Message From The Lords of Creation {Channeled}

1.)  Today's Angel Message
2.)  Message from St. Germain and the Lords of Creation
3.)  Kuthumi: A Timely Link
4.)  Jeshua - Message of the Day
5.)  The Time of Emergence
6.)  Follow the Glory of God

Isis' Message of the Day -
"The things that change are not our real life. Within us there is another body, another beauty. It belongs to that ray of Light which never changes. We must discover how to mingle with It and become one with that Unchanging thing. We must realize and understand this treasure of Truth. That is why we have come to the world. Within your heart in a space no bigger than an atom, God has placed the 18,000 universes."
~ Bawa Muhaiyaddeen, ~
A Book of God's Love,
Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Fellowship Press
I AM ISIS a "Spiritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
I wish you Joy, Love & Peace,
~ Lady of the Light ~

Today's Angel Message
Dear Ones, We are here for you and with you. We are around you. We are here to offer comfort. We are here to offer you love. We are here to remind you of your worthiness. You are incredible beings of light. Remember the Divine Spark within. As you focus on this, you enhance your connection to All That Is. Be the Light.
Dear Ones, Life is truly worth living and living well. Do not forget to “smell the roses.” Do not wait to live your life until you are 80 and have trouble going places. Live now! Enjoy now! Love now! Smile now! Laugh now! Be fully present in you life. Let spirit move through you. Connect Now! Bless your hearts.
Cynthia Lee Shelton, LCSW a licensed psychotherapist with 25 years of experience in traditional therapy, psychic intuitive therapy, and healing energy work.
Cynthia has been described this way: "Take the best therapist you have ever experienced along with an amazing healer and psychic - toss in some angels and some pretty interesting guides - and you get Cindy Shelton. Her ability to get right to the essence of you and your problems is awesome. She's one of a kind!"  *   *   

Message from St. Germain and the Lords of Creation
Received by Malika
January 31, 2011
It is we, St. Germain and the Lords of Creation, who come to speak with you on the topics related to these discussions regarding the dark, the void, the shadow and evil.

First of all, let us say that Malika has had a wide variety of experiences with the dark, including many sessions of freeing those that have been dark for a very long time and converting them to the light.  She has been undergoing training for her role as head of the spiritual hierarchy a great many years now, although she has not always realized it.  She has confronted the dark head on for over ten years now, from beings that had petty grievances towards her, to some of the worst warlords in cosmic history.  She has successfully not only freed herself of attacks that almost killed her on numerous occasions, but is the instigator and primary person holding the dark accountable for their actions in cosmic court.  The lightness that you would sense if you were to tune into it on the planet at this time is primarily due to Malika's reversal of the hands of power that have shaped human and cosmic history for eons of time.

