Message from the Arcturians {Channeled}

1.)  Today's Angel Message
2.)  Message from The Arcturians
3.)  Master Jesus: Your Connection with Humanity
4.)  For One Moment of Eternity
5.)  Does the Bible speak of Space Ships and Extraterrestrial Contact?
6.)  Jeshua - Message of the Day

Isis' Message of the Day -
Excerpted from: Is Life An Illusion?
"While your physical body has a fixed location in physical space, your mind is free to travel to other locations in an instant. Within your mind, it is possible to relocate your attention instantly to another place just by changing your perspective to the new location. While you are there - if you are the experimental type - you can collect information and later validate that your mind really was there, observing the new location. This freedom of the mind to instantly travel illustrates the fact that space is actually a construct within consciousness. "
I am sure you have heard of remote viewing the military and others have used... And this is how remote viewing is accomplished.
I AM ISIS a "Spiritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
I wish you Joy, Love & Peace,
~ Lady of the Light ~

Today's Angel Message
Dear Ones. It is with great pleasure that we converse with you once again. Love is the most powerful force available. It is one of the most incredible feelings. Don’t you love it when you are the recipient of love? Don’t you enjoy basking in the feeling? When you give love, do you notice how the other person’s eyes light up? Doesn’t that make you feel happy knowing you have done that? Being the spreader of love and joy is a great gift to others and to your own self. Be the love. Be the joy. Bless your hearts.
Cynthia Lee Shelton, LCSW a licensed psychotherapist with 25 years of experience in traditional therapy, psychic intuitive therapy, and healing energy work.
Cynthia has been described this way: "Take the best therapist you have ever experienced along with an amazing healer and psychic - toss in some angels and some pretty interesting guides - and you get Cindy Shelton. Her ability to get right to the essence of you and your problems is awesome. She's one of a kind!"  *   *      

