Messages for 4/10/10

1.)  Today's Angel Message
2.)  Jeshua - Message of the Day
3.)  Conversation with the Federation Of Light
4.)  Life's Gifts and Life's Tragedies: Making sense of it all
5.) The Next Wave of the Cosmic Tsunami Arrives
6.)  A Perfect Balance

Isis' Message of the Day -
When you make choices, if you see them as mistakes you may try to justify them . . . make excuses. But there are no 'mistakes' only lessons learned and that is what life is all about . . . learning from choices made, either by ourselves or by others. For as you learn you grow.
In all choices there are negative and positive. Choose wisely. Choose peace over war, love over hate, forgivness over vengence. Feel those energies of peace and love that creates the feeling of joy. Hate, bigotry, vengence . . . all of these negative choices create the chaos in your world. Be the Love that brings Peace to the world.
I AM the Goddess ISIS a "Spritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
~ Lady of the Light ~

Today's Angel Message
Dear Ones. Blessings. We are of air; at least that is what it seems to you. Our lightness comes from the Grace of God/Creator. We are filled with the light of God and are a conduit for this Grace. We talk often of opening to receive. We know how difficult this is when you are filled with doubt. This is why we ask you to use your imagination. When you use your imagination, then you do not worry if it is true or not. Do you see? Imagine us standing in front of you. See our hearts opening as the Grace of God/Creator flows from our hearts to yours. Bask in this love. Bless your hearts.
Cynthia Lee Shelton, LCSW a licensed psychotherapist with 25 years of experience in traditional therapy, psychic intuitive therapy, and healing energy work.
Cynthia has been described this way: "Take the best therapist you have ever experienced along with an amazing healer and psychic - toss in some angels and some pretty interesting guides - and you get Cindy Shelton. Her ability to get right to the essence of you and your problems is awesome. She's one of a kind!"   * 

Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Beloved one, even if you descend into what you have been taught to be hell, I am there also with you. There is no place that you can go that I am not always there with you. So when you have vision for changes, when you know that you want to and will make impact, go for it. Do not hold back any longer. Welcome the changes. Welcome the new you.
Visit our website:  *  

Conversation with the Federation Of Light
Received by Blossom Goodchild
April 8, 2010
Good morning! It is indeed a beautiful one here in Noosa. There seem to be many channelings coming through from others that are TRULY touching. The focus seems to be on Loving the self and also about this illusion that we live in. Do you feel like discussing that, or do you have a different agenda in mind?
All that we have in mind and we mean ALL, is that we can assist those who chose to read these words, in grasping a greater understanding of WHO THEY ARE. And this indeed involves the subject of which you inquire. We speak continually of one’s OWN TRUTH and recognising the Light of yourselves in its fullest capacity, and yet we desire to explain a little deeper if we may?
Of course … by all means. I, for one, find I am ‘getting it’ a little more, but feel I am nowhere near the complete works!!
We are showing you a wax crayon. You see it being used on a piece of plain black paper. And the colour is of orange. As the colour presents itself on this blank page, it naturally allows the page to look differently from that which it did before the scribbling was there. And yet it is still the same piece of paper, just with an added attraction. Then, let us add another colour, say that of green. Again, the same original paper but yet another additive has made it appear different from its TRUE form. Keep adding colours. Not only do they blend with each other, but when certain colours merge they create a new colour. The overall visage that has been created from this mass of scribbles using different colours has become a reality to the eye, for it is there … one can see it … and yet what one is seeing IS an illusion. In that, it is simply colours that have been put on top of the original blank page.
