*Jailbreak From The Illusion - from the confining dualistic 3 dimensions you are living in, the ego.

Our Goal: to get Back Home - to the place from which We All First Came,
Back to the 'Father/GOD/Self/Source,  or by whatever name you wish to call it.
You will need to turn to the a power of God to break loose from your sensuous selfish lower nature.
It is also to grow in Perfection and to be of Active Service 2 All ...

"It doesn’t matter what religion you have or the path that
you have chosen to take you to your own divinity. What
really matters is what you do for the people you can help,
why you do it and to leave to God the result, without
expecting anything in return for your action, not even
recognition or appreciation from others!
 The good that you have left behind is rewarding enough,
and indeed, there is no greater reward than just that. Do
your job in the most impeccable possible way, and be
humble, seeing yourself as an instrument in the hands of
the Lord. And at last, be silent, therefore you will make less
mistakes, and daily look for some lonely moments to stay
in contact with you inner Self. May God bless you and take
you to the lighting, that already could be your eternal
state." Kris-Won

"Activism without spirituality is blind, and
spirituality without activism is lame.
What we need now is a new form of 'spiritual activism'
as combines both spiritual and social transformation.
Nothing less can marry the heart's longing to the world's need, and give birth to a truly compassionate society."
~ Will Keepin


The path of love is not a tedious path. It's a path of joy. It's a path of singing and dancing. It is not a desert. It is a valley of flowers.


Bliss & Freedom is possible only by  Self-knowledge,
not by any other means. Hence, one should apply
oneself constantly to Self-knowledge, intelligent Self
inquiry. Your progress depends upon one's own
intensity & self-effort.
Intelligence is the door to freedom and alert
attention is the mother of intelligence.
Your True Being shines as knowing, knowing
is warm in love. It is all one. You imagine separa-
tions and trouble yourself with questions.
Being is consciousness: Beyond the content of the mind. 
Seek within. - Your own Self is your best friend.
It is who & what you are looking for,
the Devine Spark within.
Your own Self is your ultimate teacher.
The outer teacher is merely a milestone.
It is only your inner teacher that will walk
with you to the goal, for he is the goal.


The New Era, or, the Second Exodus from the Western Outward-Turned Ego, i.e., FEAR Emptiness Sorrow.

Dwelling on the Outward-Turned - externals,
increases the fruit of superfluous evil desires
for all sorts of things, so wisely recognizing
this fact, one should abandon externals and
cultivate attention to one's true nature within.
You will need a 'Great Will, otherwise it will not be easy.
It will be the greatest act in the world, - the last. 
Only very courageous people can do it. Ego can give you
only false toys to play with. "Now we need the Real thing",
and the real thing is God {LOVE}. And for God to happen,
you have to surrender, and surrender is the last and the greatest act of a Great Will ...
Do you want your future to be filled with LOVE or FEAR?
Fear itself does not exist in the world.
The Acronym for Fear is, "False Evidence Appearing Real".
Always fear is the foremost emotion that must be dealt with—fear is what keeps personages stuck in third density {fenced in} and unable to see beyond what is feared. Furthermore, fears spawns the severest of negative traits and actions: greed, prejudice, hatred, lust for power, jealousy, tyranny, desire to control others, deceit, anger, dishonor, war-like mentality, addictions, corruption ...

It is time for you to understand that your planet has been turned into a huge concentration camp. You are now beginning to wake up to this fact. You are prisoners and you are beginning to see the bars in clear sight, and you are prepared to confront them. Those who control you have created so many 'laws': cameras watch your every move and electronic devices surround you, emitting controlling energies. You are bombarded with propaganda that tries to block any semblance of truth from getting through to you.

Try to find that which is real in your world. The weather is controlled and is used to distract you from the real issues. The banks are used to create a noose around your necks, to keep you servile and scared. The religions have excelled themselves by creating FEAR and putting out false information, some of which they now admit is not true and never was true. Falsity. Yet people are still scared to detach themselves and embrace the divine and creation itself.

Be brave and look into your own souls, for there, you will find only love. Remove all the fear that was falsely created to hold you captive. Refuse to take part in the destruction of your beautiful planet. How can you live with yourselves or look your children in the eye, if you go into other countries in order to kill and take over? Dangerous chemicals are released into the atmosphere that kill and destroy the very land you depend upon for your existence. It is time to take resposibility for your actions. There is more than enough evidence which shows that what you are doing is criminal. You are betraying your childrens trust and that of your fellow man. The blinkers must be removed from your eyes. There is no excuse for obeying orders blindly, when deep down, you know you are violating human life.

