that fact. For as we have said many times before … You are unable to see what is taking place upon your planet from the position WE are in. If you were able to, your opinions on MOST matters that you find alarming would instantly transform.
Use this situation as an opportunity. A reason to experiment with this Higher degree of Love that you are becoming … that you are. For when you KNOW it, the energy of TRUTH within that knowing ... can perform miracles. Miracles are simply KNOWING your power and using it. When you KNOW THAT ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE … TRULY KNOW IT … then there would be no concern. Perhaps it is time for those upon your planet to begin to experiment on a deeper level of themselves. To come from a deeper place of KNOWING and TRUSTING in these Ascending days that are spoken about.
Many of you are waiting, waiting, waiting … maybe it is time for YOU to put a STOP to that waiting … and act now. Be who you are … now. You speak of days ahead that are to be wondrous. We encourage you to know this as TRUTH. And yet, it is only YOU who can bring these days about. It is only YOU that can BE involved in the display of these days that you desire. It is time NOW … It is time to BE. Time to stop believing and to KNOW without doubt, without question ... YOUR LIGHT. Then it is for you to USE that LIGHT. To send it out to those places that are in such great need. Places of utter darkness where no Light has been allowed to enter in for so long.
Now is the time for change. Now is the time to enter boldy into those places of darkness and shine your light. Send your energy to assist parts of your planet that need your Love on a grand scale. Make it an ongoing surge that constantly streams LIGHT and LOVE from your being into these places of sadness. A conscious stream of energy that flows continuously from your Being. A consciousness that … just is. Allow it to deliver the energy from you ... to the core of the issues that confront your world. For when it can reach the heart of the matter, it can then melt the outer shell that protects Love from entering in. Together as ONE you have the ability to break down the barriers and once through to the inner sanctuary, allow LOVE to do its work. Reach deep inside. … for healing the surface will not sustain its wellbeing.
Work your miracles brothers and sisters of the universe … change the way you see things. See things as they change. You are here to make that change.this is why you came.
Do not give in. Do not give up. These days now are the days you have been longing for. It is time for action. Stop waiting. Act now. Act-i-on!
Words yet again fail. Yet we ask you to FEEL that which we are wishing to express through them. FEEL what we are trying to tell you. FEEL it in your hearts’ core … for there, when it is felt … you will find you KNOW … you understand the depth of TRUTH that we are reminding you of. That is all we are /have been doing … reminding you of who you are and why you came. Your sleep has allowed forget/fullness. But as you arise from your deep slumber , your memories too are awakened, bringing with them the remembrance of THE LOVE that allows all knowledge … ALL Truth to once again be honoured and embraced.
It is not only time to take action… I know too, it is time to close for today. I know I speak for many when I say Thank you. And Thank you seems so inadequate.
Yet we are able to FEEL the meaning behind it. In the same way we desire you to do the same with that which we bring forth. It is OUR TRUTH.
And it FEELS very much like it is mine also. And yet I understand it may not be everyone’s. And that is the wonderful thing about TRUTH … it is our own.
Blossom Goodchild is a professional ‘direct voice’ channelling medium working with spirit and cosmic energies. She has been channels the Native American Indian Spirit Energy ‘White Cloud’ and shares his messages of Unconditional Love by means of personal readings and group meetings.
These meetings have been recorded and ‘White Cloud’s words transcribed and subsequently published in three books. ‘Walking in the Light and the Love,’ ‘The Spirit of ‘White Cloud’ and the latest book ‘A New Dawn.’
Through all of these experiences, Blossom remains firmly grounded and with her easy laughter and warmth is a delight to be around.  *  

