New Year Eve


New Year Eve


As we flip the calendar, we need to keep flipping
our mind as well. Often, our diaries are full with memories. See that you don’t
fill your future dates with past events. Allow the space for creativity to
dawn. Celebration of the New Year allows you to be wise. Learn and unlearn from
the past, and move on.

In the past year, how many days were you in sanyas? How many days were you
struggling, being caught in maya? Turn back and remember the whole year. Do not
run away from anything. Do not reject anything. Do not go away from anything.
At the same time, let your attention be on the self. This is a delicate
balance. That balance is yoga.

A poor man celebrates the New Year once a year. A rich man celebrates each day.
But the richest man celebrates every moment.

How rich are you? If you celebrate every moment, you are the Lord of Creation.
Review the year while you celebrate. This is your homework. Compare your
performance in the year before last and smile.- Sri Sri