Messages from "Lady of the Light" > {Isis}

Isis' Message of the Day -
My Prayer...
Is for mankind to wake-up before it is too late.
For the masses to listen to the messengers sent to give you the opportunity of a lifetime. To give you all the love, devotion and information you need to ascend to the "Golden Galaxy."
For the masses to see the damage to Mother Earth they are causing by not accepting responsibility for their own actions and blaming it on others.
To see the pain and suffering they are creating by their lack of compassion for their fellow man. To see the pain in the eyes of the mothers, fathers and children in war torn countries.
To hear the cry of those who want freedom and equality. To stop the segregating one human being from another by seeing "your" kind and "my" kind ... for there is but one kind..."God's kind."
For all weapons of distruction made for but one thing... to kill, maim and destroy to be laid down by those using them and for them to say, "NO MORE!! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!!"
To see help for the homeless and starving all over the world.
To see world leaders turn to the Light and away from greed and control.
My Heart...My Soul... Is crying out..
For all the millions upon millions of human beings who are still treading the path of hate and bigotry.
For the cruelty to animals by those without love and charity in their hearts.
For those who are apathetic about everything around them.
My Heart and Soul is Grateful for...
All the Lightworkers who work so diligently to try and reach out to others.
My beloved Archangel Michael who has guided, protected and loved me throughout all the trials and tribulations, as well as the days of working together to complete our 'earth mission.'
For all the amazing people I have come in contact with through this medium...the Internet.
For all those who have worked with me day in and day out, year in and year out... by graciously allowing me to publish their work in my publication and on my web site.
And last but not least...For all you who are reading this and passing it on...helping to spread the Divine Light into a corner of the world. May we all meet in the "Golden Galaxy" and celebrate our Ascension together.
~ Lady of the Light ~

Today's Angel Message
Angels Notes  : through Christie Pennington
Open to grace through love. Allow yourselves to be captivated by love's essence in  everything and everyone you encounter. Allow the willingness to be loved to resonate throughout your being and be amazed by the quick meeting of your intention in unexpected places. 
Your intention to receive love multiplies your ability to extend it. In that energetic space of receiving, you are gifting another with the opportunity to offer love anew. And so you cannot help but be expanded in your own aiblity to offer it as well. 
The giving and receiving of love is intertwined, though it may not always seem so. The grace of love cannot be denied to anyone, it was the first blessing and in this present time is multiplied beyond  your imagination if you will receive it. Do not define where you will accept such blessing. Open and allow yourself to bathe within this shimmering ever-flowing stream. Rejoice!
Christie Pennington is a trance channel for The Lightspeakers, an Angel intuitive, seminar facilitator and artist. She is committed to assisting individuals to remember their power and discover their purpose in order to live joyfully.
Sign up for her free  newsletter "Reflections" with channeled messages from The Lightspeakers and Angels Notes with notes from the Angels  * 

Ascended Master Lord Amin-Ru:Times ahead the Soul of your Worth 
Channeled by Adele Linsalata
I see it is time once again to bring you much in which is going on in your flight of energy on your planet of Mother Earth. Join me as we sit before you at this time to bring news from home. Here I begin.
Mother Earth rumbling is just the beginning of more to come; it is time those of humanity have a wake-up call of no greater magnitude than that which they are placing around them in their daily routine. It is quite astonishing to see the amount of energy one would place upon another. This is a telling sign of that which is to come. Look around you at all the rumblings of those who believe they should have one thing or another and you can see what I am giving to you is there.
When the human emotions override the balanced side of the knowing then confusion comes in...all things that are placed around one is then reflected back for the chaos to continue unchecked with the minds imagery of the situation.
These are great times ahead for each living soul upon your planet of Mother Earth and at the same time is a time of great worth. All things around you are that which you have brought forth to place in the likeness of your own image.
