Love as Generosity {Channeled}

Isis' Message of the Day -
Don't try and destroy darkness . . . bring it into balance with the Light. You cannot have one without the other anymore than a light bulb can work on only positive energy. It takes both positive/negative for electricity to work.  Darkness cannot remain if fusion of Light with dark takes place. Both will then be in balance.
How everything and everyone is connected. See this series!
New date for repeat of Pilot. . . March 15 
World Premier March 22 check local TV station time.
I AM ISIS a "Spiritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
I wish you Joy, Love & Peace,
~ Lady of the Light ~

Today's Angel Message
Your God Self or I AM Presence is your original Core Intelligence, your first individualized identity within a Universal or Sub-Universal experience. Within this Sub-Universal experience, your I AM Presence created your first twelve Soul fragments or Soul extensions.  Since that time, your God Essence has refracted and separated innumerable times.  You are now in the process of reclaiming all the multiple facets of your Divine Self within this Sub-Universe so that you may move forward to a greater, more dynamic and expansive version of your Divine Self. To assist you in accomplishing this, your Diamond Core God Cell and your personal Flower of Life Creator Wheel contain a full measure of the Twelve Rays of God-Consciousness for this Sub-Universal experience. They were designed so that you would always have access to your own "Full Spectrum Divinity" for this Sub-Universal experience. Your task is to activate these Rays, to incorporate the God qualities and attributes they contain, and then to use these qualities and attributes for the greatest good.  There is still much confusion as to what the Soul is, how it functions and where it resides. It is vital that you understand the intricate process of reconnecting with the many facets of your Higher Self.  It is also important that you gain clarity about the more in-depth teachings we have given you regarding the multiple Higher Self Fragments (you have many, not just one) and the process for incorporating  these multiple facets of Self. Therefore, we feel it is time for an advanced explanation of this most important process for the "Evolution of the Soul:"
•   You carry within your Diamond Core God Cell a crystalline, Memory Seed Atom of full Self-realization from your point of origin.  It contains a very brief overview of the highlights of every life you have ever lived, the major lessons you have learned and the talents you have perfected as you journeyed throughout this universe. 
•   The Soul is an extension of your God Self or I AM Presence.  The Soul is neither Spirit nor matter. It is a crystalline, Sacred Fire, Memory Seed Atom, a fragment of pure Light Essence that is programmed to record your journey throughout this Sub-Universal experience.  It is the link between you and our Father/Mother God and, ultimately, to the Supreme Creator. 
•   Your personal Soul Self, for this lifetime, resides within your Sacred Heart as a facet of your Diamond Core God Cell.  Each higher frequency facet of your Soul has Its own Memory Seed Atoms.  When a given facet takes up residency within your Soul Star as your OverSoul, it will gradually relay Its personal vibrational pattern memories to the Memory Seed Atom within your Diamond Core God Cell and also to your embodied Soul Self. First, it will activate the appropriate Memory Seed Crystals within your Sacred Mind. As your frequencies expand to accommodate them, the  Memory Seed Crystals held in reserve within your Diamond Core God Cell will be activated. In this way, as you incorporate all of your Soul Fragments, you will eventually gain the ability to access all of the wisdom, talents, positive memories and experiences of your I AM Presence for this Sub-Universe.  This process repeats itself over and over again as you traverse the multi-dimensional levels of God-Consciousness and incorporate more and more facets of your Divine Self.
•    You were programmed to forever seek the Sacred Heart of your Essence, your Diamond Core God Cell, and your Crystalline Seed Atom of Creator Essence.
I AM Archangel Michael
Transmitted through Ronna Herman * Star*Quest* 6005 Clear Creek Drive, Reno, NV 89502 USA * Phone/fax: 775-856-3654 * *  I claim the universal copyright for this article in the name of AA Michael * Copy freely and share * For Archangel Michael’s books, tapes and information on courses given through this Channel please  *      

