Never Look Back ...

Message from The Blessed Mother 
Channeled by Adele Linsalata
Soul Heart Calling...Embracing the Love Within
Dear ones I am Mary, the energies that are mine are with each of you. I come to you this time as I am here to give to you my Love that dwells deep within. That which is Love from my heart to yours.
Heart of my Heart I am here with you. Know this now and always and never look back to only what was.
Blessings from all of us as we are walking with you this day forward as we have always been. I am here to give to you that which is deep within that you keep opposing on all levels, why this is done is not important ,as to that which is there for you now. Take what is given to you each moment of your existence here upon Mother Earth...take that which is given in the love that lies deep within. ... You are at a flux of the outcome of your own desires the passion which lies waiting for you to bring to life. For the passion in you is deep within and the energy you now walk is calling for that passion to rise and be all that it is to be.
What is the passion in which you seek?
Heart of my Heart it is a passion so deep it has taken this long to be brought forth to rise and bring you much comfort but to many it will bring much anguish as it is surfacing. I speak of this as there are many who have been called forth to bring and expose the level of energy and they are fighting it with all their heart for they do not allow themselves to follow it true. For they fight that which they know lies deep within their hearts. All that has been there from the very beginning of their time upon Mother Earth. Their journeys have been one of love from the very beginning, their true love of self and their love to another. They have fought the love that has always been there for they have never truly known love while living upon Mother Earth as they have been giving to others along their journey. A selfless act of love to what they know has to be. They have given everything they have to those around them and still they quenched for that love. They have been in many areas of what you would call love but they have never had their thirst for love quenched buy another living being until now. And as they are experiencing it they are fighting it even more for they have never been truly loved and will place many obstacle in their own path to negate that true love exist. For they have experienced many unfoldments during their time upon Mother Earth, they have lived their journey like many dominos in disguise. They have learned many things in their journey, and their journey has always brought them back to acceptance and allowing the passion within to rise for that true love and the true love of self. They are living with love of self,  a deep love on levels that is hard for others to comprehend that which is the depth of their love for humanity, to place others before their own self, a love that reside within and at the same time never tasting the love which is there for them.
The Earthly time of existence upon your Mother Earth is now increasing with a magnitude of energy that far exceeds even that in which the Masters anticipated. We are thrilled to see this happening and at the same time it has allowed energies to rise for the Soul's Heart that was to be in many of your years to come. However it is before you now, not later. To bring this now a light of energies moving so fast that the earthly substance of the physical needs to catch up sooner than was expected. This then brings many contracts closer to being played out than was ready for. And that brings us to this influx of energy from the heart and passions rising so fast that there are those who know where they are to be and at the same time they are not physically ready for it. That is why there is much turmoil that many are experiencing deep within. They are asking for what they know to be and at the same time they are seeking the time in which to get all of it done.
Heart of my Heart at this time each of you are feeling this rising of energy from within. It is your Soul's Heart calling to you. Calling to you to live your passion as it is being brought up to be exposed for you to live it, see it, feel it and give it the life that it is meant to be.
Heart of my Heart my love for you is as gentle as the tear that falls upon your face and my strength I give to you as just as strong as the passion that lies deep within. I am here for you to guide you in all that you need,  just ask me. For there are many things to come. There are many things that shall takes place upon your Mother Earth and with your souls heart calling that shall need you to be strong to get through. And in so doing your Souls Heart hears the calling, feels the completeness of the other and knows it is to be where it needs to be during this time. I shall be here with you as all the Masters are with you. Just know we are and ask. For to not ask is to deny all that reside within you all that you are and are here to be. Come unto me and receive the love that is here for you.
Heart of my Heart go within and honor the passion that resides within you. Know that there is much for you to do and for you to be where you are to be in that time of your earthly understanding. Live the passion that is calling to your Souls Heart. New innovative experiences shall be presented to humanity. What lies within is your part of that, your passion to create, to share and to live is there to give to humanity. New ways of your existence in which you are living is to be given in the coming times, are you creating that which you are to give and share with those around you? Are you living your own potential of your soul's passion that is within? Are you allowing your passion to come forth to bring much happiness to not just your own self, but to those with whom you have a bond to be there for? For you have chosen that which is deep within, you have chosen and as the time is not given to you to walk the journey as you have expected. It is being called right now to give, is this not what you have known all along? Have you not asked to be there? Many of you would jump at the chance to move faster than what it is to be and now you have that time in front of you? Can you not see this is what you have asked for?
Heart of my Heart my energies of the divine feminine is calling to your Soul's Heart right now to expose the passions that lie in wait. All that you have been gaining and all that you hold close to you is being called forth to be exposed for what it is. Go within to seek your passion to humanity and know it shall be. For you have asked it of yourself and me and I shall be there for you to see it through. For I speak through the one who is passionately waiting for you with a soft voice upon their breath. Open to your heart and see what lies there just below the surface of light to be exposed on all levels. Do not hold back in what you are feeling for to do so shall bring much heartache to you. And that is not what this is about, to hold that deep longing any longer. For love shall bring you closer to the passions that lights your path in this journey. The passions that are being called forth to enlighten you to where you need to be.  to show you the path that is clearly opening up in front of you. Yes, you see within your mind, deep within the path in which you know it to be. Open to that energy of love and everything shall be opened to you.
Heart of my Heart allow your Soul Heart love to bring the passion forth, to acknowledge it for what it is. To know that it would not be happening if it was not to be. Touch upon your time here as one of understanding you have contracted out to be where you are needed to be. Just as I have always been. Know that we shall give to you all that is needed for you to travel the journey that may seem impossible right now. But know it is the truth of the journey in which you see and shall always be there for you. It is time to allow the divine passion within to rise as the Atlantis rises. To rise as the energies are there to support it in this earthly existence right now. We wait for you but time is not of value if it is not the worth of your love to give to the passion deep inside.
Know I am here, for you are the heart of my heart and I love you.
I Am Mary, The Beloved

Love, Laughter & Light, Adele Linsalata
Copyright 2010 Adele Linsalata and Angelic Wise Ones This material is free for public use to copy, distribute, and display if abided by these terms.  Credit must be given to the author Adele Linsalata and the work must be used in its entirety.  The work may not be altered, added on to or edited in any way.  For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work.  Any of these conditions may be waived if permission from the copyright holder and author are given.  Any other purpose of use must be granted permission by author.  Contact Adele Linsalata at  *  