Those souls who are gathering at lightning speed shall see a bounty of energy in much proportion as never before. What is the passion which calls from you that is deep within? For that is the biggest struggle in which this energy places before you, it is that which needs to be looked and allowed to take its course. For you to see the amount of energy in which you are and which direction you can go. Imagine a big ball of energy in your hands, take that ball and do with it all the things that you mind can develop on. What then is this energy and what then can you do with it. How can you take it from one shape unto another.? All things you can do if you allow yourself to understand this. If you allow that energy to be absorbed into the knowing of what is inside of you then you shall have no need to do anything for it shall just be. How you play it out shall depend on where you own worth is and where your own integrity to that worth is founded.
When you have one side of your being opposing the other you then find yourself in a way that humanity has always struggled with. This is what it is like that feeling inside. To find that as you are inquiring to what the emotion of your soul is asking for you now, at the same time it is the human side that pulls you to believe it cannot longer be that which is front of you.
The struggles of ascending forward at this time and the struggle of staying where it can make you acquit if you feel you shall not be right. I do not envy you at this time. The energies shall support that which calls to you is allowing your soul to move with that feeling. Allowing that which you have already requested. Did not Mother tell you that this is the time to do great things, to move forward and not look back? she did, did she not tell you that the energies before you have moved ahead of your earthly time contracted for? She brings to you much in the way of understanding why you are so pulled at the time when you do not believe you are ready.
The energies that are to be in your earth years five times from this time are actually sitting in your lap right now, it is standing here before you and that is why there is hesitation in you. That is why you feel that you need to be someplace but have no idea of what it is....All that you have contracted out to do in the years to come are now in front of you and your human being side does not feel as if it is ready to move forward. You surround yourself with many reflection of this of all things that can give you the support you need to say to self, I am right in what I am feeling and I am right for staying where I am...This is not to be...Look around at what you surrounded yourself in, look at all the souls who are around you...Where are they? Are they moving with this energy, are they ascending to the light in their souls? We are calling all Masters to know it is time to move in their direction in which they have to be. Did I not give to you the message of the Masters Calling? Did I not give to you that which is moving in the energies? The Masters have opened the gates in which they have descended far enough to place the robes of the Masters upon those Masters of your world. These will not be the ones you expect them to be, these will be the gentle ones who have alighted in the souls journey to give all that they are here to give and they have been through many trials and tribulations. They have been the Master of all things and then that of none. To be with you and among you they have joined you upon your planet of Mother Earth to learn and ascend in your place of time. They have walked the walk with you, they have given everything they have and they have asked for nothing but everything from you to be a Master in their own shoes. They have given and now they shall receive.
They have been receiving the robes of the Masters upon which they embraced not with enthusiasm but with my love and knowing it is time. As these robes are placed upon them they have changed greatly for that which is their rightful place is within them and they have grown very rapidly and joyfully at an accelerated speed to bring all things to humanity.
You are just one of millions of divisions within your higher self; to bring these divisions in alignment to then capture your essence within each one is to then bring your Mastery of ascension to others. You then step into each division to make it whole once again. As this then becomes whole you are the Master of your time. With this is much responsibility as there will be those with whom shall not understand this alignment, will not see it for what it is, truth. This I say to you as many will question all that which is brought back to their own self awareness to see. They will also choose to be the catalyst of the undoing. For they have surrounded themselves with all thing that give to them the answer and at the same time the falseness of not seeing what they truth is. They shall fight for all the wrong reasons why something cannot be, looking inside seeking the truth knowing it is there but what which they have indulged shall keep them from that truth until they too have taken their rightful place.
To take your rightful place is to be one within. I tell you now; in this your earthly life is not the time to second guess what is before you. You have a destiny to fulfill from your own hands and so it shall be.
Many things are developing on your Planet of Mother Earth. Many discoveries as I have told you before are coming to light. Now is not the time to lend your energy to that which is no longer stable. It is to be one with humanity of a level of understanding that the energies shall traverse through no matter if you are there to greet it or not.
I know I have given to you much and at the same time I see by your face you ask for more of me, and this you shall have.
You see many discoveries unfolding as the gates of the Akashic have been breached as this happens then so too does the energies that protect the Akashic from destruction. For that is what lends its self to the human souls upon your planet of Mother Earth. A time of great destruction of all believe which are not the true own self. When I give this to you it is to show you the love I have for you, to accede to the knowledge of what is with you.
