Messages for 4/21/10

1.)  Today's Angel Message
2.)  Jeshua - Message of the Day
3.)  Archangels Michael & Metatron: The Carousel of Light Streams In
4.)  Apha Starship Commander Sohin:
5.)  On the Wings of Truth
6.)  Letting Go of Sadness

Isis' Message of the Day -
As human beings we are always trying to get somewhere or do something . . . try just "being still" for awhile. Like the old saying goes, "Stop to smell the roses."
I AM the Goddess ISIS a "Spritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
~ Lady of the Light ~

Today's Angel Message
Uriel's Message -- Claim It As Done
As masters of the third dimension you have dominion over its energies of form and creation. You can, through your thoughts and voice, say what you wish and it is done. While you may not be able to see the energies moving or have doubt that your voice has been heard, the movement is created as soon as you begin the process. It is your doubts and fears that create blocks in the energy flow so claim your manifestation as being done, completed, final and in your reality as soon as you desire it.
There is no waiting in the Universe, as the energy is never blocked or stuck. That is part of human thinking. When you step into the energy flow, which is miracle creation, it is done in the heavens and then begins to manifest on earth. If you claim it, you ground the energy on earth. If not, you are expressing your lack of faith and doubt, the tests you create for yourself, that delay its movement. The energy serves you, it works in a co-creative partnership with you. Its function is to fulfill your earthly creations. You have forgotten your partnership with the energy that serves you and instead of using your free will to assist creation, you use it to delay and confuse. You have forgotten your ability to claim creation through your thoughts and words.
Your desire moves the energy and your intention sets its form. Without intention, desire is simply a heart-felt wish that creates an awareness of your dreams without the belief that they can manifest. When you set your intention for their manifestation, the Universal energy has the form it requires to begin fulfillment of what you have asked for. But without focus and belief, even intention has no power to create because it is with your belief in your own power that you move the energy. When you see everything as done and claim it as so, you remove doubt and stand firmly in your power as co-creator of everything around you.
Every occurrence of unfulfilled dreams reflects your free will's belief that you are powerless and is an example of separation. With connection there is no pause in the movement from desire to manifestation, from the movement of energy from one place to the next. The Universe remembers you in spirit, as powerful and it responds to you in all ways. Claim your creation, dominion, abundance and joy because they are yours by divine right. Being patient is your acknowledgement of the powerful transformation that is occurring in heaven and on earth because you made it so. Claim all as done and ground your intention with conviction, faith and trust that all is well and in divine order. Claim all as done and so it is.
Article Copyright ©2010 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved.
About the author
Jennifer Hoffman is an intuitive, spiritual healer, mentor, teacher and author. She also channels the energy of the Archangel Uriel.  Jennifer has helped many people through the Shift through her unique insights and counsel, facilitating their healing journey. Jennifer is the founder of, an on-line spiritual healing and growth center and dedicated to the messages and teachings of Archangel Uriel.  Information about Jennifer's books, on-line seminars and services is available at her websites, or email for information.   *  

Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Beloved one, allow yourself to be aware of how you look at life, how you drink from the chalice of life. Do not put heavy judgment upon yourself. You can look back and say that at certain points in this lifetime there are things that you would do differently now. But in truth, it was perfect at the moment. It brought you to a place where you are now of realization how it has served your wisdom.
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Archangels Michael & Metatron:
The Carousel of Light Streams In
Transmitted Through Elanthra
18 April *2010
Archangel Michael:
Greetings Christed Wayshowers ~ This is Archangel Michael, and I’ve come to you today to bless you first and foremost, and secondly to relay a few messages, as always.  I just want to say how much You Are Loved, and this is something that we ask you to hold dear in your hearts always ~ That You Are Loved… The fact that You Are Loved.  You Are admired more than you will ever know.