Words from Simeon
Channled by Barbara Dutcher
Simeon is the name of one who has waited for and recognized the Christ Child within, has embraced it, has acknowledged both the fatherly qualities and the motherly qualities, and has integrated them. Simeon means that you are safe, you are whole; you are in total oneness forever. Simeon indicates pure joy and playfulness because the name means one who has no more worries, no more cares, no more concerns. All is well; all is perfect now and forever. [Luke 2.25]
Do not allow yourself to be drawn down into despair about the environmental nightmare unfolding before you. Worst case scenarios are dire indeed, and please believe me now, please listen and believe. Nothing can happen without your express consent – nothing at all. Therefore, create the future you want by programming your thoughts in each now moment to think only the highest, the most hopeful, the most energetic, the most creative thoughts about this issue just as you would about any event, circumstance or scenario you see in your life here on earth. This is an extreme example, and it holds much learning, many lessons - both about yourself and about your environment you have made for yourselves here. What is the highest thought you have been taught? Is it not love  - love in every moment, love in every circumstance, love to every brother?
Why then do you not heal with love in every moment? In the case of the oil spewing forth from Mother Earth’s interior, this would have to mean sending love to ALL involved – and that would have to include BP executives, decision-makers at all levels, in every company and governmental agency or branch that may be involved. Sending love to the sea, the mantle of the Earth, the oil and gases themselves, the sea life, animals, birds, small creatures.
If you listen to despair, you will only draw down more misery. Please don’t listen to despair! The families, the working men and women, the clans and neighborhoods who will suffer enormous loss - if you could see them at the level of their souls, you would see the shining light within each expression and you would then understand that they have carefully planned and presented these scenes in the drama of life for very specific reasons, which are only sensible at the soul level. The soul is very wise and is eternally overshadowing and enveloping the physical expression of the belovedness in form of each one.
Why do you doubt, when the truth has been demonstrated to you over and over? Why do you deny that you are the creator, you are supreme, you are ‘the man’ in each and every moment? Claim it, run with it; see where it leads you. This is yours to claim and revere, to bless in gratitude.
Barbara Dutcher, M.A., is a teacher and certified spiritual counselor. She teaches a method for connection with what she calls the Guide Within. She also connects with Spirit on behalf of her clients and brings forth kind, loving, wise messages of encouragement and guidance. She has recently begun receiving messages from one who calls himself Simeon, as mentioned in the Biblical story. Her website is   *    

