New Light Sweeping The Earth {Channeled}

1.)  Today's Angel Message
2.)  Archangel Michael: a Light Epidemic Is Sweeping the Earth
3.)  Jeshua - Message of the Day
4.)  Message from Quan Yin
5.)  Naeshira: The Light of the New Creation Flows Forth
6.)  Greetings from the Federation:
7.)  Sorry no Heavensletters today . . . none received

Isis' Message of the Day -
Know where you are in this moment is exactly where you should be, for a very specific reason. Nothing happens by chance.
I AM ISIS a "Spiritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
I wish you Joy, Love & Peace,
~ Lady of the Light ~

Today's Angel Message
Dear ones, we wish to fill you up with love and light. We wish you could experience the degree of love that we have for you. We wrap our wings around you. If you feel a slight brush of something and “nothing is there,” that was us. If you thought you saw something out of the corner of your eye, but when you turned to look nothing, that might have been us. Take this moment to fill yourself with divine love and know that divine love flows through you and is you. You are all very special “beings.” When you connect with the flow from all that is, you are blessed in that moment. Be at peace, blessings to you all.
Cynthia Lee Shelton, LCSW a licensed psychotherapist with 25 years of experience in traditional therapy, psychic intuitive therapy, and healing energy work.
Cynthia has been described this way: "Take the best therapist you have ever experienced along with an amazing healer and psychic - toss in some angels and some pretty interesting guides - and you get Cindy Shelton. Her ability to get right to the essence of you and your problems is awesome. She's one of a kind!"  *   *       