Today we’d like to speak to you about Perception, and your Perception Of Change and your Perception of Ascension and the Ascension Energies.  We suggest to you today that, although many of you might feel uncomfortable with your ascension symptoms, that you Look At The Ascension Symptoms And The Changes In A New Light – That You Allow For the Changes, and Accept and Embrace them.  Because change is in fact Divine, even though sometimes we might not see the lesson in change and all that is mirrored back to us by others, but Change Is Always Divine.  We ask that you Look At Change In A New Light And With A New Perception, as opposed to being that of chaos.  Perhaps You can see change as An Unravelling, Revealing, Awakening, Cleaning, Renewing, Restoring And A Rebuilding, for in fact that is what all of you and Mother Gaia are doing as you return back to your Crystalline Selves.
The New Energies have come forth once again, and they have come forth on The Carousel ~ The Golden Carousel Of Love And Of Light.  The New Energies have swirled and ridden and splashed in, and the Carousel swirls and floats as it delivers The Golden Heart of God Crystalline Energies and blesses all the inhabitants of the Earth.  Know dear children that these energies are in fact reality; they become the reality of your Earth as they entrance from the Spiritual World of The Etheric Realms, and as they come down from The Heavens we ask you to embrace them, and they are anchored into Mother Earth.  Know that this is in fact reality, if you wish to make it so.  At any given time, One can always choose what they would like to experience, as I have said before, and their per-spec-tive.  One can choose a perspective of Ease and Grace and Bliss and Joy, or they can choose to experience life and realities on any Dimension they so wish, as you are all multi-dimensional afterall.  And if one wants to experience struggle, then that is what they will experience, but we suggest that you Take The Stance Of Ease And Grace And Joy, And To Be Lifted Up Into A ‘Graceful Transition’ This Day Into All That You Can Be and All That You Are Potentialed To Be.
The Golden Carousel swirls in ~ A Majestic Symphony of Lights ~ A Playful, Spectacular Merryland Carnival of Delightful Discoveries ~ and it can be seen to be graced with Divine Swans ~ Beautiful, Platinum Swans that are representative of the Divine Swans that you’ve all become.  You have all evolved into Swans of Light ~ Beautiful, Delicate, Loving, Platinum and Golden Swans of Light.  And even so as the Swans are Exquisite, Beautiful, Delicate and Gentle, we ask you all to Be Gentle With Yourselves As Well.
Then flying next to and companioning the Swans are the Benevolent Fire Dragons that serve as Guardians and usher in Gentle Kundalini Energies, that will Renew, Restore and Invigorate the Earth, It’s Atmosphere And It’s Inhabitants.  As the Dragons and Swans usher in on the Carousel of Light ~ Magical, Riveting Splashes of Light can be seen to emanate in their Sparkling, Luminescent Glory, Entrancing and Captivating all with Blessed, Glorious Visions.
The Seeded Tulip beams Golden Diamond Heart of God Sparks of Light, depositing them across the Universe.  The Golden Sparks of Light make their way down through The Portal, with it’s destination being Mother Gaia.  The Light Streams ~ The Golden Streams are being streamed down ~ Lifelines ~ Cords ~ Golden Lifelines Back To Your Highest Selves and I AM Presences ~ Golden Streams Of Glory that have been anchored into Mother Gaia this day.
We ask you all to Stand Steadfast In The Light today, to Hold The Light And Continue To Anchor It, those that are able and willing.  And to just… Keep On Stepping, Moment by Moment, Minute by Minute, Enduring and Re-membering All That You Are and All That You Have Come To Be As Divine Co-creators Of The New Earth.  Hold the vision for all that you will build, for you are building, even as you step every step along The Path ~ The Golden Path of Light.
Know that we are ever with you and our Strength, Truth and Courage are yours this day.  Blessed Be.  I will now pass you onto Archangel Metatron.
Archangel Metatron:
Greetings Children of Light ~ This is Archangel Metatron, and today I come to you to relay to you a message of The Cord of Light ~ The Golden Lifeline that has been anchored at this time into Mother Earth.  We’d like you to envision this as a line, and liken it to a Golden Line that One would hang their clothes on.