Archangel Gabriel: The Quality of Love Known as Generosity
Received by Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana
March 8, 2012
Beloved Ones, 
We come to give discourse on the quality of Love known as generosity. This quality is one that blesses the people around them with largess of spirit and goodwill, with gifts from the heart given without thought to Self and what might return in equal measure to the giver. This quality of Love creates openings in the hearts of those receiving, which inspire them to continue on their spiritual journey and in the fulfillment of their part in the Divine Plan. The One who shares with others in order to encourage and give greater confidence to the recipient is manifesting a higher form of Love that could be called Divine, for the One who does so is listening with their heart to the direction that Creator instills within them. 
When the World you live upon is peopled with kind and generous hearts who desire only the greatest and highest good for all, for the betterment of all, then the World you live upon is filled with peace, harmony and abundance of all that is good and right. Life upon this Planet manifests a higher order of Being and doing that encompasses the perpetuation of this quality of Love. Generosity in all its forms is as varied and unlimited in scope as the diversity of each unique individual in the Human family. At every turn on their Path, every individual can at any time perform random acts of kindness, caring and generosity that enrich the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual lives of others. 
All that is required is a greater perspective, a deep Love for their family members, neighbors and even strangers who play the role of the inspirer and can uplift and bring clarity into the workings of the Human spirit. Within each Soul lives a greater Presence that counsels and guides them throughout every aspect of their Human life and if One but takes heed of this, One can always walk in attunement and alignment with a higher will and purpose. When One listens from within, miraculous synchronicities begin to take place with commonality and frequency and the generous One knows not how far the seeds they planted have grown, for sometimes, by their act of kindness and generosity, deep and positive changes have thereby transpired that affected successive generations of people. 
And so the generous One graces the entire Planet and brings blessings to all, for every act of kindness and caring creates a new template of conduct as a living example of a Divinely directed life that inspires faith and trust in those around them. Goodness inspires and begets more goodness, more happiness, more joy, more laughter and spontaneous generosity in every facet of life in Human form. Such people are living in accordance to higher principles of conduct as befits a higher civilization. In such a society, there is no need for the policing of Humanity’s activities, for each individual is genuinely and sincerely taking self responsibility to its highest code of conduct, knowing and doing what is right and good for themselves and that this is also for the greatest good for all. 
Generosity of spirit manifests in many forms within the Human heart and always uplifts, supports and ignites the flame of Love within the hearts of others who are inspired in turn to pay it forward. Doing good for others develops a more disciplined character and personality and tempers selfish tendencies with deeds which surpass the bounds of perceived limitations and restrictions into a place of boundless magic and miracles, for this is the true World, the Creators’ World, vast and infinite in its scope and wonders. We leave you now with generous amounts of Love and healing Light that may bring balance within and around you. 
I AM Archangel Gabriel
©2012 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
Distributing this message in other forums, etc. is encouraged, please do so with the following guidelines: Include author's credit, copyright and website: Weekly Messages from Hilarion  *  Angelic Gems of Light Messages * To Subscribe Details at:  *    
Much Light, Love and Rainbow Blessings,