Archangel Michael: a Light Epidemic Is Sweeping the Earth
Transmitted Through Ronna Herman
 * LM-6-2011 *
Beloved masters, there is a Light epidemic whereby every person on Earth is being bombarded by the refined frequencies of God Light; however, each person can only absorb and integrate the frequencies of Light that their physical vessels can accommodate.  You must be able to metabolize the God Light in order to benefit from it and make use of it.
Remember this term: Membranes of Light, for it is important that this concept is clearly defined within your mind.  There were membranes of Light placed across your memory when you began your journey into the illusionary realities of the third / fourth dimensions. There were membranes of Light placed at the entryway to your Sacred Mind and your Sacred Heart.  There was / is a membrane of Light surrounding your Third Eye/your inner sight. When your Higher Self determines it is time for your Third Eye to open, it will be as if you received a surge of Sacred energy upon your brow.  These specialized frequencies open the Seed Crystals of Light within the Pineal Gland, which initiates the ability for telepathic communication.
Most of you have heard of the Ring-Pass-Not, a thin Membrane of Light Radiation, which encircled the planet. It was a restrictive quarantine of sorts which was gradually dissolved from the Earth’s atmosphere, and the Cosmic information flood gates were flung open so that the next level of Cosmic Wisdom could pour forth to a select group of World Servers / Cosmic Messengers.  Everyone of these brave Souls have, for many lifetimes, been in an intense preparatory stage in the higher realms.. This intense training period was necessary in order to bring forth these advanced teachings in an accurate, orderly and timely method.  It is Cosmic Law that you must integrate and experience each level of new truth in order to move to the next, more advanced level.  It is a unique and specialized path of initiation. The Ascended Masters of the Cosmic Council of Light do not openly teach in public.  They work entirely through their disciples and initiates, mostly by conveying inspiration.  Initiates work on the mental levels, also mostly behind the scenes. However, a select group are actively teaching out in the world,  for inspiring others to become World Servers is their most important task.
Those of you who have steadfastly followed the Path that was designed for you are quickly coming to a state of completion for the particular stage of en-Lighten-ment  you have been in for the past ten years.  When you attain true Self-mastery, your thoughts and words will become harmless, for criticism and negativity cannot dwell in the Light of love and truth. Service is an intrinsic impulse of the Soul-self, just as desire is the major impulse of the ego.
Your transition from the impulses or nudgings of the emotional, ego-desire body to the inspirational thoughts of the Soul and the Higher Self, have mostly been accomplished.  Your focus has moved toward group consciousness and how to serve humanity.  You are also well on your way in the transition from I / me / my selfish interests to a we / our unity consciousness.  The intuitive thoughts you receive and the guidance from your guides, angelic helpers and Higher Self become stronger as you integrate more pure God Light. Your personal reality expands from a  small-world focus of a me / my consciousness to an expanded consciousness which includes the world, the solar system and beyond.  No longer do you respond to painful events in life as fateful or punishment, for you realize they are challenges and opportunities for growth.
You are swiftly moving out of the energy vortex, or collective consciousness band of thought forms created by humanity, for it is a vortex of violent activity. Ascension is a process whereby you consciously move forward into higher and higher levels of the energy / vibrational fields of your *OverSouls; forever moving forward into more rarified fields of Divine Energy called the higher dimensions.
(*OverSouls / same as your many Higher Selves) RH.
Your Soul is aware of the imbalances you brought forth from the past and also those you have created in this lifetime. It will do everything possible to bring these imbalances to your attention so you can rectify the imperfections and develop harmonious attunement with the next level of your Higher Self.  That is the Soul’s main purpose for being.  Your Soul and Higher Selves will also make every effort to raise your vibrational frequencies and to harmonize the fluctuating energies of the emotional and mental bodies. As you progress on the Path and begin to tap into the higher vibrational patterns of Light, you will experience the effects of the intensity of the frequencies of Cosmic Sacred Fire / heat.  You will be affected by the fiery forces of Creation in three ways:  Fire by Friction: Fire of Body ** Solar Fire: Fire of Soul **Electromagnetic Fire: Fire of Spirit.
Eventually, you will learn to recognize the source of the frequency patterns of the various Beings of Light that you are to work with.  You will also be able to differentiate between the subtle forces and the Rays.  You must strive to become a Divine observer and a master of detachment.
You know who you are, we do not have to tell you. We ask you to steadfastly maintain your Center of Power within your Sacred Heart as you are drawn into the higher levels of World Service.  As you move deeper and deeper into the realm of the Ascended Masters, your chosen path of service should become easier–almost effortless.  Your major challenges and tests are behind you as you draw greater amounts of God Light to you.  The warring factions within will slowly release their hold on you as they submit to the transformative vibrations of Love. My brave warriors of peace, as your Light shines brighter out into the world, you must be vigilant so that you will do nothing which will make you a focal point for negative vibrational forces.  You are learning to be a director of the Higher Forces. As you refine your skills of Self-mastery, you will learn to identify the quality and force of all energy around you
In every era and major cycle, Cosmic Wisdom and Divine Truth are made available to those with open minds and loving hearts. It is time for an understanding of where humankind stands on the ladder of evolution. Each person must gain the knowledge of and have a desire to fulfill his / her personal destiny. 
You must understand where and how you fit within the group dynamics.
1.  First, you will become what is called an aspirant on the Path.
2.  After you achieve a certain amount of balance and harmony within, and have gained access to your Sacred Mind and Sacred Heart, you become an Initiate on the Path.
3.  After the first level of Self-awareness is reached, you become a disciple / Light worker. (In the past, this journey into Soul-awareness was described as moving through the levels of initiation.  This term no longer applies).
4.  Eventually, the time arrives when you have successfully dissolved the membranes of Light  which guard the entrance to your Sacred Heart and Sacred Mind. As you refine your Energetic Signature and your Soul Song, you will elevate your capacity to quickly turn information / knowledge into wisdom (integrating and practicing the higher wisdom truths you have accepted as your own), so that you may move from the Hall of Learning into the Hall of Wisdom of the higher Mental plane. By this time, you are well on your way to becoming a Self-master and you are ready to become a World Server. 