Message from The Arcturians
Channeled by Marilyn Raffaelle
August 28, 2011
Greetings dear ones.  Once again we of the Arcturian Group are here to speak and tell you of the great light you are bringing to Mother Earth at this time.  She is working very hard to do her clearing without harm, but she too is preparing herself for ascension and needs to adjust the energy where necessary.
As with Gaia, we also see you adjusting according to the changes that are taking place on earth.  No longer are you so frightened by the many unusual events you hear about because you are beginning to understand what is going on.  This  understanding is adding to a world consciousness from which all mankind can then draw.  Thus your awakening is helping others to awaken--it puts these higher ideas of truth into a universal bank so to speak, that others may draw upon should they choose.  All is according to free will, so if an individual chooses to remain in the old energy, that is perfectly fine. However, as the old energy dissolves,  its manifestations likewise dissolve, as is the case with your financial system.
We would like to speak of those changes coming so that you will not be in an energy of fear.  We see your planet experiencing many weather related changes.  We speak of weather that you are not used to, that is warm where usually cold and cold where usually warm and these types of things.  You see, "all is shifting and changing and weather is a part of it," so be open to events that may come your way even if you are unable to understand them in the light of what is familiar.  Everything at this point has a part in the shifting frequencies and is in a state of flux.  This is not a bad thing, for you will be happy with  many of these changes. Destructive weather patterns will fulfill their purpose and be finished.  Many will see their local  temperatures change and will wonder about this, however as we have said, everything in and of the earth is now involved in the clearing of old and integration of new frequencies. 
The new energies resonate with peace, calm, and joy and are not of anxiety or frustration.  Those who are used to functioning solely from lower frequencies will have a hard time being in joy and comfort.  But just try it, you will like it.  As an individual becomes comfortable within themselves, they no longer need drama and extremes in order to feel alive.  Much of this was an effort within the lower frequencies of the third dimension to feel alive, to feel a sense of doing something--the thrill of survival is an energy from long ago although it is still alive and well for many who love extreme activities. The more violent of these will slip away silently and you will find yourselves living more easily and in more joy and you will wonder when it all happened.
Everyone is releasing old memories, old ideas, old hurts and old beliefs.  Most can easily clear in a general way, but those bigger pockets of energy  buried deep from this or other lifetimes must come to a conscious level  to be released. Your job is not to pull painful emotions or beliefs back into your consciousness by saying "Oh I am this" or "I am that"- claiming them for your personal self, but your job is to allow their release, choosing to let them go. These never were yours, but reflect an old state of consciousness you are now leaving.
Speak to your cells and tell them that it is time  to release all that is old and finished. Inform them that they will never again need to experience a particular painful energy.  Cellular memory holds fear from any and all terrifying events of past lifetimes; memories that you are not consciously aware of.  You sense it when you react to certain events or ideas in ways you do not fully understand.  Perhaps you were burned at the stake for being a healer and even though you are drawn to healing now, a part of you may shy back and prevent you from pursuing it, -- this is cellular memory.  When you speak to your cells, they hear you, there is a cellular consciousness. 
Make it your intention and a choice (you can do this in your quiet time) to release all heavy or negative energies that may still be resonating within your energy field and ask your Guides and teachers to help you with this. Often memories of past experiences come to a conscious level through dreams because much releasing is done while in the sleep state.  You may simply  become aware of something needing to be released without any effort on your part or you will observe something in another which in turn  triggers a response and then release within self.  Energy sessions with an evolved light worker often brings the necessary information to a conscious level.  One way or another, most of mankind is now in the process of releasing any and everything that is of the old energy simply because it cannot ascend with you.  This is the reason you may often feel sick or tired;  ridding yourselves of all that would impede your journey is intense work.
We send love and encouragement to all for we understand that this is indeed a difficult time for many and especially those who have chosen to stay in the old -- and who in their ignorance, are trying desperately to recreate that which is dissolving.  "Everything is energy," which can be of a lower resonance (untruth) or higher resonance (truth/light).  "Ascension is your free will choice."  We are here always to encourage and help as we can, but the "effort must be yours."  We encourage you to  stop looking outside of yourselves for your guidance and answers whether looking  to Guides, teachers, religious leaders, government leaders, or anyone else you look to for answers. Your Guides are ever present to offer suggestions and to guide "your" decisions, but not to tell you what to do as many believe. It is  time to come forward and claim your power, which means realizing that help may come through another, but  it is your attained state of consciousness of divine completeness that is manifesting as the help. In this way you  take back the power you have through ignorance, given to others.  You acknowledge that by virtue of your Oneness with Source you are complete and whole and as you attain this state of consciousness, it will translate into what is needed in the outer. We do not say, that is it wrong to consult those who can help, we only say that as you begin to  realize who you really are, you begin to trust that the final word can be yours.
We wish to say that all will be presented with  experiences that offer the needed opportunities to practice.  That is, if needed, women will get opportunities to practice bringing in their male energy (active,  be-er, do-or, energy). Men will get opportunities to bring in their feminine aspect (the receptive, intuitive).  Try not to look upon these opportunities as problems, but see them for what they are, experiences needed for growth.  You who have chosen ascension are getting everything you need to bring it about even though it may seem at times that you are being overwhelmed with "opportunities."  Ask yourself in the midst of some crisis; "What am I believing that is making me feel this way?"  This allows you a glimpse into your belief system and will enable you to become aware of and then release all that no longer serves you. 
Trust that you are getting guidance. Listen to your intuition, and rest in Center at all times.  All is, was, and ever will be,  ONE.
We are the Arcturian Group serving you our brothers and sisters in love.
Marilyn Raffaelle
I live in  beautiful  northern Michigan close to  Sleeping Bear National Park and have been on a spiritual journey my entire life.
I began  meditating and searching more deeply in the late 60s. and after many side journeys was led to and  began working with the mystical principles presented in Joel S. Goldsmith's "Infinite Way"  material.  These deeply mystical teachings moved  me into  an increasingly intense desire to more deeply understand and bring together in practice the many  world teachings, modalities of healing, and myths.  This in turn led to a series of intense inner shifts (not all so pleasant) and an  ability to  communicate with my guides and other Teachers  of Light.
I have studied many healing modalities and work as a channel for personal readings but my main interest and focus is to help others awaken into a deeper realization of their innate perfection and reasons for being here.
I was asked by the Arcturians who are my guides, to start a web site which would allow them get their messages of Love and Light out  to the world at this very important time. 
** * *        