A Millennium To Expand
by Alec Christos Gabbitas
March 9th 2012
Many will be choosing to leave the planet in these ensuing times as their contracts and any ‘additional contracts’ will be expiring and their workloads well and truly fulfilled and duly completed. There is no preference by these expansive souls as the blueprints of their soul co-creations are totally open-ended and without bias or favour. Because a one is to be leaving at this now time does not mean that he/she will be deserting the ship, no way and very far from it. Their continuing focus will be on the collective ascension of both the peoples and the universal ascension which will of course be directly linked with the added movement of beloved Mother Earth, leaving behind the 3rd density world and so moving toward her 5th density imminent reality. 
Nothing has changed by a soul’s acceptance to assist the overall ascension from another view point, ie in a 4th - 5th dimension plus vantage point, for much has to be overseen and be adapted on all levels of ascending realities. There is no reality to consider those up to date and readied light beings taking the‘off planet’ option will be any the less involved than in the overall re-balancing and re-calibrating alignments on three levels so to speak, and in many cases will this move to 5th density+ prior to the actual shift, present greater expertise and co-created commitment. All will land on whichever ground ‘a running’ as there is no ‘easy route,’ for this shift is monumental and it is paramount that all lighted beings both on and off planet will have their hands full, and their hearts open wide, as all calibrations and further re-calibration are executed.
Much has to be shared regarding the actual processing as the planet moves through the trigger and ‘tipping’  point of 21.12. 2012 and it needs not to be an instant revelation and /or tangible change - physically that is. The window for the Hu-man on planet will extend from 2012 to approximately 2025 as all are allowed own adjustment periods to be able to rightfully choose their own futures, either staying with the planet into her 5th density, or choosing to remove to another 3rd density planet which might well be many souls choice, not practically making the “leap of faith” into earth’s newly alighted ascension into the 5th. We must remember too that we are just finishing the ‘old’ millennium of moving through the Age of Pisces, and a similar time window will be afforded as we move into this next new millennium of well over 2000 years plus, of the Aquarian Age.
Great changes may well take place in the early days of 2013, but as aforesaid and indicated will it be in another decade or two for the greater realisations of most souls to be complete. The new Aquarian Age will afford the same or similar time span as the Piscean age, now all but over as we move through the bookmark date of 21.12. 2012. The greater changes will probably be realised, not immediately or in the physical interpretation of the blinking of an eye, but more continuous over the new millennium overall duration. Rome will not be built in a day nor will any who choose to reside further in 3rd density, be forced to ascend into a brighter or lighter place than they can at present adjust to.
Those who are seeking to assist beloved Lady Gaia and her royal consorts with her, soon to be 5th destiny will make the leap of faith and hold the light and the space  to accompany her into her rightful point of vibration. As you  move into the ‘new age’ of Aquarius it will be the seventh Astrological Sign out of the determined total of twelve within the universal shifts and golden ages where all moves in a sequential vibration and in precise geometries. These imminent three stage knock on ‘leaps of faith’ are unique for it affords  personal, planetary and also universal shifts alongside each other, and so on into the Omniversal mirrors of all life, and all being... 
All that we read and hear from our many sources of input regarding these events must needs be looked at with perhaps the ‘bigger picture’ in minds eye, bringing things into a realism so to speak, in a way of changing realities and vibratory related shifts. Each star sign is over 2000 years in duration and we must also accept, to some lesser degree, that the greater number, perhaps, of marked changes and introduction of new and faster facts etc., might not be so quickly realised as some messages seem to infer or speculate. This is a "Major" shift, this is an unknown event, not having been realised for maybe a million or so  years hence. Yes, it still must surely conform to the progressive 12 Star signs of progressive evolution of the planets within this universe. What will occur after this next millennium of resulting events and progressive developments remains to be seen.
One things is for sure, is it not, we are moving at a pace towards our ascensions and it’s up to one and all to choose for themselves which way or vibration they will adopt and align to. Many lighted beings will stay with and on Mother Earth and hold her lovingly in their hearts as indeed does she you. Many will it seems, and at the appropriate time, to remove to a lesser 3rd density vibratory planet. The universe will exercise it’s universal laws both justly and perfectly. All will find themselves in the right place at the right time. Everything is governed by the universal laws and all will be destined according to one’s vibratory frequency, so that ‘like’ will ever attract and be with ‘like.’
As we about to enter into this seventh “golden age,” there being six before, we stand as ready as can be, poised to enter into a quantum leap of some progression and ascending realities. And, as in every golden age or new millennium, we are aware that all will not happen in the blinking of an eye. Yet, we are assured that huge changes are to expected and much sorting of the wheat from the chaff will be undertaken. And that a healthier and fairer world begins to ensue as the multitudes of the many ‘wrong doers’ will begin to be amended as the light will now begin to control the way forward, ridding the planet of all negativity and sorrowful life styles of so many used and abused dear souls.
Let is accept and allow our free and clear thinking love based words, deeds and intentions, are now ro radically change this world we live upon and far better and fairer lifestyles will begin to be experienced by the needy and the  many. Time is a priceless commodity and it can only be positively tendered with love and highest loving divine intent. Let there be light and let there ever be love... love unadulterated and love unconditional...and freedom for every one, and all.... 
(c) 2012 Alec Christos Gabbitas for the Universal Mind and an ever United Kingdom. Please copy and share as you give credit to its source. Be still and know. Be you.  *  

Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
This is not a political speech, but it behooves you to know what the issues are, to be knowledgeable and to have an opinion. Make your voice heard. If you do not make your voice heard, then you deserve what you get. You may or may not like it. But you do have power. The Christ in you has already said that it wants to evolutionary-wise change things, to expand, to move higher, to understand and to bring into manifest form the equality and the respect for each human being at this time. Therefore, go within and ask the Christ of you for guidance. If there is guidance to do something, then do it. If there is not guidance to do something actively, you can always sit in meditation and envision, and that is very powerful.
Visit our website:  *    