SaLuSa: The Gulf Oil Spill Has Awakened People
June 14, 2010
Sometimes matters proceed in the most unexpected way, and the Gulf oil spill is no exception. Suddenly the truth emerges that it is far more serious than first reported, and the cover up can no longer conceal it. A reckless disregard for your environment and the people likely to be affected has shown the extent to which the Oil Companies are prepared to go. It is a situation that has highlighted the dangers in searching for oil under the seabed. It has awakened people to how easily an oil spill can occur, and is another reason why safe technology must be introduced. Alternative energy supplies are already known but have been suppressed, and the fact that they do exist has brought a demand that they are introduced without delay. Meantime the worst ecological disaster in your history continues unabated, to haunt those in authority who seem powerless to help. We hear your cries for help and that brings our presence just that bit nearer, but there is a lot more involved in this matter than you aware. Our allies are doing their best to move things in the right direction, but it will require much effort on their part to be successful.
It also greatly heartens us to know, that there are concerted efforts by you to focus positive energy and loving thoughts into the Gulf Oil area. It is an approach to the problem that we strongly recommend, and shows that you are taking on the responsibility of finding ways of healing it yourselves. Believe us that your power to produce results and make an impression upon it are increasing all of the time. More of you are recognizing the power you hold within, and as groups of you get together so it will increase exponentially. As a result of all the efforts being made to overcome the problem, you will lessen the impact upon your environment and enable the mess to be cleared away.
We notice the tension is increasing upon Earth, as with the turmoil that exists you are being distracted from keeping your eyes on the end times. Yet, a lot of what is happening will have a direct bearing on the manner in which it will pass by. Certainly nothing can prevent Ascension, but you can make the path a lot smoother by keeping the end result in focus. Joy and happiness awaits you and complete and utter peace, the likes of which you have not truly experienced before. Whatever effort you put in now will be well worth it, and the more you can raise your consciousness levels, the quicker you will detach from the lower energies. On Earth for example, so many of your films and media presentations focus on death and destruction. If you are not careful it can result in you accepting it as a normal part of life, and you can experience damage to your psyche. Generally speaking what is frequently placed before you becomes acceptable, and it is how your natural feelings are corrupted and anaesthetized. The dark Ones have used these methods consistently to deaden your response to the atrocities of war, and inhumane acts against you.
However, we do not wish to dwell upon dark matters, but you have a need to know how your reactions to experiences are being controlled. As benign Beings you are capable of the greatest acts of love and compassion, and when the negative influences are removed we see you coming into your own. There will be changes in your laws so that justice can be seen to be operating in a fair manner. Your rights will be restored and fully protected, so that you cannot be held or imprisoned without sufficient evidence. It is also important that you are allowed legal representation as your right, and not held guilty until it is proven. Equally as important will be a re-structuring of the powers given to those who apply the law and police your streets. In actual fact, once we come to your Earth and address your problems, and people see a brighter future ahead, the level of crime will dramatically fall. Clearly removing inequality and poverty will by itself remove conditions that often lead to crime. We also see that the need to take drugs to escape your reality, or for social occasions will decline.
People will find peace and happiness living their lives as intended, by being occupied in interesting and rewarding occupations. The pressure and stress of your present way of life will disappear, and much more time given to pleasurable pursuits. Fulfillment in your lives is not something you are used to experiencing, but it will become the normal way of life. Such changes are destined to introduce you to conditions you can expect to expand as you near Ascension. The old ways are already beginning to disappear, and will have no place in the higher dimensions. To say the least, everything will change until the vibrations have been sufficiently lifted up to put duality behind you.
Words are still inadequate to fully describe what you can look forward to in the future. However, with our coming we will make sure you understand the reasons for actions taken. They are to introduce you to our ways of life that shall also become yours, and remove or change anything that has previously resulted in the pollution or damage to you or Mother Earth. It mean changes to many of your methods of manufacturing, and the materials used. No longer will you work in dangerous conditions, and in fact operating methods will become far more automated. The dirt and sweat will become a thing of the past, and no one will labor in such a way.
You might wonder about our ability to build Space craft of enormous size, and we can tell you that it is achieved with robotic or automated means. There is no wastage and the materials are selected for their high quality and reliability. As members of the Galactic Federation, we share our knowledge and technologies so that all can benefit. It is not our way to try to outdo each other, and although we have to incorporate means of self-defense, our craft are not war machines. As we often inform you, our larger ships are like cities in Space, and we can replicate any type of environment within them. Coming on board, you would most likely fail to realize that you were indeed upon one of our ships.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and what is given in this message is just a taste of what is to come. We hope it will lift you up, and put your focus on all that is good and wholesome that is coming your way. Problems that exist now will be short lived, and in spite of how they appear, no lasting damage will remain.
Thank you SaLuSa,
Mike Quinsey

Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Beloved one, what is the sweetest sound? A tone of music? Wind softly flowing through the trees? A lover’s voice? A mother’s or father’s voice that whispers, “I love you?” The sound of your own heartbeat? The sweetest sound is not a sound at all. It is the silence in between sound. It is the silence of knowing Oneness, the silence of knowing, “I am loved, because I am love itself. I am that which I have sought for so many lifetimes.”
Visit our website:  *  

Floating or Swimming Against the Tide?
by Jennifer Hoffman
It seems like the world is falling apart right now. So many different things are happening that are eroding our beliefs in humanity. As we learn more about what goes on in the world, politics, economics and with people in general, it can be hard to not spend the day being angry, depressed and sad. How could things be so wrong and will we ever feel safe and secure again? Were we ever safe and secure or were we just living an illusion that we are now awakening from? Have we all been floating in a sea of ignorance and how can we change direction?
Many years ago I was on vacation at the beach with my family and got into a small rubber life raft with some other kids. Because there were so many of us we didn't have room for the oars so we left them at the beach. We were laughing and talking, not realizing that the current was taking us out to sea. When we saw the buoys we knew that we were in trouble. The lifeguards had to come in their boat and bring us back to shore. Even if we had the oars, going against the current would have been difficult. What we should have done is had someone stand in the water and hold the boat-but everyone wanted to be in the boat, where the fun was. No one wanted to hold the boat so it did not float out to sea with the tide.
As we go through our lives focused on our material existence we forget about manifestation and creating the world. Instead, we let the world create itself and it does, aligning itself with the most dominant energies and everyone flows along with whatever is created. If those energies are loving and compassionate the world reflects that. If they are greedy, selfish, manipulative and controlling, that is what we see in the world. We are aware of the problem when we become uncomfortable. How do we change it?
We can be angry with the world but that will only add to the energies that have created the situation. Instead we can focus our energies on what we want to create, to add a spark of light to the currents of darkness that everyone has been mindlessly floating in. To move forward we begin by holding our own boat so it does not float with the tide. That's a lonely place to be as we are watching everyone else floating by us. But then we create enough momentum so we are supported in our efforts. How much of your time and energy do you spend being angry with the world? What can you do to go against whatever current is taking you in its direction and start going against the tide?