Master Jesus: Your Connection with Humanity
Channelled through Natalie Glasson 29/08/11
 I come to you today with immense love which I offer to you not as a gift but as a natural expression of my being. I am Master Jesus.
As a soul, I do not despise or hate anything, my love for everything is so strong and stable, I choose to exist as and in love at all times. My choice then cultivates a reality that enhances my decision of focusing upon the love of the Creator, of my being and within the energies surrounding me. If I chose to despise something it would be the word 'normal' as I see many light workers tormenting themselves with this word. I, myself during many of my past lifetimes upon the Earth caused myself suffering with this word. It is a word that was innocently created to describe something that occurs every day, something that is ordinary, standard, regular or even common. As generations have developed on the Earth the word 'normal' has become extremely important in society as most people are striving to be normal, they wish to be like everyone else, with similar possessions or experiences. Normal has almost replaced the word perfection but this has all been developed by the mind.
My question to my students when we are discussing this subject is always,' why do you want to be normal, why do you want to be standard, common and regular?' Some of my students tell me that they feel more protected if they act and exist as everyone else does, that way they do not stand out and are accepted by other people.  Other students say that if they strive to be like others then they feel that they are one with everyone else; they are a part of the group. Some say that the practice of being normal distracts from the practices of self exploration. Sometimes students say that they have a longing to be at one with the Creator but when on Earth if they are one with society they feel they are achieving this. Students even admit that the strive to be normal is actually a fear of what will happen if they are not normal if they step outside the boundaries and be themselves.
We can see that most souls wish to be accepted, to feel a closeness or unity with others so that they feel supported. It is also true that fear of self discovery and expression is very strong and powerful and can cloud the judgment of the mind. Essentially we are all aspects of the Creator's soul and so we are all pieces of one large puzzle. Maybe the quest to be normal is actually a quest to find where you as the puzzle piece fit in, not just on the Earth but the inner planes and within the soul of the Creator. There may also be a fear that their puzzle piece will never find its home or place of rest and contentment. Yet we all have our place within the energy of the Creator, it is not necessarily a place but more a complete connection with the Creator. Fear and the unknown are such powerful lessons for humanity to overcome; they continue to pop up in your reality until you have eradicated them completely. We must understand that fear is irrational and is a creation because of lack of trust and connection with the Creator. We realise that the pull to be normal is actually a need to be at one with others or the Creator, those individuals who do not feel this pull already understand that their needs of belonging are met by themselves and not through others. A connection with the Creator when fully active in your reality dissolves all needs of connection with others allowing a feeling of contentment to grow from within.
It is interesting to wonder what the reality definition of normal is. Let me try to explain what normal is for me, this is a very easy to answer, there is no normal, in my reality everything is new, changeable, evolving and extremely joyous, this is because this is my outlook. Existing on the Earth was very irregular for me as it is for all of us but my Earth experiences are energies that I treasure tremendously. I see that on the Earth and in certain countries there are templates which have only be created by thoughts and the patterns of previous generations, but some souls see these templates as something that they must use as examples when trying to mould their realities.
I wish to ask you that if your life was a blank canvas and you no longer held the templates in your mind, what would you do and create? Imagine that you were the first person to walk upon the Earth and the Earth was newly formed free from historical energies. The freedom that you would feel, imagine that you apply this to your life upon the Earth, how would your outlook on life change? I imagine that you would live your life very differently because you wouldn't be influenced by the consciousness of generations that have previously lived on the Earth. As we enter into 2012, this is something that light workers are trying to eradicate, the consciousness of the past so that when we enter into the new cycle of energy in 2012, humanity is not influenced as strongly by the past. Many people even to this day judge their success on the Earth by their physical achievements and the possessions they have collected. Judgements are also passed as to whether a person's life follows the template that has been created so that people feel they have achieved something, such as having a family, successful job or lots of friends. If you do not have these then maybe you are considered by others or even yourself as a failure or that you are not normal. Again there is a thought process that seems to say that everyone must have similar paths on the Earth when the more diverse your paths are the more you can teach each others and have treasure to share. We upon the inner planes would very much like to see the confinements that humanity place upon themselves to be eradicated.