Now, for the specific issues at hand, the dark's role in the cosmic play of consciousness has been one of suffering, the inflicting of one's will onto another, and sheer destruction.  This is not to say that one cannot evolve at lightening speed while expanding one's consciousness in infinite ways through the experiences with the dark.
The myriad ways in which the dark can manifest are ever increasing throughout your society.  They literally have had free reign throughout human history to throw humans and all of life away like a can into the garbage.  A dark period was allowed for a certain period of time since the end days to Atlantis up until recently when the Anchara Treaty was formed in accordance with the Divine Plan.  The dark was allowed to exist on planet Earth for a limited period of time because those behind the Divine Plan saw it was necessary to institute the greater will of Mother/Father Source into human history because of its greater role in the cosmos, of which you are all aware.
We would like to discuss briefly the difference between the 'dark' as the void, and the dark as those that have "chosen" to not return back to Source or the remembrance of their divine origins.  The void of which Meg speaks of and others refer to is the space out of which all things have come.  It is neither light nor dark and contains the myriad potentialities that exist in the cosmos.  The 'darkness' that souls choose out of conscious free will and free choice is a result of difficult experiences they have had and their choices on how they've responded to them.  The purpose of existence is evolution, and on a soul level soul development, also called Source's exploration of itself.  In order for Source to expand its awareness of itself, it created the game of expansion and contraction, which is taught very liberally by the Indian gurus.  As you have experienced, a veil is inserted into each individual's consciousness before birth throughout physicality.  This is so that the soul can have myriad experiences, both positive and negative, and learn to remember their divine origins and pierce the illusions of separation amidst greater and greater anomolies that create cause for reflection that will bring the soul into greater harmony with its environment and divine nature.  The resultant energies of the contemplation process are higher in vibration than they were prior to the experiences.  The in-breath and the out-breath, or contraction and expansion the gurus speak of, is literally the veiling of the soul's consciousness and the greater expansion of the soul's awareness of itself into higher and higher vibrations and frequencies.  Whether a soul chooses to contemplate their experiences and grow from them is a choice that only the soul can make and noone else can make for them.
True contemplation is wisdom in action applied to one's experiences and can only be accessed and digested through one's heart.  So each has free will and free choice on how to respond to their positive and negative experiences.  Accordingly, souls may choose to incarnate on planets where they may develop their consciousnesses in more harmonious environments such as more spiritually and technologically advanced civilizations that exist in the majority throughout the cosmos.  Do not confuse the role of the dark on planet Earth with the overall divine plan and evolution of the cosmos.  In the Cosmic Cycle you are wrapping up of the Sacral consciousness of Source, souls were able to explore with relatively minor limitation their turning back to or going away from their true divine nature in physicality.  The souls that have insisted on turning away from God for whatever reason and pursuing their revenge have diminished their light quotient through their harmful actions and have created negative karma and an unquenchable thirst for light and justice.  This evil has spread throughout the cosmos like a cancer, and it is not part of the Divine Plan for creation to be fully destroyed.  The Divine Plan for this previous cosmic cycle was for souls to experience the bliss and ecstasy of their twin flame unions.  This was the reason why Source divided itself into Shiva and Shakti, to experience the rapture of union with the beloved while maintaining their individual rays, hence the symbolism of the cadeuces, the two rays arising from oneness into an everlasting dance spiraling up the evolutionary ladder.
So, in order for the cancer of the dark to be stopped and healed it must first be contained and surrounded with love energies that will not allow it to continue its destruction of everything in its path, draining the life from the surrounding healthy cells and turning them into cancer cells.  The dark has no regard for anyone or anything other than itself ultimately, regardless of whether others send love, compassion and forgiveness to them or not.  Those that are truly evil will attach their cords to anyone or anything vulnerable and drain as much life force out of them as they can.  They will use deception/impersonation, manipulation and will not stop at anything to promote their agenda.  They misinterpret other's actions and intentions towards them and they attack.  They have forgotten their divine power and role in the cosmos and the Love of Source and try to drag everyone down to their petty level of consciousness.  You must not allow yourselves to get caught in these traps.
Divine masculine/divine feminine in oneness is Source.  When two hearts come together they create a vortex of light and joy.  Duality, on the other hand, is separation consciousness.  It is the illusion that one is not a part of Source and that one is not connected to others.  The shadow is the darkness a person carries that is the result of past choices of choosing the ego over the light.  The myth that the dark and the light make up the whole is a construct created by the dark.
A New Cosmic Cycle of Love and Healing.
Lord Sananda
Malika von Meister is an intuitive spiritual healer, minister, Reiki Master, animal communicator and advocate for the Animal Kingdom and Mother Earth.  She works with many Forces of Light from Mother Earth to the Galactic Federation and the Cosmic Hierarchy on a daily basis to accelerate global peace.   *   

Kuthumi: A Timely Link 
Received by Lynette Leckie-Clark
January 15, 2011
I Kuthumi come once more into your presence with my words of guidance. My words which I hope will help to guide you through your transitional stages of life. I spoke recently of the need for deep release on your emotional body where I used the metaphor of a suitcase. I was reminded of this as I accompanied this one as she walked through the paths of her garden after much rain. I noticed her reaction to the small weeds that had broken form their seed capsules and had begun to grow. Previously the path had been clear of any weeds.
I thought of your path. So many of you have worked very hard to move forward on a soul level, many will say they have spent much time clearing away their personal emotional debris. Indeed for a time they will experience and act from a higher level of consciousness. Their life will flow with peace and they will feel happier.
Old Ways

Suddenly however, an event will occur which will set you in emotional turmoil. A “weed” has sprouted on your life path. Fear creeps in and more “weeds” sprout. At this point you may choose to give away your own power through excess food, alcohol abuse,or too much sleep to try to escape. You seek comfort through these things. Your awareness drops to a lower dimension of understanding. Yet this need not be, no.
The key is to be aware.
The instant your inner balance is challenged – by a comment, an event, a loss of something, then be aware. For at this moment more than ever, you need to draw on your inner power of higher awareness. By being aware of your inner balance you can notice any emotional changes through your feelings. Feelings are emotions.
Soul Power

Throughout the Ages you have forgotten about your Soul Power. There was a time you lived by this power, in peace and love, in a state of Divine Grace. But over time great fear, worry and anxiety became the rulers of your emotional bodies. These emotions took root and gained control, ruling your choices and actions through the ego. Occasionally, a great soul incarnated on Earth to shine Light and higher guidance for all. But your fear was great. Many simply feared what they couldn't’t see. They feared losing their life-style, even though in many cases, it did not provide total happiness. There were only a few who listened to the wisdom of the Light. Only a few listened to their own soul pushing them forward to listen, to pay attention to the messages of wisdom.
Now mankind is at a pivotal point again. This time there are millions who have chosen to listen to their soul, to listen to the wisdom contained within, fueled by messages from ones as myself. Yet still your paths are not always clear. You are still residing in transitional times. So I come to assist you. To provide guidance for the times when your inner balance is disrupted.
The Link of Light