Article Copyright ©2010 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved.
About the author
Jennifer Hoffman is an intuitive, spiritual healer, mentor, teacher and author. She also channels the energy of the Archangel Uriel.  Jennifer has helped many people through the Shift through her unique insights and counsel, facilitating their healing journey. Jennifer is the founder of, an on-line spiritual healing and growth center and dedicated to the messages and teachings of Archangel Uriel.  Information about Jennifer's books, on-line seminars and services is available at her websites, or email for information.   *  

HEAVEN #3489
Wynken, Blynken, and Nod
June 14, 2010
God said:
Blessed be you. Blessed be you for being alive on Earth. Blessed be you for aspiring. Blessed be you for attaining and for even not attaining. What is wonderful is that you venture forth. Without armor, you venture forth into the big world, and you make your way in it.
Each day you pull up the window shades of the day, and each night you close them. You are like the rising sun, and you are like the setting sun. You bring days into action. You run through a day, or you pause, or you tiptoe. You are the one who runs through a day the way a river runs through the land.
You are a pioneer. You are much more a pioneer than a settler.
Each day there is a new terrain to run through. You venture forth, you give each hour its time of day. You open the curtain of each moment of the day. You are the revealer of the day.
Each day is a like a book you read, or a chapter, or a prologue, or an epilogue. Or each day is like a deck of cards that you peel open to see what the cards say.
You are a diviner of each day.
You hold each day in your hands. And you ruffle through the day.
May your day be blessed. May you cherish it, this never-before-given-day of today. It is your slate to draw on. It is your part of the masterpiece that is being created on Earth today. And you contribute to its creation without a backward glance, for you are ever moving forward into this landscape of life. You turn the kaleidoscope of the day the way a captain of the seas turns his telescope to see a far-off star.
The star the captain sees is blinking brightly at the captain who made an overture to the blinking star.
Each of you is a star-gazer like Galileo. Each of you makes new discoveries about the stars and life and the divine threshold of discovery that you are on. You are on the verge of great discovery. You are about to discover yourself. You are about to discover yourself in the mundane world and beyond. You are the discoverer of life on Earth. You set the course of study, and you find out what it is you have set as you go along. You may intend to learn one thing and find you learn another that what was on your mind all the time.
What do you want to find out? Keep walking, and find it. By and large, you do find what you are looking for. Look far and near until you do find it. It may be right under your shoe now.
This is a day never before seen and never before opened, and now you open it. You open it for all the world to see. You turn the key of the world, and you usher it in. You create daybreak.
And, at night, you put the day to bed, and night awakes. The stars come out. Night clubs open up. Some people sleep, and some people wake.
Babies are born, and cats knock over garbage cans in the alley. The moon is big or small. Wynken, Blynken and Nod sail off on their wooden shoe, sail off on a river of crystal light into a sea of dew. What is more probable than that when you are alive on Earth and can sail on anything and reach the white moon and take it home, even as it follows you?
Heavenletters™ Copyright1999-2010 -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts * In these times when the whole  world needs nourishing, Heavenletters is already proven to stir the hearts and souls of people of all ages all around the world and from  all walks of life. * Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter™, Teacher, Speaker * The Godwriting™ International Society of Heaven Ministries * 703 E. Burlington Avenue, Fairfield, IA 52556  *  *    

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