Clothes are basically hung out today in this way metaphorically, because they are no longer needed.  Let’s say today that the clothes served as ‘Masks,’ as Garments that you had needed to cover up.  We’d like to suggest to you at this time that ‘Covering Up Is No Longer Needed,’ and we ask that you ‘Step Out Into The Light Naked and Vulnerable As A Newborn Babe ~ Step Out In Courage and Strength And ‘Put It All On The Line… Put It All On The Line.’  We ask that you set a precedent and Hold The Bar High.’
Do you have the courage today to be your Transparent Selves ~ To be your Real, Authentic Selves, without the masks and without pretense?  And firstly, we ask that you Discover That Self – Who Is That Self?  Who Are You?  Who Is It That You Are?  Who Is It That You Are This Day?
The Lifeline streams down ~ The Golden Lifeline from Your I AM That I AM Presences streams down, and The Seeded Tulip Sprays Down Sparkled Splashes of Crystalline Light.  And The Crystalline ‘Figure of 8’ floats forth and Sprinkles the Sands of Time.  We ask that you Step Out Into This Light ~ Step Out In Courage.
Sometimes when One steps out in courage, they are not readily embraced, or they are ostracized or ridiculed, but even so, we ask that you pray for your Courage and your Strength, and Know That We Are Here for you.  In every moment and every day, we ask that you Affirm That You Are Emissaries of Light – Here To Rebuild The Earth, and You Are Making History.  We commend you for all you carry, we commend you for all That You Are.
Know that you loved this day and always by myself and Archangel Michael, my comrade.  Call on us anytime that you feel the need.  May beautiful Streamed Golden Light take residence in your Beautiful Heart Chambers today, and may you be blessed to overflowing.  Namaste.  Blessed be.
I AM Archangel Metatron,
I AM Archangel Michael
Universal Copyright ©2010 – Elanthra, Live with Light – Please feel free to duplicate and distribute, provided that this channeling is duplicated in it’s entirety, nothing is altered in any way, all links are included, and no money is exchanged.
Elanthra is an Indigo, Crystalline Walk-In Healer and Energy Anchorer from the Omniverse, dedicated to service in a creative and playful manner.  She is especially passionate about all the "New Children." *
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Apha Starship Commander Sohin:
Channeled by Kris-Won
April 20, 2010
Greetings from Alpha Starship!
It has been nine days (nine moons, as the Indians of North America say) since the last message was sent by us through our channel, Kris-Won. We already said in an earlier transmission that on some occasions we were going to be away more times than others, because we must perform certain tasks at certain times, which requires our full attention and dedication; sometimes in another quadrant of the solar system, and even in another part of the Galaxy. Sometimes we serve to support our other brothers who need our help. And, of course, we want to help them, even if we have to momentarily postpone our almost constant work of help and support for Mother Gaia and Her children.
You need us in these moments that are going to change your vibrational level, rising to a higher octave and closer to perfection. We have to help you in this critical stage, since any error on your part as a humanity could trigger a catastrophe on a planetary level and even outside your planet, which we, as your Older Brothers and Sisters, are not going to allow under any circumstance. We will offer you our help to ensure an orderly and uniform transition to the new habitat that all the kingdoms of the Earth will have, once you have left the three-dimensional planet for a fifth-dimension planet. That is your destiny, and we will make sure this quantum jump happens without obstacles and without problems, despite the never-ending interference of the dark forces, who try desperately to impede the transition of humanity and the other kingdoms to the New Earth.
Please, have no doubt with respect to the joyous attainment of this common goal, of this achievement that is everyone's--yours and ours--in a communion of brotherhood and fraternity, since each individual mind of yours who harbors doubts or who does not believe in this next evolutionary leap of mankind, creates difficulty, or delays the moment when the transition becomes fact and not just the utopia of a few naive dreamers.
So, instead help us to bring this New World through having faith in us and the strength of our mutual cooperation, as well as through the visualization by some of you of a shining new world, with loving beings that live in harmony with each other, and also in harmony with the animals and the air and sea environment. To achieve this is necessary--it is essential--that a large number of human beings on this planet achieve an awakening of consciousness, because that is what will allow you to rise to a higher state of consciousness, higher than that in which you currently live. In fact, far higher!