Each light worker on the Earth may go through a process where their understanding of life changes so drastically that it almost separates them from others, this is when the word 'normal' comes into play, but it is a disguise for many lessons such as holding responsibility for your own reality and path and courageously walking it as your truth. To have courage in what you believe in and not be fearful of sharing this expression is an immense challenge and if overcome it is a tremendous achievement. This means that you are not reliant on others but are balanced and comfortable in your ownself and energies. When you are striving to be normal and to achieve what is expected of you then you are hiding your light and skills, denying your path upon the Earth, as well as the unique wisdom and perspective of the universe that you have to share. Therefore you are placing your power in the hands of someone else, not even a person in fact; you are placing your power in a thought process that you believe is appropriate for this Earth and lifetime. "Your power must be placed in you alone." You may ask why you must place your power in yourself, it is because you are more than you could possibly imagine and you have been placed in the driving seat for your reality on the Earth with the support of your guides.
Many light workers have been tortured physically in the past for expressing their beliefs and insights, these memories do play their part but the past must now be left behind in order for a new era of love to be born, where everyone can express their loving beautiful Creator energies freely. You may wish to take time during meditation to ask for all pain from the past connected to expressing your truth to be dissolved and removed from your energy, being replaced by love.
The purpose of my communication is to assist you in realising that many light workers hinder their path, service and growth because of their fears, the limitations and beliefs they create as well as the pain from the past. Maybe you are not even aware of the limitations but they are simply akin to small walls that you have built before you.
Many people shy away from sharing their beliefs with others because they believe that the judgements of the other person may be too much to bear but I wish to say to you that you cannot be hurt by another being, you are a being of love, strong, stable and powerful. There is no need for you to take on the energies of others unless you choose to and can simply let the energies flow past you as you exist in the vibration of love.
It is my belief that the desire to be normal or to not stand out from the crowd especially for light workers is simply a process of growth that will lead to a greater confidence in their own abilities with a stronger sense of truth and faith. Wanting to be loved by another human being is also simply a desire to be closer to the Creator; you can achieve this now and feel completely and absolutely loved.
It is my wish that over the next week that you evaluate and analyse your beliefs and thoughts concerning these words:
Acceptance, Support, Belonging, Being loved, Unity and Pain.
You can begin by asking yourself:
If you feel accepted, if you accept others and do you need acceptance?
Do you feel supported, do you support others and is it appropriate that you do, do you truly need support or do you already have it within yourself?
Do you feel as if you belong on the Earth, do you feel as if people belong to you, and is the feeling of belonging just the insecurity of the ego or is it because of a lack of connection with the Creator?
Are you loved, do you need to be loved, do you love yourself, do you love others, why is love important, is love actually needed?
Do you feel a bond of unity, what is unity, why is it important, maybe it's not important, does the bond of unity come from a deeper part within you, what is the difference between unity and individuality?
Have you experienced pain, how does pain effect you, are you fearful of the different types of pain, why are you fearful of pain, where does pain originate from, does the prospect of any type of pain influence your life?
I believe that if you allow yourself to answer these questions honestly, you will begin to discover new things about yourself, therefore connecting on a deeper level with your truth. When we begin to ask questions and delve, often enlightenment is our reward. I am encouraging you to look at your connection with humanity in a different way. Many of you have or will change path ways which may mean that you are walking against the flow of others, so it is my wish to prepare you for these times so that you may stand tall as a beacon of powerful and loving light upon the Earth, being of service to yourself and all.
My words are meant in love not a criticism of any sort,
I love you,
Master Jesus
May you walk in the love and light always,

