

Urantia, August 19, 2011. 
A Mentori Spokesperson. 
Subject: “Of Bondage and Freedom.”

Received by Lytske.

Mentor: “Some days ago we spoke about doors, and more specifically about the door of the heart, whether it be open or closed, and we touched briefly on the problems connected with this.  I would pursue this in a similar vein and use the word bondage.

“People are held in bondage in one form or other.  This deals mainly with their habitual thoughts, which keep them in bound to such an extent that they are incapable of thinking along original lines.  These habitual thoughts have become like a security blanket from under which they dare not venture beyond the norm, to think outside the box.

“With this I mean that they are like sheep following one another without thinking independently how this could serve them in their personal spiritual growth.  It is time for the masses of humanity to wake up and realize how they are kept in bondage, some even by the elders of their various places of worship.

“The Creator intended for each individual, born on every planet in space, to think for themselves and grow into the divine blueprint He bestowed upon each living and thinking mortal child.  If the Creator had wanted a race of mortal clones, He would have created them so.  Instead He gave each human child the capacity to think for themselves and make decisions, indeed, barring genetic and unforeseen accidents, from which humans emerge less than capable of thinking and rendering their decisions.

“To discover the extent to which bondage exists, consider not this individual to be a rarity, but rather deem the world at large to be in some way controlled and therefore in bondage, albeit that most of you are not even aware of how extensively insidious this bondage can be.  Your thoughts restrict you and therefore keep you in bondage to circumstances, as the why’s and wherefore’s ever escaped you, because of patterns of habitual thinking, choices and decision making.

“Think what you can do to acquire freedom within yourself and clarity of your thoughts, so these don’t run amuck like a team of spooked horses – creating that merry-go-round of your mind.  The answer is actually very simple; get off the merry-go-round and free your thoughts to more useful and elevated matters.  It is in your power to achieve this.  Cut the cords that bind you to a tedious train of thought, stop this and veer onto a different track for a more hopeful and positive scenery.  There is so much to be enjoyed in life, as the Creator has given you the free will to open yourself to the many blessings which may so far have passed you by unnoticed.

“It is already a blessing and a privilege to wake up to another day of spiritual growth, and to be able to ask yourselves how you shall spend your day as a new person, open to anything new … or once more wasting the day as per usual, according to habit and routine, so all days will appear alike, dull and gray when reminiscing?

“Life is meant to be enjoyed, not endured, so get out of old habits which prevent you from having original thoughts.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group.

You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire—ABC-22.

But you must give yourself the opportunity through
intensive even arduous, meditation, it is definitely
not a part-time occupation. Limit your interests and activities to what is needed for you and your
dependants' barest needs. Save all your energies and time for breaking the wall your mind has built around you. Believe me, you will not regret it. All you need is already within you, give your heart and mind to brooding
over the 'I am', what is it, what is its source, its life, its meaning. It is very much like digging a well. You reject all that is not water, till you reach the life-giving spring. Make love of yourself perfect. Self-condemnation and self-distrust are grievous errors.
Deny yourself nothing - give your self infinity and
eternity; and discover that you do not need them;
you are beyond, into what is undefinable and
indescribable ...
To see reality is as simple as to see one's face in a
mirror. Only the mirror must be clear and untainted.
A quiet mind, undistorted by desires and fears, free
from ideas and opinions, clear on all the levels, is
needed to reflect the reality. Be clear and quiet -
alert and detached, all else will happen by itself.
Your hope lies in keeping silent in your mind
and quiet in your heart. Realized people are
very quiet.

Hilarion's Weekly Message: September 4-11, 2011
Received by Marlene Swetlishoff
Beloved Ones,
Those of you who have been maintaining your daily disciplines have been discovering that you now feel more at peace within yourselves than you have experienced for quite some time. The greatest effect that is still noticeable is the feeling of tenseness in the solar plexus chakra. This is a result of the incoming cosmic energies. Holding the Light will inevitably attract the higher energies to you and as you transduce these higher energies and anchor them into the Earth’s core for her use when and as she needs them, you are helping to cleanse the human consciousness grid of all that must be dissipated before entry into a higher level of consciousness for all.
There is much cleansing taking place and this activity is becoming more noticeable than ever before. More and more people are Awakening and drawing their lines in the sand, clearly delineating their personal boundaries so that their own Beings are protected from too much input from the external World around them. Your personal well-being matters and each of you must do all that you can, to ensure that you have a peaceful sanctuary where you can go to recharge and rejuvenate. As conduits of the higher energies, much energy replacement needs to take place within your physical bodies. Always listen to the signals your body is giving you and follow its direction.
Continue, Dear Ones, to practice the attitude of gratitude, for this practice alone, will help you tremendously during these intensely changing times, for the thoughts put out into the Universe is what the Universe will give back to you manifested in your World of form in return. Mind is the builder and this is a major key to creating the World you desire to live in, for what you constantly dwell on in your thoughts will bring the manifestation of that into your daily life in one form or another in order to meet the requirements of your creation.
Follow the promptings of your heart, for of all the chakras that are activated in your four lower bodies, it is the heart chakra that is the most powerful and active at this time of change, as the force of Love gathers momentum to create miracles of transformation within your bodies at all levels of your Being. The ups and downs you have been experiencing within your emotions is an indication that your heart chakras are becoming wide open and this increases the feeling of vulnerability within some of you, for you have learned to protect your hearts in order to shield them from the pain of rejection, betrayal, sadness, deception and separation.
Your task is to move beyond the fear and let your true inner Self become manifest through you as you go about your daily life, and trust that you are always surrounded with Love, protection and guidance in all facets of your lives.
We commend you and applaud you for your continued persistence in the application of the Love factor to all within your radius of activity and influence. Thank you, each of you, for being a force for peace and good in your World and on your beautiful Planet.
Until next time…
I AM Hilarion
©2011 Marlene Swetlishoff