You can no longer sit on the fence. There is more than enough evidence available to you. It has never been easier to investigate the real facts, and to make a decision about which road you will take. Remember, your time on Earth is but a moment, but your soul is eternal. The take-over of your planet cannot be allowed to happen. The Cabal depends on your help to achieve its aims. Without your compliance, they would never have succeeded to the degree we can see today. That is a sobering thought. Many of you have helped in the destruction of your planet and of humanity itself. One day you will have to face that fact.

There are many in your world who are helping you to see the TRUTH; those who have stepped out of the box and are bringing the truth to you. There are also those who tell you it is all going to be so easy. This is done to create a false sense of security, so that you sit back and do nothing. Well, I tell you, nothing is farther from the truth. It is not going to be easy!

On the other hand, it is not going to be anything that you cannot handle easily enough by working together. You, the 99%, are more powerful than the Cabal ever could be. Whereas YOU can do it yourselves, THEY need your help, and THEY CANNOT DO IT WITHOUT YOU.

Believe you can do it and you will do it.

“Eternity will be filled with discoveries that only depend
on your 'Willingness to explore and try new things.”

Take Source with you as you are so able, and you will no longer be a victim.

"You are the hero or the victim",
B-the Hero, who comes from a place of knowledge Love & fearlessness. 
Regain your  sovereignty ,
your personal integrity,
& quit living in chaos & selfishness.
You have Beauty in you you never realized - look within; meditate ...

“The higher thoughts of individuals will provide opportunities for a real connection with their Indwelling Spirit and with Christ Michael, Mother Spirit, as well as the higher spirit beings who are available on this planet at this transitional, transformational time. 

“This is a period of cosmic education, expansion of real higher communication, elevated consciousness of social responsibility, economic responsibility, environmental responsibility, educational reform, governmental restructuring, and unprecedented co-creation of sustainable systems based on fundamental first laws of spirit, the basis of all viable and healthy societies. 

“This is the ‘Correcting Time’, ordered from the government responsible for the welfare, growth & productivity of spirit. The greatest economy and the currency of the Creator are those of spirit finance, and that currency my dear brothers and sisters is Love, and this Love can only be productive of soul-growth with service to one another! 

<<< WELCOME >>>

If you want your heart to be at ease, you are the one who has to ease it.
You walk in your shoes. Everyone walks in his or her shoes. No one can walk for you. You can push and pull each other, yet each person is destined to walk his or her own path. You are not the supervisor of the love of anyone but yourself. Remember your love.


Koi. mp3


May your new Path {4 it is ever new} be filled with 'Beauty  Happiness Peace Love & Grace,  
i.e., paved with intelligence - wakefulness - self-knowledge - self-awareness - discipline -
active Love {service} - wisdom - trust - faith - devotion - courage - compassion, & 24/7  effort ...

'Don't judge, B-fair, forgive others, forgive yourself. 
And this is just the beginning for Unity Freedom Peace Joy & CoCreation -
To whatever degree we are alert, aware, to that degree we are living.
'Overcome your {5} senses; your carnal cravings/appetites lustful infatuations anger judgments jealously, false-assumptions,
 restrain them from all sides if you wish to attain perfection. Be generous, do no evil
and have no hate. Have equanimity towards everything.
Be earnest; Be sincere.
Love is the only reality. Love of Self and all Others is the key to re-entering 'the only reality'.

This is how you will destroy your dense heavy limiting imposter 'False Self, - your fearful selfish/greedy separated self-centered & deceiving inert & foul Ego {Our original sin}; and discover who you Really are, - not your body, not your mind, not your intellect, not your profession, not your wealth or pedigree, - but a spark of the Divine, -
as we 'All are, i.e., joy happiness peace love compassion [is] your 'True Self - your Heart ...

Love is not a path, it brings you back home. Love IS home, your Real nature. 
When you see the Divine in yourself, you will see the Divine in everyone,
you will find the Divine everywhere & in everything,
and you will always find yourself in the right place at the right time,
and everything that happens to you will be for a Good Reason,
no matter What it is, - there are No accidents, everything Is  just as it should be ...

You are everyone, and everyone is You - just at different stages.
No One is higher or lower then anyone else.
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source.
We are all going back to the same place from which we first came,
some later/sooner then others; we will all get there ...
"We all come from the same clay"
He who is enlightened sees not the diversity.