When humanity cannot fathom the expense it takes in energy to place upon their fellow human is contagious of quantum proportions then this too is yet to come...
Energies are that which make you and all things around you. It is in which you live and take breaths each moment in your existence. It is in that which moves through and around you and it is in which the Masters call the are divine and I am in thrall of you and all you go through. For this month of your time is one of division and accordance of energies. Can you not feel as if you have been in a fog and now there is light coming through? Yes, just enough for you to notice something is different. As this fog is lifting to you it shall bring the energy of love like never before. Experience each essence of this love and find each multidimensional aspect of your own true self within.
This is the worth, the essence of your soul you have been missing and it shall be one with you again on a level of energy that is breathtaking. This is a gift to receive that shall carry you through your earth year, this is what you shall have that shall get you to where you need to be.
I now will give to you another worth as many things upon your planet of Mother Earth shall need to be watched as we have given before your time of political and religious sections are unfolding so fast, as I have given to you before, the time is now at hand that which is to be many of your earth years from now. As you see this all unfolding you shall see many who shall be wondering not knowing what is happening or which way to go. You shall be called upon to give as never before and this you shall do without being asked. For your worth is within and you shall give that to those among you to move forward in the light. Your planet of Mother Earth is closer now than ever before to her own soul group of planets those who have traveled and are returning home to be as one. This is why you feel like you need to be somewhere with nowhere to go. It is all coming home and you shall be one with all of us, one with home.
I leave you with our love of understanding all things are to those who are here with you. Embrace your own worth and you shall have before you all that is within. You are being pulled to where you may not know but we guide you in all things, allow that guidance to place you where you need to be.
I AM Lord Amin-Ru

Love, Laughter & Light,
Adele Linsalata
Copyright 2010 Adele Linsalata and Angelic Wise Ones This material is free for public use to copy, distribute, and display if abided by these terms.  Credit must be given to the author Adele Linsalata and the work must be used in its entirety.  The work may not be altered, added on to or edited in any way.  For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work.  Any of these conditions may be waived if permission from the copyright holder and author are given.  Any other purpose of use must be granted permission by author.  Contact Adele Linsalata at  *  

Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Beloved one, welcome change when it comes. Invite change so that you can move beyond what has been the comfortableness of just the usual. Invite change so that you can know different perspective.
Visit our website:  *  

Trust in The Plan
by Jean Warner
You are nearing the end of the world of darkness, and those of the dark are throwing everything they have at the Light in order to keep their power and control over mankind.  This has happened many times before. Every 26,000 years the cycle repeats itself as a new era approaches.  We are on the fringe of the Age of Aquarius, where the planetary alignment is fast moving into position to give the Earth and her population the maximum support to enter a new frequency in their evolvement. 
This is a time for choice and preparation.  Consciously, on a soul level, or unconsciously, most have made their choice.  Those who have chosen to move into a new world of light and love are preparing themselves by balancing and harmonizing their thoughts, attitudes, physical and emotional attunement, and spiritual uplifting.  Many of those who have chosen to continue their lives in a third dimensional environment are seeking to hold onto their power and control through fear tactics, war, killings, and whatever avenue they can take to manipulate the population who no longer want to put up with their dominance through deceit.
And so you have the “good guys” and the “bad guys” lining up for the battle:  the control of humanity or the drawing together in oneness.  It might appear at times to be the locking of horns in a no-win confrontation, causing uncertainty, confusion, frustration, or despair. 
Know that this is not the case.  Darkness cannot withstand the Light of God.  Mankind has taken his gift of free will to the extreme and through foolish choices has put his entire planet on the brink of extermination.  One’s free choice cannot be destructive without consequences.  The free will choices are now facing limitation, for the will to destroy a civilization or a planet will not be allowed.
You can be assured that annihilation will not happen.  The destruction you are witnessing now will enforce God’s plan to bring his children into a higher frequency in order for them to advance to a higher standard of living in a world of brotherly love where integrity is a given and goodness and kindness are automatic. 