But do not be alarmed, because this is not as difficult as it seems. We, who monitor you constantly for many different reasons, are finding that more and more people are fed up with the old and archaic system, and aspire to live in a better world without wars, hunger, injustice and inequality. Or without political corruption, police and courts. Each time, there are more people who seek more of an ideal and spiritual world where ethical and moral rules reign, and less people seeking debauchery and excess; more for equality and the concept that the rich countries learn to share their wealth with the poorest countries, they are helping and cooperating in bringing to reality the strength of their ideas for recovering all living things that inhabit Planet Earth and its global rise.
For your brothers and sisters, the animals, the plants, and the minerals, to also ascend, it is necessary that your attitude towards them radically changes, I would suggest, because there are still many vestiges of archaic traditions between many of you, like the fact of continuing eating the meat of your smaller animal brothers and sisters, the disproportionate and excessive cutting down of the trees that are the lungs of Gaia, the extraction of oil, which is the blood of Gaia, or the minerals from the surface and depths, that are the bones of Gaia. This creates geologic imbalances and can have very serious short term consequences. In fact, you would have already had them, if not for our timely intervention in some critical moments that endangered the stability of your world.
Raise your level of consciousness, through a change of attitude and reason; not from the lesser mind, however, but by following the voice of your conscience, which from the inside of your being will dictate how to act to help the planet rise in its entirety.
Peace and Love
Commander Sohin
Kris-Won was born in the Island of Mallorca (Spain) in the Mediterranean Sea in 1961, where he currently resides. He got the gift of channeling when he was 21 years old, while he belonged to a spiritual group in Palma de Mallorca. He has traveled to countries with ancient cultures of undeniable spiritual influence such as India, Mexico and Egypt. In 1985 he personally met the Indian Master Sathya Sai Baba. His teachings and guidance influenced his life profoundly, so he dedicated himself to translating a great deal of Sathya Sai Baba's teachings to Spanish during the last 10 years. By late 2009, he joined our group of translators and began to translate other channelers' messages. Shortly after that, Alpha Starship began to dictate him their first messages.   *   

HEAVEN #3433
On the Wings of Truth
April 19, 2010
God said:
The physical world is fragile. All the physical is fragile. The physical is strong and yet it is fragile. The strength is there, and the vulnerableness is also there. Despite seat belts, smoke alarms, traffic lights, good common sense, what is there to protect your physical body, beloveds? Love the physical world, and love the body that houses you, and yet not be attached. That which is sentient does not last forever. After all, you are not your body. And those you love are also not their bodies.
You are, of course, far more than your body. Fortunately, you are soul, you are love. The material of you is here today and gone tomorrow whereas the non-material of you lasts forever. You are, have been, will be, eternal, just as I am eternal. There is no parting, beloveds. Oneness stays Oneness. Wholeness is not separateness. Wholeness is. Separateness is not.
It could be said that all of Creation is a magic trick. Creation may be a miracle, yet it is not a trick. You already know what is and what is not. And yet you mourn for the physical when it disappears from Earth. Even though you know that physical bodies do not linger, you are astonished when bodies are left behind. Your physical body cannot go with you forever. Would you really want it to?
It seems to Me that I hear complaints about physical bodies. They require a certain amount of attention. They can get tired. Your soul does not. Your body can sleep too much or not at all, and neither condition pleases you. Your body has aches and pains. Bones break. The body ages. You already know that you yourself in truth do not age. There is a vitality in you that goes beyond the Earthly life force.
You do not have to yank hold of your body as though it were a precious thing. It is only precious so long as you are inside it. Of itself, you know it’s not much at all.
Care for it. Love it. Use it. Be not attached. When it is time for the essence of you to leave your body, leave it. The body is not priceless. Life on Earth is priceless, yes. You are priceless. Your body is a convenience or an inconvenience depending on the day. Your body is a thing, beloveds, and things wear out. You cannot keep them forever. What is it that makes you so sure that your body is to stay on Earth for the longest time possible?
What are the constituents of your body that make you cling to it?
Do you not know that the death of the body is a new birth to you? It is a milestone. Beloveds, celebrate life, and celebrate death which can only be a part of life on Earth. Death is an unveiling. All that seemingly kept you separate from everyone else is dropping away and then you, without encumbrance, fly away. You have always wanted to fly. This is your chance.
