October Soul Message


Isis' Message of the Day -
"Do nothing and all things will be done through you."
~ Anthony de Mello, S.J. ~

I AM ISIS a "Spiritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
I wish you Joy, Love & Peace,
~ Lady of the Light ~

October's Soul Message: Full of Light
by Christina Lunden
October 3, 2011
"I AM filling with light; emotionally, physically and spiritually." 
As conscious spiritual beings, we are no longer being led to enlightenment. We always had free-will but the difference with the times we are living in now is that Spirit and karma is no longer creating our path. We are the creators. So ask yourself, "What am I creating for my life?" 
That can be an easy answer so let's try this one, "What did I create for my life yesterday?" Look at your day yesterday and hear yourself speaking, watch yourself with others and when you were by yourself and answer that question. What we tend to forget is that we don't only create when we are in prayer mode. We are creating 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 
The Angels have shared that creating your life is as easy as speaking. The affirmation at the beginning is a great one to say if you feel there is darkness in your energy, if you feel like you are physically tired and dragging or if you want to connect to Spirit more clearly and many more things. 
Filling with light emotionally will help you to literally feel lighter. You probably have felt this before in a holy moment you created with Spirit while praying, meditating or just be-ing. Filling your emotionally body with light can help you see things clearer and then you can deal with the heavy situations life has presented more easily. If you want to feel lighter emotionally, speak light into your emotional body. 
Filling with light physically will help you to cleanse your blood, organs, skin, etc. That is what a healing is. Healings take the illness or darkness inside of us and changes it into light. We resonate more with health and light than we do illness or darkness. Over time we convinced ourselves that some illness had to occur because we were physical and separate from God so we started accepting it. Now it is time to accept that healthy is what you came from and healthy is what you can have. I don't think any of us believe that God has colds or diseases. If you want to be healthy, speak light into your physical body. 
Filling with light spiritually is very, very easy. It is probably the easiest of all the three bodies because we don't have a strong attachment with the spiritual body. We have experienced so much emotionally and know how we usually act. We can see and feel our physical body so sometimes it is hard to believe that we can lose weight or feel better. But we can't see or feel our spiritual body so it is easier for us to believe that it can be changed. If you want to have a stronger connection to who you are as spirit, speak light into your spiritual body. 
"I AM full of light in my emotional, physical and spiritual bodies."
This affirmation changes the tone a little bit. The first affirmation talked about "filling" with light. That speaks as if it is currently happening. Being "full" of light speaks as if you know because you spoke it, that it will be done. Can you believe that much? 
"I AM blessed with light on all levels of my spiritual human body." 
This affirmation changes it up in a little different way. Here you are confirming that being full of light is a blessing. And it is confirming that the light is flowing through you on all levels. Asking for blessings and speaking blessings over yourself will change your life. 
Believe, truly believe that you deserve to be blessed. Ask the Angels of your soul to show you anything that you are missing in your life that could be holding back your blessings from coming to you. You came from light. We are the light of God. Not just on the other side, but here too! Call forth the light. Be the light. Then watch the changes in your emotional, physical and spiritual bodies. 
I AM blessed to walk beside you being Light,
Copyright 2011 © Christina Lunden ~ Creator Mediator All rights reserved.
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