"There is no physical hell."

 Regarding Hell
 Written by Pope John Paul II --- August 1999
     "The images of hell that Sacred Scripture presents to us must be
correctly interpreted. They show the complete frustration and emptiness
of life without God.. ..More than a place, hell indicates the state of those
who freely and definitively separate themselves from God. Hell is not
punishment imposed externally by God, but the condition resulting from
attitudes and actions which people adopt in this life. Scripture uses
many images to describe the pain, frustration and emptiness of life
without God. More than a physical place, hell is the state of those who
freely and definitively separate themselves from God, the source of all
life and joy. So eternal damnation is not God's work but is actually our
own doing." 2
2 L'Osservatore Romano; "Hell is the State of Those who Reject
               God"; Editorial and Management Offices; Via del Pellegrino,
               00120, Vatican City, Europe; August 4.1999; Spoken by the Pope
               in general audience on July 28.1999. Full article may be seen at

Don't be satisfied with the same everyday Life experience,  
as it is for 'Most; it is all an Illusion,
there is so much more Truth Beauty & Goodness to be
discovered, so much more 'Authentic Love Happiness & Peace to
be recovered - a beautiful never ending journey waiting for you if you so
wish & desire it - a full time job, don't be deceived,
don't be living a lie any longer ... 
You will need to Jailbreak from the ego's corrupt life illusion; from it's 
ignorance and darkness, from it's massive thievery - Everywhere, from it's constant appetite for power control attention & the glamour of life; and all of it's many fears & masks & all of it's many sorrows ... 

Ego trip:
Something that never gets you anywhere,
stops growth and creativity for everyone, 
self-absorbed, small stingy;
never gets anything done for the good of the community,
in the end; is Always unsustainable.
Love is Vastness, Vastness is not ego, and ego is not you. It is a fraction
of you, and it is fiction of you.
The mind has its limits; you will need to go beyond to find a direct experience with your True Being; All Knowing, and Eternal Love, - to free yourself of the mind, you must,
find time for silence, find time to meditate --- Self-inquiry always - Be Thankful - Be Grateful ... 

Learn to listen to your inner voice; your inner Self, 
reflect, develop intuition, discernment & the higher mind, i.e., spirituality.
Difficulties do come in life, but to overcome difficulties, one
needs to be strong & strength comes only through spiritual

Again: "I am THAT which is beyond the body, mind and senses.
The Self is veiled by the unreal ego-sense.
This ego-sense gives rise to all the rest of this world-
appearance. When it goes, then the Self shines by its
own light, even as the sun shines when the veiling cloud
is blown away."

Some of the below might help for some.

*Create a Beautiful/Peaceful/Quiet environment to live in if you can.
*A place place free from distractions if possible.
*Have a room set aside {a refuge} for prayer/devotion/meditation/silence/music
*This could be your bedroom.
*Have plants/flowers if you like.
*Have a beautiful aquarium if you like.
*Have pleasing music - satellite music/CDs.
*A relaxing peaceful place to read, sitting or laying down. 
*Create beauty peace and harmony in this room, whatever way you like, candles scent ect.
*Do not harm your body or mind with any type of toxin, get plenty of rest. 
*Eat Healthy food - take vitamins if necessary,
Consider the benefits of a juicer.
*Keep your mind free from negative self-destructive thoughts.
*Read More Books ...


To keep from being impulsive, - whenever
you have a thought to do something or to
go somewhere, think, ask yourself, is this really
"Carelessness is death"


Eternal good is not to be found in any of the
activities of any of the senses. Your own
senses prove to be your worst enemies.
The fool who revels in pleasure invites
sorrow and misfortune. The wise one
restrains the senses and remains centered
in the Self.
Insanity is universal. Sanity is
rare. You need nothing to be happy, except
Self-knowledge - is wisdom.
If you are a taker of happiness you get misery, if you are a giver of happiness you get joy and love.


*Plug In & get back to Life - hook up with people that are taking
you somewhere - people that will take
you to the next level, friends who will fill you with virtuous clean Energy to Love 
Motivate & Create - those who make up for your weaknesses and you theirs, those who inspire support; give love & give hope. 
Start functioning in that direction, break away from what is devoid of light or brightness, move on to Go Higher,
 change your team if they are not moving ... 