Do not shake your fist at the Father of All for the devastation you see occurring.  For millions of beautiful beings of Light have volunteered to incarnate on Earth at this time to be the victims, if necessary, of situations that would shake the apathy of those who tend to overlook the fate of others so long as it doesn’t directly involve themselves.  The horrors going on in the world have stirred the population to revolt against the terror and have awakened them to where they can put themselves in the place of those afflicted.  Have you not seen the mass movements to aid those who have lost their loved ones, their homes, their jobs and their means of making a living?  The love and caring displayed have raised the frequencies of Earth Mankind. 
Citizens world-wide are awakening to the oneness of all and the knowledge that rich or poor, all of Earth’s citizens are equal in value.  This awareness has gladdened the hearts of the Heavenly beings in other realms that have come forth to bring us out of the darkness into the light.  They are eager to be of service, but will not invade your free will.  If you ask for help, they will come.  They are yearning to be asked. 
Earth herself has chosen to go into a higher realm.  She has lent herself as a school for those who wanted to experience duality, for growth comes much quicker when one is confronted with opposition.  Great learning experiences have resulted from challenges.  Does not a rough gem glisten with light when it is ground and polished?  And so learning through adversity in dual situations is a shortcut toward spiritual progression and thus has brought millions of students to this planet.  However, when two sides are not in balance, chaos occurs.  The duality of Earth has become way off balance and the resulting chaos is less conducive to spiritual growth. 
The time for change has come.  Earth’s population has been stuck in the muck, so to speak, and its frequency had dropped so low that growth at timeswas becoming a seemingly insurmountable aim.  For eons Earth mankind has struggled to advance, but the negative side of the coin has claimed too much control.  It is most difficult to combat a force that feels no need for integrity, honesty, or compassion and thus feels no limitation in its actions.  This force has gotten out of hand, and the Father is eager to bring home those who are weary of the struggle.  Those who want to return home will be allowed to go with Mother Earth into a higher realm.  Those who want to continue in an environment of duality will be accommodated elsewhere.  Where they go will depend upon their frequencies. 
Do not assume that all who choose duality are evil.  There are varied reasons for their choices.  Some may simply want to be with loved ones who have gone astray to help them find their way back. 
God’s plan has always been to bring his children back into the Light.  The plan is moving forward.  Whatever is needed to jog people’s mindsets in a positive way will be allowed to continue for a little while longer.  Then the separation will be made.  Those who choose not to go with Mother Earth will have other opportunities to progress toward their freedom.  Eventually, all will return to the Light. 
Know that all is in Divine Order at this time.  Everyone is in his right place and is being given guidance and protection if requested.  Do not be discouraged.  All is well.  Remain optimistic lest you lower your frequencies.  Trust the millions of light workers, on and off planet, that are supporting you.  Know that you are loved and never alone.  Look for the good in every situation, for it will be shown to you if not immediately recognized.  See the beauty of nature around you, even the tiniest flower or smallest animal or bird.  Listen to inspiring music or sit in the sun and gaze at the beauty of the sky when you need to be uplifted. 
Time is getting shorter and shorter as the Earth’s magnetism grows close to zero point when there will be no time but the eternal now.  This happening will come sooner than you think, so be not impatient.  Your emancipation is nigh.  Be at ease.  There will be a great celebration in the higher realms when you arrive!  Focus on this, for you will be amazed at the peace, the beauty, and the harmony that await you.  And know that you are greatly loved. 
Thoughts to Ponder *  * © Copyright 2009 Jean Warner  *  Jean's greatest joy is in writing, singing, intermingling with, and learning from, many inspiring lightworkers.  Contact Jean at  **  1177 Agnes Lane  *  Gilbert AZ  85296  *   

HEAVEN #3406
Hearts on Parade
March 23, 2010
God said:
The holiday season is not over. It is beginning. I declare a Holiday of the Heart. Not a holiday from the heart but a holiday in which the heart of My children comes out, struts its stuff, and shines forevermore. A day dedicated to the heart and its blossoming. I declare an everyday celebration of the heart, an unending holiday for all hearts.