Let us say that many view this coloured tapestry. Because of one’s individual choices, each soul will see this page differently depending on THEIR VIEW of it. Their TRUTH of it FOR THEM. Some may prefer a certain area whilst another detests that same spot. It all depends on the FEELING of the viewer at the time of screening. It depends also on the LIGHT cast on that drawing as it is being perused. Depending on where the LIGHT is directed can make a vast difference to the shadows and the effect they may cause on the entire vista. Yet, change the LIGHTS direction/angle and there again is an entirely different view point of exactly the same scene. And then add to that the fact that the undeniable TRUTH is … that all that this was built upon, came from just a blank space. The input from each soul has created the outcome. Let us put it in the terms of each one of you upon this earth plane now, each soul that has ever experienced any lifetime, be it one or many, came to this world of yours with a crayon in hand. Whatever thoughts that soul had became a scribble on that page. Think about this for a minute. Truly imagine it. That every single thought that EVER WAS became a scribble of a coloured crayon which YOU held in YOUR hand. It would appear would it not as a gigantic matrix of scribbles!!!
And yet, are they not merely thoughts? Yet these very thoughts, these little scribbles as they imprinted on the page BECAME …. WHAT IS! What one is choosing to experience… depending on the way one is looking at that page. You are all designing that same page. There are not two pages … just the one. YOUR MARK  is on it. Now we ask of this … IMAGINE … for a time … erasing those thoughts … wiping the slate clean … going back to the empty space …
What I am seeing as I do this … are the traces on that empty space of what once was, for one can never remove the colour fully. The indentation has left its foot print so to speak.
Precisely. What has been created … through your thoughts …. Shall leave its impression!
One gets the impression … the FEELING … of something. THE FEELING IS THE TRUTH.
Hold on … can we recap a minute. So … to clarify … if we erase all thoughts that we have imprinted in this world we are left with an impression … a feeling … of ??
Of the reality.
You’ve lost me there boys!
Reality is the empty page. The NOTHINGNESS that is EVERYTHING. That NOTHINGNESS of which we speak has EVERYTHING in it. Because there is NOTHING that cannot be created … for EVERYTHING comes from ... is created by … thought . There cannot be anything unless it comes from thought.
Except LOVE of course.
LOVE IS THAT NOTHINGNESS. That empty page … that blank paper is LOVE. THERE IS NOTHING ELSE. What one chooses to create FROM that LOVE can be infinite choices of anything and everything. You take your crayon and you draw. But … it is a drawing … it is not real …it is an illusion. What is REAL is the NOTHINGNESS.
Ok, yep, I’m hanging on in there and it’s filtering through, and beginning to make sense. But what I don’t get is … why? Why have we allowed ourselves to get caught up in this illusion and to take it so seriously … If it isn’t real? The FEELINGS we allow ourselves to FEEL that are in no way beneficial to the whole and only bring down the energy of the whole …. appear so real! I know I often question the point of all this strife! Sometimes it all seems such a struggle. And, with all respect … it all seems and FEELS VERY REAL. And also, when I have found that space that appears to be exhilarating and it doesn’t matter whether or not I ‘get anything’ … I just FEEL full of LOVE … surely that has to be real … if it is Love. So how can one thing be an illusion and the other be real when they all come from our thoughts.
Let us examine this a little closer. Your thoughts are the crayons that weave and intertwine with not only YOUR other thoughts but all the billions upon billions of thoughts of others. For you have chosen at this time to live in the same ‘energy space.’ Thoughts are thoughts. Thoughts are not FEELINGS. You may have a wonderful LOVING FEELING inside you ABOUT a particular thought.
So is it not the thought that is creating the FEELING?
The wonderful FEELING is ALWAYS THERE. The wonderful FEELING is LOVE. LOVE is you. YOU are LOVE. YOU are a part of that blank piece of paper which is YOU … which is GOD  … which is LOVE … which is EVERYTHING.
The thoughts that one had … from the minds place … from the situation that one’s mind is in … can alter the FEELING one is having, because of the vibrational energy that any particular thought may carry. THE THOUGHT of BEING in a LOVING caring happy relationship carries the energy of a Higher vibration than that of the thought of loosing ones wallet for instance. Yet thoughts are an idea that may or may not become the reality within your illusionary concept of what is.
And when things are going pear shaped … when ones day or week or month or year … is not going how one may desire it to have gone … would you put that down to the ‘owner of the thoughts?’