For  All of You on the Path, your major goal at this time is to return the vibrational patterns, which make up your personal world in the third- / fourth-dimensional reality, to the originally designed Spectrum* of Light and shadow. By doing so, your pendulum of consciousness will not swing so radically from positive to negative and your mental and emotional natures will once more become stabilized and centered.  This is an important step in learning to live centered within your Sacred Heart and Sacred Mind. A disciple on the Path of en-Lighten-ment must strive for heart-centered detachment and wise discernment.
(*Spectrum - noun (pl. spectra) 1. A band of colors produced by separation of the components of Light by their different degrees of refraction, e.g. in a rainbow.  2.  The entire range of wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation. 3.The components of a sound or other phenomenon arranged according to frequency, energy). RH 
In the unawakened person, more choices are made unconsciously than through intelligent awareness. It is as if they are in a semi-conscious state of awareness. The initial phase of becoming a Self-aware person is to realize that he/she is not consciously awake.  This begins the process of striving to awaken to the nudgings of the Soul-self, for this is an intrinsic part of becoming spiritually aware and a master of Self.
When you succumb to irritation and respond in loud, angry words or thoughts, you are using astral energy that is contaminating to the auric field.  Continued use will build a negative thought form that must eventually be resolved/dissolved via the Law of the Circle.  Envision your negative thought forms adding another stone or brick to your emotional prison. Remember: you are composed of units of energy, which create your Energetic Signature, and ultimately your Soul Song.  You must learn to control your thoughts and focus your power. Your thoughts will increase in strength according to the intensity and repetition of your Seed Thoughts.  Dear hearts learn to focus on the highest and best attributes of people and conditions within your inner circle of Light–this is one of the most important aspects of creating your personal fifth-dimensional environment.
The language of the unconscious and subconscious minds is primarily imagery.  The refinement of the subconscious and conscious minds and attunement to the Superconscious mind are greatly speeded up by the deliberate practice and perfecting of the imagery and visualization skills.
The Soul needs a vehicle of expression on the physical plane in order to bring forth the power and magnificence of Creation. You must rise above and shelter yourself from the emotional chaos of the mass consciousness existence; however, you must also  function efficiently among the masses, and spread your Light as you go about daily life. You cannot live in a detached world and forsake the material world in order to attain en-Lighten-ment.  Becoming an unrealistic, vague mystic serves no one.  The introspective, inward-focused meditative practices of the Eastern philosophies are being joined with the creative, outward-focused practices of the Western world.
In a third- / fourth-dimensional environment, your mental body is prone to projecting into the future, which creates fear and uncertainty. The emotional body is always replaying the events of the past, some fond memories, but mostly reliving experiences of failure or pain.  The present moment is hardly registered at all unless there is some positive or negative drama involved.
You must strive for a strong, highly-developed connection between the mental and emotional bodies, and also between the Soul and Higher Self in order to develop refined spiritual values.  As you tap into the higher frequencies of Divine Wisdom, brilliant  ideas pour forth from the higher planes of intuition. You may experience exhilaration one moment and depression the next as you gradually achieve a blissful state of awareness, only to lose it again. However, the times of depression will grow less intense and also less frequent. Be assured that your ego desire body will rebel and resist the efforts of the Soul and the Higher Self, and will try to keep you in your habitual practices/habits of serving only the little self and its selfish desires. You must tap into the realm of the Sacred Mind and learn spiritual discernment.  You must constantly monitor and critique your words, deeds and motives as you train yourself and gain discipline over the little self.  Remember: All knowledge is a form of Light.
You must strive to understand your role and purpose for this lifetime.  You must turn inward in order to understand who you really are, why you act and react the way you do and how to tap into your greatest talent and potential abilities. This should be your major goal at this time. Reflection, contemplation and active meditation will unlock the mystery of your true Self, and what your major goals are for this lifetime.
You are an energy center, a receptacle / physical body which contains a measure of pure Creator Essence.  You are responsible for integrating and using the Light Energy you need to empower yourself and you must then send forth the balance out into the world, for the benefit of all.
Submission to your Divine Mission and to Cosmic Law means adherence to all Universal Laws as they are revealed to you.  Walking the path of ascension requires a constant effort to make the highest choices for the greatest good, with an intense desire to serve.  You must take responsibility for all actions and the energy you qualify, whether positive or negative, for it will return to you via the Law of the Circle.    
Your present earthly goal is to become a World Server, and the quickest way to attain this level of Self-mastery is to stimulate the flame of God Power within. Self-mastery is attained in small increments, not giant leaps.
Dear hearts no matter the level of Spiritual / Self-awareness you have attained, we encourage you to make the Path to higher awareness a priority in your life.  The world and the reality you have lived and experienced in the past is swiftly changing.  You have a golden opportunity to join the ranks of those who are creating a bright new world for themselves and their loved ones.  You also have the right to remain in the negative environment of the lower world of reality that is swiftly being cleansed, cleared and modified, thus creating the chaos and monumental changes the masses and the Earth are now experiencing.  Which will you choose?  Whatever your choice, we will guide and protect you to the limits of Cosmic Law, and we will always love you beyond measure. 
I AM Archangel Michael
TRANSMITTED THROUGH RONNA HERMAN * STAR*QUEST* 6005 CLEAR CREEK DRIVE, RENO, NV 89502 USA * Phone/fax: 775-856-3654 * Email: *  I claim the universal copyright for this article in the name of AA Michael * Copy freely and share * For Archangel Michael’s books, tapes and information on courses given through this Channel please visit:  *       

Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Beloved one, if you as spirit, if you as Light energy are unlimited—and you are—then you must blend with the Light of other ones as they seem to be individuated energy. And if you blend with the Light of all other ones that seem to be individual, you cannot deny that you are One. It follows reason, yes? It follows logic. Those of you who are into the linear mental thinking, if you follow that reasoning, you can understand it.
Visit our website:  *    

Message from Quan Yin
Received by Rev. Debbie Dehm
June 6, 2011
Greetings everyone, It is I Quan Yin, I greet you with much joy in my heart for how far you have come in this last few years. You are amazing to all of us who would watch your progress and assist you on this your ascension path. The light of your faces, the beauty of your hearts is simply amazing to behold.
We, as ascended masters have little to do now but be in awe of your light and how well you are stepping into your becoming creator beings. It may seem when you look at all that is occurring in your world that you have a long way to go, but I say you are so close. It is the time of darkness right before the sun appears over the horizon, that is how close you are. What a celebration there will be in heaven and Earth when the time comes and you will know that all you have been through has been well worth it.  There will of course, be needed time for everyone to "catch up" so to speak as you are souls at all different levels of development, but the children are already there and will bring everyone else with them. Listen to them. They know how to navigate and Be in this new place, this new way of Being Creator.
You will no longer be victims of those who have manipulated you for  a long time. They need your compassion and understanding, remember you are all one, no matter past actions. This may be the most difficult part of the change for some. For it is easy to be compassionate for the poor, and less fortunate but much harder to feel compassion for those who have caused the suffering. Remember you are up to this task also. I especially will help you and am in charge of the karmic board that will decide their fates. I know you will be fair.  Please know that we are all so happy and excited for your transition and soon you will sit where we do and see yourselves the way we see you. You are the most amazing race in the Universe and so beautiful to behold, truely.  Look in the mirror of your heart and see yourself this way. 
Quan Yin
Rev. Debbie Dehm
I have been a channel for the Goddess of Compassion Quan Yin who came to me ten years ago as a guide.  I am also a massage therapist, reiki master and do spiritual counseling and read tarot. I have taught reiki and meditation classes for many years. I have a bachelor of arts degree in psychology from Knox College. I am grateful to be on Maui and look forward to serving the Hawiian people. I moved here to study because of my great respect for the traditions of Hawaiian healers and my lomi lomi teacher.
My channelings for the last few years are available on my website:  *       