No longer does even one heart remain in solitary confinement. All the bonds that have bound hearts are dismissed. The bonds that bind evaporate into thin air and are no more and are remembered no more. Goodbye, beloved iron bars. Arrivederci, chains of the past. Adieu, negativity. So long, everything and anything that holds hearts back from freedom.
Your heart has been stuck in the ground for long enough. Today hearts come out and march in a parade appearing much like a ribbon that encircles the Universe. Hearts on Parade is the name of this holiday. All hearts join on the splendorous raft that travels every main street in every land. Hearts on Parade is an international holiday. This is a holiday celebrated in unison.
Even in places where the declaration of the holiday is not heard, all the people will find themselves marching to a new tune. Hearts come out from everywhere and sing aloud. There is no preventing this. There is no stopping this. Hearts everywhere declare themselves free to be and free to give and free to love and free to be seen, free to be held, free to shine My light and bloom all year round regardless of the weather.
Hail to the heart! The heart has come. Worldwide, the heart has come out. Galaxywide, the heart of love has risen. How happy are hearts that are free. Now, the Universe is free at last. Repression of any kind no longer exists. Love is all. The freedom to love has been declared. Love is featured. Hearts are resounding everywhere.
What? It is known that only One Heart exists! EveryOne knows this! Believes this, accepts this, nurtures this! Steps out and doesn't care what used to be? Cares now only for what is?
The day of the Heart of Hearts has come. This is independence day for all of the Universe.
Love has been found. There is a gusher of love. This is the most beautiful oil strike that has ever been seen. Geysers of love everywhere. In the cities, in the country, in the mountains, and on the seas. The roots of love grow deep, and the trees of love grow tall. This is the anniversary of the birth of the world. This is cause for celebration. What else is there to celebrate that does not seem paltry next to this declaration of love in every language and in non-language?
This is it, beloveds. This is what We have been waiting for. We wanted to see it in writing. It makes the headlines! In big print, it says: LOVE IS DECLARED. LOVE HAS BEEN SIGNED. ALL HEARTS OF THE WORLD UNITE!
What was written in the stars has now made the headlines.
All negativity from the past has been cut up like confetti and is no more. What was the past? It has vanished, and the whole world is new. Hearts have come out like the sun. Hearts rise in the East, and they rise in the West. They rise in the North, and they rise in the South. Hearts rise in all directions all at once.
What is there that could mean so much to so many? What else but the love from all hearts has any meaning at all?
Heavenletters™ Copyright1999-2010 -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts * In these times when the whole  world needs nourishing, Heavenletters is already proven to stir the hearts and souls of people of all ages all around the world and from  all walks of life. * Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter™, Teacher, Speaker * The Godwriting™ International Society of Heaven Ministries * 703 E. Burlington Avenue, Fairfield, IA 52556  *  *    

Conversation with the Federation Of Light
Received by Blossom Goodchild
March 14, 2010
It’s been in my mind to connect up with you this morning. Wondering if it is suitable for THE ALL?

We are in position to comply with these wishes. We understand that although it may seem negligent at times for us not to always follow through with that of which we last spoke … it does not always serve our purpose to continue from where we left off.
It is simply inevitable for those on the earth plane to feel unaccepted at times. To feel the wanting of life elsewhere. To desire a contribution from someone/ something else in order to change things from the way they appear to be. We do understand of this. We can only be with you at this point in a way that is appropriate to be. Which you are unable to grasp. The concept of our actual appearance in your skies is rapidly dimming for some and yet for others it is becoming ever nearer. Do not despair dearest friends. Consider the possibilities of a future that is of only Light. Remain in the knowledge of the Truth of that possibility. Believe within the very depth of your Being that which your soul’s desire for Truth is disclosing to you. YOU ARE NOT OF EARTH. YOU ARE OF LOVE. You are visitors to an exorbitant inhabitance that allows you to become the you that originally was.
Sorry … I‘d like to interrupt even though I said I’d shut up ... Have ‘you’ ever been down here? Have you experienced an earthly existence?