We would put that down to lack of understanding of the self. Lack of commitment to the Loving of the self. 
Yet one can have great intentions and it seems that sometimes ‘the universe’ (gotta blame it on something) doesn’t adhere to those wishes. What has that got to do with loving the self? Especially as the intention (one thinks?) is for the greater good.
We have spoken to you of recognising the TRUTH within the self. Of BEING THE LIGHT THAT YOU ARE. Of letting go of that which does not serve you. It is NOW in these times when many of you have advanced greatly within your knowledge of yourself’s worth, that we ask you to look upon ALL we have said in a different LIGHT. The Light that is cast now upon the drawing is much brighter. It is of a Higher intensity … therefore it allows you to see more deeply into that which has been offered. Up until now, you have been able to understand and accept our words on a certain vibration. And NOW that the frequency has altered you can ‘tune in’ to a further understanding about the very same thing that you are learning to understand!! It is NOW that you can take ALL that we say into another level of yourselves. And as you do so, THE LIGHT shines through to that level allowing you to see further than ever before, which in turn allows you to grasp things that were always there, but the Light simply was not ready within you to point in that direction.
WE SEE THE LIGHT BRIGHTENING upon your planet BECAUSE of THE LIGHT BRIGHTENING within each one of you. It is inevitable.
FEEL the difference in the colours that are now placed upon that paper. FEEL the creation of JOY that is your TRUE reality. Experience LOVE in a way that suits YOU, not in a manner that your THOUGHTS think LOVE should be. BE YOU. BECAUSE BY SIMPLY BEING YOU … AND WITH NOTHING ELSE IN MIND … YOU ARE LOVE. ONLY LOVE.
Thanks so much for all that. I guess it’s a matter of absorbing all of this and letting it settle down in its rightful place … which I would imagine is our hearts!
For there we are comfortably settled also! We are experiencing a new energy that is building. It is of you and it becomes you!
As does moonlight and it goes with my hair!! (You won’t get the joke if you don’t know the song!!)
My heart along with so many gives thanks to you for your assistance in trying to help us ‘get it.’  Golden Rays from all of us to all of you.
Blossom Goodchild is a professional ‘direct voice’ channelling medium working with spirit and cosmic energies. She has been channels the Native American Indian Spirit Energy ‘White Cloud’ and shares his messages of Unconditional Love by means of personal readings and group meetings.
These meetings have been recorded and ‘White Cloud’s words transcribed and subsequently published in three books. ‘Walking in the Light and the Love,’ ‘The Spirit of ‘White Cloud’ and the latest book ‘A New Dawn.’
Through all of these experiences, Blossom remains firmly grounded and with her easy laughter and warmth is a delight to be around.  *  

Life's Gifts and Life's Tragedies: Making sense of it all
By Neal Donald Walsch
Notes from Neale...

My dear friends...
We continue today our three-part series:
Life's Gifts and Life's Tragedies:
Making sense of it all

Last week I did not have a chance to put out the Bulletin as I was deeply involved in other matters and could not devote the time to it that I know this subject deserves. To those of you who were waiting for our second installment, I apologize.

In the first article of this series I offered an in-depth look at the nature of ultimate reality and the purpose of God and Life. The article was loaded with esoterics, including a detailed exploration of the Soul's journey. But how to make any of that work for us in any practical way during This Life, Here and Now? That is the question. And that's what I promised we would look at next.
If we embrace, accept, and adopt the ideas expressed in Part I of this series, we come away with a whole new notion about God---about Who and What God IS---and about Life itself. Yet living into this grander notion is not easy. Everything we have learned in our lives from our present-day religions, from our cultures, from our schools and families, flies in the face of it. Further, everything we are experiencing in our daily lives does so as well.
How, then, to apply the wisdom and the insight of Conversations with God to our daily lives? How, then, to make some sense of Life's gifts and Life's tragedies?