Naeshira: The Light of the New Creation Flows Forth
Channeled by Meredith Murphy
May 24, 2011
Springing into newness, the light of source creation flows into new forms; forms just emerging from the womb of creation and splendid in their clarity and radiance.  The new human is birthing itself, as the templates and traditions of the Earth civilization are released and transformed in quantum shifts of liberation.
The vortex of divine light flows into these new forms and the spinning, diamond shaped quality of this new energy form is platinum in light and tinged with a blue-green dimensionality to it and sometimes a violet lens appears to color this energy.  This lens is created by the willingness and submission to divine will that more and more human beings have come to from an open-heart center.  It is in this spiraling return to the expanding heart and love that the human being shifts onto the new earth timeline.
The ordination of the new human is happening from within.  There is no one to tell you, “You are there,” “You are ready,”  to give you permission, to let you know you are good enough or you are now there as much as you can be.  It is something which must be claimed and embraced with inner authority and this alone is the essential component that liberates initiates to the pathways of light to expanded knowing and vast access to the annals of time.  Once christened in this way, one apprentice with their own I AM Presence; gradually merging and integrating this, making an effort to maintain this merged state during meditation and even beyond.  One learns to live in the culture of the existing Earth and to operate with a knowledge that goes far beyond what is typically acknowledged by the five senses.  Skillful oracles and initiates reveal their own paths, energize and cleanse their surroundings, create the quality and form of their own energy system and maintain this system with love, reverence and devotion.  The birthing of synchronization with Source Creation is transformative indeed.  And it is this grand synchronization that is on the horizon of this procession and for some, being felt already.
Waves of energy are entering the planetary sphere which allow for a synchronization and harmonization with Source Creation.  The pulse of the divine is alluring!  Bliss permeates all cells and points of awareness of those who dance to the rhythm of the Great Central Sun!  The galactic implications of this new orchestration are profound!  The Earth will no longer exist as a sectioned off /portioned off aspect of the galaxy.  The biosphere will dynamically transform to sustain and allow life forms from distant stars to be fully present here and participate in a learning/growing process of collaborative co-creation and to experience from and through you that which is uniquely human and divine!  The anticipation for all of this is profound.
There is a shifting upwards of the whole galaxy emerging.  You live in one world which is dissolving and visible and in one world which is forming and as yet largely unseen.  Like the gestation of a new human, you must feel the impulses and quickening of your own being, and trust that life within you is eclipsing all you have ever known to be.
Without sentimentality, but with love and reverence, now would be a good time to love all that you experience!  Realize that there will soon be nothing like this ever again!  Except in time travel, none will return to a place that has the qualities that have created such contrast within the growing of light.  When difficult moments arise, realize you are being released from them--if you allow them to leave without identifying with them—and look with awe at what is disappearing on the horizon like the setting sun: your old life.
Then turn toward the sunrise.  You who are called, “Bringers of the Dawn,” you are that which creates the sunrise daily and the experience of life on your planet.  You are a fundamental aspect co-creating this experience.
Stillness requires you to go within knowing that you will not return to life as you knew it.  Yet you are not afraid.  You are remembering more and more what you came here for and why this whole world and all that is taking place on this Earth-stage, was something you would not miss!  The epic proportions of this moment in time cannot be overstated!
A light within.
A doorway opens as you turn toward it.
Shedding what you thought you were without resistance, you are enfolded in ease and joy.
A light begins to glow within you!
Now you are orientating others with the coherence of your own energy.
The magic and simplicity of it all is lyrical and poetic.
Bliss spreads…
You, as a channel of love, are co-creating with the Universe.
Allow the Oneness to flow into the field which you are, and alter the very nature of existence!
I AM Naeshira
Naeshira is a consciousness that is aware of the impulses of source energy to create and is an ambassador to the Great Central Sun, a keeper of the Records of Creation and attuned to the Soul of Creation. Channeling Naeshira is opening up to a direct connection with Source energy, through a field supported and protected by Archangel Michael. Naeshira is a higher dimensional version of myself.
Meredith Murphy
*The Terra Nova Transmissions: a specific focus within Expect Wonderful providing messages, emergent themes, updates and communication from the Archangel Michael and the Terra Nova (new land) Council.  Telepathic transmission through Meredith Murphy. *  © 2009-2011, Meredith Murphy, Expect Wonderful | Modern Paradise Publications – You are free to share, copy, distribute and display the work under the following conditions: You must give author credit, you may not use this for commercial purposes, and you may not alter, transform or build upon this work.  For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work. Any of these conditions can be waived if you get the permission of the copyright holder.  Any other purpose of use must be granted permission by the author.  email:   *    

June 5, 2011
Greetings from the Federation:
It is quite difficult to maintain faith in what you are doing towards Ascension when so much is going on around you. We thank you all for your efforts and rejoice when even one more person awakens, albeit in the smallest of ways. It gives us great joy to know that we will, shortly, be able to converse with you as you would your neighbor across the fence on a nice afternoon. We too have longed for such conversations. You have always believed that it would be you who benefits from such conversations but we say we would equally benefit, since you have much to offer us in your unique physical state. We are in awe of your raw power, as yet unknown to most of you, or more correctly, just becoming known, and the yet to be harnessed power of your raw spirituality. You are beings who are much revered in the galaxy, despite your penchant for war and self destruction. We know these things are not your true state, and once disclosure occurs and the Illuminati have seen their last days dictating how you are to live, you will rise up as one for peace, for love, and for all that is good for the individual and humanity as a whole.
Our confidence remains high that this month will produce a seminal event which will open the floodgates to disclosure. It is difficult to tell where it will come from, however, as the “cracks in the dam” are becoming great in many areas and at many levels. It will be difficult for the Illuminati to “plug up” much more of these leaks, and your collective will is indeed pushing forward the agenda at a quickened pace.
Business continues to ready itself for the disclosure event. You may wish to check your patent offices to see how many otherwise “classified” devices that are within your knowledge at the present now have open patent applications. Big corporations are the last bastion of the Illuminati and we are now seeing those cornerstones crumbling as more and more businesses take on the model of cooperative venture and not competitive advantage.
This is the time when, darkest before the dawn, one can despair easily as one looks around the world and sees how hopeless it seems. But this is not the case. Just the opposite, in fact, as we see it as the most exciting time of all. You are there. And you have chosen to be here, in this moment, since long before you were born. Rejoice in your choice. It is a most exciting time. We stand ready on our end to assist you. Stand ready on yours to assist each other. We marvel most, and stand in awe of you without peer, at the depth and intensity of your compassion for each other as earth human beings.
Be at peace. 
[Channeler wishes to remain annonymous]

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