
Guruji's Knowledge Sheet: If You Cannot Meditate, Be Stupid!


Sri Sri: If You Are Unable To Meditate, Your Mind Is
Chattering Too Much And Nothing Works, Just Feel That You Are A little
stupid. Then you will be able to sink deep.

Your intellect is a small portion of your total consciousness. If you
are stuck in the intellect, you miss a lot. Happiness is when you
transcend the intellect. Also, in awe or in feeling stupid, you
transcend the intellect. Have you noticed mentally retarded people are
more happy?

Question: How do you go beyond the intellect?

Answer: By acting stupid!

Everyone avoids being stupid, no one wants to look dumb. That is really

Stupidity should be followed by meditation, otherwise depression may

Janael: Can I ask a stupid question?

Sri Sri: All questions are anyway stupid.

Mikey: How do you become stupid?

Yash: By asking the question.

Rajshree: Just be yourself!

|| Jai Guru Dev ||

"Real knowledge is to know
the extent of one's ignorance"
- Confucius -
Socrates gave no diplomas or degrees and would
have subjected any disciple who demanded one to
a disconcerting catechism on the nature of
true knowledge.
"To attain Knowledge, add things every day.
To attain Wisdom, remove things every day."
* Lao Tzu *