Well, we have to tell ourselves a whole new story about Who and What We Are. That's the beginning. We have to tell ourselves a brand new tale about our own identity and why we are here.
When Everything Changes, Change Everything, the latest book in the CwG cosmology, tells us that there are Four Fundamental Questions in Life, the answers to which form the basis of our understanding and experience of Life Itself. These questions are:
1. Who am I?
2. Where am I?
3. Why am I where I am?
4. What do I choose to do about that?
WECCE (the acronym for the above title!) also says that there are "no `correct' answers to these questions." That is, one answer is no more "accurate" than another. This is true because we are making it all up. That is, we are producing our own experience based upon what we decide. Not only about this, but about everything.
WECCE carefully explains how the Mind does this when we do it with the Mind Alone, and how the Mind does this if we do it with the Mind working in concert with the Soul.
Most people do not produce their reality through a collaboration of the Mind and Soul. Most people use the Mind alone, as a singular instrument (even though it was never intended to be used is that way). As a result, the data that most people access in order to answer the above four questions is very limited.
On the other hand, for those people who use the Mind AND the Soul collaboratively as WECCE says we were always meant to do, the data that most people access in order to answer the above four questions is unlimited. This makes a world of difference---and a difference in our world.
We must, therefore, consider Life's Four Fundamental Questions from the standpoint of the Mind AND the Soul, not the Mind alone. How to do that---how to "access the Soul"---is explored in When Everything Changes, Change Everything. It is also now being discussed by me in-depth in an extended discourse in the Reader's Forum on my personal website (, which is part of the Messenger's Circle there.
When considered from this expanded perspective (that is, the perspective of the Mind and Soul looking at Life together), I answer those four questions this way:
1. Who am I?
I am an Individuation of Divinity. I am a Singularization of The Singularity. I am God, manifested in physical form in this present lifetime as a human being named Neale.
2. Where am I?
I am in the Realm of the Physical (as opposed to the Realm of the Spiritual).
3. Why am I where I am?
I am in this Realm in order to express and experience what I know my Self to be when I am in the Realm of the Spiritual. The Realm of the Spiritual is also known as the Realm of Knowing. The Realm of the Physical is also known as the Realm of Experiencing. I have entered this Realm---this place within the Kingdom of God---in order to know my Self in my own experience. I am God, "godding." I am God, in the act of Being. And what, exactly, am I being? I am being all that God is. This may take (and, indeed, does take) more than one lifetime.
4. What do I choose to do about that?
Knowing where I am and why, I now choose to use this particular lifetime to experience as much of my Self, to express as much of the essence of Who I Am, as I can. In order to do this, I must first know Who I Am. So the first part of my journey here on earth has been devoted to the process of remembering my True Identity, and the second part has been devoted to the process of expressing that Identity.
This is how it has been for most people walking the earth. While there are some, a very few, who know of a certainty Who They Really Are when they are, in earthly terms, very young (Jesus was said to be one of these, astounding the Pharisees when, at the age of 12, he taught in the Temple), most of us use up the largest portion of our years in the humble search for Who We Are---and then, after we remember Who We the acceptance of that. Very little time is then left for the expression of that. If we have some time left, this is the most sacred time of our lives.
Accepting our True Identity is not easy because, as I said earlier, it flies in the face of everything we have been taught and everything we have experienced. The second is true because everything we have experienced is based upon everything we have been taught.
Our job, then, is to "undo" the teachings. We must say to our fathers and mothers, and to all those who have taught us about this life, "you are wrong. You have been mistaken. It is not like what you think it is like. You are not who you think you are. I am not who you told me I am."
Only then can we begin to make some sense out of life. Only then can we comprehend Life's gifts and Life's tragedies. Only then can we Understand that, in truth, there are no "tragedies"; that the idea of "tragedy" itself is a mistaken notion, because we do not live in a runaway Universe, an out-of-control environment. In fact, the opposite is true. We live in a place (the Realm of Physicality) where everything makes perfect sense, and is perfectly manifested, to produce the next perfect opportunity for Divinity to express and experience Itself as Perfection Itself.