We have not. But that is not to say that we are ignorant of its format. We do not assume that we know all that is necessary to see one through a single lifetime … and yet we do know that we know of a way to assist. We know of energies that uplift ANYTHING from its current layout and can transform that which is incompatible with the Truth of the self in to that which is of the correct formula.
Much is preordained and yet we would reiterate that there is in your world the freedom of choice. Perhaps you would be surprised at how much can be changed from the plan because of this very thing. Opportunities are presented … a soul may recognize the opportunity as part of the process of the life plan and evolvement of its journey this time around. In most scenarios the opportunity is taken up and acted upon and all moves in accordance with that which has been discussed before one entered the earthly existence. However, this is not always the case. It can be that disappointment  . . . as one example, has allowed a soul to veer off the pathway intended, therefore when presented with that which was awaiting to be given, a soul may choose to shun a suggestion, for its need to indulge in its sorrow perhaps is greater at that time than the need to fulfil its destiny.
And yet if it is already in that situation, it can be that it is unable to represent that honour at that particular time. You see, there is much involved in just the smallest of plans within plans, within plans, within plans!
It may be that the task would be prolonged, put on hold as you would say, until that same soul moves out of their present indulgence and decides to take up that opportunity when it is presented at another time. Remember also that there is no time, so if that soul feels it necessary to partake in another matter and learn and grow from it, then so be it. Freedom of choice.
But doesn't’t it muck up the whole system?
We smile at your comment. For if you knew the full extent of what that so called ‘system’ involved, there would be no end of ‘mucking up.’ And yet, we say to you that the system is unfailing.
And now you want me to ask “who runs the system?”
You do. A system was put in place at the time of the creation of human form. The system is vastly complex and yet it is ever changing. That is the systems system. That it can change format in any given moment dependent upon the correlation of what is taking place AT that given moment. So in a sense, the system cannot actually be ‘mucked up,’ because it adapts itself as it goes along. You are learning of co-creation are you not? You are accepting and understanding that it is YOU, each one of YOU that creates the next given moment of your lives. The system works along side with this. It assigns itself the next move to work in with your next move. It is ever adaptable. Therefore do you see, in ITS eyes, so to speak, there is no right or wrong  . . . there is only the ‘IS.’
So then what actually is the system? How would you explain it? What is its role?
To benefit the whole. If you like, we would say it records every particle of life and its movement.
That’s some system!!! To what purpose? For what reason?
For the very same reason that you all agree to having your akashic records. Everything is under scrutiny. Because EVERYTHING is part of an evolving process. You have a saying in your world… ‘You live and learn’ … and this is precisely what this system records . . . and learns from it.
What? … so we won’t make the same mistakes again?
That would not be up to the system … that would of course be up to the human race at the time.
So is our human race to continue? Are we to remain as we know humans to be once we have ascended?
We would say that your race will be evolving as it always has and will continue to do so. It will be that you are a different ‘type’ of human, but looking back would you not say that the human race as it appears in your today ... is very unlike that which was called the same in the days of the men and woman that lived in caves? It is of the same. In the new world, the new race that is to be part of it, will look back at the human as it is in this day and age and regard much of its behavior as those in your time look upon the behavior of the cavemen.
Because you and many, are now moving into the collective consciousness, even though you shall remain as individuals. You are understanding the greater goodness of the Divine plan and as you grow stronger within that plan you begin to comprehend the knowledge that you are all ONE. It is very different reading words, accepting them and acknowledging them to actually allowing them to be OF you. Many upon your planet now accept of the Oneness that you all are, yet to fully BE OF IT and FEEL IT is a very different matter altogether.
Do you ‘get it’ fully? Do you live in this Oneness … all the time?
Yes, we do. For WE are one.
How lovely that must be. In so many respects we must seem so very disadvantaged and so very far behind in the system that we are creating.
