
1.)  Today's Angel Message
2.)  Buzz Aldrin and President Obama: Big Space Summit
3.)  Lady Nada: Keeper of the Soul Keys
4.)  Akashic Records for May 2010
5.)  Jeshua - Message of the Day
6.)  What Your Life Is About

Isis' Message of the Day -
God is the essence and the epitome of Consciousness . . . Infinite Consciousness: Omniscience.  God is within you all and you can find God anytime you so wish. God’s Love and Light will be your comfort and protection in times of difficulty, seek it and it will be found. 
I AM ISIS a "Spritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
~ Lady of the Light ~

Today's Angel Message
Dear Ones. Blessings to all. It is a beautiful day today, is it not? The sky is filled with the splendor of the magnificence of the sun's rays. The light brings life to all that it touches. There is magic in the touch of the rays. There is also beauty in the way it reflects off of the leaves, flowers, and water. You live in a truly wondrous place. Open to its beauty. Open to the vibrancy of life that is all around. Breathe in the air, for it is of God/Creator. Be grateful to be alive. Bless your hearts.
Cynthia Lee Shelton, LCSW a licensed psychotherapist with 25 years of experience in traditional therapy, psychic intuitive therapy, and healing energy work.
Cynthia has been described this way: "Take the best therapist you have ever experienced along with an amazing healer and psychic - toss in some angels and some pretty interesting guides - and you get Cindy Shelton. Her ability to get right to the essence of you and your problems is awesome. She's one of a kind!"   * 

Buzz Aldrin and President Obama: Big Space Summit
(Excerpts from from David Wilcock's blog http://divinecosmos  *)
In my last article I linked to a C-SPAN video where Buzz Aldrin clearly says there is a Monolith on the surface of Mars' moon Phobos and we should go back there and explore it.
At the end of March 2010, he appeared on Dancing with the Stars - (a reality TV program) - and in a popular interview, he again said he had amazing photos of Phobos that he was showing his dancing partner, who was very impressed.
On April 15, Obama held a big summit on the future of the space program. Buzz Aldrin was prominently involved . . . and rode with the president on Air Force One, his private jet.
The president then announced he was committed to landing on an asteroid, and then on the surface of Mars . . . and this would involve new technologies that we do not yet have . . .  at least no officially.
It could well be that this announcement was kept secret for as long as possible . . .  and for a very good reason. The night before the big space summit, a gigantic fireball streaked across five states in the Heartland creating a terrible sonic boom. This could easily be seen as a threat by the Rockefeller faction.
In order to send an object like this towards America, all they would need is a satellite or space probe that could fire off a projectile, like a rock. towards Earth. And no one could deny they already have the technology that could do this.
The message on the insider level, is that they are willing to do just about anything to try and stop being defeated.
The space summit was a political masterstroke, and maybe even a necessity, that Obama simultaneously made this significant move towards Disclosure, and then declared a full-on, balls-to-the-wall war  against the New World Order financial system at the exact same time.
For more on this article read Disclosure on David's blog ( http://divinecosmos  *) where the European Space Agency, or ESA earlier this month has contacted Richard C. Hoagland to tell him they have about 100 different scientists working on a three-dimensional computer reconstruction of the Mars' moon Phobos . . . on the inside. That they have found the moon is very obviously an ET base of some kind and contains a variety of artificial structures . . . including giant, cubical rooms that can be up to a half mile wide!