When we understand this, we walk the earth as a Master. We perceive things as The Buddha did. We embrace "tragedy" as The Christ did (as an opportunity---yes, the perfect opportunity---for "salvation" of the Self, and, by example, of the whole human race). We see deeply into life as The Prophet did.
Now it's important that I define what I mean by the word "salvation" as I have used it above. I am not talking about salvation as in "saving the soul from everlasting damnation." There is no such thing as everlasting damnation. I am talking about salvation from not knowing and experiencing Who You Really Are, and therefore living a life that has nothing to do with that, and which, in turn, must then necessarily contain and include a great deal of suffering.
Suffering is never the result of pain. Suffering is the result of a misunderstanding of what is going on. Many mothers giving birth, for instance, do not "suffer" from the pain of childbirth, but, indeed, rejoice in it even as they experience it, for they realize Who They Are and What They Are Doing Here.
So, too, was it with Jesus, who understood that, metaphorically, he was "giving birth" to a new kind of humanity. As was The Buddha, who taught us about the end of suffering. Life, he said, is suffering...only because we don't understand Life. Life is suffering not because that's what Life intrinsically is...but because we do not comprehend what Life intrinsically is. When we do, suffering dissolves, and is no more.
Now this whole series began with a question: Why do some people suffer and die, and some people not? The answer to the first part of that question, in metaphysical terms, is that some people "suffer" because they do not understand why things are happening the way they are happening. The answer to the second part of that question is that no people "die." Death is not possible, given Who and What You Are.
When you understand this, you say, along with masters who have said it before: "Death, where is thy sting?" You do not fear death, nor do you fear life. Nor do you mourn the death of others as a "tragedy," but, rather, see death as a turn in the path on every individual Soul's journey; a turn that is perfectly designed to lead that Soul to exactly where it wishes to go next, as its own evolutionary process continues.
This is another way of saying that nothing can happen to the individual Soul that is not perfectly placed within the life and experience of that Soul, and, thus, agreed to by the Soul Itself.
And THIS is another way of repeating the extraordinary wisdom of Conversations with God when it said: "There are no victims and no villains."
Suddenly, Life begins to make sense. We begin to realize that there is a Larger Process in place of which we have lost sight. Something Bigger is going on. The Soul of the individual, as well as the Collective Soul of humanity, is continually birthing itself anew in every moment. It is becoming. It is evolving. that candle flame we talked about last is changing form even as it is expressing what it is "now."
A flame is never the same from one nano-second to the next. The nature of a flame itself is that it "destroys" itself, it burns itself up, even as it is "being" What It Is. Can a flame be said to be suffering because it is extinguishing itself even as it illumins? Each illumination of the flame is the result of its own "burning up." Is the burning up, then, less perfect than the illumination?
You now understand "Life Gifts and Life's Tragedies," and can, at last, make some sense of it all.
In our final installment next time: Brightening and Burning at the Same Time: a Look at a Life Well Lived.
Love and Hugs,
From: Weekly Bulletin #380 * * NOTE: If you would like to send a comment or a question to Neale here at the Weekly Bulletin, you may do so by addressing an email to:  *
Neale Donald Walsch ( Neale Donald Walsch is a modern day spiritual messenger whose words continue to touch the world in profound ways. With an early interest in religion and a deeply felt connection to spirituality, Neale spent the majority of his life thriving professionally, yet searching for spiritual meaning before beginning his now famous conversation with God. His With God series of books has been translated into 34 languages, touching millions of lives and inspiring important changes in their day-to-day lives. *  

The Next Wave of the Cosmic Tsunami Arrives
by Karen Bishop
April 8, 2010
The cosmic tsunami wave of light showered us with another installment the past few days, and it could be felt in many varied ways, all according to how each of us is wired and how we accept and interact with energy.