It is time to remember your Soul Power, your own Soul Light – always. In the good times and most importantly, in challenging times. You see to remember, to acknowledge your true power, will carry you forward. The remembrance provides a wonderful intent. An intent to remember you have a choice. Yes indeed. The remembrance and the intent are linked you see. When ignited they provide the opportunity to stamp out old limiting behavior, old re-actions. This provides space for the Light to shine through from your soul. Inner power suddenly fills you. No longer falling back to fear mode and old behavior, you retain your power and take appropriate action to maintain your inner balance and Soul Power.
Sometimes you will need to take charge of a situation, sometimes have the courage to say no, sometimes have the wisdom to acknowledge another is not yet understanding higher knowledge, and so your compassion is required. In all of these scenarios there is a higher awareness operating. Yet I tell you, you may not always succeed. Do not berate yourself. Simply begin again. This is part of your higher learning, part of your journey of soul. With each step, each experience, you grow. You become more aware. You infuse more Light into your being. All enjoy the calm, the peace and tranquility the Light provides through higher wisdom. Know it is yours, as much as you can hold. It is familiar to your soul, so familiar. The Light is your soul. It contains higher awareness.
More than ever in your history you are in a time of great remembrance. As you awaken to more Light you desire more. You cannot go back, only forward. Yet once you experience the joys of love and tranquility- the flow of life- you understand what has been missing from your existence. This is what I come to tell you today. To remind you. And yes, there is a meditation here to assist you in remembering. It is time to take charge of your own evolution. You have the choice. I say to you now – walk in the Light, remember. Own the power of your soul.
Master Kuthumi
Copyright © 2003-2011 Rev. Lynette Leckie-Clark - All rights reserved. You are welome to share with a friend but Not for sale in any form.
Lynette - Master Kuthumi's Chosen Channel.
Lynette is a recognized clairvoyant, channel, medium and healer who has devoted her life to the service of spirit. An ordained Minister of the Spiritual Churches of Australia, she is the chosen channel of the Ascended Master Kuthumi. Communicating with a number of Ascended Masters on a daily basis, she has developed her teaching, psychic reading, astrology and crystal healing skills to advanced levels.
She lives in Queensland, Australia with her husband Michael.  *  

Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Beloved one, allow yourself to be in the flow of the energy of change. Allow yourself to feel so elevated by that energy that you know, “I can do all things through him who strengthens me”— the Christ, who allows me, directs me, guides me.” And it is not a “him.” Sometimes it’s a “her” or an “it.” I can do all things. Yes, you can; even if they seem very, very difficult to do. You start with one step.
Visit our website:  *    

The Time of Emergence
January 31, 2011

Dearest Beloved Children of God,

All blessings and love to you at this momentous time on the Earth. A new spiritual event is emerging into focus, which is the transformation of energies of darkness that previously held in place many entrenched situations, thought forms, behaviors and energies within individuals and groups on the Earth.

These energies of darkness have been liberated from their hiding places, and are now releasing into consciousness for those that need to see them. The spiritual atmosphere of the Earth is being purified; as a result, many people are now re-thinking and re-visioning their choices, habits, relationships and daily lives.

Beloved ones, a significant spiritual event is happening that is creating a massive level of upheaval, in the emotional and inner lives of many, and also on the Earth as the greater spiritual light activates her own transformation process.

The Earth is a living being who for centuries has nurtured and cared for all those that live upon her. She has patiently endured all and received both the positive and the negative that humanity has had to offer. Now, she is moving into a new vibration, so that she will exist in a state that is more connected with the spiritual realities that are the source of her manifestation.

This vibrational change, combined with the acculumulated stresses related to environmental pollution and the intense purification process happening for humanity, is causing a more severe and unpredictable weather pattern on the Earth. As a result, more and more people are now aware that their actions are having an impact on the Earth, and are seeking for environmentally sustainable solutions to daily life.

Beloved ones, there is a significant multidimensional change happening at this very moment on the Earth, which is creating momentous change for all. New and unexpected events, sudden changes in direction, and the emergence of new desires and hopes in the heart are emerging into consciousness for humanity. The acceleration of the process of purification has reached new heights, and is requiring greater attention as the results manifest in marriages, families, and all relationships.

New light is being liberated into consciousness as the energies of darkness continue to be transformed. The effects of spiritual light are becoming more pronounced so that even people who have no previous background or conscious understanding of this are beginning to have new experiences.