Natalie was born in 1984, UK. Over seen by Archangel Michael, she now works as a channel for a vast variety of spiritual beings and Masters in the spiritual hierarchy. Through her  she shares the channeled messages of the Creator’s helpers to expand the awareness of humanity and assist in the raise in energy vibration of the planet.  She offers a service of channeled readings from Ascended Masters, Archangels, Angels, Unicorns and Fairies.
Twelve Rays of Light Book Available Now * Free Video Meditation Visit: and view my video page where I am beginning to build a collection of guided meditations. *  * The Sacred School of Om Na website * Channelled downloads written and in mp3 to aid the spiritual education of humanity.  Visit For the latest news visit my website  *  If you wish to view any past messages I am placing them in the weekly message gallery, go and click on weekly messages. *     

HEAVEN #3931
For One Moment of Eternity
August 30, 2011
God said:
From My intention, you came into Being. From My intention came Creation. Creation fashioned Me a Creator, and so it is said I created you. Together, as One, We created you, a facsimile of the Creator.
You intended to be. You wanted to see what it would be like if you manifested as a flesh and blood human being. What a diversity the One of Us became. Multiplication came easily. You were not exactly produced, and yet you became.
As I think this Heavenletter and it comes into Being, so had I the thought of you, and, before My very eyes, I was disguised and came into Being as you. You (I) arose from the fire of love in My heart. I say I think this Heavenletter, but I don't really think it as you understand think. I vibrated it. I hummed. I manifested it, and then the hummed went through layers of existence until it was received and funneled to you. Of course, you think it came in a sequence of time, and yet, despite what your senses and mind tell you, it came all at once. It will always reverberate. So many Heavenletters, so many human beings even when they are all One.
From now on when I say you, you will understand that I mean Myself as you.
Neither of Us contrived your intricacies. The outer manifestation of you is not what mattered. We knew its unimportance even as We knew it would become important to you, for the world is the world, and the world itself is external. Values got turned upside down. No matter. They will right themselves.
You became mental, emotional, physical. Energy manifested. You became moveable parts. You became an Odyssey. You became everything, everything imagined. You were the precursor to your existence on Earth, and you became the Earth and everyone and everything on it, and yet you had your shape and your tricks of the trade, life that is, and you became a stranger to yourself, the soul of yourself, the solace of yourself.
I am having a good time this morning with this puzzling Heavenletter that appears before Me as though already written except I have it and give it in one fell swoop.
Where shall I take you now? Where did I leave off? Does it matter?
Let's begin all over again.
If you are in a rut, let's get you out of it. Of course, it is up to the physical, mental, emotional you to do that, for, in reality, although the physical, mental, and emotional play a heavy role in your life on Earth, they do not exist any more than the Earth under your feet exists, and yet you take a step in the game board you play. What board game are you playing? Where do you go but round and round? When do you pass Go, and when do you Exit this played-out existence?
For one moment of Eternity, I had a dream, and My dream was you. I am My own dream come true as far as imagination goes, that is. I imagined you. I am real. The manifestation of you is not real. What you appear to be in the world is not at all Who you are. You are a being so powerful that you can even go against the grain. You who are a Divine Being can even shed blood on Earth, and it doesn't change who you are. You can be smallness on Earth, and great in Heaven. You make boundaries which are judgments and do not even grasp the magnitude of the game you are playing that is called Life on Earth.
Heavenletters™ Copyright1999-2011 -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts * In these times when the whole  world needs nourishing, Heavenletters is already proven to stir the hearts and souls of people of all ages all around the world and from  all walks of life. * Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter™, Teacher, Speaker * The Godwriting™ International Society of Heaven Ministries *  P.O. Box 2064, Fairfield, Iowa 52556  * *  *          

Does the Bible speak of Space Ships and Extraterrestrial Contact?
by Isis
August 30, 2011
Matthew 24:27-28 ‘For as the lightning comes from the east and shines as far as the west, so will be the coming of the Son of man. Wherever the body is, there the eagles will be gathered together.’
Could the meaning of this be?
For as the lightning comes (flashes of Light) from the east and shines as far as the west, (signals the appearance of the space ships led by Jesus/Sananda) coming of the Son of man.  Wherever the body (Jesus/Sananda) is, there the eagles (space ships) will be gathered together.’
In Ezekiel Chapter 1: When he speaks of a wheel within a  wheel and the living creatures he saw, when they went, the wheels went with them; and when the living creatures were lifted up from the ground, the wheels were lifted up with them.
Was he speaking of visitors from other worlds and describing a space craft lifting off the earth?
A space craft was involved in Jesus’ birth. The star that guided the wisemen to the place of Jesus’ birth. Was a spacecraft? After all, stars don’t move across the sky like that.
The end of times prophesied to come, before the second coming, could the UFO’s that most of the world governments are trying to hide from the people be the ‘heavenly army’ . . .  an array of extraterrestrial allies coming on the clouds led by the Master Jesus/Sananda?
Many  scriptures in the Bible speak of contact by extraterrestrials, of sightings of space craft. Many of the scriptures are not to be taken literally but are coded . . . read them with new eyes and with an open mind.
In the Light of the One,
I Am Isis "Lady of the Light" ©2011

Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Beloved one, allow yourself to awaken in the morning and to say, “I know that I am blessed in this day, because my Creator loves me.” Your Creator does love you. It has to, because It is Love and you are the extension of Love, and much more than even what the human love can understand. It is Love as Intelligence; it is Love that goes beyond any human understanding.
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