Lady Nada: Keeper of the Soul Keys
Channeled through Natalie Glasson
My beloved friends, brothers and sisters of the Creator’s light, it is a glorious moment for me to connect with your energies in this way and I send praise to the Creator and your soul for the manifestation of this sacred space that we are now experiencing together. Allow your energies to soften, know that I come with love and the truth of the Creator in my heart as I connect and communicate with your energies.
I am Lady Nada, I am the chohan or overseer of the eighth ray of light known as a sea foam green colour and devoted to cleansing and purification. I am also a member of the Board of Karma assisting in many in resolving their negative actions. I hold the Goddess energy, emanating the Creator’s feminine energies to all with the purpose of bringing forth a balance between the feminine and masculine qualities of the Creator especially on the Earth. I have a strong connection with the Christ consciousness and I am the feminine aspect of Master Sananda/ Master Jesus and so assist in the spiritual education of all upon the Earth.
With many aspects and soul influences of the Creator held within my being I have a special ability of viewing the truth of the soul within all. This extends beyond understanding a person’s soul or comprehending their truth but allows me to see the origin of their soul, the purest form of the soul before complete integration with the Creator’s mighty soul. It is akin to viewing the first extension of an energy or soul from the Creator’s soul. This means that I gain a unique perspective of the person or their soul and their true goals, desires and qualities which extend even beyond Monad manifestation.  It is because of my ability in recognising the purest source of truth and consciousness within a soul that I have been given the title of ‘Keeper of the Soul Keys’. This title implies that I hold the key that will allow you to unlock your soul, while there is some truth within this, I do not have a tool that will allow an instant release of your soul into your reality but hold wisdom, energy and consciousness that will allow a gradually understanding, connection and observation of the soul.
 I dearly love to work with individuals to allow an expansion of their soul and to assist in their expression of their soul. Many individuals in the past have fondly called upon my energy to assist them with matters of the soul and so I have accepted a vast understanding of how one can reconnect with their soul and develop a manifestation that evolves from a place of pure purity within them. When a person calls upon my energy to assist them in beginning a connection with their soul then I will draw closely to their energy and channel my light deep into their being. This energy wave will consist of my soul light, the light of the eighth ray to cleanse all stagnant or negative thoughts and energies away, the Christ consciousness to anchor love and the highest vibration of Creator light that is appropriate for the individual. I will bathe the individual in this light for some time as purification and to allow the individual to become accustomed to my energies and presence. In many ways this process activates a deeper self realisation as much clutter is cleared allowing a greater sense of clarity to dawn.
As our energies begin to blend I will observe the very essence and truth of the person’s soul and may even communicate with the core energy of the person’s soul to understand the will and divine path that the soul wishes to enact on the Earth and on the inner planes. This for me is a sacred moment as it is akin to connecting with the Creator, as every person’s soul is an aspect of the Creator in manifestation. It is important for you to realise that even as you sit observing my communication, and you imagine the mighty Creator’s soul, you actually hold an aspect or element of the purest form of the Creator’s light within you but it is hidden by the distractions of your mind, emotions, personality and physical body. It is in many ways protected or concealed until a time that you are ready to accept the Creator truth that exists within you. Everything that you manifest as, both positive and negative energies, originates from this pure energy of the Creator within your being, so for me it is extremely interesting to connect with your core soul energy and then see the choices, projections and interpretations that have manifested into your reality. This of course is not a true projection of your soul as your previous experiences, the beliefs that you have formed and your surroundings will have influenced the person and energy that you exist as today. One is always able to see the truth or the soul and also the goals that the soul wishes to overcome intertwining as ribbons through the physical reality and personality of an individual on the Earth. When