The soul is multidimensional and it lives eternally in the Oneness of God. At the same time, the human being who has chosen to experience the learning process of being involved with linear, third dimensional reality, exists for a limited "time" in the physical realms.

Now, as spiritual light has moved into a new predominance on the Earth, the previous separation between physical life and spiritual life are crumbling. Spiritual light is affecting not only consciousness but the physical body, and especially the sensory organs which exist as a bridge between spirit and matter, and which form a relationship with the physical planes of existence.

Many people are experiencing the falling away of an old life. For some, this is literal, as there are many souls choosing to exit the Earth planes at this time. For others, they are experiencing various forms of letting go, some of which can feel like a literal death. The one that receives these messages is undergoing such a process that will allow a new Self to emerge.

Beloved ones, when everything around you is changing, and when even your inner perception is being transformed, it can feel like there is nothing or no one to turn to. This feeling can create panic, desperation or even terror. Such feelings are the result of the dramatic changes that are taking place in such a rapid time frame, which stimulate the body's innate self protection mechanisms.

On the other side of fear is surrender and acceptance, and the way through fear is love. When your entire body is consumed with a survival level of fear, the simple mental remembrance of love is not enough. What is needed is the strength of spiritual light and love, which is now available on the Earth in a way it has never before. The doorway to this love is prayer, which will guide you and lead you towards that which you need.

We give thanks to all who join us in seeking to bring greater love, light and peace to the Earth.
With all love and blessings,
Love and blessings,

World Blessings  *  P.O. Box 8741  *  Bend, Oregon 97708  *  USA  *  (541) 388-4692  *  The website has been constructed with help from the spiritual realms, from my beloved husband Doran, and from my beloved spiritual teacher, Julie Redstone, who assisted in large measure with its development. It is evolving as an organic whole evolves, with anticipation that there will be growth and change as new needs arise for conveying spiritual truths to an awakening world.  *    

HEAVEN #3723
Follow the Glory of God
February 3, 2011
God said:
In the forefront of love am I. I am the prow of the ship, and all else follows. What comes after follows what comes first. Even without awareness, the rear follows the front. Yes, even without awareness, you step in My footprints. Even when your footsteps seem to go in an opposite direction, no matter how far a-field, you are attempting to reach Me.
Static interferes. Such rumblings as ego, the stomping of power, even what appears to be the opposite of My love. Even that is a demand for love. You can only think that ego and its counterparts can bring you the power and the glory. You will come to the realization that all the power and glory of the world is a drop in the bucket compared to what is possible. The gratification of love or ego cannot compare. One tiny ant hill cannot compare to the glory of God. True glory comes from a different power. The world cannot offer it to you. The world can mislead you. It can inveigle you, and yet it cannot deliver. The power of the world is illusion, isn’t that obvious?
The glory of the world is only the glory of the world. It lasts but a moment and is gone. It cannot last. False glory can only be false glory. A parade lasts for a short time on a Sunday afternoon. It is a holiday. Holidays blink on and then are off.
The most powerful man on Earth is powerless. A chorus can dance at his will. Other men may bow to him. What is that worth? What is a moment of false glory worth? If you are the head of the Mafia, or head of a company, what exactly are you heading? Who is your entourage? You are useful to the others for a while. You cannot always even control a sneeze. Mortal man and his world can only come in last. What is all the gold in the world worth without Me? The runner of a race comes in by himself and thinks he’s won. All he has won is the regard of other men for a moment. I congratulate all the runners in the race and those who do not race as well.
The head of a household is the one who serves the most. Taking and grabbing is not serving. Self-serving serves no one. It grants but a tittle, and that dot of an I evaporates before the day is done. “More, more,” is the cry of the world. “Not enough, not enough,” is the cry of the world. The world is attractive, no doubt about that, yet the world is not everything. What man truly desires is the Kingdom. That is where true glory exists. What can equal the glory of God?
Money cannot. All the power in the world cannot. It is but a teaspoon of sugar. Love alone is the power and the glory. Self-serving is not love. Love covers a greater circumference. With love, the arrow points out, and it is many-directioned. It reaches everywhere.
Love covers the Universe. It covers Heaven. Love is all en-compassing. It follows a wide swath. Love cannot be smallness. Love doesn’t know how. A small heart is not a big heart. A heart has to be so big that there is no outline to it. A heart embraces. It does not exclude. A heart has no loose ends. A heart is ever-widening. A heart stands with arms outstretched. A heart such as Mine is all-inclusive. It is not restrictive. Restrictive means small-hearted. Exclusivity is small. It is a narrowing of the heart vessels. A heart is an ocean. It is not a little cove hidden away.
Dear Lady of the Light,
Your beautiful writing about the Statue of Liberty  *  * Thank you so much, dear friend. Gloria *
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