Disadvantaged? …. No! For how can this be so when your very essence is of LOVE. One day dearest friends of earth, you shall experience for yourselves that which we see emanating from your Beings and your planet. There is a great deal more hope on the horizon than you are presently able to comprehend. We are honoured to be part of the change that is taking place on your beloved Mother Earth. Her very core is rising into the New Dawn that is spoken of. Be of the deepest Love for HER. Take comfort in the knowing that her emergence from the darker forces that have imprisoned her heart shall be ONE that will MOVE ONE into its new position.
Our thanks to those of you who take heed of that which we wish to present in order to accentuate the fact that Love is all you need to BE. IN everything you do. IN everything you think. IN everything you feel, IN everything you are.

Blossom Goodchild is a professional ‘direct voice’ channelling medium working with spirit and cosmic energies. She has been channels the Native American Indian Spirit Energy ‘White Cloud’ and shares his messages of Unconditional Love by means of personal readings and group meetings.
These meetings have been recorded and ‘White Cloud’s words transcribed and subsequently published in three books. ‘Walking in the Light and the Love,’ ‘The Spirit of ‘White Cloud’ and the latest book ‘A New Dawn.’
Through all of these experiences, Blossom remains firmly grounded and with her easy laughter and warmth is a delight to be around.  *  

Sananda: A Time of Great Release
Received by Marlene Swetlishoff
March 22, 2010
Beloved Lightworkers,
I come to speak with you this day about the reconnection of the Great Crystals which have been lying dormant within the Earth awaiting the exact timing to be re-ignited. This has occurred and heralds the beginning of the Great Awakening of the sleeping masses of Humanity. This will bring many to your websites and your daily lives for they will be seeking to discover the truth about themselves and their purpose here on Earth. While the Awakening is occurring, it will be done in waves, spreading across the surface of the Earth and along with the Awakening will come a tsunami of Love energy that will impact everyone and everything upon the Planet.
The energy of Love is a very powerful force and there will be no place left within each Soul that can longer hide that which has remained hidden and the truth will begin to surface within each mind and heart. It will be a time of great release of the pent up emotions that have been suppressed for too long and since most of you have already been undergoing this process and are almost through this, it will fall upon you to lend a stabilizing hand wherever you see the need. Be alert and aware to those around you who are stirring into wakefulness and know that this is now your time to be of greater Service to the Light. Hold fast and ground into the Earth and radiate your Love and peace outwards each day as this will assist with the recalibration process.
Events now will transpire with rapidity and life will take on a surreal element as many changes take place in every corner of the Earth you live upon. The Earth is changing minute by minute and soon this will become more and more apparent to all. It is a wondrous time to be on Earth and in the forefront of the Great Awakening. Hold to your highest visions for peace and goodwill, harmony and abundance for all to anchor into the Earth, as it is your Light upon the Earth that is needed at this time. Gather together in your groups and send out daily great waves of Love radiating outwards and visualize this energy entering into the hearts and minds of every man, woman and child upon the Planet. See everyone feeling joy and happiness, for these are the higher frequency emotions that uplift the vibratory frequency of the Planet itself.
Be open to many scenarios taking place within your own lives that may seem to come out of nowhere and take you by surprise. Know that these are the final stages of the completion of your individual contracts and agreements and that it does not necessarily mean the end of a relationship that is in completion, it merely means that a certain aspect of it has now run its course and that there can be new beginnings for you with the same person if there are mutual feelings of Love between you. All personal relationships are now being tested and tried because of the higher vibrations of Love that are now entering the atmosphere and all that no longer serves that which your Souls have chosen to experience at this time is being recalibrated in the same way as the Earth.
The most important thing to remember is that you are Love personified and that you walk the Earth as a blessing to all. Radiate that Love to all around you and send your blessings forth. You are the Ambassadors, the Light Emissaries and your time is now to anchor this great Love into the Earth so that all may Awaken and remember the Light that they are. Be the steady pillar of Light and have faith that you will all come through these days into the new way of life that has been destined for eons of time. All is well and we sincerely and humbly thank each of you for the role that you have been and are now playing as events begin to unfold. You are each honored and revered for your dedication to Service in the Light. We send blessings.
I AM Sananda
©2010 Marlene Swetlishoff
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Much Light, Love and Rainbow Blessings,
