My Gift To You


from Yeshua

Transmitted on December 14, 2011 through Mercedes Kirkel  




Hello Beloved Ones,


This is Yeshua. I am very happy to be with you, especially at this time, where many are focused on my incarnation in the earthly plane and their relationship with me at this time. So I am moved to come and be with you, to speak with you from my heart to your heart, and to hear what is on your heart at this time.


This is a special time in many ways. It is different from other years where you have celebrated Christmas, Christ-Mass, the birth of my incarnation and the birth of light, of the Divine on the earth. This is a different time for many of you than what you have experienced in the past because your world is changing, and many of you notice it. This is an empowered time, a time when new energies, new light, new forms of love are coming in to bless you and support you in making this transformation in your world--and in yourselves--into a higher dimension which is most wondrous. So you have much to celebrate at this time, because many of you are in the process of making this shift into a higher dimension, where you will reside at a higher consciousness. This will be part of your spiritual path, your growth, your evolution into becoming--in some ways into becoming, in some ways into remembering who you are as the Divine Being. From your current point of view it looks like you are becoming something more, something greater, something more whole, something more united with God. But ultimately you are always united with God. It is simply that you don't tend to remember. You forget your union with God, so it appears that you are separate. That is why I say it is both a growing into from your current perspective, and a remembering of who you really are from the truth of who you are--that you are God, you are the Divine Being. There has never been any separation.


When I came those many, many years ago, it was to help you to remember, to help you to reunite. The spiritual process is not any different now than it was then. I taught in a particular way that was specific to that time and that culture, that seemed to be most useful to people at that time. Many people still feel helped by the stories from those times of my birth, my incarnation, of how I taught. Yet many of you know me in different ways since then. You know me in Spirit. You know me in heart. You know me in feeling. You know me through the way that I guide you, through the way that I give messages to you, through the way that you feel me with you in your life. This is most wonderful and true, and you can trust this as well.


All of these things are different avenues, different ways of reaching you, helping you, supporting you in this process of remembering your divinity and who you are. Whatever way it is that speaks to you, that helps you the most, that is your path and that is what is valuable for you. Other people's paths may be different. They may be called in other ways. They may respond in other ways. Bless them in their path. It doesn't need to be your path. Everyone finds their own way that serves them, that supports them in their grand reunion with God.


If it helps you to celebrate my birth, please do that. If it helps you to connect with me... Know that it is not me per se, it is not my personality, it is not my human being, it is not the separate being you may relate to as Yeshua that I am calling you to. I am calling you to the One who manifests infinitely in all forms, including the form of Yeshua or Jesus or however it is that you relate to me and my being. But it is not me separate from all else. It is me helping you to know the union that we all are in God.


So if it helps you to connect with my birth, please do that, pleasecelebrate, please make the fullest use of that. May it support you and serve you not only at this time of year when so many are celebrating my birth, but may it continue to grow, may it plant a seed in you that becomes strong of your ongoing, continuous connection to God. If it helps you to go inward, to be with the darkness at this time of year, then do that. Allow yourself to be connected to God through that. If it connects you to celebrate another tradition--the Jewish tradition, the Islamic tradition, whatever it is--if that is what connects you to God and your divinity, do that with my full blessings and my full support. Whatever it is that supports you in being the light, being the love that you are, that is what I support in you.


Because of the transformation that's happening in this time, there are stronger energies. This may stimulate things in you that feel challenging. It is the effect of purification, allowing you to release whatever is no longer serving you as you move into this higher state, this higher consciousness. As these things are getting released, often times they come up in your emotions, in your feeling, in your thoughts, in your physical manifestation. That can be challenging. Try, as much as you can, to take appropriate steps to support yourself in whatever ways seem balancing and most healthy to you, and, as much as you can, to not add extra concern to what is arising. This is part of the process and it is a sign that you are transforming, that you are getting stronger, even though it may seem the opposite. It may seem that you are having more difficulties, that you are more challenged, that you are weaker. Do not assume that. It is not the case.


It is a time to make use of all forms of your support and to call on God for help, in whatever way is strongest for you. Doing that will also strengthen you, because it will strengthen your connection to God. It will remind you that you are connected to God always, regardless of how seemingly good or seemingly bad you might feel in any moment. That is not a sign of your disconnection from God. If you take it so, it will disconnect you from God. So it is your challenge to not take it so, to support yourself however you need to, and yet to assume your connection to God.


If that is hard to do, support yourself in it. Ask your friends to help you. Surround yourself with those who are strong in their connection to God in this moment, so that they can help you, they can remind you. It might take the form of going to a gathering. It might take the form of going to a workshop or an event. It might take the form of reading a book. It might take the form of listening to music that reminds you of your connection to God, being in nature, dancing, meditating, praying--whatever it is for you. Use all your resources to support you in remembering your connection to God. This, too, will help you as you move into this higher dimension.


It is a good time; it is a wonderful time when your heart is open. Can you feel it right now? Can you feel the openness of your heart? It is possible when you're in joy. It is possible when you're in pain. It is possible when you are feeling more neutral, something in between the two. Feel your heart. That is the process. Open your heart to whatever arises and let it be open. That is opening to light. That is the process in its greatest simplicity. In its greatness, it comes down to this simplicity. So I share this with you as my gift to you. I share this space of heart-openness. You can remember this throughout your day, throughout your night, through all times. You can call upon me and I will bring you into this space again, remind you of it, where we connect in love.


And so it is, with all my blessings. I hold you in God's light, as God, the Divine Being made manifest in your form and in all forms. I love you.


I AM Yeshua