Heavenletter #4124
Open, Sesame
March 10, 2012
God said:
I am not part of your heart. I am your heart. Your heart is the pulse of Mine. Your heart beats to the tune of My heart. Any constriction you feel in your heart, any heartache you feel in your heart, is an intrusion upon your heart and does not serve Me and, therefore, leaves the world diminished. Love alone belongs in your heart. That's it. That's the whole story of life on Earth.
All that you call pain and suffering constricts your heart. Somewhere along the line, you got the idea that, because of this or that, the love in your heart has to be contracted, withheld, forced down, secreted, hidden, guarded. No, no, no, this is the time when your heart is to expand. The truth is that there are no borders to your heart. Yes, fences have been built to surround your heart, yet they are facades. Fences do not protect your heart. They confine it. Fences around your heart keep you attached to suffering and the imagined past.
You leashed your heart and attached it to a stone. You got in the habit of short-changing your heart. You limited your heart in the name of safety. In the name of safety, your heart got beat up, wounded, trampled. Whatever may go on in the world, you are responsible for your heart, which is Mine, and you have repressed it. You held your heart in. You wrapped it up. You said to your heart: "You can go this far, no further. Stay where I tell you to stay, and do not venture from this spot."
Your tying up your heart, your binding it, chaining it, stepping on it, remind Me of the elephant who was chained and could not reach beyond the limits of the chain. The elephant was so used to the chain that even when the chain was not fastened, the elephant stayed in where the chain had once kept him. He could have gone wherever he wanted yet he continued to stay in the small circumference assigned to him.
Pick up the bound elephant of your heart and give it the permission to roam free. You have no right to keep your heart in bondage. Give your heart sips of freedom and help it become the King of Hearts it is meant to be. Your heart is not to be contained in a repetitive circle.
There were days when buffalo roamed free, and then fences arose, and buffaloes did not roam free.
It is a mandate from Me that you free your heart. Your heart is not meant to be your prisoner and do exactly as you say. Your heart is meant to lead you. You are meant to follow your heart. Your heart is a leader, not a follower. Your heart is meant to sing. Your heart is meant to leap over fences. Your heart is to love and not restrain its love.
Of course, you know I am speaking of love larger than personal love. Open your heart, and you will love as one committed to love. No longer will you sweep your love into a corner. Your heart is not limited to your chest. Your heart is the Open Sesame to life. Your heart is the Great Emancipator. Your heart is the heart of life, and it reaches. It reaches out, and it reaches everywhere. Your open heart asks to give itself, and it gives and gives joyously, never feeling circumvented, and never circumventing anyone. Your heart is the key that unlocks all hearts. So what you do, dear ones, is throw away all the keys. Unlock your heart. Remember it is Mine.
Have you tried the Heavenletter Cosmic Generator yet? What Heavenletter comes up for you today? It’s kind of like I Ching! If you haven’t tried this yet, click:   * What message was yours today?  *
Heavenletters™ Copyright1999-2012 -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts * In these times when the whole  world needs nourishing, Heavenletters is already proven to stir the hearts and souls of people of all ages all around the world and from  all walks of life. * Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter™, Teacher, Speaker * The Godwriting™ International Society of Heaven Ministries *  P.O. Box 2064, Fairfield, Iowa 52556  * *  *    