The off-shore Chile earthquake which occurred on February 17th, was powerful enough that it literally shifted the earth on her axis. This created a lot of movement on the planet, as everything was thrown this way and that way, pushing a wide variance of energies into our spaces. Some of these energies were from our past, and others from our future, as all rungs on the vibrational hierarchy were affected and pushed together (and even some energies from other dimensions!), if even for a brief period of time.
After enough time was allotted for this shift to accomplish what it was meant to accomplish, which was to get the earth more fully into alignment with her new space in the cosmos, the next wave of earth movements were then triggered. (The Haiti earthquake was actually the first in a long series of earth movements yet to come, and its purpose was to jump start the heart energy, which is the overriding energy of our new and higher vibrating dimension.)
Remember, the energy of the new earth is coming from the bottom up this time, even as the cosmic tsunami does indeed arrive from the cosmos to support this process, so imminent earth changes are a vital piece of the process of creating the new earth.
These earth changes are creating the new foundation so that the light from our new residency in the cosmos can more fully integrate. In this way, we settle in with more of a new foundation, while at the same time, this triggers more of the new wave of light to arrive, bringing with it much more of the heart energy and of a higher vibrating air to breathe.
With the new earth position now more fully in place, Baja California next experienced a substantial earthquake on April 4th. Immediately after on April 6th, Indonesia experienced an earthquake measuring 7.7 in magnitude. From April 4th and following, there were countless earthquakes recorded around the globe in massive numbers. At the same time, a new wave of light began arriving on the planet, as these earth movements around the globe began to position themselves in order to receive this light.
As the new wave of light hits the earth’s atmosphere, it is immediately transmuted into a sort of fairy dust so that it can more easily be assimilated and so that it arrives more gently. With all this activity occurring, many of us are experiencing wide and varied symptoms. As always, it is best to consult a healthcare professional for symptoms, as not every symptom can be attributed to the ascension process.
So then, what are some of the symptoms that we may feel during these times of massive energy movement?
*  Difficulty breathing or lung soreness due to the “fairy dust” arrival.
*  Heart pain, palpitations, chest pain, and upper back pain from the heart opening energies.
*  Having the sensation of a lump in the throat, from the opening of the heart.
*  Leg pain and foot pain from the earth movements and new grounding.
*  Over-all body pain, headaches, bladder or kidney pain, and muscle aches from detoxing in order to align with the new energies.
*  Feeling as if you are hyper-ventilating as the higher vibrating energies hit our systems.
*  Acute fear and anxiety.
*  Depression and low energy for some, heightened energy for others.
*  Feeling very “off,” as of nothing fits or is familiar, and feeling jittery and frazzled, almost as if a trauma has occurred.
*  Becoming very emotional and crying about everything….when love and caring is experienced, and when it is not when it should have been (the heart energy again.)
*  Sleeplessness and stress, even if there is really none present in our lives at the moment.
When we experience massive movements with the energies and a new positioning, the darker and denser energies almost always show up somehow, as they are on their way out and have been dis-lodged. In this way, we may feel corresponding feelings, i.e. darkness, depression, fear, and anxiety as these denser energies are surrounding us for a brief time.
If we can remember that these feelings are only temporary, and result from something quite amazing and truly holy occurring, it can sometimes make the process a bit easier to digest. When we stay focused on positive and happy things, and stay in the company of loving and caring individuals, these things will then be what are magnified, when these new energies arrive and rev things up. For sensitive individuals, these massive movements of energy can really stir things up. For me, being on a near i.v. of Rescue Remedy during these times is what is needed!
When the energies are this intense, we can also create in a near instant. So again, what we entertain in our minds will arrive almost immediately for us, what we are being will arrive very quickly, and what we are feeling will magnify. It can greatly help then, if we are conscious about who we are and what we believe, as it will arrive for us like a locomotive at times.
All in all, these earth movements are bringing us much more fully into our new and rightful spaces. We are getting closer and closer to being in a very new groove. Up until now, many of our projects are still in mid-stream as the energies continue to arrive in start-stop waves, thus we can only create parts of things. Our projects then, never seem to get completed! We align, and then create a bit more. We create just what we need to sustain us in these small and new increments.