we are able to release the stains of the past and realign with the core energy of our soul then we are able to truly project the truth of our soul as a manifestation of every aspect of our being. Gaining an understanding that there is a source within you that is so pure and sacred and that everything flows and manifests from this source is a powerful realisation. When you then realise that everything that you are aware of, yourself, your personality, emotions, thoughts etc, are also an extension of your soul but have been in some way tainted then you begin to see a separation between your truth and your current existence. This separation is not necessary beneficial but it allows a greater comprehension of your energies and perspective now and all that is your truth. It is through the understanding of your current self that you create a path way of learning, discovery and connection back to your soul.
When I connect with the core energy of your soul I am able to see the path way or lessons that you may need to embark on in order to gain true alignment with your soul and to allow your soul to manifest without being tainted by different active aspects of your being or by those around you. With this understanding I am then able to guide and advise you appropriately in order to share with you the will of your soul.
It is my mission also to protect you and your soul as you follow a path of clearing, discovery and alignment. Protection, support and creating an environment of love is essential when wishing to connect with the sacred soul or Creator aspect within. These are key energies that I will assist you in gaining and manifesting in order to create a balance and harmony that allows the core soul energy to be noticed, respected and recognised by you as you exist in your reality.
I will also assist in allowing you to develop an understanding of the feeling and consciousness of your soul aiding the embodiment of your soul and the guidance of your soul.
When an individual calls upon my energies to help them with their alignment with their soul then I will work with them for a lengthy period of time as this practice is not something that can be grasped instantly and needs dedication and acceptance over time. Very often I will appear at different times in your spiritual growth to direct you along a certain path which will increase your alignment with your soul.
If you feel a connection with my energy then you may wish to use the following invocation to assist in our connection and to allow me to channel appropriate energy waves into your being over the coming week. In next week’s communication I will then assist you in calling on my energies to aid a further alignment and understanding of your soul as I have described in my communication. 
'Lady Nada, I feel a strong desire within me to gain a deeper connection with my soul and the aspect of the Creator that is so pure and divine existing within my being.  From the purity of my heart I ask you to assist and guide me in this process of clearing, realisation, awakening, discovery and alignment with my soul.
To begin this process of connection and alignment with my soul please channel your soul light, the eighth ray light, the Christ consciousness light and the Creator’s light deep into my being to raise my energy vibration, to increase the volume of light that I hold and to clear all unneeded energies from my entire being, thus manifesting a pure and clear outlook that promotes the presence of clarity within me. Allow me to experience your light pouring through my being now, when I affirm this invocation, when I sleep and at appropriate times throughout my day. I understand that the energy I receive will assist in my connection with you and prepare for my greater connection with my soul and sacred Creator aspect within me.  Thank you and let it be.'
Let us embark on a journey of soul alignment together and as one,
I am Lady Nada
May you walk in the love and light always,
Natalie was born in 1984, UK. Over seen by Archangel Michael, she now works as a channel for a vast variety of spiritual beings and Masters in the spiritual hierarchy. Through her website  she shares the channelled messages of the Creator’s helpers to expand the awareness of humanity and assist in the raise in energy vibration of the planet.  She offers a service of channelled readings from Ascended Masters, Archangels, Angels, Unicorns and Fairies.
Free Video Meditation Visit: and view my video page where I am beginning to build a collection of guided meditations. *  * The Sacred School of Om Na website * Channelled downloads written and in mp3 to aid the spiritual education of humanity.  Visit  www.omna.orgFor the latest news visit my website  * For the latest news visit my website  *  If you wish to view any past messages I am placing them in the weekly message gallery, go to and click on weekly messages.  *  