All That Is Hidden Must Now Be Revealed
by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
March 9, 2012
“All that is hidden must now be revealed.” That statement reflects a profound Truth that is affirmed by all world religions and spiritual aspirants whenever the end times that we are now in the midst of are discussed. For several decades, sincere and dedicated people have been focusing on everything that is wrong with Humanity and our institutions, and they have used every possible opportunity to tell the masses about all of the negative things occurring on the planet. Their intent was to wake people up from the mesmerized stupor in which so many of us function. The problem is that our thoughts and feelings are creative, so when we encourage people to focus their attention on all of the maladies that are causing Humanity’s pain and suffering, without giving them viable solutions to solve the problems, we just incite fear and anger. This actually feeds and empowers the very maladies we are trying to expose, and it makes everything much worse.
Now, during this momentous year of 2012, the Company of Heaven want us to clearly understand that indeed “All that is hidden must Now be revealed.” But it is imperative that the viable solutions to the appalling and shocking things being exposed are also revealed. At this very moment, when we are being bombarded with the polarizing misrepresentations of global politics, and terrorized by the saber-rattling of potential new wars it is vital that we step back, take a deep breath, and invoke the Light of God to help us see the bigger picture.
The need of the hour is for us to learn about the clandestine people, places, conditions, and things that have manipulated and controlled us, without being pulled into the fray or overwhelmed with negative emotions. That is easier said than done when we become aware that these things and the people behind them are responsible for a vast number of the challenges we are all experiencing, and most of Humanity’s pain and suffering. However, if we want to free ourselves from this oppressive situation so we can co-create the patterns of perfection for the New Earth and our New Planetary "Cause" of Divine Love, we have no other option.
We are One with "All Life," there is no separation. That means that there is no such thing as “us against them.” If we are going to God Victoriously Ascend up the Spiral of Evolution into the 5th-Dimensional Realms of God’s Infinite Light, we must become aware of all that is hidden so that we can transmute it back into Light. Then we will be able to take positive and peaceful action. Together we will clear the way and co-create a new paradigm that reflects our Oneness and the Reverence for "All Life." But first and foremost, in order to get to that place, we must detach from the negativity we are learning about and observe what is being revealed to us as an objective observer. Never has there been a more optimum time for us to accomplish that mighty feat.
All is in readiness. At this very moment, there are patterns of perfection from the Causal Body of God that contain practical and viable solutions to our energy crisis, global warming, disease, poverty, aging, hunger, homelessness, war, and every other human miscreation. These solutions are flooding into the mental and emotional strata of Earth and they are registering in the hearts and minds of Awakening Humanity. Unfortunately, there are souls in embodiment who, through greed and the inequitable distribution of money, have been able to suppress the knowledge of these solutions and the corresponding technologies that are available to us "Now." The good news is this unbridled abuse of power is coming to an end. This is not occurring by chance. It is happening because of the tenacious and dedicated work of Lightworkers around the world.
At long last, through the unified efforts of Heaven and Earth, a very positive tool has been created that is revealing the hidden things that must be exposed in the most positive way and at the same time it gives viable solutions that you and I can participate in that will change the course of history. Timing is everything. It is not by chance that during the monumental year of 2012 this powerful and informative tool is sweeping the Internet revealing shocking things that have been hidden for centuries, and viable solutions that will transform our lives and the lives of every facet of Life on Earth.
I am referring to the movie Thrive. I am not associated with this movie in any way, but highly recommend it to everyone. I have included the link to the website below. Please listen to the short video of Foster Gamble’s introduction and then give yourself the gift of this 2 hour movie.
As you watch this informative movie remember to stay centered in your heart. Observe the hidden things that are being revealed as a detached, objective observer, and utilize the greatest focus of your attention on the recommended solutions.
After you watch the movie, ask your I AM Presence how you can be the greatest force of positive change in your own life and on the planet. As I have expressed to you many times, I AM deeply grateful for you and your willingness to add to the Light of the World. God Bless You!
This is our time, and through our unified efforts Victory is Ours!
Link to the movie Thrive *   If this link does not work, please copy and paste it in your browser. *
Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as the proper credit line is included.
©2012 Patricia Diane Cota-Robles - Patricia Diane Cota-Robles New Age Study of Humanity's Purpose, Inc. a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational E-mail:  *    
Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
Patricia is cofounder and president of the nonprofit, educational organization New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose, Inc., which sponsors the Annual World Congress On Illumination.
Patricia was a marriage and family counselor for 20 years. She now spends her time freely sharing the information she is receiving from the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth. This is accomplished through her Weekly On-line Radio Program, Website, Books, CDs, Tapes, DVDs, E-mail Articles and Free Seminars.
The Divine Intent of these Celestial Sharings is to give Humanity greater clarity and understanding, as we progress through these wondrous but extremely challenging times on Earth.
Patricia is publisher and editor of the monthly newsletter Take Charge of Your Life, and she hosts a weekly On-line radio program with the same name. The radio show airs Tuesdays at 10:00 a.m. Pacific Time or 1:00 p.m. Eastern Time on the On-line Community for Positive Change, *    

Adama, March 08, 2012

I welcome you to this home, and I welcome you to our energy. I am Adama, and I am pleased that the beginning of this series is being graced by such beautiful beings as are here now. We are indeed readying ourselves, all of us in this room, myself included, for the visitation that will be taking place in the next weeks and months. There will be many of us who will come up through, shall we say, the freeways of Mount Shasta through the system of entrance into this glorious land here.
This land is wonderful in that it's held a promise for all who are here ever since the world began. There was a plan in place, sort of an all-around plan for Earth, and there are places such as this all over the planet that are, as this one is, opening up to the promise that we are speaking forth to them that the Christed energy, that The Source is speaking through to them, and is being communicated through various modalities to various people, to various beings. As we continue through this procedure we shall be seeing many changes not only in the surrounding area, but within each and every one of you.
You will see it in the fleeting of an eye as it closes and then reopens. You will feel it as it touches in with your heart, with your soul and with that memory that is beginning to awaken. There is only one way that this can happen and that is through love. That is through trust in the truth of what you are receiving from your innermost guidance. We are here to assist you in this, to clarify any kind of confusion you may have. All you need do is ask.
You are powerful beyond belief, beyond your own belief. Your belief will catch up with you, and then you will know the abilities that you have to bring all into harmony on the planet. You are not here by accident in this area, in the sacred land here. You are here for a reason; all of you are, as are we, I, dear Horus, Hebechia, and all of those beautiful beings that are transposing the energy from within the Earth to the surface with the assistance of all of you..............To read the rest of this message, and/or To Listen to this Message, Click Here