Being that the light is now taking a foothold as the new and rightful steward of the planet, what is rightfully ours will return to us again. At the higher levels, this means our power and our position here, along with the new earth position. There are many differing levels as well. My daughter just received some clothing that she had traded to another mother many years ago, and it was the original clothing from her first born son. She now gets to pass it on to her latest children to wear, so they get to wear the clothing of their older brother. She was brought to tears to see the twins in their brother’s clothes, as she had thought these clothes were gone forever.
As these massive shake-ups continue on, and as we continue to align with our very new space in the cosmos and on the planet, we can come to know that the time has finally come for the light to fully embody this very new earth. The arrival of the light and the movement it creates, or what we have subconsciously been preparing for by getting ourselves situated the past few weeks, is very near at hand.
Wishing you Heaven in your heart, starlight in your soul, and miracles in your life in these miraculous times . . .

With much love and gratitude,  
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HEAVEN #3424
A Perfect Balance
April 10, 2010
God said:
In everything, there is a balance. When there is imbalance, you right yourself. In life in the world, you yearn for balance.
How perfect is the moment when you are at that pivot of balance. Then you are a ballet dancer in life, and movement is swift, and movement lifts you and your spirits as well. You are at that point when all is right with the world.
You want to be an acrobat in life with that perfect balance on the high wire and on the ground.
How you yearn to move like a breeze. How you long to be light as air. Beloveds, balance gives you that.
It is yourself you want to balance, of course. You want to be just right in life, not to go too far this way or that way, but to be just right. Nor does balance in life mean that you stay in the middle. It doesn't mean you aim to be in the middle of the road. You can also be balanced and leap! You can be a high jumper.
Your point of balance doesn't depend on the heights or the low. It depends on something within you.
What you want is equanimity. Equanimity is a lot like peace. Equanimity is taking life in your stride. It is not minding so much what befalls. It is walking along even when the weather of life may be inclement.
Balance does not mean staying on the ground nor does balance mean flights of fancy, nor does balance mean taking that middle road, nor does it necessarily mean taking the line of least resistance or falling where you may. Balance does mean that you don't protest too much.
I want to tell you that you cannot aim too high. I want to tell you to aim high. I also want to tell you that the beauty is in the aiming. What you aim for does not have to be achieved. You don't have to have it. In order to live, you don't have to have the aiming either, yet what is life on Earth without the aiming for the heights? Without the aiming, you plod.
Beloved, you are not an ox who is to plod. You are a human being who is to soar. You are to fly with the angels. Did you not know that?
Did you think you were to merely pull a plow on Earth?
Here's the wonderful thing about life on Earth. You can pull the plow, and you can be soaring at the same time. This is the meaning of being human and Divine. The human and Divine can be in tandem, and you can be aware of this beautiful balance, not that you can measure this balance.
If you consider life a tightrope you walk, and you are the ballerina dancing on the rope, as soon as you would start to measure your balance, you may well lose it.
You cannot put your humanness and your Divinity on a scale. It is not that you are to be half each. Not at all. You can be 100% each. You can enjoy your humanness fully, and you can enjoy your Divinity fully. The balancing act is not really a race or a counting match between the two.
You and I are One. And while you are on Earth, the human and the Divine can also be One. Let your humanness serve the Divine. The Divine is always serving you.
Dear Lady of the Light,
Your beautiful writing about the Statue of Liberty  *  * Thank you so much, dear friend. Gloria *
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Heavenletters™ Copyright1999-2010 -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts * In these times when the whole  world needs nourishing, Heavenletters is already proven to stir the hearts and souls of people of all ages all around the world and from  all walks of life. * Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter™, Teacher, Speaker * The Godwriting™ International Society of Heaven Ministries * 703 E. Burlington Avenue, Fairfield, IA 52556  *  *    

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