Akashic Records for May 2010
Channeled by Jen Eramith, MA
What energy and experiences can we expect in May 2010?
The energy this month is like a rusty old weathervane of top of a building.  There are several elements in this metaphor that we are going to talk about that help describe the energy this month.  One is there is a sense of the way a weather vane can change with any shift of the breeze.  That is the way this month is going to feel.  It is going to feel like one moment you are facing in a certain direction and you think you can move forward.  Then at the next moment it seems as if everything is turned around and you are facing in a different direction.  There is a sense that every few hours or every few days, everything will seem to have changed for you throughout the month.  Do not get attached to any one particular course or perspective this month.  Expect your perspective to change.
A lot of new energies are coming in from different directions in each of your lives.  This is a good month for gathering information and being gentle with yourself as you establish a new kind of rhythm in your life.  Your particular direction, the next course or the next phase of your life will establish itself more clearly in the months to come.  For now, be gentle with yourself.  Do not be militant, do not be decisive, do not be vigilant.  Let go of those directional forces and more gently take a wide frame view of your life.  This is an excellent time to assess where you have been, reestablish where you want to go and look for more information throughout the month.  It will come to you from conversations, different people that you meet or people that you know.  It will come through changes at work, changes in your neighborhood.  Look for change and ask yourself, what is this change telling me about my life, about myself.  Anything you see in the news, anything you hear about someone else, just gently ask yourself, "What does this mean for me?"  "What is this telling me about my life?"  Gather that information, write it down and at the end of the month, take a look at everything you have written through the course of the month.  You will see how much you have changed and how many different directions you tried out in your mind.  That will help you make a more concrete decision in June and July.
The next element of the weathervane metaphor is that idea of the weathervane being rusty and old.  Many of you may feel tired.  You may feel weathered.  You may feel like you do not have as much energy as you normally do at this time of year.  That is okay.  The best way to deal with the potential of the month is to take a gentle wide-angle view of your life.  You actually do not need to take a lot of action.  Of course life demands action and many of you have things on your plate that you need to get accomplished this month so you cannot become completely passive.  What you can do is take things slowly.  Be methodical and mindful and when you can, take action that leaves room for change later on.  If you will do that you will be a lot more comfortable this month.  It is a good time to kind of go easy on yourself and others, and do not commit to or engage in a lot of new activities.  Move through what you have already committed to with some more gentleness this month.
The third element of the rusty old weathervane is the fact that it is on the top of the building, the top of a house -- that sense that you can get a wide view, a 360 degree view of your life.  This is a great time to look back and look forward.  It is also a great time to look around at your life.  Do an assessment of what you like, what you do not like, what has been working, what has not, who is close to you and who is not.  You do not need to make decisions about this, you do not need to make any judgments, just get some perspective.  That is the primary potential for the month and that is the best way to work with it.
Are there any important days for us to know about this month?
Yes.  May 5 and 6 are especially slow and sluggish.  These are good days for you to get a little rest.  You might sleep more on these days.  There is a feeling that a lot of you are taking bigger energy through your subconscious minds and you are grounding it in your life to be used later.  If you think of yourself, like your body and your spirit, your human self, as a cable modem bringing through a signal, you are going to be fully loaded with information.
A lot of information and energy is coming through you right now at a higher level.  You are not going to know on the surface what that means.  You are not going to know consciously, but you are going to find yourself just needing to just be grounded.  You may not have tolerance or patience for additional challenges or commitments on these days.  It is an especially dense time - or it will feel like an especially dense time.  Take it especially slow and easy on May 5 and 6.
May 9 has a brighter energy.  This is a good day for you to pay attention as if the lights have been turned on around you.  Look around.  This is an excellent day to assess your life.  If there is one day you sit down and make a list of everything in your life that you want to deal with in one way or another, this is the day to do it on May 9.  Maybe May 10 as well.
May 22 and 23 look like a doorway to opportunities.  An opportunity is going to arrive for many of you to make a change or to take some kind of action.  The kind of action you have been yearning for and have not been able to take all month.  The action you take on these days will be really different than it would have been if you had taken it at the beginning of the month.  It is a good time to put into operation some of the things that you have learned throughout the month.  Look for decisions to be made, actions to be taken, promises to be made that are kept on May 22 and 23.  Go ahead with those actions but make sure you have gathered information throughout the month and that information informs what you do on these days.  Be mindful, intentional about it.
Is there anything else the Keepers want to tell us about the month of May 2010?
The Keepers want to tell you that 2010 is a challenging year, but it is also a very freeing year.  The year of truth is also challenging to see the truth and deal with it but it is also freeing.  The truth can set you free if you are willing to look at it and embrace it.  If you think of 2010 as a difficult but liberating year, then think of the month of May as the crux of it all.  This is the heart of it.  This is when you are in the heart of the truth.  When there is so much truth available that you cannot even see it all, it is overwhelming.  If you feel overwhelmed this month, do not worry.  Do not create a story to validate that feeling of being stuck.  Do not start to tell yourself that you are stuck or start to manifest dramas in your life to support that feeling of being stuck.  Just be gentle with yourself this month.  That is all you need to do.  It does not need to be a difficult month.  If you are gentle with yourself it can actually be quite sweet.  If you try to do things the way you have always done them this month, you are going to find that it is a very challenging and difficult month.  You will see people around you creating drama, making up stories about how their lives are going badly or how people are out to get them.  They are just struggling to make sense of this very intense feeling of density.  Be patient with people as you see them doing this and resist the urge to create drama yourself.  Instead, just go slower, be gentle, and let the month pass you by.  You are going to have a lot more to work with and it is going to be a lot more clear to you in June.
From Keepers of the Akashic Records * Channeled by Jen Eramith, MA *
The Akashic Records are an ethereal library, offering infinite information regarding every creation in the Universe. They hold an energetic imprint of a soul's journey from its inception until its return to Source.  Every human being has access to their Akashic Records by divine birthright.  There is a unique Akashic Record for every period of time, and the Records for the period can be accessed.  As we approach each new month, the possibilities and probabilities of the month come into form, and can be understood as a general energy that each of us works with individually.  The Akashic Transformations monthly channeling is offered to you by Jen Eramith in order to facilitate your own experiences as you move through the month. This Monthly Message Preview was channeled from the Akashic Records by Jen Eramith, M.A.
Permission is given to copy and redistribute the Message Preview  provided that the contents remain complete, all credit is given to the author, and it is freely distributed.  Please include this copyright information and the web address,  with your distribution.