*You are defined by your obstacles, it is what will make you Creative, it is how you are trained by God, climb over the Walls
you are living in, don't be a victim, don't give up - don't give in, don't turn back, - being in a disfunctional world is not Normal- 
It's a Great time 2-B Alive, I hope you have a nice ending to your story ...


Only love can be just because only love can understand. Without love there is no understanding and without understanding how can there be any justice?
If you want to understand the truth you have to be very loving. If you really want to understand the whole of life in all its dimensions, you have to approach it with great love and care. You have to be very tender, soft. And then a new phenomenom arises in you: your life becomes full of justice. You cannot be unjust then; you cannot be unfair then - it is impossible. A loving person cannot be unfair.
And love is always protected by God. Only those who are not in love are unprotected; those who are not in love are always in insecurity. The moment you enter love, you enter absolute security, safety, because love is another name of God and God is protection. The ordinary man lives in fear, anxiety, selfishness. He tries to protect himself, hence he becomes very tense, very cunning. Once God is known, tasted, death disappears. Death exists only for those who have not known love. Those who have known love are beyond death. Osho


I know of no higher source of happiness for a
self-controlled man then dispassion, and when
allied to thoroughly pure self-knowledge it leads
to the sovereign state of self-mastery.
Direct the mind resolutely towards God,
restraining the senses in their various seats, and
looking on the state of the body as a matter of
indifference. Realize your oneness with God,
remaining continually intent on identifying with
its nature, and joyfully drink the bliss of God
within, for what use is there in other, empty things?

Joy is the realization that there is no vacation from Wisdom.
Spiritual Practice Spiritual Practice Spiritual Practice

Thank you -  

Keep Your Hearts Clean Soft Kind & Generous.

When you know you are part of the Divine plan, you stop demanding, you know everything is being done for you and you are being taken care of.
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Author of this web site.

My Prayer

O Great Spirit,
Whose voice I hear in the winds,
And whose breath gives life to all the world,
hear me! I am small and weak,
I need your strength and wisdom.
Let Me Walk In Beauty,
and make my eyes ever behold the red and purple sunset.
Make My Hands respect the things you have made
and my ears sharp to hear your voice.
Make Me Wise
so that I may understand the things you have taught my people.
Let Me Learn the lessons you have hidden in every leaf and rock.
I Seek Strength,
not to be greater than my brother,
but to fight my greatest enemy - myself.
Make Me Always Ready to come to you with clean hands and straight eyes.
So When Life Fades,
as the fading sunset,
my spirit may come to you without shame.
Chief Yellow Lark, Lakota Tribe



Understand that your life on earth is a very important part of your foundational soul development and that the Universal Father has invested Himself in the potentials of who you are and what you may become.
Recognize the imperfections in your own character and  actively participate in the correction and betterment of your personality and your relationships with others.
Feel an affinity for brotherhood – that all people are related to you as siblings of one universal family.
Forgive those who have wronged you and accepted that they are imperfect and on their own path in life, that may be divergent from your own, and knowing that they also have the investment of God in their potentials as eternal citizens.
Serve in some capacity to help others who are less aware of their god-like potential and working toward some objective to make the world you live in a better place.
Ophelius: {Edited}


If you plant honesty, You will reap trust
 If you plant goodness, You will reap friends
 If you plant humility, You will reap greatness
 If you plant perseverance, You will reap victory
 If you plant consideration, You will reap harmony
 If you plant hard work, You will reap success
 If you plant forgiveness, You will reap reconciliation
 If you plant openness, You will reap intimacy
 If you plant patience, You will reap improvements
 If you plant faith, You will reap miracles
 If you plant dishonesty, You will reap distrust
 If you plant selfishness, You will reap loneliness
 If you plant pride, You will reap destruction
 If you plant envy, You will reap trouble
 If you plant laziness, You will reap stagnation
 If you plant bitterness, You will reap isolation
 If you plant greed, You will reap loss
 If you plant gossip, You will reap enemies
 If you plant worries, You will reap wrinkles
 If you plant sin, You will reap guilt
So be careful what you plant now, It will determine what you will reap tomorrow,The seeds you now scatter, Will make life worse or better,your life or the ones who will come after. Yes, someday, you will enjoy the fruits,Or you will pay for the choices you plant today.


“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.”


I have no creed; I do not evangelise.
I share when asked, this site was asked for.
As you can see, I am not a professional writer ...
John - Cleveland


It Is Now A New Time {ClickMe}