Death of the body is not an ogre that you have to fight. Soon or late, you will embrace death of the body. When you have traversed this juncture, you won’t mind a bit. You will be exhilarated. Would you really moan about that which is a high point in life? Birth is a high point, and death is too.
You will find that you do not leave loved ones behind. You are united. There are no long-lost friends in death. Of course not, for in the land of eternal life, there is no time in which anything can be lost. From your present vantage, illusion will fade away. Truth will remain, and you will fly on the wings of Truth. You will fly on the wings of Truth.
Dear Lady of the Light,
Your beautiful writing about the Statue of Liberty  *  * Thank you so much, dear friend. Gloria *
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Heavenletters™ Copyright1999-2010 -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts * In these times when the whole  world needs nourishing, Heavenletters is already proven to stir the hearts and souls of people of all ages all around the world and from  all walks of life. * Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter™, Teacher, Speaker * The Godwriting™ International Society of Heaven Ministries * 703 E. Burlington Avenue, Fairfield, IA 52556  *  *    

Letting Go of Sadness
by Neal Donald Walsch
My dear friends...
I made a comment here last week that everything "bad" that is occurring in our collective and individual lives---from the earthquake in Chile to the terrible explosion in the mine in West Virginia---is part of a Larger Process by which All of Life evolves.
I know that it is very difficult to see that "silver lining" when you are one of the people whose husband or wife or child died in one of those tragedies...and so I want to talk this week about the process of grieving, and how that can be affected and facilitated by moving to higher and higher levels of spiritual awareness.
Grief is one of the Five Natural Emotions. The others are: Fear, Anger, Envy, and Love. These emotions were given to us as gifts. They are tools that, if used well, can help us all to move through this life and remain physically and mentally healthy. But the trick is, these emotions must not be withheld.
Grief that is repressed will turn into a very unnatural emotion: chronic depression. Therefore, when I talk with anyone about the process of grief, the first thing I tell them is, "feel it. For heaven sake, feel it. If you are experiencing grief, allow yourself to express it."
I say this because many people-perhaps most people-hide their grief, or at the very least, try very hard to control it, to hold it in, to repress it. This only guarantees that it will linger all the longer.
So the first thing to do about grief is to let it out. Cry it out, scream it out (in a healthy way, not in the form of abuse of another), bang it out (I have encouraged people to use a baton, or some other instrument with which they can hit a big pillow. A baseball bat works wonders on an told tire. A compressor hose can also be powerful, used on some old telephone books.
Dr. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross used to say that every hospital should have not just a chapel, where one goes to be quiet, to pray or just sit in peace, but also a screaming room, where one could go to scream out one's grief. But no, she would say, what they do in hospitals is give the person who is grieving over the death of a loved one a sedative and send them home.
One of the problems in our society, Dr. Ross used to say, is that we are taught to sedate all of our Natural Emotions. Even love. With the result that these emotions are repressed, leading, as I mentioned above, to very unnatural emotions. Repressed fear will turn into panic. Simply envy, when repressed, will turn into jealousy. Repressed anger will turn into rage. And repressed love will turn into possessiveness.
So, advice #1 on grief: Let it out. Find a friend, go to your pastor, minister, rabbi or ulama, check out a grief-and-loss counselor, get to an emotional support group...find someone with whom to let it out.
Next week---Advice #2: spiritual healing for a wounded heart.
Love and Hugs,
From: Weekly Bulletin #382 * * NOTE: If you would like to send a comment or a question to Neale here at the Weekly Bulletin, you may do so by addressing an email to:  *
Neale Donald Walsch ( Neale Donald Walsch is a modern day spiritual messenger whose words continue to touch the world in profound ways. With an early interest in religion and a deeply felt connection to spirituality, Neale spent the majority of his life thriving professionally, yet searching for spiritual meaning before beginning his now famous conversation with God. His With God series of books has been translated into 34 languages, touching millions of lives and inspiring important changes in their day-to-day lives. *  

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