Copyright © Akashic Transformations 2005 - 2010 All rights reserved.  *  

Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
There is much of fluidity—no separation. You have wondered, “Well, how can there not be separation, because bodies seem to be separate, and most of the time I try to keep my separate thoughts, especially ones of judgment, to myself.” And yet you do not even keep the thoughts, even thoughts of judgment, to yourself, because the vibrations are felt. There is, in truth, no separation.
Visit our website:  *  

HEAVEN #3450
What Your Life Is About
May 6, 2010
God said:
In life, you are looking at the lay of the land. The terrain is laid out for you. Where you go and what you seek is your decision to make. What happens is not altogether up to you. You have some say, but you do not have say over everything that happens in life.
And yet you have wanted to control everything in life. Beloveds, whatever may come, you have to deal with it. Whatever lands at your door, you have something to do. Sometimes you let it in, and sometimes you step aside. You do not have the say. You have the say over where you will go from there, yet you are not the total dispenser of the Universe.
If you find yourself in a landslide, you are in landslide. Where you land probably isn't your choice. Wherever you find yourself, your choice begins. You go on from where you find yourself. Even if you cannot walk, you have choices. You have the choice to despair. Perhaps you have the choice to crawl.
No one likes waking up in a strange place, yet, if that's where you find yourself, the question isn't how, when, why. The question is what do you do now? And if you can do nothing, how, then, will you accept it? How do you move on in your life, or how long do you stay where you are and moan?
You find yourself in a situation that may not be of your making. Certainly not of your making in a deliberate way. Yet conscious or not, you have to decide to go east or west now. Perhaps this is the time to roll with the punches.
If you find yourself in a landslide, it is possible that being in the landslide was a choice you made. Maybe you made the choice long ago. Maybe you will never know. It's hard to believe you would choose to be in a spot you never would want to be in, and, nevertheless, you find yourself there.
Even if you are entirely an innocent victim, your choice is to cry or to get up and start anew.
A seed may not have choice over where it is planted, yet it can choose to grow there and even blossom.
A hat may not ever choose which head it goes on, and yet a hat continues to do what hats do.
Hats serve. Seeds serve. And you serve.
You have will, and choice as to how you will use your will. Do you use your will to protest and fight or do you use your will to move forward?
Do not equate will with stubbornness. Will does not have to hold on to where it has been. Will does not mean getting your own way. Life has already taught you that you don't always get your way.
The thing is that you have to make decisions without knowing what the outcome will be. Somewhere along the way, you may have had the idea that you have to know the results ahead of time. That's where the idea of odds came in. Yet playing the odds doesn't always come out the way you want. Sometimes you go against the odds, and all is as you want or it is not.
Along the way, it is necessary to let go of the idea of winning or losing. Life is not a question of winning or losing. Life is life. And you do not always know when you have won or when you have lost. Frankly, your life is not about either winning or losing. Your life is about being a good sport.
Heavenletters™ Copyright1999-2010 -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts * In these times when the whole  world needs nourishing, Heavenletters is already proven to stir the hearts and souls of people of all ages all around the world and from  all walks of life. * Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter™, Teacher, Speaker * The Godwriting™ International Society of Heaven Ministries * 703 E. Burlington Avenue, Fairfield, IA 52556  *  *    

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