Make Your Home GOD'S Home

Your questions.. Sri Sri answers..
Q: If God is within us, why does God not guide us all towards good deeds alone? Why is there so much crime and violence in the world?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Imagine a movie with no villain. Imagine there is only a hero who is eating, sleeping and generally just hanging around with nothing to do! Would you watch such a movie?
Opposite values are complementary. Thorns and petals both exist. You have the choice to pick up either the thorns or the petals. God is there within. He is sometimes sleeping and hiding, sometimes awake and dancing. After some sadhana, God is awake. Then He is rocking. Awaken the God and Goddess in you! A stone does not feel, but a living being does.
Waking the godliness in you is essential. This is why there are particular hymns sung in India in the morning, ‘Wake up and bless us, O Lord’! On one level, it sounds ridiculous.
It is the parents’ job to wake up children, but in this hymn, human beings are singing to the Gods to wake up and bless the creation. This is a paradox, and in this paradox, is hidden a deep secret of existence.


Guruji's Knowledge Sheet: Blessing

Make your home God's home and there will be light, love and abundance.
Make your body God's abode and there will be peace and bliss.
Feel your mind as a toy of God and you'll watch and enjoy all its games.
See this world as play and as a display of God Himself and you will repose in the Non-Dual Self.
Blessing comes to you in many forms.
If you are generous, blessing comes to you as abundance.If you are hardworking, blessing comes to you as happiness.If you are lazy, blessing comes to you as hard work! (Laughter)If you are pleasure loving, blessing comes to you as dispassion.If you are dispassionate, blessing comes to you as knowledge of the Self.
- Sri Sri